Fitness Archive - Dr. Axe Dr. Axe is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, expert in Natural Medicine, a speaker for Fortune 500 Companies (Nissan, Whole Foods) and a doctor of chiropractic. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 12:44:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Afterburn Effect: How to Burn More Fat After You Exercise Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:30:20 +0000 In simplest terms, the “afterburn effect” essentially means the calories you continue to burn after exercising. While many people primarily pay attention to the amount of calories they burn while running, cycling, swimming or lifting weights, there’s a whole other important component to calorie-burning that you might be overlooking. That’s because our bodies actually use... Read more »

The post The Afterburn Effect: How to Burn More Fat After You Exercise appeared first on Dr. Axe.


In simplest terms, the “afterburn effect” essentially means the calories you continue to burn after exercising. While many people primarily pay attention to the amount of calories they burn while running, cycling, swimming or lifting weights, there’s a whole other important component to calorie-burning that you might be overlooking.

That’s because our bodies actually use up extra energy (calories) after certain workouts to help us recover, cool down and deal with the hormonal changes that the exercise produced. The scientific name for this process is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.

What does the research we now have available regarding benefits of the afterburn effect mean for the future of your workouts? If you properly plan your exercise routine so you do the right types of high-intensity workouts several times a week, you’ll gain the ability to burn more fat in less time.

Sound too good to be true? Here’s what this phenomenon is all about …

What Is the Afterburn Effect?

The key to increasing the afterburn effects of your workouts, so you can burn more calories throughout the whole day, is practicing high-intensity exercises. That’s because the afterburn effect is small following steady-state traditional cardio workouts like jogging but is significantly higher following intense workouts — like sprinting, circuit, strength and burst activities.

If your goals are to get leaner, build muscle fast, increase your cardiovascular health and not spend loads of time needing to exercise, then the bottom line is that doing brief, but intense, intermittent bouts of exercise is the way to go. The benefits of high-intensity interval training — commonly referred to as HIIT — are greater strength, improved speed and better fat burning, all in ways that steady-state cardio workouts simply can’t comparably create.

In general, the more intense the exercise, the greater the afterburn effect is going to be. This means that a workout that’s 20 minutes long involving sprinting (or practicing another form of burst training or intense activity) as fast as you can for 30 seconds, repeated for 10 rounds with 90-second rest periods in between, will have a higher afterburn effect compared to doing steady-state exercises like running moderately for 30 minutes.

How many more calories will the afterburn effect burn through following intense exercise? It’s hard to estimate an exact amount since every person reacts to high-intensity exercise differently. Factors like someone’s current level of fitness, gender, age, training duration and intensity can potentially influence the magnitude of the afterburn.

That being said, one study published in the Journal of Exercise Science showed that the afterburn effect is associated with an elevation in metabolism due to the thermic effect of activity regardless of your current fitness level — and some experts believe that this can cause around a 10 percent increase in calorie expenditure for the day following just 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise.

In other words, if you’re an active woman who normally burns 2,000 calories a day, taking into account your additional energy requirements might mean you’re now burning 2,200!

Here’s the scientific breakdown of the afterburn effect:

HIIT workouts increase your metabolism — in other words, they raise your total energy expenditure, which is the amount of calories your body burns for energy daily.

You can think of energy expenditure as the amount of energy a person uses up throughout the entire day performing all bodily activities, whether it’s walking around, showering or bending over. We all use up energy in the form of calories every time we breathe, move, digest food and our heart pumps out blood — so most of our energy expenditure goes without us even noticing or making an effort.

When it comes to exercise, of course, we do take notice of our increased effort and, therefore, the higher amount of energy we’re using. But the energy expenditure of a workout is the total measure of calories burned during and after exercise, so while we might be pushing ourselves at the gym and “feeling the burn,” we actually continue to use extra energy once the workout is over without even realizing it.

As you’re learning, certain forms of exercise (high-intensity) dial up the energy burn following exercise better than others. After intense exercise, your body has to work twice as hard to replenish its oxygen stores than it does after steady-state exercise.

The technical name for calories burned after exercise is “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption,” or EPOC. Evidence suggests an exponential relationship between exercise intensity and the magnitude of the EPOC.

The term EPOC describes the fact that at higher exercise intensities, oxygen uptake isn’t proportional to heat expenditure. In other words, EPOC results in an oxygen debt because this is how the body works to recover after a tough workout and brings the organs, heart and hormones back to a resting state.

The oxygen debt component is part of the reason there’s an afterburn effect because it takes a toll on energy use. In fact, this process of bringing the body back to homeostasis and normalizing metabolism following intense activity might take up to three days!

The more often you do intense workouts, the more it pays off. The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reports that EPOC varies as a function of metabolic stress, and more training improves the efficiency of metabolic regulation during recovery from exercise.

EPOC is not the only thing that accounts for the afterburn effect. Other aspects have to do with body’s production of lactic acid and the process of hypertrophy, or the building of muscle mass.

Think of it this way: If you’re wearing your muscles out and producing higher levels of lactic acid (the chemical reaction that is responsible for the “burn” you feel when your muscles are fatigued), then you’re causing damage to muscle tissue at the microscopic level that needs to be repaired. This takes energy because it involves the body breaking down amino acids (proteins) in muscles and then rebuilding them.

In the process, intense exercise also increases testosterone naturally, which can mean more muscle gain.

This process of laying down new proteins in order to build back muscles stronger and bigger raises your total energy expenditure — and basically all of this happens after you finish working out.

Employing the afterburn effect - Dr. Axe

How to Activate the Afterburn Effect

For years, we’ve been led to believe that exercising for longer periods of time results in more calories burned and, therefore, a better body composition. In recent years, the idea that you can reach your goals by following an exercise regimen that’s actually the opposite is now well-supported by a growing field of research.

A 2011 report published in the Journal of Obesity states that although generally the effects of regular aerobic exercise on body fat is negligible, intense forms of exercise may have a greater impact on body composition. “Emerging research examining high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) indicates that it may be more effective at reducing subcutaneous and abdominal body fat than other types of exercise.”

During aerobic exercise, the muscles use glucose (sugar) primarily for energy. On the other hand, during the longer recovery period described above, the body primarily uses fatty acids in addition to glucose. This translates into you burning more fat while you build more muscle.

That’s important because, even at rest, muscle burns more calories than stored body fat does.

How much intense exercise do you need to do? This depends on how intense your workouts are.

For example, the World Health Organization has switched away from simply recommending steady-state exercise and now advises the following:

Adults aged 18–64 years
  • should do at least 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity;
  • or at least 75–150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity; or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity throughout the week
  • should also do muscle-strengthening activities at moderate or greater intensity that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these provide additional health benefits.
  • may increase moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity to more than 300 minutes; or do more than 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity; or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity throughout the week for additional health benefits.
  • should limit the amount of time spent being sedentary. Replacing sedentary time with physical activity of any intensity (including light intensity) provides health benefits, and
  • to help reduce the detrimental effects of high levels of sedentary behaviour on health, all adults and older adults should aim to do more than the recommended levels of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity

Here are three ways to practice high-intensity exercise in order to dial up your afterburn effect:

1. Cycling, Using the Elliptical or Rowing

Instead of doing steady-state cardio for 50 minutes, halve this amount, and use interval training.

High-intensity interval training combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow, recovery phases. These intervals are repeated throughout one short (15- to 20-minute) session.

The intense parts are done at 85 percent–100 percent maximum heart rate, rather than 50 percent–70 percent that is the average moderate endurance activity level.

A simple way to practice HIIT is to push yourself as hard as you can for about 20–30 seconds, then take a rest of about 60 seconds. Repeat this cycle for the duration of your exercise.

The shorter your rest interval is, the harder it will be. You should feel wiped out afterward!

2. Weight Lifting or Resistance Training

Practice a circuit-style workout or complete “supersets.” Supersets are when you go from one weighted exercise straight into the next, without resting in between. You work one muscle group hard until it’s fatigued, then move on to another one right afterward.

In other words, you use opposite muscle groups so while you rest one, you train the other. For example, you might start with squats working your legs primarily, then move on to bench presses working your upper body primarily. Or you go from back rows to chest presses.

Also, to radically switch up your routine, give HIIT a try by incorporating some full-body kettlebell workouts, or do CrossFit workouts.

3. Sprinting

This is likely the most popular way to practice HIIT and achieve high afterburn effects. This model follows the same idea as that for cycling or rowing mentioned above — you swap a longer steady workout for a shorter but intense one.

And I mean intense!

During your sprints, you really want to push yourself, almost like you’re running because your life depends on it. Try sprinting for 10–15 minutes total to start, using 90-second intervals. This means pushing yourself very hard for 30 seconds, then taking a rest for one minute.

Repeat the cycle until you’re at about 15 minutes or slightly more once you’ve been practicing HIIT for a while. You can practice this outdoors or take it inside for an intense burst-training workout on a treadmill.

Related: Do Fitness Trackers Help You Become More Active?


There’s still a lot to learn about the afterburn effect and how exactly it works. Almost every aspect of a workout — from the number of reps and sets completed, number of rest periods in between sets, intensity, speed, types of movements performed, and a person’s heart rate — can all impact how dramatic the afterburn effect turns out to be.

It appears that well-trained individuals have a more rapid return of post-exercise metabolism to resting levels after exercising. Therefore, they might be getting the most bang for their buck when it comes to HIIT workouts.

Nonetheless, there are plenty of benefits for people new to exercise, too, assuming they start slow and prevent injuries. One of the biggest challenges might be encouraging HIIT newbies and those who have weight to lose to even start intense exercise programs that can raise their afterburn effect, since intensity can be intimidating.

If you’re practicing HIIT for the first time, keep your workouts shorter, around 10 minutes, and use a method that you’re comfortable with, like running (on grass or a treadmill) or cycling.

Regardless of how fit you already are, HIIT workouts shouldn’t be done every day because this can increase injury risk. They’re best when completed just two to three times a week (or even less in some cases).

If you choose to do a circuit-style intense workout or one using weights, consider starting with a professional trainer to make sure your form is correct and you aren’t setting yourself up for injury.

Related: How Long Should You Rest Between Workouts?

The post The Afterburn Effect: How to Burn More Fat After You Exercise appeared first on Dr. Axe.

The Best Knee Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Pain Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:00:36 +0000 Knee pain is a common ailment among all ages, which is why knee strengthening exercises are important if you want to keep your knees in top shape. Pain in the knees can strike young women, as early as teenagers or before, and derail a promising (or at least fun!) athletic career. It can result from... Read more »

The post The Best Knee Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Pain appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Knee pain is a common ailment among all ages, which is why knee strengthening exercises are important if you want to keep your knees in top shape.

Pain in the knees can strike young women, as early as teenagers or before, and derail a promising (or at least fun!) athletic career. It can result from chronic exercise, and it’s an especially common running injury.

Knee problems can also be anatomical or hereditary, and knee pain can gradually become an issue as one ages.

While it can affect people of all ages, knee pain is more commonly seen with more mature adults due to various forms of arthritis, greatly affecting quality of life. The most common form of arthritis that seems to result in knee pain is called osteoarthritis (OA), which is a musculoskeletal condition.

Knee pain also affects athletes more frequently due to the numerous strains they put on their bodies day to day. There are common ailments, such as iliotibial band syndrome, tendonitis and runner’s knee, that are frequently heard of, but there are way more issues that can surround this complex joint.

Let’s dig in to find out why knee pain is so common and, even better, find out what knee strengthening exercises you can do to reverse that pain.

Reasons for Knee Pain

There are many common reasons for knee pain, but a 2015 study published in the journal Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology indicates that most are work-related or from past injuries. The study states that symptomatic knee osteoarthritis can be viewed as the end result of a molecular cascade that takes place after certain triggers occur and ultimately results in irreversible damage to the articular cartilage.

The study suggests that while there are multiple causes of knee OA, two have attracted particular attention over recent years: occupation-related knee OA and OA subsequent to a previous knee injury. 

Studies also report that knee OA is likely to become the eighth most common cause of disability in men and the fourth most common cause of disability in women, according to the World Health Organization report on global burden of disease. Three major physical impairments — knee pain, stiffness and decreased quadriceps strength — are highly associated with knee OA and are believed to contribute to physical disability and progression of the disease.

In general, knee pain is typically caused by two things: arthritis or a sports- or work-related injury.

1. Arthritis

There are several issues and forms of arthritis that affect the knees, including:

2. Injury

Some of the more common knee injuries are:

  • meniscal injuries
  • anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament injuries
  • tendonitis
  • bursitis
  • loose bodies
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • dislocated kneecap
  • iliotibial band syndrome
  • plica syndrome
Knee strengthening exercises - Dr. Axe

Knee Strengthening Exercises

I suggest performing these knee strengthening exercises on both legs, even though you may only have knee pain on one leg. This will allow for equal strengthening and could actually help support the knee even better.

Also, if you experience any pain, please stop performing the knee strengthening exercises, and consult your doctor, physical therapist or trainer to make sure you are performing these leg exercises correctly.

Take it slow. Over time, you will get stronger!

Beginning Workout

Quadriceps Strengthener

Lay on your back. Place a rolled-up towel or a small foam roller beneath the knee.

Activate the thigh muscles in order to straighten the knee, and hold the contraction for five seconds. Release.

Repeat 10 times on each side. This will strengthen the quadriceps, which in turn will strengthen the knee.

Straight Leg Raise

Lay on your back. Stretch both legs out on the floor.

Lift the right leg up to about six inches off the floor, and hold the contraction for 10 seconds. Make sure to keep abs tight.

It may help to place hands underneath you at the lower area of the back for support as you want to avoid arching. Make sure to engage those quadriceps!

This will strengthen the quadriceps and your core, along with the knees. Repeat five times on each side.

Hip Adduction

Lay on your back on the floor. Bend knees, keeping feet on the floor.

Place a small pillow, lightweight ball or foam roller between the knees. Squeeze the legs toward the object you are holding, and hold for five to 10 seconds.

Release, and repeat 10–20 times. This will strengthen the inner thigh muscles that lead to your knees.

Hip Raise

This movement is also a great glute exercise. Lay on your back on the floor. Bend knees, keeping feet on the floor.

Heels should be close to the butt. Pushing off with the heels, lift the hips toward the ceiling, and hold for five to 10 seconds.

Release, and repeat 10–20 times. This will strengthen the hamstring muscles, which support your knees.

Related: Benefits of Flexibility + How to Improve It

Knee strengthening exercises - Dr. AxeKnee strengthening exercises - Dr. Axe

Advanced Workout


Stand with feet hip-distance apart, pelvis slightly tucked. Placing all weight into the heels, squat down as if you are going to sit in a chair, sticking your butt way back. Keep upper body as upright as possible.

Do 10–20 repetitions. If you want a more advanced version, go deeper, but not below the thighs being parallel with the ground.

Single Leg Squat

This one is tough, but over time, you can accomplish it! Stand with feet hip-distance apart. We will start with putting weight on the right leg.

Make sure you focus the weight in your heel. To keep your balance, start with your left toe touching the ground, and focus on something in front of you that is not moving.

When you are ready, begin sitting back on the right leg while raising the left foot and extending the left leg in front of you. Go down as far as you are able while pushing your butt back, as if sitting in a chair.

Return to start. Do 10 on each side.


Find something that you can safely step up onto, such as the first or second step of a flight of stairs or a fitness bench. Make sure that whatever you step on, it is sturdy.

Start standing with feet hip-distance apart. With your right foot, step up onto the bench or step, and follow with the left foot.

Step back down with the right foot, and alternate feet so the next one will start with the left foot and so forth. Do 20 reps.

Backward Stepping Lunges

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Make sure you have plenty of room behind you.

Step backward with your right foot, and lunge down, making sure that your knee does not extend beyond your ankle. Push off with your heel back to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Make sure to keep your upper body erect by maintaining good posture. Do 10 on each leg.

Front Stepping Lunges

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Make sure you have plenty of room in front of you.

Step forward with your right foot, and lunge down. Again, make sure that your knee does not extend beyond your ankle, and keep your weight in your heel to maximize the benefits to the working muscles. Then push off with your heel back to starting position.

Repeat on the other side. Make sure to keep your upper body erect and maintain good posture!

Do 10 on each leg.

Knee Anatomy 101

Let’s dig in to a little knowledge about the knee joint area.

The knee is the joint where the bones of the lower and upper legs meet and thus a very significant part of the body. The knee has a pretty big job because it is what allows us to sit, squat, walk and jump because of its hinge-like feature.

While it’s obviously key to sports success, it’s just as key in our daily functions — so it’s no surprise that when the knees hurt, it can affect our daily living.

The knee consists of three bones: the femur, which is the upper leg bone, or thigh bone; the tibia, which is the bone at the front of the lower leg, or shin bone; and the patella, which is the thick, triangular bone that sits over the other bones at the front of the knee, also known as the kneecap.

Cartilage covers the ends of the bones so they can move easily against one another as they are being used in addition to aiding in the ability to absorb shock.

Two groups of muscles support the knees. One is the hamstring, which is the muscle on the back of the thigh. The hamstrings run from the hip to just below the knee and work to bend the knee.

The other is the quadricep, which is the muscle on front of the thigh that runs from the hip to the knee and straightens the knee from a bent position.

Now that you have a bigger picture of how it all works together, it should make sense that having strong muscles and bones to support the knees can help and may completely eliminate pain. That’s where the knee strengthening exercises above come into play.

How to Treat Knee Pain

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests exercise-based therapy and knee strengthening exercises as the foundation for treating knee osteoarthritis and knee pain-related issues, and if necessary, weight loss should be encouraged for all patients with any sort of knee pain.

It is common for patients to work with a physical therapist who can help determine knee strengthening exercises that are most appropriate for them at certain stages of pain and limited mobility. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International recommends non-pharmacological methods, including patient education programs, weight reduction, coping strategies and exercise programs for treatment, including alternative therapy programs like rolfing.

What specific knee strengthening exercises can be done? First, the reason exercise is so great is because it is important to maintain a range of motion, and to do that, you need the muscles that support the knees to be strong and healthy!

Research shows minor increases in the strength of the quadriceps (by routinely doing quad exercises) can help reduce the risk of knee osteoarthritis and its progression as well as reducing the pain. Exercise can be effective for those suffering from arthritis as well due to the support it provides to the joint area. It is important to choose the right knee strengthening exercises and do them properly.

There are three types of basic therapeutic exercise that may help strengthen the knee area: isotonic, isokinetic and isometric exercise. Of these three, isometric exercise might be the most appropriate and easy to understand for patients and can be easily and safely performed at home or when traveling because it requires no or minimal equipment.

Further, isometric exercise causes the least inflammation and pressure. Isometric exercises are simple to perform and rapidly improve strength.

There are other more advanced, dynamic exercises for knee pain, such as shallow to deep squats, step-ups, weightlifting and leg lifts. You can start off with easier versions of each of these, working your way up to more advanced options as you gain more strength and as a result feel less pain.

The post The Best Knee Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Pain appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Want to Be More Durable? Add Hamstring Stretches & Strength Moves! Thu, 20 Jul 2023 17:17:45 +0000 I have worked with numerous athletes, including professionals and Olympians, and often hear of issues with their hamstrings because this muscle group is such an integral part of movement. Similarly, if you do any running or participate in any sport, you rely more on your hamstrings than you probably think, which is why it’s important... Read more »

The post Want to Be More Durable? Add Hamstring Stretches & Strength Moves! appeared first on Dr. Axe.


I have worked with numerous athletes, including professionals and Olympians, and often hear of issues with their hamstrings because this muscle group is such an integral part of movement. Similarly, if you do any running or participate in any sport, you rely more on your hamstrings than you probably think, which is why it’s important to add hamstring stretches to your fitness routine.

While your quadriceps and calves do plenty of work, your hamstrings also supply the power, speed and endurance you need to be successful in your activities. Therefore, one of the running tips for beginners or for anyone involved in a sport is to start incorporating hamstring stretches into your routine.

More flexibility as well as strength in the back of your thighs will not only make you more durable, but your performance level will go up a notch.

There are three other reasons to start paying to your hamstrings. First, inflexible hamstrings may contribute to back pain, as your lower back in particular can overcompensate during a sporting activity or even routine daily tasks and compromise your disc health, for instance.

Second, connected to the back of your knee, a strong, flexibility hamstring can aid knee health and reduce/address knee pain. Third, in an appeal to your vanity, just as you probably seek a firm backside, you also don’t want the back of your legs to be all jiggly!

Let’s find out about how to get your hamstrings in tip-top shape using hamstring stretches and workouts.

Best Hamstring Stretches and Exercises

To start, do some dynamic stretching first, such as marching in place, an easy jog, shallow squats and lunges, easy jumping jacks, etc. Throughout all leg exercises, try to maintain tight abdominals, using your core, and don’t forget to breath!

Best Hamstring Stretches

Forward Bend

  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
  • Keeping your legs straight or with a slight bend in the knees, bend at the hips, tucking your chin and reaching down toward your toes.
  • Relax the back of your neck.
  • If the stretch is too intense, try bending your knees a bit more.
  • Hold for 20–30 seconds, and slowly roll up to standing.
  • Repeat five times.

Staggered Hamstring Stretch

  • Start standing with your feet together and hip distance apart.
  • Step your right foot back about 12 inches, bending your left knee.
  • Place both hands on left thigh.
  • Then bend forward from your hip joint, and sit into the stretch, pushing your butt back.
  • If it feels OK, raise your toe for an added stretch.
  • Hold for 20–30 seconds, and switch sides.

Hurdler Stretch

  • Sit on the floor, and straighten your right leg in front of you.
  • Bend the left knee, placing the sole of your left foot against your left inner thigh.
  • Bend over your right leg, keeping your back as straight as possible.
  • If needed, bend the right knee.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, and then switch legs.

Extended Leg Hamstring Stretch

  • Lie on your back.
  • Extend the right leg into the air, straightening the leg upward as best as possible.
  • Using your hands, reach to the back of the thigh, and pull the leg forward to your comfort level.
  • Hold for 20 seconds, and release.
  • Switch sides.

Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

You may want to hold on to a chair while doing this exercise:

  • Stand with feet hip distance apart.
  • Swing your right leg forward and back to starting position.  
  • Be careful to not overextend.
  • Start slowly, and increase the stretch as you feel more comfortable.
  • Repeat 10 times per leg.

Best Hamstring Strengtheners

Pilates Heel Taps

  • Lie face down on the mat, hands under shoulders and elbows by your sides.
  • Raise your upper body and lower body at the same time to your comfort level.
  • Move your feet wide apart, and hold for five seconds, while flexing the foot, without letting the foot touch the ground, then back together tapping feet twice.
  • Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Squats on the Wall

  • Lean your back against a wall, and slide down into a squat position with knees at a 90-degree angle, thighs parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your back flat against the wall and your hands and arms off of your legs.
  • Hold this position using the pressure of your back against the flat surface to support your weight.
  • Make sure your knees do not extend beyond your foot.
  • Hold for 15 seconds, increasing the time as you get stronger.

Pilates Strengthener for Hamstrings and Core

  • Lie facedown on a mat with hands by shoulders.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your lower back and shoulders.
  • While exhaling, push up into a full pushup position. Try to do this on your toes. If you cannot do this on your toes, you may do this on your knees.
  • Hold the full pushup position, and exhale as you lift one foot from the ground as high as you can while keeping a flat back.
  • Inhale, and lower your lifted leg back to the ground. Then immediately exhale as you repeat on the other side.
  • Keep abs tight during the exercise.
  • Repeat 10 times per leg, alternating legs.

Hip Lift Hamstring Strengthener

  • Lie on your back with knees bent.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your lower back and shoulders.
  • Lift hips up toward the ceiling as high as you can while squeezing the butt and engaging the core and abs.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, and release.
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Advanced move: Extend right leg while lifting. Repeat on the other side.
Stretching tips - Dr. Axe

Benefits of Stretching

In addition to decreasing the risk of injuries, stretching — including hamstring stretches — provides other numerous benefits:

  • Increases blood flow to the muscle
  • Increases oxygen levels
  • Helps improve flexibility, improving range of motion in your joints
  • Releases tension in both the body and mind
  • Increases nutrient flow throughout the body, providing more energy and reduced soreness
  • Helps release toxins in the body
  • May improve athletic performance in some activities

Stretching can be done most anywhere, but it’s important to make sure you do the right kind of stretching. Research suggests that static stretching can negatively influence muscle strength and power and may result in decreased functional performance.

Conversely, dynamic stretching significantly improves quadriceps strength (along with quad exercises) and hamstring flexibility. Therefore, I consider it a much better warm-up choice than static stretching.

Static stretches can cause injury to muscles that are not warmed up. Dynamic stretches are best prior to your planned activity while performing static stretches are best at the end of your activity.

Also, just because you perform regular stretches, that doesn’t mean you are immune to injury. However, it may help prevent injury and aid in recovery if done properly.

Here are some things to keep in mind to help you benefit from stretching:

  • Start with walking, marching in place, light jumping jacks or cycling, for example, for about 10–15 minutes before performing any static stretching and before your planned activity.  
  • Don’t overstretch! It is OK if you need to keep your knees bent during a stretch. Pay attention to your body. Over time, you will become more flexible.
  • Work on major muscle groups, such as your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders.
  • Consider the areas that get used the most. If you play soccer, you’re more vulnerable to hamstring strains. Consider stretches that help your hamstrings. Additionally, stretching an already strained muscle can cause injury. If you have a chronic condition, you may need to adjust the type of stretching needed. Talk to your physical therapist.  
  • Make sure that you stretch opposing muscle groups. If stretching your hamstrings, make sure you’re also going to stretch your quadriceps. Same goes for your chest and back. 
  • Stretch in a smooth movement, without bouncing. Again, over time and with consistency, you will become more flexible. The bouncing can cause you to overstretch an area, resulting in an injury.
  • Take your time. Hold each stretch for about 20–30 seconds. In problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds.
  • Breathe! Way too often, I find patients trying to hold their breath during stretching. Make sure you do not hold your breath! Just breathe normally or slowly and deeply as you stretch. In fact, slow, deep breathing can help you gain flexibility, something often done during yoga or Pilates-type exercises.
  • Expect to feel slight tension while stretching, but you do not want to feel pain. If you do, you may be pushing too far. Simply release to the point where you do not feel any pain, and then hold the stretch.
  • Make sure to stretch regularly to get the most benefit. Two to three times per week, or more, is great! However, it is best to do dynamic stretching prior to any exercise you plan to perform.
  • Gentle movement in your stretching may be helpful. Tai chi, pilates or yoga may be a good way to stretch — and you can find community classes that may make it more fun. Again, remember to be cautious. Do not overstretch, especially if you are a beginner to these disciplines.

Hamstring Function (Why Flexibility Is Important)

The muscles that make up the hamstring are important: hip extensors and flexors of the knee in the gait cycle. They become active in the last 25 percent of the swing phase, just as hip extension begins, and continue for 50 percent of the swing phase to actively produce extension at the hip, resisting extension of the knee.

As the thigh is swung forward, flexion at the knee is largely passive. With the heel strikes and the weight of the body is shifted forward, the hamstring functions to decelerate the forward translation of the tibia during knee extension.

The hamstring is a dynamic stabilizer of surrounding muscles and knee functions — once the foot strike has occurred, the hamstring muscles are elongated over both hip and knee joints to their optimal length to provide extension of the hip and to, once again, stabilize the knee.

With takeoff, the hamstring muscles again contract with the quadriceps muscle to provide a push-off from the support leg. This helps us understand that by strengthening supporting muscles, it may be beneficial in preventing injury by supporting the hamstring.

Indeed, in one study it was found that increased quadriceps flexibility was inversely associated with hamstring strain problems in a group of amateur soccer players. Tight hip flexors were reportedly a significant risk for hamstring strain in a subgroup of older athletes, likely because of age.

The hamstring is also important for butt workouts and inner thigh workouts.

The All-Too-Common Hamstring Injury

As a fan of most sports, I know that when I hear an announcer say that a player has “pulled a hamstring,” it’s a potentially significant injury that will remove that athlete not only from that game, but potentially a good part of the season because hamstring strains require many weeks or even longer to recover.

Anyone can get a hamstring injury, but some are more likely to experience one than others. Increased age appears to be a major risk for hamstring strain injury. The age at which the risk becomes significant occurs between 23 and 25 years.

Athletes older than 23 years are reportedly between 1.3 and 3.9 times more likely to suffer a hamstring strain, with athletes aged 25 years or older between 2.8 and 4.4 times more likely to suffer injury.

Studies show that those with a high body mass index (BMI) may be more at risk for injury. While level of competition may be a risk for hamstring strain, evidence suggests that exposure time (time spent in training or games) is not.

A study reported by the U.S. National Library of Medicine explains that previous strain or injury, older age, and ethnicity were consistently documented as significant risks for injury, as was competing in higher levels of competition. Though association with strength and flexibility were conflicting, functional rehabilitation interventions had preventive effects and resulted in significantly earlier return to activity.

Regardless, hamstring injuries typically take anywhere from two to six weeks to recover and maybe longer if the injury is significant or recurring from a previous injury.

History of previous hamstring strain injury was one of the most commonly reported significant risk factors for recurrence. Examining studies of soccer players from Australia and Scandinavia, most studies showed that athletes with histories of hamstring strain were between two to six times more likely to suffer subsequent strains, with most recurrences happening soon after the original hamstring injury.

This is one of the reasons it is important to make sure you have fully recovered before returning to activity.

Other lower limb injuries were also associated with an increased risk of hamstring strain. It makes sense that athletes who are sprinting or kicking with increased frequency or intensity are more likely to suffer injury.

Findings show that rugby union backs, whose role involves mostly sprinting and kicking, had significantly more strains than forwards, for instance. The risk of hamstring strain increased with higher levels of competition because those athletes are likely to be faster and have more physically demanding roles.

Tight hamstrings can also be a common running injury, but hamstring stretches aren’t necessarily the answer here. Why? Runners, rather than having short and tight hamstrings, often have actually over-lengthened their hamstrings — and hence, need a solid strengthening program

Related: The Best Knee Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Pain

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Are Morning Workouts Best for Burning Fat? Study Provides Answers Wed, 19 Jul 2023 14:11:51 +0000 If you’re like a lot of people out there, you probably wonder what the optimal time of day for exercise is. The answer depends on many factors, but if you’re looking to burn fat, new research suggests morning workouts may be your best bet. Study: Workout Time and Burning Fat Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet... Read more »

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If you’re like a lot of people out there, you probably wonder what the optimal time of day for exercise is. The answer depends on many factors, but if you’re looking to burn fat, new research suggests morning workouts may be your best bet.

Study: Workout Time and Burning Fat

Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark sought to determine how working out at different times of day affected post-exercise metabolism and fat-burning (aka the afterburn effect). They did this by examining physical activity in mice at various times of day.

Why mice? Because, as described in an accompanying press release on the study, “mice and humans share many basic physiological functions, and mice are a well-established model for human physiology and metabolism.”

Ultimately, researchers wanted to find out the optimal time of day to exercise in order to amp up fat-burning. They did this by studying the adipose tissue in the mice after two sessions of high-intensity exercise — one performed at an early active phase (equivalent of late morning in humans) and one at early rest phases (equivalent of late evening in humans).

They found that “physical activity at an early active phase increased the expression of genes involved in the breakdown of adipose tissue, thermogenesis (heat production) and mitochondria in the adipose tissue, indicating a higher metabolic rate. These effects were observed only in mice that exercised in the early active phase and were independent of food intake.”

A higher metabolic rate, of course, helps burn fat more than lower a metabolic rate, meaning morning workouts may help amp up your ability to burn fat.

”Our results suggest that late-morning exercise could be more effective than late evening exercise in terms of boosting the metabolism and the burning of fat, and if this is the case, they could prove of value to people who are overweight,” said professor Juleen R. Zierath from the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery and the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institutet in the release.

Zierath added: ”The right timing seems to be important to the body’s energy balance and to improving the health benefits of exercise, but more studies are needed to draw any reliable conclusions about the relevance of our findings to humans.”

Other Fat-Burning Tips

While this is promising research and could encourage people to exercise early in the day, the truth is exercise at any time of day is beneficial. In fact, starting a fitness routine that works for you and your schedule is important. If that means working out in the afternoon, evening or night fits into your life better than morning, you should get your workouts in then instead.

If burning fat is your ultimate goal, here are some ways to enhance your ability to lose belly fat and fat in other areas:

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The Benefits of a Trampoline Workout and Rebounding Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:00:14 +0000 Many people first fall in love with trampolines as children, but did you know that a trampoline workout can benefit adults just as much as trampolines bring joy to the little ones? It’s true. In addition to being fun, a trampoline workout, also known as rebounding, has many great health benefits — particularly for your... Read more »

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Many people first fall in love with trampolines as children, but did you know that a trampoline workout can benefit adults just as much as trampolines bring joy to the little ones? It’s true.

In addition to being fun, a trampoline workout, also known as rebounding, has many great health benefits — particularly for your lymphatic system.

For instance, did you know that rebounding can burn more calories than walking or jogging? Or that it’s a great way to work your major muscle groups because it allows you to work them through their full ranges of motion? Or that it’s downright fun?!

A trampoline workout can also strengthen your body while detoxifying the cells within it. Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise option that’s very easy on the joints — something running can’t match.

While you may think the type of large trampolines you seen in backyards may be a bit much, there are small versions that can fit right in your living room and are easy to store. So get ready to jump around and improve your health all at the same time.

Read on to learn how to do a trampoline workout and how exactly it strengthens the body.

What Is Rebounding?

Trampoline and tumbling exercises have been around for a very long time and can be traced to archeological drawings found in ancient China, Egypt and Persia. The firs modern trampolines were developed in 1934 by George Nissen and Larry Griswold at the University of Iowa, according to the official website of the Olympics.

Trampolines were originally used to train astronauts and as a training tool for other sports, such as acrobatics, tumbling, diving, gymnastics and freestyle skiing. Eventually, trampolines became so popular to the point of becoming a sport in the Olympic Games.

The first Trampoline World Championships took place in 1964, and trampoline was first recognized as a sport in the U.S. in 1967. The double mini-trampoline competition was added in 1978 and began as two individual mini trampolines, separated by a small table covered by a mat. Later, a one-piece unit was developed by Bob Bollinger and is used today as the official equipment for that event.

Trampolines have become useful in the understanding of gravity and its effects on exercise. The Journal of Applied Physiology recorded a study by NASA in 1980 on rebounding by testing eight young males ages 19–26. The goal was to understand body acceleration distribution and its relation to how it was created.

Here’s what the researchers concluded:

The results indicate that, for similar levels of HR and VO2, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameters needed for the design of remedial procedures to avert deconditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness.

Trampoline Workout Benefits

We all know there are many benefits of exercise, but what are the benefits of rebounding, specifically? Let’s explore.

1. Easy on the Joints

Working out on the trampoline, or rebounding, has way less impact on the joints, soft tissue and skeleton. Due to how a trampoline is made, most often using either springs or bungee bands, it absorbs much of the impact at every bounce.

The NASA study previously mentioned notes that there seems to be more balance of pressure or force, known as G-force, when on the trampoline. Pressure is more evenly distributed at the ankle, back and forehead when rebounding, whereas when running, the pressure is mostly all placed on the ankles, often causing more frequent injury.

That means simply switching to a trampoline workout routine can help naturally reduce joint pain and help you avoid common running injuries.

2. Strengthens Cells and Improves Cardiovascular Development

A trampoline workout can provide impressive aerobic exercise benefits by strengthening the heart. When tested, the work required to perform trampoline exercise at equivalent levels of effort was significantly greater while on the trampoline than while running.

When oxygen reaches our cells, it helps strengthen them and provide the ability to endure more exercise efficiently, and because the body is able to increase oxygen uptake when rebounding, versus some other physical activities, it’s possible to get a much better workout.

Rebounding can increase oxygen uptake because more oxygen can reach the cells due to the gravity changes that occur when bouncing. In some studies, when testing on the treadmill, the ability to uptake more oxygen was greater when on the trampoline. This could allow participants to perform exercise for longer periods of time.

A study regarding the effects of daily short bouts of trampoline exercise during eight weeks on the pulmonary function and the maximal oxygen uptake of children with cystic fibrosis was reported by the International Journal of Sports Medicine. Six girls and two boys with cystic fibrosis, 10–13.5 years of age, participated in a prescribed exercise program on a mini trampoline. The training consisted of three short rounds of trampoline exercise.

The study showed that their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) improved during the exercise period. In addition, trampoline exercise programs are suggested as other types of training to add in order to avoid monotony in the training for many patients.

Trampoline workout warmup - Dr. Axe

3. Can Improve Immune System Function Due to Lymph Flow

Rebounding can lead to increased lymph fluid circulation, which helps boost the immune system by providing a greater white blood cell activity. The lymphatic system is part of your circulatory system and transports a clear, colorless fluid, called lymph, that flushes toxins from your body. It’s believed that there is an increase in the circulation of this fluid when the lymphatic valves are opened during a change in gravitational pull.

This particular change occurs upon the moment you land on the trampoline, thanks to gravity. Then, upon leaving the surface, the lymphatic valves are opened.

The increased G-force g that occurs when you land causes a surge of lymphatic drainage, which improves circulation and, therefore, may help detoxify your entire system.

4. Helps with Balance

Another study reported by the U.S. National Library of Medicine cited the effects of different types of exercise on postural balance in elderly women. These exercises can help prevent functional limitations due to aging, therefore reducing the risk of falls.

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of three different exercises: mini trampoline, aquatic gymnastics and general floor gymnastics. Seventy-four physically independent elderly women were randomly assigned to three intervention groups.

Each group performed physical training, including cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and sensory-motor exercises, for 12 weeks. To determine the effects on each intervention group, postural balance tasks were performed.

The study concluded that there were significant improvements in the postural balance of elderly women after 12 weeks of training and ultimately provides further evidence that exercise, like a trampoline workout, that includes balance postures can promote health in elderly women.

5. Builds Physical Strength, Muscular Development and Proprioception for Athletes

Rebounding is often said to improve physical strength and muscular development as well as proprioception, which is the ability to sense the position, location, orientation and movement of the body and its parts.

A study published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine randomly divided 20 patients with Parkinson’s disease “into two equal groups of weight-bearing exercises and rebound exercise with no significant differences in age, weight, and height.” They compared results on range of motion, proprioception and quality of life after eight weeks.

The researchers found that both groups saw significant improvements in all three areas, but the improvement rate was greater across the board in the rebounding therapy group.

How to Choose a Good Rebounder

Because many injuries can occur while on a trampoline, it’s critical that you don’t go the cheaper route because cheaper trampolines tend to break or malfunction, causing injury. They also can lack the support needed to be effective.

It’s important that your rebounder has at least 32 springs that taper at the end. This provides the proper flexibility and a more even bounce. Steel construction lasts longer, too.

Some models offer support bars, which may be useful, especially for beginners or the elderly.

How to Start Using Your Rebounder

Rebounders, or mini trampolines, can be used almost anywhere indoors or outdoors. Remember to start slow with small jumps, and make sure you get used to the equipment before you increase to bigger jumps.

A trampoline workout is one idea for burst training at home. You can include some traditional exercise, such as jumping jacks, to get you started.

Rebounding is a great low-impact exercise that’s fun and different. In just 15–20 minutes a day, you can burn calories, gain muscle strength and enhance your balance while improving your immune system — and helping turn on the afterburn effect.

Trampoline or Rebounding Workout

Time: 20–45 minutes, depending on number of sets performed


Basic Trampoline Bounce

The basic bounce can tone your quads, glutes and calf muscles.

  1. Stand on the mini trampoline with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Relax your arms and shoulders but with a slight bend at the elbow.
  3. Lightly bounce up and down while keeping a slight bend in the knees. Your feet should come just a few inches off the trampoline.
  4. Repeat 20–30 times.
  5. Rest for 15 seconds, and repeat two more times for a total of three rounds.

Main Set:

Jumping Jacks

A classic, this gets your heart rate up while engaging the inner and outer thighs.

  1. Standing with feet together,  jump out while extending arms out, up and overhead. Then return to the starting position, and repeat.
  2. Perform 30–45 jumping jacks.


This plank exercise variation works your entire core.

  1. Start in plank position with your forearms in the middle of the trampoline and your feet on the floor (unless your trampoline is large enough for your entire body).
  2. Hold the plank position for 20–30 seconds. Release for 10 seconds, and repeat three to four times.
Trampoline workout routine - Dr. Axe

High Knees

This is a great exercise hack that gets your heart rate moving while working your core muscles.

  1. Stand with feet hip distance apart.
  2. Raise your right knee, return to start, then raise your left knee.
  3. Once you feel comfortable, begin doing it as if you are running in place.
  4. Repeat 20 times (one on each side counts as one full rep).

Planks to Pushups Advanced Move

This exercise works your entire core and provides some upper-body strength in the arms and chest.

  1. Keeping abs fully engaged, start in plank position with your forearms in the middle of the trampoline and your feet on the floor (unless your trampoline is large enough for your entire body).
  2. Transition to your hands one arm at a time, then do a pushup and return to your forearms for another plank.
  3. Make sure that your abs are engaged the entire time.
  4. Do this exercise for six to 10 reps.

Trampoline Squats

Wondering how to strengthen your core? Well, this exercise requires you to engage your core muscles. It strengthens glutes and quads as well as your core if properly engaged.

  1. Stand on the mini trampoline with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides.
  2. Jump up, and land in a squat position with your knees bent, butt back and thighs parallel to the ground, like sitting down in a chair. It may be helpful to place your arms straight out in front of you for balance.
  3. Return to the starting position, and repeat 15–20 times. At first, you may want to take it slow. Once you have mastered the exercise, you can begin to do it a bit faster with continuous movement similar to a jump squat that you would do on the ground.
  4. Repeat the entire set three to four times or as best as possible.


It’s extremely important that children are always supervised when on a trampoline of any sort. The condition and quality of trampolines are critical in preventing injuries.

Because there are holes between the coils and the main surface, it’s easy for young children to get trapped. Never leave a trampoline unattended when children are present.

Also, always stay in the center of the trampoline to avoid being tossed off it, which could induce injury by falling.

It’s best to consult your physician before performing any new exercise, including a trampoline exercise, especially if you have any illness or physical condition.

The post The Benefits of a Trampoline Workout and Rebounding appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Study: Exercise May Help Deal With Pain Thu, 29 Jun 2023 17:53:27 +0000 It’s no secret that there are a plethora of benefits of exercise, and research continues to unearth more reasons to get moving. For instance, recent studies have found that exercise can help reduce chronic disease, and as little as 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a major impact. Now, according to research published... Read more »

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It’s no secret that there are a plethora of benefits of exercise, and research continues to unearth more reasons to get moving. For instance, recent studies have found that exercise can help reduce chronic disease, and as little as 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a major impact.

Now, according to research published in May 2023, it appears that people who exercise tend to have a higher pain tolerance than those who are less active or have a sedentary lifestyle.

Exercise for Pain Management

Using the population-based Tromsø Study out of Norway, researchers examined the influence of exercise on pain tolerance. With chronic pain a common problem, this study sought to determine if simply moving the body more could be a natural way to deal with pain.

The University Hospital of North Norway used self-reported data from 10,732 adults on pain tolerance and activity levels, along with follow-up. Pain was measured by putting hands in ice water and having the participants rank their pain on a scale.

What the researchers found was that people who were more physically active had higher pain tolerance than those who were sedentary and that people could increase pain tolerance over time by being physically active.

As TIME reported:

Those with more active lifestyles were found to be more tolerant to pain—and the more people said they exercised over the course of the study, the more their capacity for enduring pain grew. When both survey years were taken into account, those who had increased their levels of physical activity in the interim period reported greater pain tolerance over time. It’s possible, the authors write, that moving more frequently could be used as a “non-pharmacological pathway towards reducing or preventing chronic pain.”

The researchers ultimately concluded:

In conclusion, being physically active (PA) at either of two time points measured 7–8 years apart was associated with higher pain tolerance compared to being sedentary at both time-points. Pain tolerance increased with higher total activity levels, and more for those who increased their activity level during follow-up. This indicates that not only total PA amount matters but also the direction of change. PA did not significantly moderate pain tolerance change over time, though estimates suggested a slightly falling effect possibly due to ageing (sic). These results support increased PA levels as a possible non-pharmacological pathway towards reducing or preventing chronic pain.

This is great news for anyone looking to avoid medication to deal with pain. It’s also great news for people who exercise regularly and should be great motivation for those worried about chronic pain to get moving.

Other Ways to Manage Pain

Other proven ways to help manage pain and increase pain tolerance include:

  • Physical therapy and other recovery exercises
  • Yoga, acupuncture and tai chi
  • Psychotherapy and behavior modification
  • Relaxation therapies and self-care
  • Essential oils, such as evening primrose
  • Certain supplements and other approaches, like capsaicin or Epsom salt baths

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Hip Flexor Stretches Are Key to Both Hip & Knee Health Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:28:49 +0000 Our hip flexors aren’t understood very well and often ignored when we exercise. However, if it weren’t for the hip flexors, we would not be able to sit down, which makes hip flexor stretches and exercises vital if you want to be able to do everyday activities throughout your life. The hip flexors form a... Read more »

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Our hip flexors aren’t understood very well and often ignored when we exercise. However, if it weren’t for the hip flexors, we would not be able to sit down, which makes hip flexor stretches and exercises vital if you want to be able to do everyday activities throughout your life.

The hip flexors form a very important group of muscles allowing us to bend at the waist. These muscles are found deep within the abdominal area and are some of the strongest muscles in the body, ultimately providing core support and improving knee strength.

The hip flexors are activated the most when sprinting or kicking. Therefore, it makes sense that athletes — especially soccer players, football players and runners — are prone to issues with their hip flexors and why they should make sure to incorporate hip flexor stretches and exercises into their fitness and recovery routines.

What Are the Hip Flexors?

The hip flexors are a group of muscles in the pelvic region and upper thighs that help drive up the knees and keep the pelvis and thighs aligned, which is a key running tip for beginners that can help prevent knee problems. Healthy hip flexors aren’t important for just runners or athletes, however — they’re vital for everyone.

To gain a better understanding of the hip flexors and why we need them, let’s talk a little anatomy. Flexion is a joint movement that decreases the angle between the bones that converge at the joint and is typically initiated by a muscle contraction.

A muscle that flexes that joint is called a flexor. The muscles that make up the hip flexors are collectively known as the iliopsoas or inner hip muscles. Without the iliopsoas muscles, kicking, running, sprinting and even sitting would not be possible.

Hip Flexor Stretches

A sports medicine doctor may recommend exercises to help stretch and strengthen your hip flexors so you prevent injury. These exercises are not just for those who are injured, though.

The best way to think about it is to prevent the injury in the first place by performing these exercises as part of your weekly or even daily routine, especially if you are susceptible to hip-related injuries.

However, if you have encountered a hip injury, swimming may be a great way to exercise and strengthen your core while you are in the resting phase of healing. Eventually, you can begin to work at home or at the gym using some of these exercises here.

For a severe strain, you may want to see a physical therapist. The therapist will work with you to help stretch and strengthen your hip flexor muscles and other muscles that surround and support that area and guide you in increasing your activity level so you can return to your former activities.

Here are some of the best hip flexor stretches to try whether you’re recovering from an injury or simply trying to strengthen your hip area.

Front Hip Flexor Stretch

Place your left knee on the ground and your right knee up with your foot on the ground at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on your right thigh.

Lean your hips forward to create a stretch in the front hip area. Hold for five seconds, and repeat five times. Then do the other side.

Quad Stretch and Hip Strengthener

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Feet should be somewhat close to your butt.

Lift your hips toward the ceiling, and hold for three to five seconds while squeezing your butt and tightening your abs. Release. Repeat 10 times.

Seated Butterfly Stretch

Sit on the floor with your back straight, shoulders down, abs engaged. Press the soles of the feet together in front of you, with your knees bent to the sides.

Try to pull your heels toward you while relaxing your knees toward the floor. Do not push your thighs down to the floor with your hands, but rather use your thigh and core muscles to try to push them down. Breathe deeply, and hold for 10–20 seconds.

Supine Hip Flexor Stretch

Lie on your back on the floor. Bring your left knee toward you to the point of being able to reach behind your left thigh. Gently pull your leg toward you for an increased stretch.

Breathe deeply, hold for three to five seconds and release. Repeat on the other side for a total of five per side.

Benefits of Hip Flexor Stretches

1. Better Performance for Athletes

Runner’s World reports that weakness in the hip flexors can contribute to slower running times, improper form and, according to a review presented at an annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, a host of lower-leg running injuries.

“The body has the capacity to compensate for weak hip flexors, but the strategies to do that can lead to muscle imbalances and injury,” says Gregory Holtzman, PT, DPT, associate professor of physical therapy at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and director of the university’s Running Clinic, who recommends performing strengthening exercises three or four days a week.

2. Less Risk of Injury and Better Range of Motion

If the hip muscles are strong, they provide you with the support you need and ultimately help prevent injuries, especially if you are an athlete or an aging adult. Because this muscle group provides so much of your core stabilization, you need the hip flexors to be strong for simple functions of daily life, too.

If the muscles in the hip joint area are too tight, it can affect your range of motion. It is important to keep the soft tissue around your hip loose.

To improve flexibility, you can massage the iliotibial bands located on the outside of your upper thigh, your hip adductors located in your inner thigh and your hamstring muscles.

To do this, do foam roller exercises, or use a small ball like a baseball, golf ball or tennis ball to massage these areas. Apply moderate pressure, and roll the roller or ball up, down and at various angles over the muscle or ligament — but be gentle at the sensitive spots.

This combined with some of the stretches and exercises above should help increase your range of motion in any activity.

3. Walk Longer, Stand Longer and Improve Balance

Are you someone who worries about long walks, even a walk to the car? The hip flexor is a major stabilizer of the lower body, so if your hip flexor is too weak, you’ll suffer from poor balance and postural problems.

If you have problems with your hip joints and frequent misalignments in your lumbar spine, you’ll have trouble standing and walking for long periods of time, and you may have problems with your gait. Consider beginning walking to lose weight as well as a strengthening program for your hips to help prevent these concerns and give you better quality of life.

4. Better Support for Your Back

The hips help drive us forward and stabilize our landing while preventing excess side-to-side motion that could strain the back. If your hip flexors are overdeveloped, tight, stiff or short, you’ll likely suffer from lower back pain.

You could experience a limited range of motion in the lower back because tight hip flexors pull your pelvis into an unnatural forward tilt, which in turn pulls your lumbar spine out of alignment, causing lower back pain.

Hip Flexor Strengthening Workout

Reverse Lunge: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You may want to hold on to a chair while performing this exercise.

Take a step backward with your right foot, and lower into a lunge. Push through your left heel to stand. Immediately lower back into a lunge.

Focus on a strong core, and keep the upper body as upright as possible. Do three sets of 12 reps on each side.

Advanced Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive: Perform the same movement as above, but when you push through your left heel, drive your right knee up until it’s parallel to the floor. Return to standing position, and repeat.

Seated Hip Flexion: Sit in a chair or on a bench with good posture. Raise your right knee up toward your chest, making sure that your thigh does not roll in or out. Pause, and then slowly lower your knee to start.

If at first you can only lift a little, don’t worry — over time, you will be able to lift a bit higher. Do three sets of 12 reps on each side.

High Knees: While standing on your left leg, raise your right knee as high as you can, and then repeat with the other leg like a slow march in place. Do this for 30 seconds three times.

Advanced High Knees Run: The movement is the same as above, but quickly alternate legs as if running with high knees. Do this for 30 to 60 seconds five times.

Single-Leg Knee Lift: While standing on your right leg, lift your left knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. A trick to help with balance is to stare at a spot that is a few feet in front of you that is not moving.

Keep abdominals tight. Do three sets of 10 reps on each side.

How to Reduce Injury Risk

You may be wondering how to distinguish if a pain is associated with the hip flexor. Hip flexor pain is usually felt in the upper groin region where the thigh meets the pelvis. If you notice a pain in this area, it is important to take steps to help prevent an injury or further increase an injury in the hip flexors.

Hip injuries are most often preventable because they are due to lack of strength and flexibility in the hip flexor muscles. Because of the stress placed upon this region of the body, it is critical that you take good care of it.

When you are less flexible, it can prevent you from moving around as much as you normally would, leading to more stiffness and even pain. We all know that the less you move, the harder it is easy to stay active. This is all part of good health and maintaining strong hip flexors.

When you sit too much, you can cause shortening of this muscle group. Common reports of injuries occur from those who sit all day and then have a sudden burst of activity, even as simple as being in a hurry or running to catch a cab or a plane, because it causes an unexpected lengthening of the hip flexor muscles. This is why it is important to maintain strength and flexibility in the hip flexors.

Hip flexors also support many other areas of the body.

A study was conducted of 68 high school cross-country runners (47 girls, 21 boys) in which isometric strength tests of the hip abductors, knee extensors and flexors were performed with a handheld dynamometer. Runners were prospectively followed during the 2014 interscholastic cross-country season for occurrences of anterior knee pain (AKP) and shin injury as they examined risk relationships between strength values and occurrence of AKP and shin injury.

While hip and knee muscle strength was not significantly associated with shin injury, it was associated with knee injury. The high school cross-country runners with weaker hip abductor, knee extensor and flexor muscle strength had a higher incidence of AKP — therefore increasing hip and knee muscle strength may reduce the likelihood of AKP in high school cross-country runners.

A 2015 study reported by the Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging journal showed that both static stretching and dynamic stretching imposed benefits of strengthening and flexibility of the hip flexor muscles, which can lead to subsequent performance enhancements.

Fourteen highly trained subjects were tested before and following separate sessions of eight repetitions of 30 seconds of both static and dynamic hip flexion stretches with the goal of testing the hip flexor range of motion (ROM), isokinetic leg flexion torque, and power of the stretched and contralateral limbs.

The stretched limb had a 6.3 percent ROM increase with dynamic stretching at 10 minutes. The non-stretched hip flexors experienced ROM increases with static stretches of 5.7 percent, whereas dynamic stretches showed up to 8.4 percent increase in range of motion.


  • The hip flexors affect more than just the hips. In fact, they are crucial for core and knee health, which makes hip flexor stretches important to maintain a pain-free lifestyle.
  • The benefits of hip flexor stretches include better performance and range of motion, less risk of injury, improved balance, ability to walk and stand longer, and better support for the knees and back.
  • Some of the best hip flexor stretches are front hip flexor stretch, quad stretch and hip strengthener, seated butterfly stretch, and supine hip flexor stretch.
  • Try a hip flexor strengthening workout to support your entire body, and make sure to keep up with hip flexor stretches on a regular basis.

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Barre Workout: Can It Give You a Dancer’s Physique? Fri, 23 Jun 2023 12:00:29 +0000 A barre workout relies on ballet moves and isometric exercises, and many gyms and fitness centers these days offer barre classes. Many proponents say results come quickly and that barre becomes perfect for anyone regardless of age, size or level of ability. Is this too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look at what exactly... Read more »

The post Barre Workout: Can It Give You a Dancer’s Physique? appeared first on Dr. Axe.


A barre workout relies on ballet moves and isometric exercises, and many gyms and fitness centers these days offer barre classes.

Many proponents say results come quickly and that barre becomes perfect for anyone regardless of age, size or level of ability.

Is this too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look at what exactly a barre workout involves and what the science says on barre workout benefits.

What Is Barre?

Barre fitness classes are basically ballet-inspired fitness classes. Barre also incorporates moves from other disciplines, including yoga and Pilates.

While a barre class is usually lightly choreographed to upbeat music, there are poses held in an isometric contraction similar to yoga. Like Pilates, a barre workout also places a lot of emphasis on your core, with isolated moves that help you stabilize your spine and improve your posture.

Often, barre focuses on small, repetitive bodyweight moves, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself in a class using small hand weights to add a little more resistance.

What’s the rationale behind high repetitions and light weights? Proponents say that is the best way to get that lean, toned look so many people covet.

However, please be aware that not all barre workouts are created equal! One of my close fitness friends, Suzanne Bowen — founder of SBF (Suzanne Bowen Fitness) and creator of BarreAmped, which includes both classes and DVDs — mentions that many barre styles now exist, including some that have moved considerably away from its origins.

Barre originated with Lotte Berk, a German dancer who fled the Nazis in the 1930s to settle in London with her British husband. While rehabbing a back injury, Berk combined her therapeutic exercises with ballet barre routines.

In 1959, she opened the Lotte Berk Method in her basement. She worked out several famous celebrities and also entertained them with bawdy humor and relationship advice.

Don’t you wish your current trainer could be that much fun?

Eventually, one of her American students, Lydia Bach, bought the rights to Lotte’s name and opened the first studio in Manhattan in 1971. Over the next several years, it continued to grow and evolve into its present-day incarnation.

Suzanne was actually an apprentice barre teacher with Ms. Bach in Manhattan in the early 2000s and was featured in the first barre DVDs produced by Bach. Remembering those initial barre classes, Suzanne said she was “gym fit” but was “humbled” by these classes that demanded so much leg and core work. She became a convert of this style of barre, and she’s further developed her own style of barre training that contrasts pretty strongly with some other version on the market today.

“Women saw results [from Bach’s methods], but then somehow barre became synonymous with isometric movements,” recounts Suzanne. “That’s fine for beginners, but you eventually need to move more, get flexion of the joint and complement the natural curve of the spine.”

She mentions this last part because some current barre styles want you to have a tucked pelvis during the movements, but Suzanne finds that both unnatural and that it can even lead to injury.

Barre vs. Yoga and Pilates

While several similarities exist between Pilates, yoga and barre, a few subtle differences become worth mentioning.

  • While barre incorporates dance movements and principles, holding a lunge variation in barre also resembles a warrior pose in yoga.
  • Posture and proper breathing techniques inherent to Pilates also come into play with barre.
  • While traditional Pilates relies on larger, complex pieces that can often be space- and cost-prohibitive, barre workouts involve minimal equipment.
  • Unlike Pilates, barre incorporates more traditional strength exercises like push-ups and standing poses held for several minutes.
  • Pilates and barre also place significant importance on engaging and strengthening your core area.

Barre Workout Benefits

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to break out of your current routine, barre might be for you. While rooted in dance, the ability to pirouette or rock a tutu is definitely not a prerequisite.

If you’ve ever wanted to improve your posture and balance, a barre class could potentially help. If you’re just starting out, you can also benefit from gaining strength, flexibility and confidence.

While an overwhelming number of participants in barre are women, this is a gender-neutral workout. Banish any notions of being a lightweight workout: Barre moves become harder than they initially look!

“I find that they make a woman feel very feminine as well as better in their physique,” says Suzanne, who’s seen women make amazing changes in both body and mind after regular taking barre classes.

1. Improves mind and body concentration

Because of all the small, isometric moves (meaning the joint angle or the muscle length do not change during the contraction) associated with a barre class, increased muscle movement awareness becomes imperative. Establishing that neuromuscular (mind and body communicating together) connection helps activate underused muscles outside of class and complement strength-demanding daily tasks.

One set of muscles that tends to get underutilized are the glutes, less politely called your butt. We don’t use our glutes enough. Even people who work out and then sit at a desk all day don’t use them enough.

By activating your glutes you can significantly reduce your risk for injury and even alleviate back pain.

2. Strengthens your core

Typically when people think of their core, they immediately think about their abs. Your core is so much more than that: It’s complex group of muscles that act to keep you physically stable.

When you think of the core that way, sit-ups and crunches are probably not the best way to work your core.

No matter what specific group of muscles you focus on in a barre class, you constantly engage your core, which subsequently helps maintain good posture (essential for eliminating low back pain).

3. Develops a balanced physique and better posture

So many fitness activities and sports can develop certain muscular imbalances, leading to poor posture and either pain or injury. For example, many who lift weights or do certain fitness classes overtrain the front parts of their bodies, including the front deltoids, chest, upper abs and quadriceps.

“Meanwhile, they neglect their glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors, lats and rhomboids,” explains Suzanne, who says a good barre class helps correct those imbalances by working the entire body, including operating as a great quad exercise, leg workout as well as an inner thigh workout.

4. Improves flexibility

Most of us don’t make enough time to work on flexibility. Increasing or maintaining flexibility as you age becomes crucial.

Without flexibility, seemingly innocuous things like picking up something off the floor or even turning over in bed can result in an injury. Stay younger by staying bendy with hamstring stretches and barre workout moves.

5. It’s low-impact

Because low-impact exercises, like walking to lose weight, tend to be easier on your body, they become ideal for beginners and people with arthritis, osteoporosis, or joint and connective tissue injuries.

6. It’s a great way to cross-train

Cross-training simply means incorporating other types of workouts into your existing routine. If you are a runner, it is important for you to cross-train so you strengthen other muscles that aren’t used while running. Cross-training is also a great way to give common running injuries a chance to recover.

Making a trip to a barre class can be a great way to focus on other muscle groups while reducing stress on your joints from constantly pounding the pavement.

Home Barre Workout Routine

Doing a barre workout at home typically involves using a fixed horizontal bar or a sturdy chair for support while performing a series of small, isometric movements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do a barre workout:

  1. Warm up: Begin with a few minutes of light cardio activity, such as jogging in place or jumping jacks, to warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate.
  2. Set up the barre: Find a sturdy horizontal bar, or use the back of a sturdy chair positioned at waist height. Make sure it’s secure and stable.
  3. Alignment: Stand facing the barre with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core, roll your shoulders back, and keep your spine tall and straight throughout the workout.
  4. Plie squats: Start with a basic plie squat. Lower yourself into a squat position, keeping your knees in line with your toes, and then rise back up. Repeat for a set of 10–15 reps.
  5. Leg lifts: Holding on to the barre for support, lift one leg to the side and then lower it back down. Repeat on the other leg. Aim for 10–15 reps on each leg.
  6. Glute work: Move to the barre, and place one hand on it for support. Lift one leg behind you, keeping it straight, and squeeze your glute muscles. Lower the leg back down, and repeat for 10–15 reps on each leg.
  7. Arm exercises: Stand facing the barre, and hold on to it with both hands. Perform small, controlled arm movements, such as bicep curls, tricep extensions or shoulder presses. Use light weights or resistance bands if desired. Do 10–15 reps of each exercise.
  8. Core work: Move to a mat, or clear space on the floor. Lie down on your back, engage your core, and perform exercises like crunches, bicycle kicks or planks to target your abdominal muscles. Aim for 10–15 reps of each exercise.
  9. Stretching: After completing the main exercises, take a few minutes to stretch your muscles. Focus on stretching your legs, hips, arms and back. Hold each stretch for 20–30 seconds.
  10. Cool down: Finish your workout with a few minutes of gentle walking or light stretching to gradually bring your heart rate down.

Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and modify any exercises as needed. If you’re new to barre workouts, consider taking a class or watching online tutorials to ensure you’re performing the exercises correctly and safely.


While I advocate anything that gets people moving and becoming more health-minded, these considerations will help you benefit from barre without injuries and other problems. Check out these caveats if barre will challenge or bore you, and then perhaps choose a more challenging barre class.

1. How Much of a Cardio Workout?

For heart health, standard barre probably won’t provide enough of a challenge. If losing weight and getting into “skinny jeans” is your primary objective, barre alone may not be the answer. While barre involves some cardio, you probably won’t burn enough calories to burn much fat.

At the same time, an hour of steady-state cardio isn’t your answer either. To get that lean, toned look, you’ll want to do burst training.

Burst training (aka interval training) combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session. Burst training is done at 85 percent to 100 percent maximum heart rate rather than 50 percent to 70 percent in moderate endurance activity. You’re not going to meet that in a barre class.

That being said, Suzanne’s BarreAmped classes are a different story, with strong elements of cardio (such as on her BarreAmped Cardio Fat Burn DVD) and bigger range of motions.

“I believe in confusing the muscles all the time for maximum benefit,” she says.

2. Will I Develop Much Muscle?

With the exception of using five-pound weights, barre workouts incorporate no progressive overload, which means making your muscles do more work over time. Without continually challenging your muscles, you will stop making progress.

If you are just starting your fitness journey, any type of exercise will provide benefits, but eventually you will stop noticing changes. As you adapt, your body becomes very efficient with your workout. That’s why a marathon runner will have a lower heart rate than the average runner.

Becoming stronger and fitter demands challenging yourself. Once something becomes too easy, it’s time to increase the challenge.  

Again, certain barre classes may challenge your muscles more. In Suzanne’s classes, there are mostly bodyweight moves, but “we also try to get them out of the one-pound or two-pound habit and to four and five-pounders,” she comments.

3. Will I Get a Dancer’s Physique?

Some practitioners claim barre will lengthen and tone your muscles without adding bulk or that it will tone your problem areas and give you a dancer’s physique. That’s may be stretching it (pun intended) just a bit.  

Because your muscles have an origin and an insertion, which are fixed and attached to bone, you can’t “lengthen” your muscles. Short of surgery, changing those fixed points becomes impossible.

“It can provide a great look. Does that mean a more striated, cut look? No. Most women simply want to be more feminine,” explains Suzanne, who also mentions that you can stretch and feel a stretch, but that won’t make muscles longer.

“But I’ve seen amazing results among women who hate to exercise and lift. While barre is hard, it’s doable and addictive. They’re in a different place mentally when they leave,” says Suzanne. “It’s sure not a fad, for it’s been around for 45 years. And it’s been changing bodies for years.”

For Suzanne personally, she always loved the weight room but fell in love with barre.

“It improved my posture, I felt better and there’s special about camaraderie that develops in the classes.”


Determining whether barre fitness becomes the most appropriate workout depends on your goals. If that involves losing weight, developing a balanced physique and increasing lean muscle, a barre class once a week or more could complement your wellness program, especially if you enjoy it.

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Best Types of Cardio Workouts Wed, 31 May 2023 21:25:10 +0000 One of the best types of exercise routines is the interval cardio workout. Instead of steady state cardio (basically, staying at the same moderate intensity level for a length of time), some form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts that consist of “bursts” of high-intensity exercise followed by brief rests) is more highly recommended by fitness... Read more »

The post Best Types of Cardio Workouts appeared first on Dr. Axe.


One of the best types of exercise routines is the interval cardio workout. Instead of steady state cardio (basically, staying at the same moderate intensity level for a length of time), some form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts that consist of “bursts” of high-intensity exercise followed by brief rests) is more highly recommended by fitness experts.

What’s awesome about this technique? It can pertain to any cardio exercise! So that means your local run, bike ride, your rowing machine, those steps at the stadium, etc. Interval cardio workouts get your heart rate up, helping you to shed calories, boost your metabolism and deliver loads of energy.

Interval cardio workouts can the best accompaniment for a resistance-training program — so you not only shed fat, but also preserve your hard-won lean muscle.

What Is Cardio?

A cardio workout is defined as any exercise that raises your heart rate. Your heart is a muscle so when it is worked on a regular basis, it makes it stronger, just like any other muscle in your body.

When the heart is stronger, that means that your cardiovascular system is stronger because more capillaries are delivering more oxygen to the cells in your muscles. This is what kicks up that metabolism by enabling the cells to burn more fat during exercise and throughout the rest of day. Ultimately, it will make your body more efficient in your day-to-day living.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, recommend for most adults to engage in “moderate intensity aerobic physical activity” at least 30 minutes of exercise on five days per week.

In order to benefit from cardio workouts, it’s important to keep the heart rate to at least 50 percent of its maximum level. Cardio exercise uses large muscle movement. You may want to find out what your target heart rate is and wear a heart rate monitor, such as with a trendy fitness tracker, to keep an eye on it.

Best cardio workouts - Dr. Axe

Benefits of Cardio Workouts

There are so many benefits of exercise and regular physical activity — while it may seem like such a challenge, once you begin a steady program, even if small, it will become easier over time. There are numerous physical and mental health benefits in both men and women. It is well known that life is typically prolonged when regularly engaging in physical activity.

1. Weight Loss

It is no secret that exercise can help with weight loss. Combined with a great diet of lots of fruits and vegetables, cardio workouts can provide weight loss results quickly. Cardio, especially on the intense variety, can burn a lot of calories and help you lose weight fast. But make sure you add in some resistance training to retain and maybe even increase your lean muscle.

The key here is to be consistent. You want to determine a long-term plan that will help you reach your weight loss goals in the most healthy way. Any exercise is going to benefit, but through a good plan, you will be amazed at how quickly your body adapts to the challenges and how quickly the pounds drop.

2. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease and Lower Blood Pressure

Your heart is a muscle and needs to be worked just like your other muscles. Cardio workouts can provide the much needed health to your heart, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease while strengthening your lung capacity. Cardio workouts help the heart to work more efficiently, positively affecting overall health.

The American Heart Association reports that exercise can reduce “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood, known as LDL, as well as total cholesterol, and can raise the “good” cholesterol, known as HDL. Most health benefits occur with at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking. Additional benefits occur with more physical activity, but any amount of physical activity is good for you and will help you maintain a healthy heart.

3. Increased Bone Density

When our muscles are strong, it provides support to our bones and therefore, helps to increase bone density. Cardio workouts are great weight-bearing exercises that can help increase your bone density and can be high-impact or low-impact.

High-impact weight-bearing exercises help build bones and keep them strong, but if you have broken a bone due to osteoporosis or suffer from osteoporosis, you may need to avoid high-impact exercises. Some examples of high-impact weight-bearing cardio exercises are dancing, high-impact aerobics, hiking, jogging/running, jumping rope, stair climbing and tennis. Low-impact cardio exercises can include elliptical training machines, low-impact aerobics, using stair-step machines, and fast walking on a treadmill or outside.

Benefits of cardio workouts - Dr. Axe

4. Reduces Stress and Depression, and Boosts Self-Esteem

Exercise decreases our stress levels by releasing endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers. Exercise also helps to provide better sleep, which decreases stress levels and provides more energy.

Scientists have even found that regular participation in cardio workouts has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, and improve self-esteem.

5. Increased Energy Levels for a More Active Lifestyle

While some may think that by exercising they are losing energy, it actually works the other way. As you become more consistent in your exercise routine, you gain more energy!

Cardio exercise gets your heart pumping, which is one of the key ways it helps boost energy levels. As your body and heart adapts to the cardio exercise, it grows stronger by creating more energy through the mitochondria in your body. These mitochondria are located in your cells and help produce energy by using more oxygen — thereby producing large amounts of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is a biochemical way to store energy from food molecules. The more oxygen you burn, the more energy you create!

6. Reduce Effects of Diabetes

In diabetic patients, regular physical activity affects the body’s ability to use insulin to control glucose levels in the blood — thus working as a natural treatment for diabetes. It is through a consistent exercise that, when combined with other lifestyle modifications such as proper nutrition, eliminating smoking, etc, it can provide dramatic results  and health benefits. (9)

In one study, researchers enrolled people with type 2 diabetes into three exercise groups and a control group. Exercisers did either aerobic conditioning, resistance training or a combination of the two for nine months. People in all the exercise groups improved their waist circumference, body fat percentage, and hemoglobin A1c levels, regardless of changes in fitness capacity.

Types of Cardio Workouts

There are many types of cardio workouts that you can explore to determine what is right for you. First, check with your healthcare professional first, especially if you have an existing health condition. You will want to determine where you are with your fitness level.

For someone who has been sedentary, starting with walking to lose weight may be best. With consistent effort, you will gain more fitness and be able to do more over time!

If you are already somewhat active, you can consider other cardio workouts like running, bike riding/cycling, swimming, jump roping, rowing and aerobic workouts such as HIIT — we encourage that you apply the interval cardio training concept to all of these cardio choices.

With all of these cardio workouts, there are different levels. Don’t get discouraged if at first you feel like you cannot complete a workout. Start with realistic goals that you know you can accomplish.

If it is too easy, you need to increase the intensity a bit as well as the duration. If it is too hard, back off a bit and re-establish your goals to something slightly harder than what feels easy.

How do you know if it is too easy? If your heart rate is not increasing, or you can carry on a full conversation without being breathless, it is likely too easy. If you cannot talk at all, it is probably too hard.

Pay attention to your body and make sure to drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated in order to avoid common running injuries. Here is a great list of types of cardio workouts that you can choose from. Mix it up and have fun!

Brisk Walking

Brisk walking is just what it says. You simply want to walk more aggressively than a stroll in order to get your heart rate up. It may seem strange to consider walking as a cardio workout, but if done correctly, it can provide powerful health benefits.

Did you know that there are professional fast walkers and competitions? Something else you need to consider is importance of having the right shoe, typically a good running shoe, and can be found at your local running store. Fast walking is great because of the low impact; however, remember that we are not talking about a casual stroll. The key is to get your heart rate up. In order to do that, you will need to pick up the pace and tackle hills when you can.


Cycling can be done on a stationary bike at the gym or at home as well as on a bike in the great outdoors. You may want to take a spin class at your gym.

It is important to consider the type of cardio workout you plan to do in advance so that you accomplish that goal. Cycling classes are great because the workout has already been planned for you, and many of us perform better within a community. It is fun, too! See the great cycling workout for you below.


The elliptical trainer is a great way to get a low-impact cardio workout. You can find them at most every gym. The movement is similar to running, yet you are not getting the same high impact of pounding the pavement that you do when running.

Like cycling and any other workout, you will want to plan your cardio workout in advance because otherwise, you may not perform your best. When you have a plan, you are more likely to stick to that plan, even as the workout gets tougher and you feel fatigue.


One of the best cardio workouts is running. You can enjoy the outdoors and get to know an area when you travel by taking a run. Of course, the treadmill is another way to get in a great run. There’s many great running tips for beginners, such as when using the treadmill, remember to set the incline at a 1 percent grade to better mimic outdoor running terrain.

Running has picked up in popularity over the past few years. While it may not be for everyone, many people who never thought they would run in their lives are now training for their first 5k or marathon.

Like all cardio workouts, there are numerous levels for runners. Some choose to have an easy jog while others choose to introduce intervals into their workout. One great running cardio workout? Running hill intervals. The legendary NFL running back Walter Payton, who amazingly had 12 injury-free seasons, famously did hill workouts in the summer.

Regardless, running can be a great way to benefit from a cardio workout, and you can do it most anywhere! (You can also work in some plyometric exercises in your workout.)

Stair Machine (Stair Master or Step Mill)

The stair machine is found at most gyms and can be one tough cardio workout! Though low impact, you can accomplish a lot in a short period of time, depending on the intensity that you set on the machine. Start slow and increase the speed or intensity gradually to a level that is slightly above easy. Add more as you can, but be careful on this machine.

Start with 10 minutes and adding on a minute or two each time you go back to the gym while slowly increasing the intensity. You will want to make sure you have good posture, too. Hold on to the bars and maintain focus to help avoid tripping; however, for a more advanced cardio workout, put your hands at the back of your head. You will notice a difference in your heart rate!


Swimming workouts is an amazing cardio exercise that has very little joint impact on the body. When you first start swimming, it is going to seem extremely difficult because it requires rhythmic breathing in addition to good strokes.

There are numerous swimming strokes that you can do, from the breaststroke to freestyle. Regardless, it is a wonderful way to gain fitness through a cardio workout. Once you have a feel for it, you can step into a masters swim class at your local gym.


Rowing is another great cardio workout, but has the added benefit of upper body work and some core work. Most gyms have rowing machines, also known as ergometers, and can be a great way to add some variety into your cardio workouts. It is fun, too, since it mimics that of actual rowing, all while working numerous large muscle groups! If you are not sure how to use the machine, just ask a fitness trainer to demonstrate it for you.

HIIT, Burstfit and Bootcamp

HIIT and bootcamp-style workouts are both amazing for your cardio fitness, as well as strength training, and can be done almost anywhere using your own bodyweight. Burpees and jumping jacks are two great bodyweight exercises often used in HIIT workouts.

They are typically a set of low- to high-impact exercises done in a set time period; for example, 45 seconds of exercise with a short rest of 15 seconds. You can accomplish an amazing amount of fitness through these workouts because not only are you increasing your fitness through the cardio by getting your heart rate up, you are also getting a full-body strength workout.

Common Cardio Workout Questions

How Should I Feel When Doing Cardio Workouts?

Workouts should cause moderate sweating and an increased heart rate. Unless you are a trained athlete, if you can’t finish a sentence while doing your workout, you may be going at it too hard. But on the other hand, if you are having no trouble talking, you may be taking it too easy.

How Often Should I Do Cardio Workouts?

If you really want results, you need a minimum of 20 minutes of continued elevated heart rate at least three times per week. In fact, the ACSM recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week so if you can do more than three days, that would be great! But start off with three days and slowly increase the intensity, duration and frequency.

To get more specific, the ACSM suggests vigorous-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise training for at least 20 minutes per day five times per week or a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise to achieve that minimum goal.

Exercise recommendations can be met through various combinations, such as 30–60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days per week or 20–60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise three days per week. Another option could be one longer continuous session and multiple shorter sessions of at least 10 minutes.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to make sure you are getting your cardio workouts into your lifestyle. It’s important to begin with shorter, more moderate workouts, with a gradual progression of exercise time, frequency and intensity to help you stick to it and to ensure the least injury risk.

Even if you are not able to perform these suggested time frames, you can still benefit from some activity, and, over time will get stronger.

Interval Indoor Cycling Cardio Workout

Duration: 60 minutes

Equipment: Stationary gym bike, towel, bottle of water, timer (most bikes have a built in timer), music of choice with earbuds

Setting up your bike:

You will want to make sure your bike is set up properly. Usually the saddle (the seat of the bike) will be at about hip level. You also want to adjust it horizontally so that your knee is over the pedal. Get on the bike to check, placing your feet on the pedals to extend one leg downward. You want to make sure there is a slight bend in the knee.

Once you feel comfortable, step off of the bike to adjust the handlebars. Most are comfortable with the handlebars at the same height as the saddle. Try it and adjust as needed. You will also want to position the handlebars either close to you or farther away. Base this on having a slight bend in the elbows. You want to be relaxed while on the bike. Overextending will cause stress and discomfort.

Lastly, make sure to adjust the straps securely on your feet. Another great option is to purchase indoor cycling shoes. If you find you are enjoying indoor cycling, it can be a great investment and really benefit your workout.

Warm Up: 10 minutes

Ride easy for 10 minutes to get the heart pumping and legs moving. Take this time to explore the tension settings on the bike. Some bikes will show you what gear you are using. Think of it as easy, medium and heavy. For this workout, you will use the medium gear for the intervals and the easy gear for your active recovery or “easy” period.

Remember, that if you can carry on a full conversation, you may not have the settings correct or may not be spinning fast enough. Start slow and work harder as you feel more comfortable.

Once you are warmed up, let’s start with the first interval!

Interval Set One: Ride a little harder (moderate pace: on a scale of 1–10, this would be a 5) for 15 seconds with 15 seconds easy. Do this 10 times.

Take 2 minutes easy.

Interval Set Two: Ride a little harder than before, just above moderate (on a scale of 1–10, this would be a 6),  for 30 seconds with 15 seconds easy. Do this 10 times.

Take 2 minutes easy.

Interval Set Three: Ride a little harder than before at a harder effort, (on a scale of 1–10, this would be a 7),  for 45 seconds with 15 seconds easy. Do this 10 times.

Take 2 minutes easy.

Interval Set Five: Ride at a level 10, for 2 minutes with 30 seconds easy between each. Do this 3 times.

Ride the rest of the workout easy, cooling down and slowing the heart rate.

Take 5 minutes to stretch.

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Best Quad Exercises & Recommended Workout Thu, 25 May 2023 16:30:27 +0000 The quadriceps are considered to collectively be one of the most powerful muscles groups in the whole body. The primary role of the “quad” muscles is to bend and straighten (extend) the knees — exactly why quadriceps strength and flexibility is important for numerous movements and activities, such as walking (including brisk walking for exercise), squatting,... Read more »

The post Best Quad Exercises & Recommended Workout appeared first on Dr. Axe.


The quadriceps are considered to collectively be one of the most powerful muscles groups in the whole body. The primary role of the “quad” muscles is to bend and straighten (extend) the knees — exactly why quadriceps strength and flexibility is important for numerous movements and activities, such as walking (including brisk walking for exercise), squatting, jumping, climbing, cycling and running.

In fact, nearly every sport or movement involving the lower body, including knee strengthening exercises, relies at least partially on the health of your quads. Because of their significance, quad injuries can put you off your feet for days or even weeks.

Contusion of the quads as well as running injuries are two of the most common reasons someone might develop quad pain. Quadriceps contusions are common in younger people who play sports that involve a lot of fast movements, squatting and sometimes collisions or direct contact, such as in football and hockey. Meanwhile, older adults can experience loss of quad strength due to factors like poor posture or knee pain.

Below you’ll find recommendations for how to effectively strengthen and stretch your quads, most of which also add stability and lean muscle to other key parts of the legs as well.

What Are the Quads?

The quad muscles (quadriceps) are a group of four muscles located on the front and partially the side of the thighs. The four muscles of the quad region include the: vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis (one of the longest muscles in the body) and rectus femoris (one of the biggest and usually strongest muscles).

If you were to look at an image of yourself standing straight upward, your quads would be located from about your knees up, connecting to the tibia bones in your shins/lower legs and to the femur bones in your thighs.

The word quad means four, while ‘ceps’ refers to divisions or ‘heads’ of the muscle.

The quadriceps anatomy includes four muscles that originate near the hipbone or pelvis (at the ilium) in the upper thigh, connecting downward to the kneecaps and shins. The quads are connected to tendons made of strong connective tissue that surround the knee bones (the patellas). It’s the pull of the quads that allow for lifting and lowering of the kneecaps via the patella tendon. They also insert to the shinbone (the tibia) and additionally play a partial role in hip flexion.

All of the quadriceps connect to the tibia through the patellar ligament, a strong tendon that can sometimes be overly used. On the top of the thighs the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles of the quads connect to the back of the femur bone via the the linea aspera. Most of the quad muscles run mostly down the leg vertically, but the rectus femoris muscle is the only part of the quad that crosses both the hip and knees, allowing for both flexion of the hip joint and extension of the knee joint.

The muscles located in the thighs are split into three sections: anterior, medial and posterior. The quad muscles get their names due to where they are located on the thighs:

  • Rectus femoris: a straight muscle that runs down the center of the thigh. The femoris is considered the main extensor of the knee.
  • Lateralis: located on the lateral, or outside, of the thigh.
  • Medialis: located on the medial, or inside, of the thigh.
  • Intermedius: located between the medialis and lateralis muscles.

The muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh, including the largest parts of the quads, are mostly innervated by the femoral nerve (L2-L4).

Benefits of Strong Quads

Some of the key benefits and roles that the quad muscles have include:

  1. Allowing the knees to extend/straighten: The knees’ stability depends on the strength of the surrounding ligaments and muscles. Quads help with knee extension, while other complimentary muscles in the upper legs help with opposing motions, such as bending. There are also certain joints and ligaments in the legs surrounding the knees that prevent too much rotation when the leg straightens, protecting from injury.
  2. Absorbing shock when you land on your feet: The quads are needed to stabilize the knees (patella) and keep it tracking in a straight line after impact.
  3. Taking pressure off of the knees, which are susceptible to injury, wear-and-tear and effects of osteoarthritis or aging
  4. Helping with “lift off”, or the ability to jump and push-away from the ground.
  5. Playing a role in hip flexion and stabilization of the pelvis.
  6. Helping with balance and coordination.
  7. Giving you the ability to change direction quickly, such as when playing sports.
Guide to Your Quads - Dr. Axe

Best Quad Exercises for A Workout

Start your quadriceps workout with brief dynamic stretching for about 3–5 minutes. You can incorporate at least several of the quad exercises described above into a full-body strength-training routine that you perform about 2–3 times per week. A good example of a quad workout would be performing squats, lunges and step-ups within the same workout.

It’s important to accompany any “quad workout” with some hamstring exercises so you don’t develop any strength imbalance. Leg curls and stiff-legged deadlifts are two excellent hamstring exercises. (You can also try our inner thigh workout, overall leg workouts and butt workouts that use certain quad exercises.)

Give yourself a full 1–2 days of rest between tough leg workouts in order to allow time for the muscles to repair themselves and grow back stronger. And of course, as mentioned above, be sure to also strengthen your core (including your back) and other muscle groups in the legs at least 1–2 times per week in order to avoid “dominance” of any particular body part.

For best results, perform about 8–12 reps of each exercise, completing about 2 to 3 sets in total. Work on keeping proper form, rather than aiming to perform a higher number of reps. And keep in mind that as you add more weight or resistance to exercises, you’ll be doing lower reps but still gaining strength. Always remember to stretch afterward, holding for about 15–30 seconds in each stretch.

To recap:

  • Dynamic stretching for 3–5 minutes
  • Choose 2–3 of the exercises below
  • Accompany your “quad work” with 1–2 hamstrings exercises
  • Perform 2–3 times per week
  • Do 8–12 reps and 2–3 sets of each exercise
  • For cardio, choose one of the quad-friendly cardio options below
  • Do 2–3 of the quad stretches afterward

Quad Exercises

Squats (All Versions)

Squats are a great exercise for strengthening the knees, core and almost the whole leg. There are tons of different ways to perform squats, including: loaded or unloaded squats (also called weighted squats which include barbell front or back squats, squats using dumbbells, etc.), squats with your arms overhead, modified versions using a chair or wall for support behind you, holding yoga moves like “chair pose” and many more. You also use a kettlebell with doing squats.

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, keeping your knees parallel (be sure they don’t cave in) and your pelvis slightly tucked. Placing all weight into the heels, squat down as if you are going to sit in a chair behind you, sticking your butt way back. Keep your upper body as upright as possible with your back straight. Work on getting the thighs close to parallel with the ground.


Stand with feet hip-width apart, leaving plenty of room in front of you to move forward. Step forward with your right foot and lunge down. Try to make sure that your knee does not extend beyond your ankle and keep your weight in your heel to maximize the benefits to the working muscles. Then push off with your heel back to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Make sure to keep your upper body erect with good posture. To add resistance, you can also hold dumbbells in your hands, lift your hands overhead, or change things up with twisting and back-stepping lunges.

Leg Presses

If you have access to a gym, leg presses are a good option. Leg presses use a weight machine to add resistance while you “press away” with the legs. Start by holding the weighted platform in place with your feet (your torso and the legs should make a perfect 90-degree angle) with your legs bent. Press until your legs are fully extended in front of you, being sure not to lock your knees. Return to starting position and repeat.


The burpee exercise, also known as a squat thrust, is a full body exercise that incorporates four steps. Start in a standing position, come into a squat position with your hands on the ground, kick your feet back placing your body into a plank position while keeping your arms extended. Jump your feet back into the squat position, then jump up from the squat position to reach overhead. Repeat.

Step-Ups or Box Jumps

This is a great plyometric exercise for the quads. Make sure that whatever you step on (such as a plyo box), it is going to be able to hold your weight and remain sturdy. Start standing with your feet hip-distance apart. With your right foot, step up onto the bench or step and follow with the left foot so they meet. Step back down with the right foot to your starting position. Alternate your feet so the next one will start with the left foot, and so forth.

Quad-Related Cardio

Sprints and HIIT Workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, which can include sprints and other “explosive” movements, work the entire legs while also providing cardiovascular benefits. You can perform a HIIT workout on a treadmill, elliptical, outside on a track or field, or even while doing resistance training. The goal is to get your heart rate up to about 80 percent or more of your max for a short period of time, followed by a brief rest period. You repeat this cycle 5–10 times in order to build muscle fast.

Backward Walking (Such As On A Treadmill)

Either walking backward flat on the ground or using a treadmill specifically targets the quads. To add strength and potentially some muscle mass to both the quads and glutes, try to do both types of treadmill exercises.


Cycling is low impact and one of the best ways to strengthen the quads, especially if you practice interval training and adding in hill climbs.

Quad Stretches

Foam Rolling

Use a foam roller on the ground while you lay down on top of the with your quads on the roller. Rock and forth slowly as you hold spots that are tender for 30–90 seconds. If you’ve recently been injured or feel lots of pain after doing this for several days, check with your doctor to make sure foam rolling is okay.

Standing One-Legged Stretch

Stand up straight and bend one leg back behind you to grab your foot. Pull your foot gently toward your back to stretch the quad, holding for about 15–30 seconds.

Kneeling Lunge Stretch

Kneel down on one knee (you may want a pad underneath if you are on a hard surfaced floor), with the front leg forward at a 90-degree angle. Tuck your pelvis and gently lunge forward. Continue to lean into the stretch slowly ensuring that there is no unusual pain, using your hands on your front knee for support if you’d like. To add a little stretching to the core, raise your arms overhead and lean the hips forward and down another inch or two. Hold the lunge for 30 seconds, completing 3 repetitions on each side.

Common Quad Injuries

Why might someone have weak quads or suffer from an injury that damages the quad muscles? Reasons include:

  • Overusing the quadriceps, especially when skipping stretching following tough workouts. This can result from too much running, due to intense sports training, dancing, starting new activities too aggressively, etc.
  • Many runners develop quad pains, heaviness in the legs, setbacks in terms of their running abilities, and cramping during runs due to factors like muscle overuse and dehydration, which causes small but sometimes serious injury to the muscle tissues. These common running injuries can become even more severe when running in high heat or for extended periods of time.
  • Overworking other parts of the legs but neglecting exercises that target the quads. This leads to weakness and muscular compensations that can result in injury.
  • Having weak ankles, calves or knees, which can contribute to poor form when lifting weights or exercising, rolling the ankles and buckling the knees.

Side effects of these quadricep injuries can include:

  • Knee injuries or knee pains: Inflammation, overuse, loss of cartilage and arthritis often affect the knees and cause pain for various reasons. Some knee injuries are due to dislocations, torn cartilage and lateral displacement of the knee bone due to weakness in muscles surrounding the knees.
  • Patellofemoral joint syndrome: This is one type of knee pain that usually results from weak quads and affects the front or back of the knee cap (where the patella comes into contact with the femur). Pain is usually worse when exercising, squatting down, climbing stairs and going down stairs.
  • Poor posture and form when exercising: If the glutes (the large muscles behind the legs) can become very strong due to performing high reps of exercises like weighted squats for example, but without incorporating other movements that target the quads, such as lunges, distribution of strength in the legs can be thrown off.
  • Rolling, twisting or spraining the ankles.
  • Contusions: A contusion occurs when one or more of the quadriceps muscles are hit directly with enough force to cause damage, such as during sports. This usually leads to sharp pain, swelling, reduced range of motion, soreness and tightness.


What should you do if you develop signs of one of the above quad injuries?

Experts suggest being patient and taking some time off to rest, as a quad injury can take several weeks or even 1–2 months to properly recover. Another option is to try slowing down when running or running downhill, which for some can help reduce quad pain once the legs adapt to the eccentric overload.

Those with quadriceps injuries should also avoid other types of activities that cause any pain, including resistance exercises or sports that add pressure and lots of weight to the legs.

However, performing strength training for the upper body or back, along with stretching and swimming should not cause pain and can be sustained. Additionally, be sure you are staying well-hydrated and getting plenty of nutrients and rest/sleep to allow for tissue repair. Ease back into exercise when the legs feel lighter, no longer painful and your flexibility is improved.

Remember that while it’s important to have strong quadriceps for overall lower stability, it’s equally crucial to work on strengthening other muscle groups in the legs as well — especially the hamstrings, hips and glutes and even ankles.

If the quads become dominant over other parts of the legs, what occurs is called “knee dominance” by fitness experts. Knee dominance results in poor form due to a tendency for the knees to drive excessively forward when you’re squatting, lunging or jumping. Of course, the opposite can also occur if the leg muscles are not equally developed.

Final Thoughts

  • The four quadriceps muscles are some of the most powerful muscles groups in the whole body, responsible for extending the knees and helping with running, climbing, cycling, squatting and pushing off the floor.
  • Reasons for quad injuries can include muscle weakness, overuse, dehydration, failing to stretch the legs, heat exhaustion, and muscular compensations due to poor posture/form.
  • Stretching and strengthening the quadriceps can help protect you from problems like knee pain, practicing workouts with poor form, and experiencing running injuries.

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Plyometric Exercises for Better Fitness & Agility Thu, 18 May 2023 21:20:41 +0000 Let’s take a moment to reminisce. Think back to the time when you were eight years old and playing outside with your friends. Maybe you’re thinking of the time you and your friends spent hours jumping rope or playing leap frog. Maybe you’re recalling the time when you spent a whole day at the pool... Read more »

The post Plyometric Exercises for Better Fitness & Agility appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Plyometric exercises - Dr. Axe

Let’s take a moment to reminisce. Think back to the time when you were eight years old and playing outside with your friends. Maybe you’re thinking of the time you and your friends spent hours jumping rope or playing leap frog. Maybe you’re recalling the time when you spent a whole day at the pool performing a perfect 10 dive into the community pool.

As kids, no one needed to tell us that jumping was a part of play, or that it was chockfull of exercise benefits. We did it because it was natural. And this natural ability of our bodies to jump, something that we learned as early as age 2, a very important training tool for increasing explosiveness, power, agility and speed during athletic performance.

In the 1980s, when the term plyometrics was brought the to the U.S., we saw the emergence of the act of jumping as a training tool to improve athletic performance in a variety of ways. Plyometric exercises and their application became more mainstream and expanded beyond specialized sports like long-distance running and long jump and into popular group fitness classes like bootcamps and CrossFit™.

What Are Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a term coined by former U.S. Olympic long-distance runner, Fred Wilt and Michael Yessis, a biochemist, sports trainer and academic in 1975. While Wilt was warming up, he noticed that the Russians included different jumps into their warm-ups prior to competing. This was in stark contrast to the Americans, who warmed up with static stretching. Wilt theorized that one of the reasons the Soviets were so competitive was because of the plyometric exercises they had practiced and perfected.

Over the next few years, Wilt and Yessis would continue their work in the sport of track and field and more specifically, running. And with the help of Yuri Verkhoshansky, a fellow biochemist and sports trainer out of the Soviet Union, the pair eventually brought this information to the masses in 1984 with their first book, “Soviet Theory, Technique and Training for Running and Hurdling.” But why did Wilt and Yessis seek out Verkhoshanksy? Because of his work with the depth jump, also know as the shock method.

The depth jump is a tested plyometric exercise, which starts an athlete on a box of a chosen height. They jump off the box, quickly rebound and jump as high as possible. In Verkhoshanksy’s 1968 work in which he describes the shock method, he concluded that, “the height of the vertical jump was highest when the athlete performed it immediately after landing from a drop height of 50 cm (20 inches).” It would take 16 years before Verkhoshanksy’s connected the dots between the depth jump and athletic performance.

In 1986, he conducted a 12-week study in which he tested whether the shock method would increase explosive strength in volleyball players. He concluded that not only was explosive strength significantly improved over the course of the study but that maximal strength in isometric movements was improved as well. And so began the use of plyometrics in athletic training.

Why Are Plyometric Exercises So Important?

Why should we care about creating plyometrics workouts? It lies in the mechanics of the vertical jump.

The mechanics of the vertical jump, as stated by a 1998 study lead by Brian R. Umberger of the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Rochester Medical Center, lies in the structure of the two joint muscle. The idea is that muscles that span two joints — i.e. the quads, hamstrings and calves — transfer their energy during a vertical jump to create a highly coordinated sequence of muscle actions to produce this specific movement. 

Because of this, the vertical jump can be a useful indicator of lower limb power, muscle recruitment and coordination for many athletes. Not only is it a great test for athletes, but it is also a great training tool to develop that explosive power and athletic coordination. And it’s for these reasons that plyometric training is so important not only for elite-level athletes but for the general population as well.

Who Should Do Plyos?

Because plyometric training requires a tremendous amount of muscle coordination, balance and stability, plyometric workouts should be geared towards those individuals with a solid fitness base or seasoned athletes looking build more explosiveness and power.

What if you don’t fall into either of those categories? Then, start by building your overall posture, lower body stability and balance through methods like yoga or barre.

Barre Method was developed by a German dancer while rehabbing a back injury. This method focuses on increasing muscle activation and awareness during smaller isolated movements. Barre Method or similar modalities like yoga or Pilates, combined with plyometric exercises for beginners is a great place to start building confidence and familiarity of plyometric exercises.

As you progress, you can begin to incorporate more plyometric training into your weekly fitness routine.


We know that football players, Olympic Track and Field athletes and baseball players use this type of training regularly to improve their athletic performance. But what are plyometric exercises good for? Learn how they can help the everyday athlete improve their overall health and well-being.

1. Increased Agility

Plyometric training recruits the major muscles of the legs in a specific sequence. This sequence generates explosiveness, lower limb power and increases overall agility. 

This is important because agility is functional. Have you ever tripped on a curb or on your shoelace? Agility is the difference between just tripping and falling on your face. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines agility as “a state of being agile; marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace.” And one of the best ways to improve your dexterity is through plyometrics.

2. It’s a Great Way to Mix Up Your Training

Do you ever feel like you’re in a training rut? Do you feel like you’ve plateaued and aren’t seeing the same improvements in your strength and stamina as when you started?

The body will adapt to the stress and stimulus you introduce to it. This principle is called the Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands or SAID. If you don’t continue to challenge your body in new ways, your performance will become static and unchanging. Introducing new movements and greater challenges keeps your mind engaged and your body agile.

3. Improves Your Cardiovascular Fitness

Yes, plyometric training is considered a cardio workout, plus it’s a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness because of the recruitment of the major muscle groups during each exercise. This along with varying the intensity and speed of each movement elicits the same response as running or rowing in increasing your heart rate. 

4. Increased Proprioception

Proprioception is a fancy word for your mind understanding where your body is in space in relation to other objects. The mind senses the world around us and tells the body how to respond in an efficient and effective manner. This connection, just like anything else, can be strengthen and trained.

By including plyometrics into your training routine, you teach yourself how to move more efficiently through space by increasing your reaction time, smoothing out your footwork and developing a greater awareness of yourself in space.

Best Plyometric Exercises

This list of plyometric exercises only includes some of the most common exercises you’ll see in general fitness programs or classes. Many can also can be considered quad exercises. The overall list is long and all exercises include some form of dynamic movement or jump training.

Whether you are looking for specific plyometric exercises for runners or beginners or new movements to include in your weekly training routine, these 10 plyo exercises are simple, require little equipment and are scalable to any population. Try adding one of these exercises to your next workout and feel the difference!

  • Box jumps
  • Box squat to box jump
  • Squat jumps
  • Toe taps
  • Jumping push-ups
  • Lateral jumps
  • Jumping lunges
  • Jumping jacks
  • Burpees
  • Plank jumping jacks

Plyometrics guide - Dr. Axe

Plyometric Workout

Plyometric exercises can be incorporated into your workouts in a multitude of ways. You can add a single movements as a superset by alternating between a weighted movement like a front squat or weighted lunge and a box jump. Or you can create longer plyometric circuits with 3–5 movements that creates one long workout.

What is a plyometric circuit? This type of workout takes multiple exercises and creates a series of movements to be completed one after the other. Time domains, rep schemes and movements can vary depending on your goals and current fitness level. But the great thing about circuit training is that it allow you to mix up your training, rest between movements and work your entire body or just a group of muscles so you never hit that dreaded plateau. 

Want to give it a try? This circuit is short and sweet and can be done for a single round or for multiple rounds depending on your fitness level and time restrictions. Before you start, make sure you warm-up properly before diving into this plyometric focused workout.

1-3 rounds of:

  • 1-minute plank jumping jacks
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-minute push-ups
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-minute squats
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-minute jumping squats
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-minute burpees
  • 20 seconds rest
  • 1-minute box jumps


As with any fitness regime or modality, there are some precautions we want to acknowledge before diving into plyometric training.

1. Focus on precision and technique

Jump training should be graceful, smooth and light on your feet. Focus on landing onto the box or floor during any jumping movement lightly and with precision. Because of the dynamic nature of this movement, learning to land comfortably on your feet in the same position you started will help you prevent injuries and help you capture the benefits of this movement.

So what is a good landing position? You should land with your feet hips distance apart. Your knees should be bent to allow your shoulders to stack vertically over the center of your feet. 

2. Warm-up thoroughly before training begins

Before performing your workout, it is a critical that your muscles, heart and mind are ready to move. Start by moving your whole body either by running, rowing or walking up stairs for up to five minutes. Then, move to dynamic stretches to increase your range of motion and then to muscle activation to make sure your muscles are firing correctly. Warm-ups are a great way to increase your performance and help prevent injuries for all plyometric exercises.

3. Don’t forget to rest!

When you first start to use plyometric boxes or add plyometric exercises to your routine, it’s critical that you not only rest between exercises to allow your body to adapt and prevent over use injuries but that you also take days off from this type of training. In as little as 2 training sessions a week, an athlete can improve their agility and athletic performance.

Final Thoughts

Plyometric training is an incredible way to improve athletic performance and fitness through increased power, agility and speed. This type of training can be a great addition to any fitness program with the proper dose and a focus on form and technique.

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TRX Workout: Best Exercises for Beginners Wed, 17 May 2023 18:00:36 +0000 While TRX training is popular among elite athletes, models, members of the military and Hollywood A-listers alike, the truth is it’s a great mode of exercise for almost anyone, including people who are just getting started. In other words, no pre-existing six-pack is required to give this training style a try. So let’s get down... Read more »

The post TRX Workout: Best Exercises for Beginners appeared first on Dr. Axe.


While TRX training is popular among elite athletes, models, members of the military and Hollywood A-listers alike, the truth is it’s a great mode of exercise for almost anyone, including people who are just getting started. In other words, no pre-existing six-pack is required to give this training style a try.

So let’s get down to it. What exactly is a TRX suspension trainer? And what’s the best way to incorporate TRX workouts into your fitness routine? Let’s take a look …

What Is TRX?

If you’re bored with dumbbellsexercise bands and burpees, the TRX suspension trainer is a great way to mix things up and challenge your muscles and proprioception in new ways. With TRX exercises, you can change the difficulty and resistance by simply changing your body position. In fact, TRX coined the phrase, “Make your body your machine.”

You can complete an entire whole-body workout using the TRX suspension trainer or you can mix it into your current fitness routine to challenge your stabilizer muscles and balance.

So what is the TRX workout and how does it work? The TRX suspension trainer consists of two adjustable main straps, handles and foot cradles. These straps are connected to a specific anchor, something you can install in your home or even use outside on trees, as long as the anchor is properly attached.

A TRX suspension trainer is a portable, economic piece of exercise equipment that leverages gravity and your own weight to perform hundreds of different bodyweight exercises.

TRX suspension trainer exercises are broken down into specific movement categories. Here they are, along with some common TRX exercises for each movement category:

  • Push (TRX Chest Press, Pushups, Triceps Press)
  • Pull (TRX Low Row, Biceps Curl, Inverted Row)
  • Plank (TRX Plank, Mountain Climbers, Crunches)
  • Rotate (TRX Rotational Ward, Power Pull, Oblique Crunch)
  • Lunge (TRX Split Squat, Step Back Lunge, Balance Lunge)
  • Squat (TRX Hamstring Curl, Squat, Squat Jump)

History of TRX

Stationed in Southeast Asia in 1997 and far away from a gym with weights, Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick created the first version of what would become known as TRX using just a jiu-jitsu belt and parachute webbing.

With refinement, it became the suspension trainer used around the world.

So what does TRX stand for, anyway? Sometimes referred to as total resistance exercises, TRX suspension training develops:

  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Core stability

“Can you build muscle with a TRX?” That’s a source of some debate, so let’s take a look at the research.


1. It’s a great option for older adults

As we age, we naturally start losing muscle mass, a change that leads to more trouble getting around, p0or balance and less strength. When you put that all together, this decreased mobility results in a huge quality of life issue that often leads to less independence and happiness.

But when German researchers at the Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology put older folks on a modified TRX regimen, promising results emerged. The first, and this is a biggie, is compliance. With so many get-fit-in-30-day gimmicks out there, it can be hard to sell moderation and common sense. But in this small study, 85 percent of participants stuck with the TRX program, including 91 percent who said they were motivated to continue with the program.

Using a TRX program adapted for older adults, participants focused on strengthening the core while working on bodyweight rows, chest presses, tricep presses and squats. According to the study, all participants noted positive effects whereas strength gains were the most.

2. It works

The American Council on Exercise commissioned a study to investigate the benefits of TRX and found benefits after just one 60-minute TRX training session, with steady improvements over an eight-week TRX training program.

The overall purpose of this study was twofold. Researchers initially set out to quantify the acute cardiovascular and metabolic responses to a single session of TRX Suspension Training. Part two involved investigating the effectiveness of an 8-week TRX program in relation to improving the following areas of fitness:

  • Cardiorespiratory
  • Muscular
  • Neuromotor
  • Flexibility
  • Improving cardiometabolic risk factors

Looking at acute impacts of one 60-minute TRX class, researchers found participants burned an average of almost 400 calories per session.

The results of the eight-week training blocks are promising, too. This time, participants took part in three TRX training sessions a week for eight weeks.

Participants experienced these perks in the form of significantly decreased:

  • Waist circumference
  • Body-fat percentage
  • Resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • Resting diastolic blood pressure

Strength gains signified improved muscle strength and endurance. The biggest gains occurred in the following areas, with significant increases in:

  • 1 repetition maximum leg press
  • 1 repetition maximum bench press
  • Curl up and push-up tests

“This is perhaps what struck me most,” says study author Lance Dalleck, PhD, associate professor of exercise and sports science at Western State Colorado University. “These changes in muscular fitness, if they are maintained long-term, have been linked to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mortality.”

Other takeaways from the ACE study:

  • Prehypertensive exercisers enjoyed up to a 12-point drop in blood pressure, something Dr. Dalleck called “more dramatic results than are typically seen with traditional aerobic exercise.”
  • TRX Suspension Training is 86 percent “clinically beneficial in improving full 30-year cardiovascular disease risk.”

3. It gives your a bump of T without all of the stress.

Low testosterone is an issue plaguing American men and women, driving down libido, energy, muscle mass and more.

However, a small 2011 study suggests suspension training may serve as a way to increase testosterone levels without causing a dramatic spike in the stress hormone cortisol.

A moderate intensity suspension training workout using 30-second intervals followed by 60-second rest periods resulted in a positive anabolic profile lasting at least two hours after the workout.

4. It may activate muscles better than traditional lifting

A 2018 review study published in Sports Biomechanics found that that the instability of strength training activated in suspension training versus traditional lifting results in greater muscle activation in many cases.

This was especially true in TRX suspension for pushups, plank and hamstring curls.

5. It’s a great way to mix up your workouts to keep you interested in working out

In 2014, Spanish researchers looked at healthy men with little resistance training experience. Half of the men undertook a more traditional resistance training approach using weight machines, barbells and free weights. The other half used the TRX suspension trainers and Bosu balls to challenge stability more.

Researchers highlight the key points, mainly, that both training circuits produced similar results. The takeaway? Do what you love — or a mix of both — to keep your workout fresh and something you want to stick to.

6. It’ll improve your water game

In a study looking at female synchronized swimmers who committed to two TRX land trainings per week for six months, researchers found improved strength in most core parameters.

This suggests that using TRX can improve your core strength in the water, too, promoting improved movement and reducing the risk of injury. If you love the pool to enjoy the many benefits of swimming, consider adding gentle, beginner TRX land training to your weekly workouts.

7. It costs less and reduces clutter

Let’s face it. Those big old clunky exercise machines often wind up dusty in the basement or as a convenient place to hang laundry. TRX equipment is more affordable than higher-end, bulky machines and uses way less space.

Plus, the suspension straps travel well, meaning you could even take them with you for a workout in the park, assuming you’re using a reliable anchor.

TRX Workout

As a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Level 1 TRX instructor, I like to incorporate some TRX suspension training into every workout. Usually a “mash up” of TRX, agility and balance work and traditional strength training, TRX offers a more unstable base to challenge your core and stabilizing muscles in ways unique to lifting on machines or with free weights.

But this is important: A TRX workout routine circuit must be catered to your current ability level and involve some common sense. If you aren’t able to hold a plank using good form on the floor, do not attempt to do a TRX plank, which is even more difficult.

However, there are appropriate TRX exercises for beginners, including older adults. The key is for the user (or their certified personal trainer) to understand how to properly use the TRX system.

Here are six core TRX exercises. Aim for two sets of 12 to 15 reps. Couple with a yoga workout or do before cardio, for example, and aim for two to three workouts per week.

1. TRX Low Row

Adjustment: Fully shortened

Position: Stand facing anchor

Start: Pull shoulders down and back, bend elbows, palms facing, hands beside chest, walk feet toward anchor point until there’s a squeeze in the back.

Movement: Lower body down until arms are fully extended, maintain plank.

TRX exercise low row - Dr. Axe

Return: Pull body toward anchor point by driving elbow back beside body.

TRX exercise low row - Dr. Axe

2. TRX Power Pull

Adjustment: Mid-length, single handle mode

Position: Stand facing anchor

Start: Hand beside chest, free hand reaches up TRX main strap toward anchor point

TRX exercise power pull - Dr. Axe

Movement: Move in a circular motion, rotating free arm toward the ground while extending working arm.

Return: Drive working elbow straight back while rotating free arm up toward anchor point.

TRX exercise power pull - Dr. Axe

3. TRX Squat

Adjustment: Mid-length

Position: Stand facing anchor

Start: Stack elbows under shoulders, feet hip-width apart.

TRX exercise squat - Dr. Axe

Movement: Lower hips down and back, weight in heels

Return: Drive through heels, squeeze glutes, lift chest

TRX exercise squat - Dr. Axe

4. TRX Step Back Lunge

Adjustment: Mid-length

Position: Stand facing anchor

Start: Stack elbows under shoulders, center one leg to anchor point, lift opposite leg to 90 degrees at the knee and hip
TRX exercise stepback lunge - Dr. Axe

Movement: Drive lifted leg back, touch foot to the ground and lower knee

Return: Drive through mid-foot and heel of grounded leg, extend hips, lift chest, eyes forward, return to full standing position, feet parallel

TRX exercise stepback lunge - Dr. Axe

5. TRX Y Fly

Adjustment: Mid-length

Position: Stand facing anchor

Start: Offset foot stance, arms pulled back overhead into a “Y” position, tension on the TRX Suspension Trainer, palms forward

TRX exercise Y fly - Dr. Axe

Movement: Lower body, keeping arms straight, return to start position by slowly lowering arms

TRX exercise Y fly - Dr. Axe

Return: Return to start position by driving knuckles back

6. TRX Hamstring Curl

Adjustment: Mid calf

Position: Ground facing anchor

Start: Position feet under anchor point (arms at sides pressing into ground)

TRX exercise hamstring curl - Dr. Axe

Movement: Pull toes towards body, drive heels down, pull knees over hips, lift hips to form straight line from knees to shoulders

Return: Lower hips toward ground with control, keep knees over hips, extend legs back toward anchor point, leave slight bend in knees at the end of the movement

TRX exercise hamstring curl - Dr. Axe

TRX Workouts for Older Adults

And although many pro athletes use TRX for intense training, the truth is TRX also offers more gentle strength builders that are perfect for older folks just getting started. Let’s take a look at some options …


How do you mount TRX straps? This is important. You do it by using TRX mounting equipment and following the directions to a T. Mounting TRX straps too high can result in the user wildly swinging, increasing the risk of injury for the person on the straps (or those around her).

Another important note: The beauty of TRX is that it offers modifications to properly work beginners and veteran exercisers alike. But hopping into TRX exercises too soon before you’re ready could increase your risk of injury, so look for a certified personal trainer with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in exercise science to keep your best interests in mind.

Final Thoughts

  • TRX is a popular suspension training system that focuses on improving one’s strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.
  • TRX training creates instability, which can work your core and stabilizer muscles in different ways compared to traditional weight machines, and dumbbell and barbell training.
  • Several studies highlight TRX training’s ability to improve core strength, balance, waist circumference, body-fat percentage, blood pressure and more.
  • TRX can be a great tool for beginner exercises and older adults, but should be done under supervision of a personal or group fitness training with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in exercise science or a related degree.
  • Properly mounting your TRX and not performing TRX exercises beyond your current fitness levels are crucial components of avoiding injury.

The post TRX Workout: Best Exercises for Beginners appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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How to Get Rid of Back Fat Fri, 12 May 2023 18:50:56 +0000 Having a sexy back can give you more confidence this summer, but that annoying bulge just above your hips or where your sports bra lines your back can be frustrating. And this is not only a nag for women — many men feel this frustration, too. If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Lots... Read more »

The post How to Get Rid of Back Fat appeared first on Dr. Axe.

How to get rid of back fat - Dr. Axe

Having a sexy back can give you more confidence this summer, but that annoying bulge just above your hips or where your sports bra lines your back can be frustrating. And this is not only a nag for women — many men feel this frustration, too. If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Lots of people want to know how to get rid of back fat.

Most people have one area of their bodies or another that they want to target for more toning or fat loss, such as arm fat or back fat. However, while you can do some specific exercises to help tone certain muscles, the reality is that you melt away the fat by combining cardio, strength training and a healthy diet.

The body works together as a whole to burn fat, and the great part is that you see results all over! The idea is to help define your muscles while incorporating a smart cardio plan, such as running, elliptical, cycling or swimming, as well as strength training, such as burst training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts) or high-intensity circuit training (HICT). This is how you can get the results you want and keep those results long-term.

If you want to learn how to get rid of back fat, let’s look at the backside specifically. Interestingly, we often forget about the back because it’s not what we can easily see in the mirror every day. But, have you ever noticed how bodybuilders pose while showing you their backs? You see muscles you probably never knew existed! That’s because they have toned, strong backs and cores, which is the key for those wondering how to get rid of back fat.

Strong Core vs. Back Fat

The back is a big component of what we commonly refer to as the core. Your lower back and the outer-middle part of your back, often referred to as your lats (latissimus dorsi) or lateral back muscles, are part of your core muscles. Strong back core muscles support your abdominals, which aid in everything we do from sitting to walking and, of course, exercises and sports-related activities.

Without a strong core, it’s likely you’ll have issues in some other parts of your body. However, working the back can help define those muscles, provide a strong core, and it’s how to get rid of back fat and get that sexy back at the same time.

Another benefit is that it helps you perform posture exercises to have good posture overall. We know that good posture makes you look taller and more confident.

Studies have been conducted regarding the effects of fat distribution and the vertebrae. Researchers found notable differences in the health of the vertebrae based on fat mass index and reduced intervertebral disc height. More fat led to unhealthy vertebrae, which shows that back fat is more than just unsightly — it can also be a detriment to your posture and more.

So for the ultimate sexy back, you need to activate your back muscles. It’s also how to get rid of back fat. Having lean, strong muscles produces a sexy back that’s strong and able to support your day-to-day activities. Below are some important keys for how to get rid of back fat.

How to Get Rid of Back Fat

1. Get Moving with Cardio

If you’re serious about getting rid of back fat, you need to incorporate cardio workouts into your weekly routine to make a difference. Interval training cardio — such as burst fit, HIIT workouts, HICT or bootcamp-style workouts — can give you cardio and strength training at the same time because it alternates between periods of pushing your body with high intensity and short recovery. This also increases your back fat-burning process throughout the day, even at rest.

There are other effective cardio choices, such as running, elliptical, cycling (spin workouts), rowing or using a rowing machine, and swimming. Swimming, for example, uses every major muscle group in your back, including the deltoids, lats, trapezius, spine extensors, teres and rhomboids. You can perform a combination of swimming strokes, or you can swim freestyle using a pull buoy and paddles to make the muscles in the back work harder.

To get the best and lasting results on how to get rid of back fat, perform at least 30 minutes of cardio four to five days of the week to get optimal results.

2. Let’s See Those Muscles

If you really want to make a difference, add specific muscle toning to your routine. Adding moves that sculpt your back helps reveal your strong muscles, and it’s how to get rid of back fat for the long haul.

There are numerous machines at the gym that work all of the back muscles as well as exercises you can do right at home with a set of hand weights. What’s important to understand is that, regardless of how much strength training you do, you won’t see those muscles if you have a lot of fat covering them up. That’s why combining strength training with fat-burning workouts and healthy eating is what you need to get there.

Something else to keep in mind is that if you keep it easy, it won’t be effective. Sure, you want be careful and work your way up to more resistance, but if you don’t push the muscles to work harder, you won’t see them. I have seen numerous people go to the gym and not even break a sweat because the weight they use is too light. Again, use caution — but also use your muscles!

3. Watch Your Diet

Many think that more exercise means eating whatever you want. That’s not going to give you a healthy body or how to get rid of back fat. It’s important to have a healthy diet filled with organic fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and whole grains so the nutrition works together to help you have optimal fitness and a fat-free backside.

There are few things that may contribute to the loss of back fat more quickly. Animal research has been conducted on the use of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as a supplement to help decrease fat. It revealed that it may serve as a powerful anti-obesity agent, specifically noting that there was a decrease in back fat when supplementing with CLA.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition was conducted demonstrating the effects of diet through interventions, noting the adverse effects of age-related loss of skeletal muscle and fitness. The functions include increased physical activity using age-appropriate exercise and nutritional supplementation, together, through the use of whey protein, essential amino acids and vitamin D. The studies found that it boosted fat-free mass and strength while enhancing other aspects that contribute to well-being in the elderly dealing with sarcopenia.

4. Yoga and Pilates to Decrease Back Fat

While incorporating strength training and cardio is important, you’ll be amazed at what yoga can do to help you get rid of back fat and have a sexy back that you want to show off this summer.

Wearing a “muffin top” over the top of your jeans or workout clothes does not produce a good feeling. Pilates and yoga can help you build confidence and lose the back fat. They can also help fight that bra bulge, while strengthening and toning your entire back and shoulders and helping you get rid of fat on the backs of your arms.

5. Wear Clothes that Fit You

Wearing tight clothing can make back fat more noticeable. Of course, the goal is get rid of the back fat and wearing fitted clothing is OK, but make sure it fits in a way that makes you feel good. It gives you more confidence as you move throughout your day.

In addition, tight clothing can cause digestive issues, including undergarments like body shapers and compression-like garments that are designed to smooth out the bulges. A condition called meralgia paresthetica can develop due to restrictive clothing.

This is nothing new. It’s been a problem since the days of girdles and is an even bigger problem since these types of garments are major fashion accessories today. Symptoms of meralgia paresthetica include burning, pain, tingling in the thigh area and hypersensitivity to the touch, which are just more reasons to avoid tight clothing.

Exercises for back fat - Dr. Axe

Best Exercises

If you want a sexy back, incorporate some of the cardio suggestions I have made above combined with a healthy diet and this workout three times a week or every other day. When performing the workout, do three sets of each exercise with a one- to two-minute rest between each set.

1. Superman Lifts

Lie on your belly with your arms extended straight out in front of you. Look down at the floor, keeping your head aligned with your neck and upper body. While engaging your abs, lift your arms, chest and feet at the same time as you inhale. Hold for five to 10 seconds, then slowly release your body back to the floor.

You can also perform this exercise holding a stability ball between your feet, squeezing the legs together to further engage the inner thighs and glutes.

2. Tricep Push-Ups

Push-ups are great for your entire upper body and core — however, the tricep push-up works the back while toning the triceps. Get into a standard push-up position with hands on the ground close to your body and next to your chest.

This is great because as you lower your body, you can engage your core muscles. Lower slowly while focusing on the abdominals, chest and backs of the arms. Hold at the bottom for three to five seconds, and then slowly push back to the starting position.

You may perform this exercise on your knees until you get stronger.

3. Warrior Three Yoga Pose

Stand at the front of your mat with a tall posture and both feet together. Shift your weight onto your left leg while taking your right leg behind you. Focus on balancing while keeping your torso parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight in front of you or out to the side. Draw your navel toward your spine and hold for three to five deep breaths.

If you fall out of the pose, try to go back into it. Don’t get discouraged. This is a great exercise that takes practice to master. Repeat the exercise three to five times.

4. Dumbbell Row

Place your left knee on your mat and your right knee up at a 90-degree angle. Using light to medium weights, place the weight in the left hand with your arm down at your left side. Bending forward slightly with a flat back and abs tight (you can rest your right forearm on your right thigh), pull the elbow up in a row motion, contracting your upper back and skimming the side of the body with your arm as it moves.

Do a full set of 12–15 on one arm, then switch arms.

5. Side Plank Rotation

Begin by sitting on the floor on your side. Extend both feet out. You can place one foot on top of the other or place your top foot in front of the bottom one. Place your lower arm underneath you and bent at the elbow for support. The elbow should be right below the shoulder. Stretch the other arm straight up in the air. While engaging your abs, lift your hips so your body is in a straight line. Hold the hips up and tighten the abs.

Now do a rotation. Bend the upper arm as you start to reach underneath your body as you rotate.  Hold the rotation for two to three seconds, then rotate the arm and body back to the starting position. Continue this exercise for 45–60 seconds, then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Option: If you don’t feel strong enough for this exercise yet, you can do it with the bottom leg bent and knee on the floor and top leg extended, but still keep hips lifted and abs engaged for the duration of the exercise. You can also opt for a standard plank exercise.

You can also incorporate exercises to prevent lower back pain.

If you experience in pain associated with performing any of these exercises, discontinue immediately. You may need to build strength slowly in order to perform the entire routine.

Final Thoughts

The reality is that you melt away the fat by combining cardio, strength training and a healthy diet. Here’s some tips on how to get rid of back fat:

  • Get moving with cardio workouts, including HIIT, HICT and bootcamp-style workouts,
  • Add muscle-toning, strength-training exercises.
  • Watch your diet and eat fat-burning foods.
  • Practice yoga and/or Pilates.
  • Wear clothes that fit you, not overly tight-fitting clothes.

The post How to Get Rid of Back Fat appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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6 Benefits of Jumping Jacks + Circuit Routine Thu, 11 May 2023 14:50:37 +0000 Jumping jacks go way back. That’s what I love most about this traditional exercise. You probably learned how to do the jumping jack while in elementary school. It’s a basic exercise that most anyone can perform, and can be modified to fit any fitness style needed — even for the newest exerciser. What are jumping jacks good for?... Read more »

The post 6 Benefits of Jumping Jacks + Circuit Routine appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks go way back. That’s what I love most about this traditional exercise. You probably learned how to do the jumping jack while in elementary school. It’s a basic exercise that most anyone can perform, and can be modified to fit any fitness style needed — even for the newest exerciser.

What are jumping jacks good for? Jumping jacks are a classic type of calisthenics-style plyometric exercise that gets the whole body moving. It can be used as a warmup exercise to help get the blood pumping and the muscles warm and ready for a workout, or it can be part of a full-body workout, such as an interval Tabata workout, bootcamp, a HIIT-style workout and even on a trampoline.

Jumping jacks, sometimes called star jumps, require full-body movement and are a great leg workout. The movement is great for getting the heart rate up. The abduction and adduction of the legs and arms add the benefits of all-over body toning, similar to burpees. Jumping jacks can be modified for the newest exerciser by eliminating the jump, to the most advanced by adding a squat and jumping as high as possible. This is known as a power jack.

Whatever style you choose, jumping jacks are amazing for gaining and maintaining fitness, reducing obesity, helping reduce the risk of osteoporosis, improving the cardiovascular system, increasing stamina and much more.

How to Do Jumping Jacks

A jumping jack can take a few forms, but here is how to do a basic jumping jack:

  1. Stand up straight, with your feet together and your hands down by your side.
  2. Jump your feet out to the side while raising your arms to the side and above your head.
  3. In one fluid motion, jump back to the starting position by lowering the arms and jumping the feet back together. That is one jumping jack.
  4. Continue this sequence as needed based on your workout. Typically, jumping jacks are done in sets or based on time. To do this, keep moving in a continuous motion, repeating the sequence until you accomplish your set or time goal, depending on the workout.


1. Great for Strong Bones

There has been a lot of controversy and speculation over the years about what exercise actually strengthen bones. Weightlifting is one way to do this, but some researchers suggest that quick jumping bursts can also do the trick. That means jumping jacks may be the perfect exercise for stronger bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

What happens is that the bones bend a little with each jumping motion, forcing new cell development. It’s the new cell creation that offers up more support for the bones, ultimately strengthening them. The good news is that you may not need to do a lot— just a little bit of explosive activity can lend itself to stronger bones. A study found that subjects who induced jumping for a certain period of time enjoyed more bone mass; therefore, stronger bones.

2. Good for the Heart

Jumping jacks offer benefits to combat heart disease. With as many as 250,000 heart-related deaths each year in the U.S., making cardio exercise like jumping jacks a part of your daily fitness routine seems like a no brainer.

If you are new to jumping activities, you definitely want to take it slow, and start with the modified no-jumping version if needed. Regardless, over time you will get stronger. This is key numerous experts in the field of fitness and wellness, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA).

The 1996 US Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, shared scientific evidence that links regular physical activity to various measures of cardiovascular health.”

Jumping jacks - Dr. Axe

3. Help Spark Weight Loss

It’s important to get the proper amount of exercise every week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that you slowly and safely work up to doing about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity weekly.

Another option is to combine the two. Jumping jacks offer the perfect fit for this recommendation. They can help you achieve and maintain your weight over time, as long as you are consistent. This activity, combined with a smart and healthy eating plan, can make a huge difference in helping you reach your goals.

4. Could Help You Lose Belly Fat

While strength training with weights and specific abdominal exercises can help with visceral body fat, high-intensity exercise can really make a difference. Pairing smart caloric intake and regular, moderate-intensity exercise can help you burn more calories, reducing belly fat.

5. Help Increase Stamina

Stamina is what gives us the ability to combat fatigue and fight disease. Stamina helps us experience physical activity for longer periods of time. If you are new to exercise, you may notice feeling tired very quickly, but with time and commitment, you can build your stamina to be able to withstand exercise of physical activity longer.

This is important to your health because it improves the function of our muscles and can help with everyday activities, such as carrying a bag of groceries, much easier. While this may not seem important to our youth, it usually starts to affect mature adults at some point.

The development of healthy stamina comes from the body’s ability to take in and use oxygen. For anyone dealing with disease, having stamina is of greater important since it can be more difficult to perform many activities, and it can even help prevent back problems as you age. For example, jumping jacks are also a great quad exercise, which is a muscle that can help power you through your day.

6. Reduce Risk of Many Health Conditions

Jumping jacks fit in the category of aerobic exercise. In addition to helping with obesity, strong bones and heart disease, aerobic exercise helps reduce the risk of numerous health conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, stroke and even some forms of cancer.

Studies show that regular physical activity can help reduce the development of disease, such as colon cancer, but nearly 40 percent. There is plenty of evidence showing how regular physical activity is a great preventive measure of many chronic diseases. In fact, studies suggest that is is directly related to the reduced risk of an early death.

Jumping Jack Circuit Workout

When performing any exercise, remember to maintain proper form. If at any time, you feel any pain, stop immediately. If you are new to exercise, it is important to take it slow.

For this workout, you will need a timer or some way to track your time. The workout consist of 3–4 sets of 6 exercises performed for 1 minute each, followed by 15 seconds of rest and 1 minute of rest between each exercise.

1. Warmup

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds

  • Step side to side starting with your left
  • Knee lifts, left and right
  • Half squats
  • Grapevine, left and right
  • Easy side lunges, left and right

2. The Workout

Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds between each exercise. Once you have completed one set, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat for a total of 3 to 4 sets. Use the beginner version if you’re truly a beginner and/or not used to much physical exercise.

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Deep Squats
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Plank Push Ups
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Lunges

3. How to Do the Exercises

Jumping Jacks

Stand with feet a little more than hip distance apart. Arms at your side. Begin by jumping your feet out the sides while raising your arms to the side, to a level above your head, then returning to the start Do this in one continuous movement. If you want to make a little harder, perform a power jack by going into a half squat each time you land and by jumping as high as you can each time you jump.

Beginner Jumping Jacks

Instead of jumping, step one foot at a time out to the side while raising your arms.

Deep Squats

Stand with feet hip distance apart, keeping your abs tight. Lower into a squat by sticking your glutes back as if sitting in a chair (while keeping your upper body upright). Go as low as you can, trying to get your quads parallel to the ground. As you return to your starting position, squeeze the glutes. (It’s a great glute exercise.) Try to put all of your weight in your heels as you perform this exercise.

Beginner Squats

Do half squats by starting in the same position, but instead of going all the way down to the parallel position, only go half way, then return to the starting position. Again, make sure to squeeze your glutes on the way up and keep your weight in your heels throughout the exercise.

Plank Alternating Push-ups

To perform this exercise, get in push-up position, keeping elbows slightly bent and hands directly under the shoulders. Make sure your body is straight from your head to your feet. To help, slightly tuck the hips and squeeze the abs.

Now, lower to the forearms, starting with the left arm. Once both arms are bent and you are on both forearms, lift back up to starting position by pushing up with the right hand. Continue this sequence, alternating arms.

Beginner Plank Alternating Push-ups

Perform the above exercise, but on the knees instead of the toes. Make sure to keep the neck and back aligned.

Static Lunges

Stand with one foot forward in a lunge position keeping your front knee at a 90 degree angle and upper body upright. Lunge as low as possible, but without the back knee touching the floor, then return to the starting position and repeat in a continuous movement.

Perform 30 seconds on each leg. To make it harder, you can do jumping lunges. To do this, start in the same position. Keeping your balance, jump to switch your foot positioning by taking the front foot back and the back foot to the front, much like scissor jumps but with a deep lunge. You can use your arms to assist in the jumping motion. For example, when the left foot is forward, the right arm will be forward. It should be natural. Make sure to land softly, switching in a continuous movement.

Beginner Lunges

Perform in the same way as the static lunge, but instead of going all the way down, go about halfway, then returning to the start.

Risks and Precautions

As I noted above, make sure you start slowly if you are new to exercise. Make sure you warm up before any exercise and do some stretching after any exercise. Check with your doctor before performing any exercise, especially if you have any disease or are pregnant.

Final Thoughts

  • Jumping jacks increasing stamina, bone density and improve your heart.
  • Start off slowly, even with no-jump jacks.
  • Consult a trained fitness expert for a program that is right for you.

The post 6 Benefits of Jumping Jacks + Circuit Routine appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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20-Minute Kettlebell Workout, with 5 Best Kettlebell Exercises Mon, 08 May 2023 19:55:02 +0000 Ready to get in great shape, without sparing any more time than it would take you to watch one episode of your favorite show? Well, this full-body, heart pounding 20-minute kettlebell workout is for you. Kettlebells promise quick results that boost endurance, burn mega calories, build tons of strength and even increase flexibility. So what... Read more »

The post 20-Minute Kettlebell Workout, with 5 Best Kettlebell Exercises appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Ready to get in great shape, without sparing any more time than it would take you to watch one episode of your favorite show? Well, this full-body, heart pounding 20-minute kettlebell workout is for you.

Kettlebells promise quick results that boost endurance, burn mega calories, build tons of strength and even increase flexibility. So what does that mean for you?

No longer will you need to run on the treadmill and then lift weights afterwards. Aside from simultaneously targeting almost every part of your body, when used properly, the beauty of kettlebell workouts is that they can be done quickly and require very little equipment (only one kettlebell). You can even complete this whole 20-minute kettlebell workout in your own living room if you wanted to!

The key to getting the most of your 20 minutes. Strategically going from one exercise move quickly into the next. The result is that you get a fast, full-body, cardio and strength-building workout at the same time, wherever you choose — win, win!

What Is a Kettlebell Workout?

Although they’ve been getting tons of praise in recent years and are still growing in popularity, kettlebell workouts are nothing new to the fitness world; they have been popular around the world for centuries, especially in places like Russia. It’s believed that they got their start in Ancient Greece and later spread to Russia around the 18th century, where kettlebells are still extremely popular and meaningful today.

In Russia, kettlebells were first used as a means of measuring crops and goods for trade, but people quickly caught onto how much strength could be built by maneuvering kettlebells around all day. At this time Russians began competing with kettlebells and featuring kettlebell strength competitions at festivals and fairs for amusement.

Kettlebells came to North America in the 20th century after a Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor introduced the cast iron weights and their various physical benefits to a new interested population of exercisers.

It didn’t take long for fitness magazines, websites and enthusiasts to pick up on the kettlebell workout trend. In the early 2000’s, RKC certification was established that qualified “Certified Kettle Bell Instructors.” Since this time, other organizations and certifications have been put in place, and kettlebells have become widely popular and used in almost every gym across America.

Kettlebell workouts are able to effectively target your major muscle groups — shoulders, core, back muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings and more — all in a short duration of time.


1. Kettlebell Workouts Prevent Over-Exertion

Many studies have shown that performing too much cardiovascular exercise, especially long-distance aerobic exercise like marathon running, can actually do a lot of damage to your body.

Some experts even feel that over time the negative impact of putting a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system (as it works hard to pump out extra blood during long-distance cardio sessions) can sadly even contribute to a shortened lifespan.

High-intensity internal training (HIIT) or strength building exercises do not have the same effect on your heart as standard aerobic activity sessions do, and health authorities now agree that shorter, more intense bursts of exercise should play a significant part in the average person’s exercise regimen.

For example, recently the World Health Organization (WHO) began advising that “Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous-intensity activity.”

Fast-moving kettlebell workouts, in which you perform one move directly followed by the next move with little time to rest in between, is an excellent way to get your heart rate up for a shorter, more intense period of time.

This allows you to complete a healthy 20-minute workouts that benefits your body by building all-over muscle and simultaneously reducing fat, but it doesn’t put an unnecessary amount of prolonged stress on your heart, joints, or other susceptible organs.

2. Kettlebells Fight Age-Related Weight Gain

Research has shown that adults experience an average of 3 percent to 8 percent loss of muscle mass every decade, which means that resting metabolic rate is reduced — or the number of calories someone is able to burn on an average day.

This means more dangerous fat winds up accumulating around susceptible organs like the heart and liver, which are especially important to keep healthy in order to prevent disease.

The same study showed that just 10 weeks of consistent resistance training can help a slow metabolism and actually increase resting metabolic rate by 7 percent; this number may not sound like a lot, but who doesn’t want to continuously burn 7 percent more calories each and every day?

While kettlebell workouts — along with other forms of exercise like HIIT and Tabata workouts — lead to an increase in metabolism, they also tend to effect increases in appetite less so than prolonged cardio sessions do. This means you are less likely to overeat if you focus on including a number of different exercise programs into your routine, including yoga, as opposed to only performing cardio.

3. Kettlebells Protect Against Numerous Age-Related Diseases

Aside from warding off unhealthy weight gain, studies show that strength training can also improve general physical performance, movement control, walking speed, abilities to concentrate and make decisions, and even general self-esteem. Strength training also plays a part in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes, which is closely associated with unhealthy weight gain and inability to control blood sugar levels.

By reducing weight and improving insulin sensitivity, adults are able to reduce the risk for metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other inflammation-caused diseases that are related to the resistance of insulin. Resistance training may also be effective in defending against cardiovascular disease by reducing resting blood pressure and bringing cholesterol and triglyceride levels back to a healthy state.

Finally, studies have shown that strength training is extremely important for maintaining the structure of the skeleton and that resistance training may promote bone development and delay the loss of age-related bone mineral density. This is often the reason why older people, especially women, are highly encouraged to lift weights at least two times per week — because it can help ward off osteoporosis, a serious concern for post-menopausal women in particular.

4. Kettlebells Improve Posture and Agility

There is a real emphasis today in the fitness world to practice exercises that have a practical purpose in our lives. “Functional exercises,” like kettlebell workouts, help to keep our posture upright, our endurance at its peak and our muscles prepared for whatever may come.

Because your body is moving in multiple directions and on different angles at every moment during a kettlebell workout, you experience dynamic, full-body results that are actually useful in real-life situations. This is the same reason maybe people are drawn to CrossFit workouts.

While standard weight machines may help in building muscle, they tend to target only certain specific muscle groups at one time and not entire regions of the body (like the entire core or both of the whole arms, for example). Kettlebells have the ability to build strength in multiple muscle regions of the body all at once, offering full-body integration and core stabilization, and again saving you time!

5. Kettlebells Are Versatile and Easy to Adapt

Whether you are a very experienced weight lifter who’s in fantastic shape, or are a middle-aged woman who is relatively new to hitting the weight room at the gym, there is a way that kettlebells can benefit you. Kettlebells’ versatility depends on you choosing a weight that’s best for your body and current abilities, then practicing moves that target the areas of your body you’re most looking to improve.

Want to build more shoulder strength? There are plenty of moves that got you covered. Interested more in getting your heart rate up and burning lots of calories? There’s a series of moves that will work for that too.

6. There is No Need for Large, Pricey Equipment

Kettlebells are portable and pretty inexpensive to buy, especially when you consider how much money most large pieces of gym equipment, or fitness class packages, can cost you. Most kettlebells can be bought for around $30-$60 depending on the weight, and found at any large sporting or fitness store, as well as online. They’re also often available at used sporting goods stores.

If you join a gym, you will likely have access to many different kettlebell weights as well. However, one of the biggest perks of owning a kettlebell is that it virtually turns your home into a gym. Performing a 20-minute kettlebell workout takes little space, so you can practice in the comfort of your own yard, basement or apartment whenever time allows you.

7. Kettlebells Have a Unique, Effective Shape

The fact that kettlebells have a true handle for picking them up and holding on while you move them around means that you can keep your workout moving along. There is no need to halt your circuit routine in order to stop, drop and adjust the weight, which is typically the process when using normal free weights or dumbbells.

While dumbbells, large weight machines and bench-pressing weights all require time to readjust alignment and your grip, kettlebells can quickly be shifted around in your hands without you needing to pause — making your workout more aerobically effective since you are able to keep your heart rate up, and shorter in duration, too.

Kettlebell Workout Preparation

If you are brand new to kettlebells, it may be a wise idea to speak with a personal trainer or friend who uses them frequently and can make sure your alignment is correct before you get going. This way you don’t risk injuring yourself or missing out on all the benefits that kettlebell workouts can offer.

However, if you’re no stranger to the gym and using other weights and strength-building equipment, then you will likely be okay jumping right into the world of beneficial kettlebell workouts.

1. Choosing Your Weights

Your first step is to pick which weight you will use. Different kettlebell workout moves are best done using different weights. For example, “ballistic” moves that involve “explosive” bursts and quicker movements usually are most effective when done with heavier weights.

Heavy weights work well with ballistic moves like swings, snatches and “cleans” because you get momentum going completing these movements. On the other hand, slower “grind” moves (windmills, overhead presses, etc.) usually require lighter weights since they need to be carefully controlled and do not just rely on momentum.

For both men and women, it’s always a good idea to start out on the lighter, safe side and work your way up to using heavier weights during your kettlebell workout. There is a big range in recommended kettlebell weights depending on your current fitness level and strength. Try using a lighter weight first and working your way up to one that is more challenging.

  • Women: The best choices are kettlebell weights that are between 4 kg/9 lbs. all the way up to and 16 kg/28 lbs.
  • Men: Try using a kettlebell between 12 kg./26 lbs. and 28 kg./62 lbs. and following the same guidelines, working your way up as you gain strength and familiarity with the moves.

2. Building Your Workout

Keep in mind that you can always easily create your own circuit kettlebell workouts, different then the one described below, by combining your favorite kettlebell moves.

In order to do this, it helps to first get familiar with the basic strength-training terminology if you aren’t already: sets, reps and rests/intervals. You will see these terms used below in the 20-minute kettlebell workout that’s described, and you can use the same principles to create multiple short, intense workouts:

  • Rep: A rep is every time you lift and lower a weight. You complete reps back to back, and this makes up a set.
  • Set: Sets are groups of reps. You complete all the reps in one set without taking a break. Then you take breaks between sets.
  • Rest or interval period: This is the pause between sets where you rest and catch your breath for a short period of time (usually 30 seconds to a 2 minutes, depending on the person and how vigorous the workout is).

Here is an example of how to put these terms into play during your kettlebell workouts: “You will complete 10 reps of a kettlebell move, which equals one set. Then you will rest, and complete another set of 10 reps.”

It is important to remember that your set and rep number always depends on how fit you currently are and your level of endurance. Most kettlebell workouts (and weightlifting programs in general) recommend aiming for 2 to 3 sets total. For the 20-minute workout below, you will complete 2 sets.

Within each set, it’s best to stick with doing 10–20 reps. You will be able to determine the amount of reps you can successfully do by paying attention your form; once you are sacrificing good form due to becoming exhausted, its fine to put the weight down and take a break, or else to move on to another move that targets other muscle groups. Otherwise, doing more reps will not produce better results, and may even cause an injury.

20-Minute Kettlebell Workout Routine

You will go through the following 5 kettlebell exercises in a circuit:

  • Perform each move for about 1 minute
  • Resting shortly for only about 30 seconds
  • Move on to the next move
  • After you complete all 5 moves once, rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the whole circuit for the second time

1: Basic Kettlebell Swing

  • Trains these muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings, core
  • Reps: About 20 (or as many as you can repeat in 1 minute)
  • Sets: 2kettlebell-swing-step-1

Exercise form:

  1. Begin with your feet hip-distance apart. Pick up your kettlebell using both hands firmly on the handle.
  2. Come into a squat position by bending your knees and hinging from your hips. Act like you are sitting back in a chair, using your quadriceps and hamstrings to keep you stable. Work to swing the kettlebell down and back between your legs.
  3. Come up as you straighten your legs and swing the kettlebell in front of you and up to about the level of your chin. Get momentum going, but work from your legs and core, rather than just your arms.
  4. Repeat as many times as you can within 60 seconds, aiming for about 20 swings. Rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the next move.

2. Lunge and Press

  • Muscles trained: core, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders
  • Reps: About 20 (or as many as you can repeat in 1 minute on each side)
  • Sets: 2
Kettlebell Lunge & Press Series

Exercise form:

  1. Begin with the weight in your hands held at the top of your shoulder height.
  2. Step your left leg forward into a lunge.
  3. Press the kettlebell above your head and then lower it back down.
  4. Stand back up and bring the kettlebell back to shoulder height.

3. Sit and Hold

  • Muscles trained: entire core, legs, shoulders, biceps, upper and low back
  • Reps: Lift butt and feet off the ground, hold and then lower.  Repeat for 1 minute.
  • Sets: 2

Sit & Lift
Exercise form:

  1. Place both hands on standing kettlebell handles. Make sure both kettlebells are directly below your shoulders.
  2. Make sure to keep your core actively engaged lift your butt and feet off the floor keeping your arms and legs straight.
  3. Bring your body forward so that your butt is positioned directly between your wrists.
  4. Hold this position for as long as possible and repeat.

4. Weighted Squat and Lift

  • Muscles trained: shoulders, biceps, core, legs
  • Reps: About 20 (or as many as you can repeat in 1 minute)
  • Sets: 2

Weighted Squat Series
Exercise form:

  1. Start by standing upright with feet hip-width apart. Have the kettlebell held into both hands at chest height, close to your body.
  2. Lower down into a low squat; the goal is to get low enough for the thighs to be parallel to the floor. Try to keep the back straight rather than arched, using the core to hold you in place.
  3. Return to back to starting position, coming up out of the squat and simultaneously lifting the kettlebell directly over your head using both hands. Repeat as many times as you can for 1 minute.

5. Windmill

  • Muscles trained: obliques, shoulders, biceps, lower back
  • Reps: About 20 (or as many as you can repeat in 1 minute straight)
  • Sets: 2

Windmill Series
Exercise form:

  1. Start by standing upright with feet a bit wider than hips-width apart. Hold the kettlebell in your right hand first.
  2. Facing forward between your legs, bend to the left side over your leg, keeping both legs straight and reaching with your left hand to the floor. Your right hand holding the kettlebell should come up and over your right shoulder. Look up at the ceiling towards the kettlebell.
  3. Come back upright, repeating on the same side by using your arm strength to lower and raise the kettlebell in your right hand. Repeat on the same side for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Kettlebell Workout

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Does Golf Count as Exercise? The Answer May Surprise You! Thu, 04 May 2023 12:26:29 +0000 Does golf count as exercise? Considering the leisurely pace at which the sport is commonly played, it’s a question many health enthusiasts likely have. Now, thanks research published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, we just may have the answer … and it’s sure to surprise you. Study: Golf as Exercise When it comes... Read more »

The post Does Golf Count as Exercise? The Answer May Surprise You! appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Does golf count as exercise? Considering the leisurely pace at which the sport is commonly played, it’s a question many health enthusiasts likely have.

Now, thanks research published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, we just may have the answer … and it’s sure to surprise you.

Study: Golf as Exercise

When it comes to sports, golf isn’t usually thought of as the most physically active, but it turns out a round of golf has surprising benefits for the both the body and mind. In fact, it could even provide greater benefits than other forms of exercise, such as Nordic walking, (which is plenty beneficial in its own right).

That’s according to the BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine study that was conducted in Finland. In order to come to this conclusion, researchers examined three forms of age-appropriate aerobic exercise — golfing, Nordic walking and walking — and their effects on health.

More specifically, 25 healthy golfers (nine females and 16 males) aged 64–72 were enrolled in a randomized cross-over experiment for the three forms of exercise: playing 18 holes of golf, doing a six-kilometer Nordic walk or going for a typical six-kilometer walk. The study then compared the effects of these three activities on blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

What they found was that all three forms of exercise had positive effects on these cardiometabolic markers, with Nordic walking and regular walking providing greater intensity of exercise and a bigger decrease in diastolic blood pressure. However, somewhat surprisingly, golfing actually had a greater positive impact on glucose metabolism and lipid profile, thanks in part to the longer duration to play 18 holes of golf.

The study authors ultimately concluded:

Acute bouts of aerobic exercise improved cardiovascular profile in healthy older adults. Despite the lower exercise intensity of golf, the longer duration and higher energy expenditure appeared to have a more positive effect on lipid profile and glucose metabolism compared with Nordic walking and walking.

They added:

In conclusion, all three types of AE improved the cardiovascular profile in older adults when performed in acute bouts despite differences in duration and intensity. However, the lower exercise intensity of golf compared with Nordic walking and walking, the longer duration and higher total energy expenditure involved in playing golf seem to positively affect lipid profile and glucose metabolism. These age-appropriate AEs can be recommended to healthy older adults as a form of health-enhancing physical activity to prevent CVDs and can also be used as a treatment strategy to improve cardiometabolic health among those who already have a CVD.

Benefits of Golfing

While the study out of Finland was limited in scope and had some other limitations by the researchers’ own admission, several other studies have shown the beneficial effects of golf as exercise.

For instance, a large body of evidence published in 2017 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine laid out many benefits associated with golfing, including:

  • Boosting cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic profiles
  • Improving overall well-being
  • Aerobic benefits, including walking between four to eight miles during a round of golf
  • Can be done at a low, moderate or high intensity
  • “May improve proprioception, balance, muscle endurance and function particularly in the elderly”
  • Possibly help reduce mortality and increase longevity
  • May help treat and/or prevent “chronic diseases, including ischaemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and colon and breast cancer.”
  • Could improve and help maintain lung function
  • Helps create social connections, which are beneficial for mental health
  • Supports overall improved mental health and well-being, thanks in part to spending time outside in nature

Overall, the researchers in this review concluded:

Practitioners and policymakers can be encouraged to support more people to play golf, due to associated improved physical health and mental well-being, and a potential contribution to increased life expectancy. Injuries and illnesses associated with golf have been identified, and risk reduction strategies are warranted. Further research priorities include systematic reviews to further explore the cause and effect nature of the relationships described. Research characterising golf’s contribution to muscular strengthening, balance and falls prevention as well as further assessing the associations and effects between golf and mental health are also indicated.

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Do You Suffer from Excess Supination? Warning Signs & Remedies for This Running Problem Wed, 03 May 2023 14:50:51 +0000 Both supination and pronation are terms used to describe the rolling motion of the heels and feet during the body’s gait cycle, which takes place as we run or walk. Supination describes the rolling outward motion of the foot, therefore oversupinators don’t roll their feet inward enough. Excess supination is also called “underpronation” — since... Read more »

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Both supination and pronation are terms used to describe the rolling motion of the heels and feet during the body’s gait cycle, which takes place as we run or walk. Supination describes the rolling outward motion of the foot, therefore oversupinators don’t roll their feet inward enough.

Excess supination is also called “underpronation” — since supination is the opposite of pronation of the foot (rolling inward). Both oversupination and overpronation put too much stress on the underneath or outside edges of the foot, often leading to leg pains.

For most adults, too little supination is usually more of a problem than too much, but oversupinating the foot can also lead to complications. Who tends to struggle with supination problems most often? Runners with high arches (the opposite of “flat feet” or collapsed arches) and tight Achilles tendons tend to be underpronators/supinators.

Some of the aches and pains associated with supination abnormalities include:

The reason underpronation causes such an array of problems is that the muscles in the legs and feet become trained to push the foot away from the ground with mostly the outer toes/pinky toes. Considering these are generally weak areas of the feet, they tend to bear more weight and pressure than they can handle, sometimes causing scar tissue to form.

Other overuse injuries can occur, too.

You can see why it’s not just the feet that are impacted by supination or related postural problems — but can contribute to muscular compensations that wind up affecting the entire body. 

What Is Supination?

Supination (underpronation) is the insufficient inward rolling of the foot after landing on the ground. Compared to those with “normal,” healthy posture of the lower body, those with oversupination roll the foot outward too much (less than 15 percent of an inward roll when landing). This causes the ankle and only a small portion of the outer toes to absorb shock when the foot hits the ground, often triggering pain in the ankle, foot and lower leg.

As the body moves, in order to accept weight onto one leg and propel forward, a shift in weight must occur at the feet, knees and hips. A natural amount of supination occurs during the push-off phase when propelling forward.

Supination helps the heel lift away from the ground, which brings the forefoot and toes down to land in a way that moves the body. However, too much supination contributes to common running injuries due to instability in the ankles.

Weak ankles set the scene for postural problems, as well, like too much pressure applied to susceptible areas of the lower legs and higher risk for spraining.

Supination - Dr. Axe

Preserving proper alignment through the midline of the body, all the way from the head to the toes — by keeping the feet symmetrical and rolling them properly — is crucial for learning normal weight transference, which protects the whole body, including the spine.

Causes and Symptoms

Some of the reasons that people develop abnormalities related to pronation, supination, dorsiflexion and other motions of the feet or legs include:

  • Genetics (genetics affect the length of the legs, width of the feet, stability of the ankles and curvature of the foot’s arches, for example)
  • Walking on flat, hard surfaces (rather than natural terrain)
  • Wearing worn-out shoes or those that are unsupportive
  • Muscular compensations due to poor posture in the legs, sacrum and spine
  • Old injuries, including ankles sprains, stress fractures in the legs or tendon tears, which can leave scar tissue behind that causes instability
  • Poor form when running or exercising
  • Overuse, including exercising too much or standing for long periods
  • Limited range of motion and stiffness due to aging
  • Loose ligaments or loss of cartilage in the joints of the feet or ankles (such as those of the subtalar joint)
  • In some cases, leg discrepancy (legs are different lengths)
  • Weakness in the ankles or lower body from too little activity (a sedentary lifestyle)

Here are some common signs that you’re likely an over-supinator (underpronator)

  • Frequent ankle sprains
  • Pain underneath the feet (in the ball of the foot) or pain often in the ankles
  • Clawed toes/hammertoes
  • Throbbing or weakness gets worse when running, walking, exercising or standing for a long time
  • Dysfunctional musculoskeletal problems in the ankles, calves, outer thighs or knees
  • Swelling in the ankle, foot or heel — sometimes the toes are affected as well and develop calluses or bunions
  • Loss of functionality and reduced range of motion in the lower body

Supination vs. Dorsiflexion

  • Supination and dorsiflexion are terms related to motion and stability of the feet and ankles. (They can sometimes also be applied to other body parts that bend back, like the hands)
  • Deviations (abnormal amounts) of ankle supination or dorsiflexion are usually used to describe form and postural problems that cause common running injuries when the foot strikes the ground. These can include injuries like plantar fasciitis, shin splints, runner’s knee, heel spurs and Achilles tendon pains, among others.
  • While supination describes the outward rolling motion of the foot, dorsiflexion describes the bending backward of the foot. Dorsiflexion decreases the angle between the foot and the ankle. In other words it means the toes are lifting up and away from the ground, toward the ankle/body.
  • Proper dorsiflexion is also needed to bring the knees over the ankles, such as when bending over, squatting or jumping forward.
  • Abnormal dorsiflexion, or backward flexion of the foot, is a common problem related to not only running injuries, but those caused during other sports/exercises. Proper mobility of the ankle is crucial for allowing the body to propel forward, especially when jumping, sprinting or running quickly.
  • Without enough ankle dorsiflexion, it’s also hard to sustain proper form when performing resistance training using the knees, such as squatting or lifting weights. The torso can’t remain vertical due to stiffness in the ankles (too little dorsiflexion), therefore you can’t keep a neutral spine. The knees can also cave in, which adds stress to the back.
  • On the other hand, too much dorsiflexion is also problematic. Stability is equally important in the ankles, because too much motion due to weakness in the muscles and joints of the feet can contribute to ankle rolling or spraining, along with symptoms of runner’s knee.

Conventional Treatments

If your orthopedic, physical therapist, trainer or another doctor sees signs of abnormal supination or dorsiflexion in your feet, she or he will likely recommend improving your form and wearing more supportive shoes with inserts. Changing your sneakers/shoes when exercising is usually the first step, which makes orthotics even more effective. 

Orthotic inserts used in sneakers or shoes consist of arch support and sometimes a lifted heel to control the rolling-forward motion of the foot. They can take pressure off the small toes and help stabilize the ankle. This is beneficial for protecting the knees and back during movements such as running or lifting weights.

Consider using orthotics if your doctor thinks they might be helpful for improving comfort during standing for long periods, lower back pain relief or reducing heel pain.

Depending on how severe your supination problem is, your doctor might also recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy can “reteach” your muscles and joints how to distribute your weight in a healthier way, starting from your feet upward, allowing you to sustain proper form all the way through your sacrum, pelvis and spine.

5 Natural Ways to Create Proper Supination

1. Fix Your Form

Here are some tips for helping you to correct your stance, which is the groundwork for learning proper running/walking form. Proper form and posture through the spine are especially important when adding extra pressure or weight to the feet, such as when you’re lifting weights or sprinting very fast.

  • When running or walking fast, aim to lower the feet with a soft landing. Some try to image “running on eggshells” or attempting to run on water. Remain light on your feet instead of pounding the feet too hard onto the ground.
  • Focus on landing closer to your midfoot, rather than at the back of the heel. Try to land with a mostly flat foot, attempting to avoid too much curving of the toes inward or outward or landing too much to the side of the foot.
  • Slightly increase your cadence, and potentially shorten your stride to keep proper form in the feet and legs.
  • Run with upright posture through your back, and stay relaxed.

2. Stretch to Loosen Tight Muscles (Including the Ankles)

Supinators should do extra stretching for the calves, hamstrings, quads and iliotibial band (basically the whole leg). Gently stretching/mobilizing muscles in the legs helps break up adhesions and allows you to sustain proper form more easily. Stretching the ankles can also improve dorsiflexion, or ankle mobility/stability. 

Many soft tissue therapists and physical therapists recommend starting any activity by massaging sore feet, loosening the ankles and stretching tight calves. Since weak, stiff ankles are often one of the major contributing factors that cause supination problems, you can also add some of these leg stretches to your regular workouts:

  • Use a foam roller on the floor, positioning your body on top so the roller is under your calves, then moving back and forth gently. You can practice the same on the back or sides of the calves too. Roll the area, and hold tender spots for 30 to 60 seconds, repeating up to five times every day. This should be done right before stretching.
  • Try massaging the fascia (soft tissue) in the underpart of the feet with a tennis ball under the foot as you roll around while applying mild pressure.
  • Get into pushup position, and then walk your feet forward slightly to come onto the balls of your feet (holding an upside down “V” with your body). Lift the heels away from the ground as you balance on the balls of your feet, and then lower them back down again. Repeat about 10 times, more than once a day if you’d like.
  • As you lay on your back, lift the legs in the air, and flex the ankles back and forth. Or make small circles (turning toes toward your body and away). Repeat for several minutes.
  • Place your toes up against a wall, tilting the toes back toward the body. This releases the ankles and opens up the calves.
  • Use a resistance band (also known as exercise band) wrapped around the ankle to gently pump and improve ankle flexibility.
  • Do basic heel raises by raising and lowering your heels and toes to the ground, then back up. Do 10 to 15 at a time. Try using a step if you’d like.
  • Sitting up on one shin, bend the opposite knee, and slowly bring the knee past the ankle, rocking the knee back and forth to improve dorsiflexion.
  • Stand with straight legs, and bend forward from the waist to touch the floor or shins. This helps stretch the hamstrings. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. You can also keep your legs wide apart with toes facing outward slightly to loosen the inner leg and hamstrings.

3. Strengthen the Leg Muscles for More Support

Strength-building leg exercises to help reduce muscular weakness in the ankles and calves include:

  • Squats — All types of squats require proper mobility and stability in the ankles (dorsiflexion) and also increase strength in just about every part of the legs. Try basic squats or squatting while lifting weight overhead. Keep the tailbone tucked and core tight to protect the back.
  • Lunges — Side lunges, lunge dips or lunge twists.
  • Crab crawls — Bend your knees, and bring your hands behind you, squatting down in front of your arms. Use your hands on the ground to help you stretch the ankles back and forth to increase range of motion. You can stay in this position while stretching the heels and toes.
  • Calf raises — Perform gentle calf raises by lifting your heel off the floor, then reversing and lifting/pointing the toes toward the ceiling. Make sure you feel a stretch in your calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds, three times per leg.
  • Doing any type of burst training, HIIT workouts or sprints (good for the whole lower body).

4. Wear the Right Shoes (Not Worn-Out Sneakers!)

Podiatrists usually recommend more flexible, lightweight sneakers for underpronators, especially those who spend lots of time on their feet (including runners or those who do lots of brisk walking). Lightweight shoes can withstand more motion of the ankle while still supporting the feet, especially those with flexible inner edges.

For people with wobbly, weak ankles, higher-top sneakers that stabilize the ankles might be a better choice.

Signs of underpronation/supination will show up in your sneakers or shoes, usually causing the outer edge of the shoe to become flimsy more quickly. Replace your sneakers regularly, especially if you exercise or run often. To see if you’re due for a new pair, place your shoes down on a flat surface, and look for the outer edge to tilt outward.

In addition to wearing the right shoes, consider using some of these inserts:

  • Orthotic inserts
  • Inserts to lift the heels (deep heel cups)
  • Lateral insoles that stop foot rolling

You may also want to consider easing in to barefoot running — a phenomena growing in popularity among those with recurring running injuries. Running barefoot may seem even riskier than wearing the wrong sneakers, but it actually helps the feet learn proper form more easily, builds strength throughout the ankles and feet, and helps increase natural range of motion (supination and dorsiflexion).

5. Begin Exercise Gradually and Rest to Prevent Injuries

If you’re new to more vigorous types of exercising — such as running, hiking or walking uphill — or spending more time on your feet, try to keep these tips in mind:

  • Aways warm up with a dynamic stretch (described above). Loosening the ankles and calves is most important.
  • Set a goal to practice consistently, but give yourself rest in between to avoid adding too much stress to connective tissue. If your feet, ankle or leg muscles become too fatigued or swollen, you’ll be more likely to develop scar tissue and fall into improper form.
  • Incorporate burst training and cross-train using different exercises to strengthen all over, instead of only certain leg muscles.
  • Choose the right sneakers and shoes. (I can’t stress this enough.)
  • Watch out for uneven or hard surfaces that may make your form and foot pain worse.
  • Listen to your body. Take time off if pain worsens and spreads up the legs.
  • After workouts, icing, massaging your calves and feet, plus foam rolling are simple ways to recover and help prevent swelling and tightness.


If foot/ankle pain gets worse and lasts for more than several days or you find that the exercises above don’t help prevent ankle rolling, talk to a doctor about correcting your stance with orthotics.

Always be careful when beginning any new exercise program, watch out for signs of inflammation and overuse, and consider seeing a therapist who specializes in soft tissue therapies if supination/dorsiflexion is an ongoing problem.

Final Thoughts 

  • Supination and pronation are terms used to describe the rolling motion of the heels and feet as we run or walk forward. Supination describes the rolling outward motion of the foot, while pronation describes the rolling inward. Excess supination is also called “underpronation,” a less common problem compared to overpronation.
  • Signs and symptoms of oversupinating include ankle, leg or heel pain; frequent rolling/spraining of the ankles; calf weakness and tightness; reduced range of motion when exercising or lifting weights; and loss of functionality.
  • Natural ways to improve supination include exercising and stretching the ankles, calves and lower body; wearing proper shoes/sneakers; using proper shoe inserts (orthotics); and correcting your form when running.

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Best Calf Exercises & Stretches for Great Calves Tue, 02 May 2023 20:50:40 +0000 Ever notice how the calf muscle seems to get little attention? Rarely do group fitness classes dedicate blocks of time to calves and calf exercises like they do for ab workouts or butt workouts. While the calf muscle often goes unnoticed as an important muscle, it’s more important than you think … and ideally it’s part... Read more »

The post Best Calf Exercises & Stretches for Great Calves appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Ever notice how the calf muscle seems to get little attention? Rarely do group fitness classes dedicate blocks of time to calves and calf exercises like they do for ab workouts or butt workouts.

While the calf muscle often goes unnoticed as an important muscle, it’s more important than you think … and ideally it’s part of any leg workout.

Regardless of your genetics, it’s vital that we all take care of our calves. That’s because weak or tight calf muscles, left neglected, can contribute to all sorts of posture problems, pain, injuries and athletic performance problems — and who wants that?

Thankfully, there are many calf exercises you can do to keep this often overlooked muscle in top shape.

Why It’s Important to Strengthen Calves

What makes calf exercises so important to our daily functions? The calf muscle, which is on the back of the lower leg, is made up of two muscles. The gastrocnemius is the larger calf muscle that forms the bulge in the upper calf area. There are two parts that form a sort of diamond shape. The soleus is much smaller and more flat lying just beneath the gastrocnemius muscle.

These two calf muscles taper and merge together at the bottom of the calf, consisting of tough connective tissue that joins the Achilles tendon. This inserts into the heel bone.

With all of these mechanics at play, you can now see how important it is to ensure all of these parts are in good working order. When we walk, run or jump, the calf muscle performs work to pull the heel up, allowing a forward movement.

Back to that gastrocnemius. That chief muscle of the calf is responsible for flexing the knee and plantar flexion of the foot (the movement that consists of pointing your toes downward). It runs to the Achilles tendon from two heads attached to the femur above the back of the knee.

The soleus is responsible for plantar flexion. When we stand, the soleus offers a lot of stability, in particular to the foot, fibula and tibia.

Together, this dynamic duo provides critical stabilization for walking, hiking, running, jumping and even standing. Calf exercises are crucial because an underdeveloped calf area could cause some nagging injuries, such as Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, calf strains and plantar fasciitis.

How to Develop Great Calves

The calves are no different than general body shape when it comes to the variety of sizes. Some have skinny calves; some people have calves with more fat; some are muscular, toned or bulky — it depends on a lot of factors.

Genetics can play a big role in the shape of the calves, but if you’re a bodybuilder, you’re likely to have thick, muscular calves due to the work you put into building them. Endurance cyclists often have strong, well-defined calves because of the repetitive motion of pushing and pulling the pedals.

There are folks who have long, lean calves with no muscles to show, or dancers often have long, lean calves featuring definition. The shape of the calves is also determined by the position of the muscle in relation to the knee and ankle joints — some are simply higher, and some are lower, most likely a genetic attribute.

Regardless, the shape of your calves is usually affected by what you do every day. If you exercise routinely or are a runner, cyclist, dancer or bodybuilder, you’re more likely to have shapely calves. If you’re overweight, your calves may appear large and untoned.

In any case, you don’t have to be an amazing dancer to have great calves. Just simply putting calf exercises into your fitness regimen can offer surprising results.

Best Calf Exercises

Working the calves is easy and does not require too much time. With a consistent routine of every other day, you can have toned, shaped calves in no time.

Here are some the best calf exercises to add to your workout routine.

1. Standing Calf Raise

Stand near a wall or chair for balance. Place your feet hip-distance apart with the ankles, knees and hips square to the front.

Once you are stable, slowly lift your heels off the ground, raising the body upward (not forward or backward). Tuck your butt under just a bit, and tighten the abs as you raise.

Hold this position for three to 10 seconds (You will be able to hold it longer as you get stronger.) Release, and repeat 10 to 20 times.

2. Single-Leg Calf Raise

This is similar to the previous calf exercise but requires a bit more stability. Over time you won’t need the wall or chair for support, but for now, make sure you’re able to maintain stability by standing near a wall or chair.

Place your feet hip-distance apart with the ankles, knees and hips square to the front.

Once you are stable, bend your left knee so that foot is off of the floor. (Abs are tight.)

Slowly lift your right heel off the ground, raising the body upward (not forward or backward). Hold this position for one to three seconds.

Release, and repeat 10 to 20 times on each leg.

For an even more advanced move, try this on an exercise ball, but be careful — and work your way up to it. A nearby support to hold on to is crucial if trying this exercise.

3. Seated Calf Raise

This exercise can be done on the calf exercise machine at the gym by selecting the appropriate weight for your level. Make sure you don’t overdo it.

Here’s the at-home version: Start by sitting in sturdy chair, and place your feet flat on the floor. Make sure the knees stay aligned directly over your feet.

Lean forward while placing hands on thighs close to your knees. This is where the action is going to take place.

While raising your heels, keeping the toes and balls of the feet on the ground, simply push down on your thighs to add resistance. Then slowly lower your heels. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

The harder you push, the harder it will be to lift your heels. You can place a weight on your lap for resistance if your prefer and feel you are ready for that.

4. Three-Way Stair Calf Raise

Using stairs, or any sort of ledge (such as a sidewalk), is a great way to build muscle in your calves. To do it, you may want to choose a spot that has something to hold on to for stability, such as a rail.

Place the toes and balls of your feet on a step at hip distance apart. Just like the the standing calf raise, keep the abs tight while slightly tucking the butt. (This tightens those abs and glutes, which will help tone them, too.)

While toes are pointed forward, allow the heel to lower an inch or two below the height of the step, then raise upward on the toes and balls of the foot. Repeat 10 times.

Then turn the toes inward, and repeat the action. Now, turn the toes outward, and repeat 10 times. Do three to four sets.

Calf Stretches

Calf exercises should also include calf stretching. Studies show that a common cause of stress fractures is calf tightness, which causes a premature lifting of the heel while running and transfers a significant amount of force into the forefoot.

A study published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy found that subjects with tight calves were 4.6 times more likely to sustain a metatarsal stress fracture.

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, tight calves can also contribute to postural problems like lower crossed syndrome and pronation distortion syndrome.

While most people know how to perform standard calf stretches, it’s vital that you hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds. This allows the muscle to better relax and elongate to improve flexibility.

Maintaining calf flexibility is vital to maintaining a healthy range of motion in your ankle. Your kinetic chain is all connected. It’s pretty amazing!

Here’s a simple stretch that even a couch potato can do …

Couch potato calf stretch: Sit on the edge of a couch with your feet flat on the floor. With one leg, keeping your heel on the floor, lift and point the toes toward the ceiling, so you feel a stretch in your calf muscle.

Hold for 30 seconds, then do the same with the other leg, three times per leg.

Also, don’t forget yoga. Releasing tight, overactive calves is just one of the many benefits of yoga.

Two great poses include downward facing dog and standing forward bend. Nice side effect? Yoga changes your brain for the better, too.

Calf exercises - Dr. Axe

Common Calf Muscle Injuries

Forward action or running works the back of the leg more than the front. Did you know that for a runner, the calves lift the heel about 1,500 times per mile?

All that heavy lifting can cause a lot of lower leg injuries, such as calf pulls, shin splints, stress fractures and compartment syndrome, if underdeveloped. Also, anything from not being warmed up before exercise to doing a lot of hill work, over-stretching to overtraining can lead to calf strains. Depending on the severity of the injury, it could take some time to heal.

Some people complain about tight calf muscles. This can be triggered from overuse, trauma from an injury, nerve injuries or medical problems, like stroke or diabetes.

There also are concerns about those who store fat in the lower extremities, such as the calves. The problem is that this can cause blood clots, increasing the risk of heart disease.

Additionally, fat storage in the calves can be caused by the retention of lymphatic fluid in the legs due to a weak lymphatic system. If you feel this describes you, make sure to consult your doctor.

If the calf muscle is not in good working order some conditions can occur, such as:

Calf Muscle Strain

A calf muscle strain is when you stretch the calf muscle past its normal position, which can cause tearing of muscle fibers. Pain levels can be mild to severe. This is sometimes referred to as a pulled calf muscle or a calf muscle tear.

Calf Muscle Rupture

A calf muscle rupture is when the calf muscle has completely torn. This will likely result in severe pain. It can cause the inability to walk, and the muscle may even collapse into a lump that may be seen and felt through the skin.

Calf Muscle Myositis

Calf muscle myositis is the occurrence of inflammation of the calf muscle. Though rare, this can be caused by infections or autoimmune conditions. An autoimmune condition often attacks the tissues of the body by mistake.


Rhabdomyolysis is when the muscle breaks down because of long-term pressure, over-exercising, drug side effects or a severe medical condition, but if this happens, it is likely to affect numerous muscles in the body. The characteristic triad of complaints in rhabdomyolysis is muscle pain, weakness and dark urine. The calf is one of the muscle groups often impacted when muscle pain is reported.

Calf Muscle Cancer

Calf muscle cancer isn’t very common, but the tumor may start in the calf muscle, known as sarcoma, or spread to the calf muscle from elsewhere, which is known as metastasis.

Best Approach to Getting Defined Calves

When you’re trying to cut body fat and get defined, diet is key. It’s no exception when we’re talking about the calves. 

Protein (hint, eat your protein foods!) is important for building muscle. When choosing carbs, the complex carbohydrates are the best, but a few simple carbs are still needed — just don’t over do it.

Healthy fats are the way to go, such as avocado and coconut oil, but use in moderation. Athletes may need a few more calories to build muscles, but regardless, careful monitoring of caloric intake is important if you want to build and see the calf muscle definition develop.

Some ways to get those awesome calves are at your fingertips. You can work with a personal trainer to determine the best exercises strategies for you.

Because some calf exercises may incorporate balancing on your toes, if you have stability issues, make sure to include a safe environment for exercising, and work out with a partner or coach. Additionally, proprioception exercises to build balance may be a great way to prevent injury for athletes. 

Calf raises are most popular when it comes to strengthening and building muscle in the calves. Calf raises are great because they help improve muscular strength, which, of course, will tone the area.

Nice perk? They can be done almost anywhere.

Sports rehab doctors and coaches often use calf raises to help with issues that arise from Achilles tendon injuries, such as an Achilles tear or tendonitis. When you have strong calf muscles, you reduce the risk of injury by reducing the stress placed in that area during activity. This, in turn, facilitates faster healing.

If you often engage in activity that requires balancing on one foot, such as a yoga position or jumping while playing basketball, strong calf muscles can offer a lot of stability.

Appropriate strength training techniques to help stimulate the correct muscles in your calves can help shape the calf muscles. Improving the flexibility of the ankle joints and varying your exercise moves to include all the ranges of motion may also be beneficial. Seated and standing calf raises and leg press machines can help develop stronger calves.

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How to Do a Burpee (and Why) Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:15:08 +0000 One of the best total-body exercises is the burpee. Burpees hit almost every muscle group while providing the aerobic and endurance benefits. It even helps strengthen the core. (It is important to note, though, the person has to be in proper shape to start off as this complex exercise can lead to injury if the exerciser... Read more »

The post How to Do a Burpee (and Why) appeared first on Dr. Axe.


One of the best total-body exercises is the burpee. Burpees hit almost every muscle group while providing the aerobic and endurance benefits. It even helps strengthen the core. (It is important to note, though, the person has to be in proper shape to start off as this complex exercise can lead to injury if the exerciser isn’t ready for it.)

To be clear, this exercise is not an easy one. Spartan Races require participants to do 30 burpees in a row if they choose to skip an obstacle — clearly a form of punishment that goes to show just how tough the exercise is. Similarly, CrossFit often require a number of burpees to be performed for anyone arriving to class late.

Learn how to do a burpee, plus how it can incorporated into a workout.

What Is a Burpee?

The burpee, also known as a squat thrust, is a full-body plyometric exercise that incorporates four steps. The basic burpee is called a four-count burpee and starts in a standing position. From there, follow these four steps:

  • Count 1: Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
  • Count 2: Kick your feet back, placing your body into a plank position, while keeping your arms extended.
  • Count 3: Jump your feet back into the squat position.
  • Count 4: Jump up from the squat position.

Often, the burpee is performed as a six-count bodyweight exercise where a push-up and an explosive jump is added to the mix, making this love/hate exercise even harder. The burpee is using so much energy that it is easy to get fatigued very quickly.

This is one of the reasons that it is often incorporated into a challenge of some sort, such as the 100 burpee workout. The fatigue happens very quickly due to the full body movements and, in some cases, up to three jumps not to mention the push-up if you decide to add that.

A physiologist named Royal H. Burpee developed the burpee in the 1930s by using it as a fitness test. He used the test as part of his doctoral thesis in applied physiology from Columbia University in 1940. It became popular when the United States Armed Services used it as a way to assess the fitness level of recruits during World World II. It allowed the military to quickly review agility, coordination and strength.

Burpees - Dr. Axe


1. Burpees Are a Full-Body Workout

Most exercises work on specific muscles or muscle groups; whereas, the burpee pretty much works it all — core muscles, shoulders, chest, triceps and legs. You can even modify it to ensure full body work. For example, when in the plank position, throw in a tricep pushup, and you are now including the triceps while working legs, core and other upper body muscles.

Burpees are even considered a great butt exercise.

2. Burpees Add Strength

Let’s face it, burpees are tough and often fall into the dreaded exercise category. You love the results, but they are so hard, that getting through 10 of them is enough of a challenge for most. The thing to keep in mind is that just like anything else, practice offers more. At first, doing even three burpees may be as far as you can go, but if you stay with it, you will be able to do way more because you will get stronger. Those three burpees can turn into 13 in no time!

A study reported the evaluation of active women and their aerobic fitness and muscular endurance when performing whole-body weight high intensity training to include burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers or squat thrusts as compared to specific single interval exercises, such as leg presses. The data indicated that although improvements in cardiovascular fitness and strength are evident by both endurance and low volume interval-style training, “whole-body aerobic-resistance training imparted addition benefit in the form of improved skeletal muscle endurance.”

3. Burpees Can Be Done Almost Anywhere

Another great feature of burpees is that you can do them anywhere. There is no need for any additional equipment beyond body weight. That makes them the perfect exercise to do in most places, including your hotel room, so you have no excuse to keep up with your fitness, even when traveling.

A study of Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets investigated how the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) impacted fitness levels. Twenty-six college-aged participants completed four weeks of exercise training in just three days. This consisted of 60 minutes of general physical training such as whole-body calisthenics, incorporating “all-out” burpees.

The results showed sustained fitness even though the duration of the calisthenics was short. An exercise program that includes HIIT may be the best way to maintain fitness without access to equipment.

4. Burpees Build Muscle Definition

As said above, burpees are considered a great exercise for the quads, arms, chest, butt, hamstring and the core. With all that work, it is impossible to avoid getting a more defined and toned physique.

Proper form is key; you need to take your time while performing the exercise to make sure you avoid injury and reap the benefits of this amazing all-in-one exercise. Once you have mastered it, you can start to challenge yourself with increased speed.

5. Burpees Increase Endurance

There’s nothing like 10 burpees in a row to get your heart pounding. A study showed that cardiovascular benefits were gained with calisthenics as compared to cycling, indicating that both are beneficial in building endurance and cardiovascular strength. This happens because you are working numerous muscle groups all at one time. The demand for oxygen increases with this work.

Over time, you will be able to perform more of them because your body will have the ability to use this oxygen more efficiently. This is when speed combined with perfect form comes into play, making you stronger and more efficient at performing the burpee. This work will help your other fitness endeavors, too.

How to Do Burpees Exercise

Even though the burpee may sound intimidating, it is really simple. Here are the basic instructions for performing the classic burpee.

  1. Start by positioning yourself in a standing position.
  2. Then, drop down into a squat position placing your hands on the ground.
  3. Next, jump your feet back in one quick motion resulting in the front plank position.
  4. Return to the squat position in one quick movement.
  5. Jump straight into the air as high as possible.

Now that you know the move, practice it a couple of times to make sure you have good form. Keep the abs tight in order to protect your lower back.

Burpee Modifications

  • Instead of jumping the legs out to the plank position, you can walk them out to the position.
  • If jumping is too much right now, just stand upright instead.

Once you are stronger, you will be able to perform the exercise consecutively based on the instructions of the workout. If you need a break, take 10 to 15 seconds, then resume. Over time, you will be able to do more at a faster pace.

Burpees Workouts

There are many ways to do a burpee workout. Have you heard of the Burpee Mile? This is where you do a burpee with a broad jump for the distance of a mile. There is the popular 100 Burpee Challenge that may intrigue you.

Not ready for that? How about trying one of these burpee workouts and work your way towards your next challenge.

First, before any of these workouts, do a warm-up, such as walking in place for a few minutes and then some jumping jacks. You can also combine these the burpee exercise with nearly any kind of workout. It goes particularly well with HIIT workouts or Tabata workouts.

1. Basic Burpee Workout — Beginner

Perform 3 sets of 6 burpees with a 30-second rest between each set.

2. Burpee Workout with Push-Up — Advanced

Perform 5 sets of 10 burpees with a 45-second rest between each set, but add a push-up when in plank position.

Challenge: Add 2 push-ups with a side knee tuck! To do this, once you are in plank position, perform a push-up. As you go down, bring your right knee to your right elbow. Repeat on the left side. Then, resume the burpee. This one is tough, but offers amazing core benefits.

3. Burpee Workout with Push-Up and High Knee Tuck Jump — Advanced

Perform the burpee as prescribed above, but when you stand up to do the jump, explode into a high knee tuck jump. To do this, as you explode upward into the jump, tuck the knees and try gently slapping your knees as a reminder to brings the knees up as high as you can.

4. Burpee Circuit Superset Workout

Perform 4 sets of 4 exercises for one minute each, with a 10-second rest between each exercise and a one-minute rest between each set. Do as many as you can during the interval.

Exercise 1: Mountain Climbers

Get in plank position and move the feet forwards and backwards, one at a time, in a fluid movement. Do not touch toes to the ground with the forward foot. Keep abs tight.

Exercise 2: Jumping Jacks

This is the classic jumping jack that you have known since childhood. Simply stand with feet hip-distance apart. Arms at your sides. Jump feet out to the sides while taking your arms out the side and up above your head.

Exercise 3: Burpees

Start by positioning yourself in a standing position. Then, drop down into a squat position placing your hands on the ground. Next, extend your feet back in one quick motion resulting in the front plank position. Return to the squat position in one quick movement. Jump straight into the air as high as possible. You can add the push-up and/or the high knee tuck jump as described above for a bigger challenge.

Exercise 4: Squats

Start with feet a little wider than hip-distance apart. Keep the upper body as upright as possible during this exercise. Go down into a squat as if sitting in a chair. Try to go down until the quads are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.


If you are suffering from lower back pain, you may want to avoid doing the burpees. While if performed correctly, it should not cause problems, it is an exercise that uses most of the body. Additionally, if you suffer from vertigo, this exercise may be difficult to perform. And again, it’s best to work with a fitness professional, at least at the beginning, to make sure your form is correct and you’re not exercising with muscle imbalances. This can also lead to injury.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of your fitness level, you can work your way up to performing the burpee as part of your workout and strength building. It is the perfect exercise to build muscles and endurance and can go with you just about anywhere.

The post How to Do a Burpee (and Why) appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Bodyweight Exercises to Build Strength at Home Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:40:11 +0000 If you knew that there was something completely free, totally accessible no matter where you are, and proven to benefit your sleep, metabolism, bones, immunity and mood — wouldn’t you be willing to give it a try? Then bodyweight exercises should be right in your wheelhouse. Despite the fact that most health professionals recommend that... Read more »

The post Bodyweight Exercises to Build Strength at Home appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Bodyweight exercises

If you knew that there was something completely free, totally accessible no matter where you are, and proven to benefit your sleep, metabolism, bones, immunity and mood — wouldn’t you be willing to give it a try? Then bodyweight exercises should be right in your wheelhouse.

Despite the fact that most health professionals recommend that strength training become an integral part of every adult’s fitness program in order to get the most benefits of exercise, most people still don’t take advantage of all that strength-building exercises have to offer. Because people usually cite reasons like a lack of time, no gym membership or not knowing how to use weight machines properly as obstacles to strength training, here’s an idea: Simply do bodyweight exercises instead!

Did you know that Americans lose on average more than six pounds of lean muscle mass for each decade of life? Some researchers estimate that our metabolic rate decreases 3 percent to 8 percent each decade from the age of 20, which can mostly be attributed to a natural decrease in muscle mass.

One of the best ways to maintain a strong metabolism and prevent your weight from creeping up? Work at building more muscle mass by challenging yourself to lift heavy things. Stressing your body with a heavy load makes it stronger, whether that load is a dumbbell workout, weights on a machine or your very own body.

What Are Bodyweight Exercises?

Bodyweight exercises is simply using your own weight to build strength. A push-up, a plank or the squat exercise are three classic bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises are totally customizable, can be done anywhere and at any time, requires no equipment or gym membership, and takes less than 30 minutes.

If free weights, treadmills, group classes or exercise machines intimidate you, bodyweight exercises might be the very thing you need to break into a healthier routine.

Cardio (aerobic) exercises definitely have their benefits, but building muscle is equally important and often overlooked. Bodyweight exercises are a type of strength training, which helps rebuild muscle wear and tear that develops as we age. Numerous studies show that building lean muscle mass is also great for your heart, blood vessels, lungs, hormone production and even brain activity.

Another little-known benefit of bodyweight exercises and other forms of strength training is that they help reverse the negative effects that chronic dieting, or “yo-yo dieting,” can have on the body. You’re probably thinking, “Aren’t diets supposed to help improve your body composition?” Supposed to, yes, but consider this: Someone who has been dieting for years loses muscle tissue from both the process of aging and from a low-calorie diet that doesn’t supply enough nutrients to muscles to help them stay strong. Muscle is critical for maintaining a healthy weight because it’s actually metabolically active tissue, requiring more calories than fat just to be sustained.

How much strength training do you need to do each week? Most authorities recommend:

  • Performing strength-training exercises at least two to three times per week. Each should be a “full-body workout” ideally, which uses multiple big muscle groups (like your back, legs, chest and core) to get the most bang for your buck.
  • For each strength workout, aim to do eight to 10 different exercises, varying the muscles that each one targets. Each exercise is done in one set, and within each set you should perform eight to 12 reps.
  • After completing your strength workouts, make sure to also stretch at least two to three days a week to prevent injuries and increase range of motion, flexibility and recovery time.


Whether or not weight loss, or even weight gain, is your primary goal, keep in mind that bodyweight exercises have benefits that are far beyond just improving your appearance. Here are several ways that doing bodyweight exercises can help you maintain better cognitive, immune, cardiovascular and hormonal health:

1. Help Build and Maintain Lean Muscle Mass

As you’ve learned, building strength is crucial for maintaining a strong metabolism as you age, since it increases lean muscle mass that naturally declines as someone gets older. Muscle mass plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy weight and general metabolic functions — for example, helping with insulin sensitivity, thyroid function and hormonal balance. Generally the more lean muscle you hold on your frame, the higher your basal metabolic rate is, which means you need more calories just to maintain your weight on any given day.

Ever notice that muscular athletes can get away with eating a lot? It’s not just that they’re training for many hours a day; muscles also burn more calories than fat does. When you build more muscle, you burn more fat even when you’re at rest or simply sleeping! Bodyweight exercises can also result in increased growth hormone production. Growth hormones are often referred to as our natural fountains of youth, because they’re what help us retain lean body mass and fat-burning abilities.

Finally, if you simply enjoy cardio workouts like running or swimming more than strength exercises, here’s some good news: Lifting weights of any kind gives you enhanced strength and performance, which provides more power for all sorts of exercises. For example, building strength in the back or core comes in handy when you’re running, while strengthening the shoulders is useful for swimming.

2. Improve Heart Health

Exercise of any kind causes the heart to pump blood stronger and more effectively, which reduces blood pressure levels naturally and improves circulation. The heart is strengthened just like any other muscle when it’s routinely put under more pressure, so it adapts by gaining the ability to do its job better.

Strength-training exercises are also tied to healthier blood cholesterol levels and less risk for a heart attack or stroke. In fact, regular strength-building exercise is tied to increased longevity in general — even protection from cancer — since it prevents muscles from wasting and down regulation in the metabolism. Even patients recovering from heart attacks or heart disease are now advised to do weekly dynamic resistance exercises to build back heart strength and endurance safely.

3. Reduce Risk for Diabetes

Exercise can also fight diabetes since it helps with removal of glucose (sugar) from the blood, ushering the glucose into your muscles to be as stored as glycogen and used for energy at a later time. Another benefit of this process is that it prevents a high level of glycation end products from accumulating in the bloodstream, which over time can damage blood vessels, organs and tissues.

4. Improve Your Mood and Fights Depression

Some people refer to exercise as the body’s natural Prozac, since it biologically reduces stress and is tied to improvements in self-esteem, confidence, the ability to problem solve, better sleep and emotional health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, chemicals that give you a natural high and lift your mood, helping to fight depression and improve low energy levels.

5. Help Maintain Cognitive Function

Strength training is often tied to longevity and a reduction in DNA damage due to the anti-aging effects of muscle mass. The hormone BDNF, which is stimulated by exercise, helps brain cells regenerate even as someone becomes older. Exercise also lowers oxidative stress and inflammation, which are tied to cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and so on.

6. Improve Health of Joints and Bones

Increasing muscle mass offers protection of joints and bones, since stronger muscles mean that you rely less on your joints to move around. Exercising has been shown to help improve pain in the back, ankles, knees and hips, while also increasing bone strength and density.

Weight-bearing exercises increase your body’s fortification of bone reserves and protect your skeletal frame, which is crucial for preventing fractures, falls and bone loss into older age (especially for women who are at a higher risk for osteoporosis).

Bodyweight exercises vs. weight machines - Dr. Axe

Bodyweight Exercise Workout

Now that you know all the benefits of bodyweight exercises, let’s look at how you can get started. Overall, the idea is for you to integrate exercises that build strength all over, ideally by doing moves that use more than one body part (like push-ups, squats or burpees). Many of these moves are similar to calisthenics.

Keep thing simple at first and and time-efficient, since the more convenient your exercise routine is, the more likely you are to stick with it. That’s one of the top exercise hacks there is.

Try creating your own circuit workout by combining 5–10 different bodyweight exercises below. Each can be done one after the other for the best results, without much rest in between. This gets your heart rate up quickly and gives you the benefits of a cardio workout at the same time.

After you go through a circuit of all 5–10 exercises, you can repeat the entire circuit again if you’re physically fit enough to so. If not, this is simply something to work toward. Do bodyweight exercise circuits 3–4 times per week, taking rest days in between (or alternating with cardio) to give your body time for proper muscle recovery.

Bodyweight exercises to try include:

  • sit-ups
  • pull-ups
  • push-ups
  • lunges
  • squats
  • burpees
  • tuck-jumps
  • mountain climbers
  • plank
  • wall-sits
  • chair pose
  • limb-raises
  • “supermans”
  • tricep dips
  • reverse fly
  • bicycles

In addition, many butt workouts include bodyweight exercises such as the donkey kick. How do you know how many repetitions you should do? Do what feels right and always focus on form, while listening to your muscles for feedback. Usually 12–20 is a good number of reps to aim for, but it depends on your abilities and level of fitness.

Begin with light loads and slow speed to get proper form down, then increase difficulty if you can maintain proper form by doing more reps or performing the exercise at a quicker speed. Your muscles should be fatigued at the end but not in complete pain, strained or injured.

To keep things interesting, you might want to also invest in some simple at-home tools that make incorporating bodyweight or strength exercises throughout the day easier than ever:

  • a pull-up bar (to hook onto a door at home)
  • basic free weights or dumbbells
  • a yoga mat
  • stability ball
  • BOSU ball
Bodyweight exercises to try - Dr. Axe

Adding HIIT Bodyweight Workouts

Instead of doing the same number of bodyweight exercise sets/reps, the same duration or a consistent level of intensity each time, try to keep challenging yourself. Kicking it up a notch and performing strength training at a higher intensity has numerous benefits.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT workouts) isn’t just for cardio; it can also take the benefits of bodyweight exercises to the next level. And just like doing slower circuit workouts, you can practice bodyweight training at home.

What qualities as high-intensity? During the “intense” interval you want to reach around 85 percent of maximum heart rate, which means you’ll be breathing heavily for a short, but difficult, period. Between intense intervals of performing reps very quickly, which should last about 30–60 seconds, take the same amount of time to rest.

Above 85 percent of your max heart rate is the anaerobic threshold, or the point at which your body starts experiencing an afterburn effect that causes you to burn calories long after the workout is over. At this point you should be sweating and really feeling the burn, but it’s well worth it — HIIT takes a shorter amount of time and has enormous health benefits relative to traditional cardio or circuit training workouts.

Final Thoughts

While cardio has its benefits, nothing beats strength training for long-term weight management. And when it comes to strength training, bodyweight exercises are the safest, most convenient and least expensive workouts to do.

Not only do they use your own bodyweight to work out, but they build muscle that burns fat long after your workout is done. Bodyweight workouts are more attractive to people who find weight machines or the gym intimidating or too costly. And their benefits include more than just building lean muscle mass — which is the main, most impressive benefit, of course.

Bodyweight exercises also improve heart health, prevent and treat diabetes, improve your mood, help maintain cognitive function, and strengthen joints and bones. So stop making excuses and start your strength training today with bodyweight exercises! You’ll feel better, look better and become healthier overall!

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Inner Thigh Workout: Best Exercises & Tips Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:30:11 +0000 Inner thigh fat is a common concern among women, and many wonder what inner thigh exercises are out there to work on this common trouble area. Thinner thighs may be on your mind, too, thanks in part to the continual popularity of skinny jeans. This fashion trend is continues to ignite the appeal of smaller... Read more »

The post Inner Thigh Workout: Best Exercises & Tips appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Inner thigh workouts - Dr. Axe

Inner thigh fat is a common concern among women, and many wonder what inner thigh exercises are out there to work on this common trouble area. Thinner thighs may be on your mind, too, thanks in part to the continual popularity of skinny jeans. This fashion trend is continues to ignite the appeal of smaller thighs, sometimes in an unhealthy way. I’m talking specifically about the focus on the thigh gap, the space some women have between the inner thighs when standing with their knees touching.

Unfortunately, some women are overtraining — going far beyond cardio workouts and inner thigh workouts to achieve the sought-after look. Media reports remind us that teens and young women sometimes go to extremes — like eating disorders and surgery — to achieve the thigh gap.

Sure, there are some benefits of having smaller thighs. Healthy body-fat loss can make crossing your legs more comfortable, in addition to increasing your confidence when wearing tighter clothing. But other than preventing chafing, having a thigh gap is not of major importance. In fact, most body types don’t allow for a thigh gap; that’s mostly genetic.

The great news is getting rid of excess body fat does provide you with a fitter, healthier body. Exercise is a great way to cut unhealthy body fat and tone your thighs, particularly these inner thigh exercises designed to work on healthier, fitter thighs.

What Are the Inner Thigh Muscles?

The thigh is made up of several muscle groups that all work together with your hip and lower leg to produce movement. Because all muscles groups are connected by nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues called fascia, they’re used in conjunction to help you move through your daily activities. For example, if one part of your thigh is weak or damaged, it could impact how your hip flexors, torso, shoulders and lower legs move.

Your thigh muscles are connected by layers of fascia that connect to the muscles in your hip, back and lower leg. These muscles work with the hip to produce your ability to walk, run, climb, and stabilize your leg and pelvis when you stand and move. Thigh muscles also work together to provide power, strength and speed when you perform certain activities like kicking a ball or lifting something from a squat position.

The thighs are made up of four different muscle groups:

  • The quadriceps are made up of four primary muscles that are located on the front of your thighs.
  • The hamstrings are made up of three primary muscles and found on the back of the thighs.
  • The adductors include two primary muscles and make up the inner thighs.
  • The abductors consist of two primary muscles located on the outer thighs and butt.

To get the best inner thigh workout, it’s important to target all of these muscle groups. You can focus on these muscles three to four days per week, preferably skipping a day before you do the workout again so you provide enough muscle recovery time for your thigh muscles.

Keep in mind that spot training can help, but it needs to be combined with some cardio and a healthy diet to be effective.

Truth About the Thigh Gap

Having a thigh gap has become synonymous with being skinny and fit. Sadly, it’s also become synonymous with eating disorders. Proof of the craze is apparent if you track what people are looking for online: The phrase “thigh gap workout” is a highly searched term. To be clear, just because someone has a thigh gap doesn’t mean that person has an eating disorder. But it’s equally important to understand that natural thigh gaps are most often genetic.

The structure of your bones and body shape determine whether it’s even physically possible to have a thigh gap. The width of your hips and the angle of your pelvic bones are traits that affect the shape of the thighs. This occurs regardless of the fat you may have on your body. It makes sense that people with narrower pelvises may have more closely set leg bones. This would close the gap — something that cannot be changed with diet and exercise.

Another factor determining the space between the thighs is your body type. If you’re someone who struggles to gain weight, then you likely have a larger gap between the thighs compared to someone with a higher body fat-to-muscle ratio.

Though many people are making unhealthy choices to acquire a thigh gap, such as surgery or eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia nervosa, the best thing you can do is to commit to a consistent exercise routine, including inner thigh exercises, combined with a healthy diet.

Remember that thigh gaps are just a trend. There isn’t a specific thigh gap workout, but it’s completely possible to have a great workout for thinner thighs that will produce results. You just need to focus on being healthy and staying fit, and you will have great thighs and a healthy figure.

Best Inner Thigh Workout

To get the best inner thigh muscles, aim for 20 to 30 minutes of cardio five to six times per week, combined with this great inner thigh workout routine. You can also try incorporating some of our leg workouts for women or butt workouts to mix things up.

Do the following exercise circuit for one minute per exercise for a total of three to four rounds. Rest for 15 seconds between each exercise and for one minute between each round.

1. Leg Lifts with Stability Ball

Lie on your side on the floor. If this is uncomfortable, bend your bottom elbow and rest your head on your hand. Place a large exercise ball in between your feet, and slowly lift the ball up toward the ceiling using only your hips and butt. Return to the start position without touching the floor with your feet. That makes one repetition. Once you have completed one minute on one side, switch to the other side.

2. Sumo Squat

To perform the sumo squat, stand with your feet wide apart and toes pointed out at about 10 and 2 o’clock. This exercise can be done with or without weights. Regardless, hold your weight (or just your hands) in front of you at about chin level. Maintain good form by keeping your upper body in an upright position. Abs are tight.

Bend at the knees, pushing your butt back while squatting as if sitting in a chair, while holding your hands or weight in front of you (but close to the body). Place your weight onto your heels. If you are able, squat to where your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor, like a sumo wrestler. If not, just go about halfway. Over time, you will get stronger and be able to perform a full-range, deep squat.

If you choose to hold weight while performing this exercise, select a weight that provides a little challenge but doesn’t compromise your form. Make sure you’re not bending over while performing this exercise. It’s important that you squat down while keeping the upper body as erect as possible.

3. Hamstrings Curls with Stability Ball

Lie on your back on your mat, arms by your side. Place the ball near your feet, and then place your heels on top of the ball. Raise your hips as high as you can. Once you’re stable, begin curling the feet and ball in toward your butt, then return to starting position, keeping the hips raised the entire time. You will feel this in your hamstrings.

4. Lateral Lunges

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, weights in hands down by your sides (weights are optional). Step wide to the right and lunge down toward the floor, keeping your upper body as upright as possible during this movement.

Try to touch the floor with your weights. The wider you step, the easier it is to touch the floor; however, be careful  as it may take time to gain the strength in the thighs for the wider step. Next, push off of the floor and return to the starting position. From there, repeat the exercise to the other side. In a continuous movement, continue lunging from side to side.

5. Side-to-Side Walk with Elastic Band

Place an elastic resistance band around your ankles. If you use an exercise tube, choose one that is a challenge, and place the tube underneath your feet. Grab the handles and cross them in front, arms down.

Begin by walking to the right with the widest step possible and repeat with four more steps to the right. Next, walk left four times. Repeat in a continuous, fluid movement.

Extra Tips to Trim the Inner Thighs

There are three things to consider if you want to achieve shapely, toned thighs:

1. What Are You Eating?

Diet is very important. Though protein powders can be useful in building muscle, it’s important to eat a balanced macronutrient diet of healthy carbs, lean protein and good fats. Studies show that by consuming healthy fats, but less fat overall, you can shed body fat. This fat loss helps reveal the toned muscles that lie beneath. Without losing the fat, you simply will not be able to see those toned thighs.

Recent studies show that by restricting dietary fat, participants lost 68 percent more body fat compared to the group cutting the same number of carbohydrate calories. Carb restriction also provided weight loss, but interestingly, participants in the fat-restriction group lost even more body fat. “These findings counter the theory that body fat loss necessarily requires decreasing insulin, thereby increasing the release of stored fat from fat tissue and increasing the amount of fat burned by the body.”

2. Are You Toning Your Muscles?

Certain types of exercises tone your thighs more than others. There are numerous inner thigh exercises and outer thigh workouts, but combining them, such as in the workout above, can provide great overall tone in your thighs. Adding resistance band exercises or a fuller range of motion can help build stronger muscles, which can also tone your thighs.

One study in particular focused on the squat exercise. It showed that when performing an unrestricted squat exercise through a full range of motion, it’s far more effective to help stimulate adaptations in the lower extremity musculature than restricted squats. Though it may take time, working toward performing exercises in the full range of motion can provide the benefits of exercise you’re looking to achieve.

3. Are You Staying Active on a Regular Basis?

There are activities that are far more effective than others in helping you maintain lean thighs. Taking a brisk walk is great. Snow skiing, water skiing and cycling/spinning are great, too, because they are great exercises for the quads and hamstrings.

Running, whether slow or fast, can produce some lean muscle in the thigh area. Burst training and HIIT workouts or classes are excellent allies in burning inner thigh fat. Barre workout classes are fantastic for toning those deep, underlying muscles, while yoga does wonders for strengthening and toning. Have you ever noticed the beautifully toned thighs of a dancer? All the more reason to take some dance lessons with your spouse or take up a class at the gym.

The truth about the thigh gap - Dr. Axe


When beginning any new exercises routine, it’s common to feel sore a day or two following the workout. Consider an Epsom salt bath to help work out the soreness. Take it slow. Also, consult with your doctor, especially if you take any medications.

Final Thoughts

The thigh gap is the space some women have between their thighs when standing up straight with their knees together. It’s become somewhat of a desired look, but the truth is most body types don’t allow for this. Unfortunately, the global obsession with the tight gap is causing some women to turn to surgery and eating disorders.

Instead of focusing on the thigh gap, use proven inner thigh exercises focusing on the four main muscle groups of the thigh, along with a healthy diet lower in fat (don’t forget to include some good fats, though), to cut excess body fat and build a stronger, more functional body. Strengthening your thighs, in particular, will help you move more efficiently in your daily activities, too.

So keep the following in mind:

  • Some of the best inner thigh exercises include leg lifts with a stability ball, sumo squats, hamstrings curls with a stability ball, lateral lunges and side-to-side walks with an elastic band.
  • There are three things to consider if you want to achieve shapely, toned thighs: What are you eating? Are you toning your muscles? Are you staying active on a regular basis?

Implement these inner thigh exercises, combined with a healthy diet, and you’re sure to get fitter, stronger thighs.

The post Inner Thigh Workout: Best Exercises & Tips appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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How to Do a Plank Exercise & Variations for a Strong Core Mon, 17 Apr 2023 20:30:54 +0000 Tapping into the power of plank exercise variations is one of the best ways to strengthen your core and work towards more defined abs. While the plank might be a relatively simple exercise to describe — it’s basically a static push-up — this doesn’t mean that holding planks (or “planking”) is easy to execute. And it... Read more »

The post How to Do a Plank Exercise & Variations for a Strong Core appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Tapping into the power of plank exercise variations is one of the best ways to strengthen your core and work towards more defined abs. While the plank might be a relatively simple exercise to describe — it’s basically a static push-up — this doesn’t mean that holding planks (or “planking”) is easy to execute. And it doesn’t take long to realize that the longer you plank, the tougher this exercise quickly becomes.

That being said, increasing the amount of time you can hold a plank, or the amount of plank repetitions you complete within a given time, is key if you want to build real strength in your core.

Can you already hold a plank for a minute or two? Then it’s time to introduce some plank exercise variations into your routine to increase the challenge and target different parts of your core. But before moving on to plank exercise variations, make sure you’ve built up a little core strength and know how to do a plank with proper form.

What Is a Plank?

The definition of a plank is as an isometric exercise that involves maintaining a flat back in a position similar to a push-up in order to strengthen the core. It’s also considered one of the top bodyweight exercises.

The goal is to hold a plank with proper form for the maximum possible time, which challenges multiple muscles in the core, including the rectus abdominis (better known as the “abs”), in addition to muscles in the arms, butt and legs. It’s an exercise often employed in ab workouts.

How do planks help create a flat stomach? The great thing about doing plank exercises is that they use your own body weight for resistance. This means you don’t need weights, bands or any other equipment to do them (although some plank exercise variations use things like a wall, Boso ball or incline bench t0 challenge different muscles).

There’s different theories as to when people started first performing planks. There’s also some controversy over who actually “inventing” the planking exercise.

Some credit Joseph Pilates, the man behind the Pilates school of training that emerged in the 1920s. Dr. Stuart McGill, of the University of Waterloo in Canada, published extensive work focusing on lower and general back pain exercises. He is also considered another “influential voice” involved in making the plank popular.

What Muscles Do Planks Work?

Planks are most well-known for building core strength, but they actually target other muscles, too. Planks engage muscles including:

  • Transversus abdominis (considered the deep foundation of your abs)
  • Rectus abdominis
  • Lumbar erector spinae
  • Obliques (internal and external)
  • Serratus anterior (the top part of your core that connects to the shoulders)
  • Muscles in your shoulders, arms and chest including the trapezius (or traps), the rhomboids, rotator cuff, pectorals (pecs) and the anterior, medial and posterior deltoid muscles (delts)
  • Muscles in your butt and legs including the gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads), gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles (abductors)
  • The adductor muscles of the hip

Regular Plank vs. Side Plank

While in a “front plank,” your hands are placed directly under your shoulders with the legs straight out behind you. The back is flat and belly drawn in. This type of plank is also sometimes called a front hold or abdominal bridge (or kumbhakasana in yoga) . Your body remains perpendicular to the ground, with your head and stomach facing down, but your torso remains elevated off of the ground.

There are also other slightly different plank variations, including forearm planks, side planks, one-legged planks and others that are described more below.

In a side plank, you keep only one hand or elbow on the ground while facing your whole body to the side, rather than pointing your belly button down at the ground. Side planks target your obliques (side core muscles). Your oblique muscles help you to bend sideways and twist your waist. They also help draw in your waist and stomach like a corset.


What are the benefits of doing planks? Below are some of the top reasons to add plank exercises to your workout routine:

1. Builds Deep Core Strength

Plank exercises are some of the best for building core stability and strength. They target more than the superficial “ab muscles.” While crunches and sit-ups are effective for targeting certain ab muscles, plank variations can also build strength in the “deep core” muscles, including the obliques, transverse abdominis and so on.

Core strength is protective against strains, overuse injuries tied to muscle compensations, poor posture, instability and more.

2. Help with Balance and Posture

A strong core helps with coordination, balance, daily functioning and general athletic/physical performance. And if you work on moving through different plank variations in a sequence, you’ll also be improving your range of motion.

Building core strength is also crucial for your posture. The core muscles work with the pelvic, glute and hip muscles to stabilize the body and hold you upright with good posture, preventing back pain and other aches.

3. Protect Your Lower Back and Help Prevent Injuries

Not only will planks help to get rid of back fat, they will also reduce the risk of back pain. Experts agree that a weak, unstable core contributes to injuries like low back pain, sciatica, poor balance, running injuries and more.

This is why core exercises, including plank variations, are often used among athletes as a means of enhancing performance and reducing risk for injury.

4. Help With Focus and Breathing

When you’re holding plank position it’s important to keep breathing, even while engaging your core. This helps you to keep going and allows you to push through burning or fatigued muscles.

Plank Exercises

The best plank exercises include the following:

Front Planks (best for beginners)

First work on nailing front planks before moving on to to other plank exercise variations. Hold your abs in tight and lift your hips high enough so that your back is flat like a tabletop. Avoid letting your hips droop down or stick too far up.

A basic plank variation of the front plank is a “low plank,” in which you place your forearms on the ground under your shoulders rather than holding yourself up on your hands.

Plank with Leg Lifts

Start in low plank position, resting on your forearms. Raise your right leg while keeping it straight and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Drop your right foot to the ground and switch sides, lifting your left leg and holding. When you lift your leg, make sure that your lower back doesn’t arch.

Another option is to move more quickly between sides, alternating legs for a total of one minute while you hold. This is considered a great butt exercise.

Knee-In Planks

Start in a front plank with your hands under your shoulders. Keep your core engaged and chest up, your neck neutral, inline with your spine. Bend one leg and bring your knee all the way up towards your chest, then extend your leg back out and switch sides. You can hold each leg in for about 5 to 10 seconds, or alternate sides more quickly for about 1 minute.

If you move slowly with control, you’ll actually engage your abs more and feel your core really working. Another option is to bring your knee in, then rotate your knee and hip under you and towards the ground so that you work your oblique muscles.

Plank with Hip Kicks

Start on your forearms in a low plank. Lift one arm off the ground and extend it out in front of you, which forces you to engage your core to retain balance.

If you’re more advanced, extend one arm out and at the same time lift the opposite leg. Try not to let your hips rock as you focus on keeping them square with the ground. Repeat sides for about one minute.

Plank Slides aka Roll-Out Planks

Use a towel or something slippery that you can slide your feet on the floor. Start in a low plank on your forearms. Place your feet on the towel and gently rock back and forth while keeping your elbows/forearms down. Movement should come from your shoulders as you push yourself back, keeping your core engaged, and then slide forward.

The further you extend back in this plank, the harder it will be to slide forward. Work toward completing these plank slides for about one minute, or as long as you can while maintaining good form.

Side Plank Exercises

Side planks can be performed with either your hand or elbow down, depending on your strength and what feels better for your wrists. You will only have one hand/elbow on the ground at a time placed right under your shoulder. Face towards the side and step your legs out straight so your body is in one line.

Either stack your feet, touching heel to heel, or bring one foot in front of the other. Keep your legs straight and your hips lifted high towards the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds or up to one minute or longer if possible.

After completing one side, roll over and do a side plank on the other side. If this feels easy for you, make it more challenging by dropping your hips to hover above the ground, then lifting them back up.

Plank Workout

How long should you be able to hold a plank? And how many sets of planks should you do a day?

  • This depends on your current fitness level. A good goal to aim for is to work your way up to holding a plank (or completing other plank exercise variations) for a minute, 90 seconds and eventually two minutes.
  • If you’re a beginner, you can start with 20 to 30 second holds/repetitions in a standard front plank or forearm plank.
  • Once you can steadily hold a plank for about one minute, you’re definitely ready to add in some plank exercise variations.
  • If need be, drop your knees to the ground in a plank to take a break and relieve pressure in your hands/wrist.

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your core, while also getting a full-body workout, is to do plank workouts using the Tabata method of exercise. This involves doing 20 seconds of high-intensity work, followed by a 10 second break, then repeating.

Try planking for about 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of taking a break, and then repeat 1 to 3 more times.

Other than planks and side planks, here are additional core exercises to work into your routine:

  1. V-ups — Like crunches performed on your back with your legs lifted off the ground
  2. Bicycles — Like crunches performed on your back while you twist and lift your elbow to your opposite knee
  3. Suitcases — Keep your back on the ground and legs extended in front of you. Crunch in as you lift your shoulders off the ground and bend your legs, bringing your knees towards your face using your core muscles

If you want to build strength in not just your core, but also throughout your body, try a routine where you alternate between planking and sets of push-ups, squats, sit-ups and burpees. You can complete each exercise for about one minute using a timer, and complete 2 to 3 sets in total.

Proper Plank Technique

In order to safely and effective strengthen your core, it’s important to properly learn how to do a plank. Here’s how to do a plank so that you get the most results:

  • Proper plank form means that your core will remain engaged. Your back should remain straight and even the whole time, like a tabletop.
  • Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and line your wrists up with your elbows as you spread your hands.
  • Keep your chest lifted and hips even with your back. Don’t allow your butt to move too far up so that it forms a peak. And don’t let your lower back sag down as your stomach drops. Focus on squeezing your abs in tight but make sure you’re still breathing. You also want to engage your thighs so your legs are working.
  • It helps to look slightly in front of you while you hold planks so that your shoulder blades slide back slightly and your neck stays long.


Planks are safe for most people to do, assuming they can hold themselves up. However, planks during pregnancy are controversial, since some feel that planking puts too much pressure on the abs and may contribute to abdominal separation (called diastasis recti).

If planks cause you pain, it’s best to build strength in other ways before attempting them, since planks with bad form might worsen issues like low back pain.

Final Thoughts

  • A plank is an isometric (static), core bodyweight exercise that involves maintaining a flat back in a position similar to a push-up. Plank exercise variations include: a front plank, side plank, plank with leg lifts, plank with hip kicks and plank slides.
  • What muscles do planks work? Planks target the whole core, including the “core deep muscles,” but also other muscle groups such as the back, shoulders and glutes.
  • What are the benefits of doing planks? Plank exercise benefits include: building core strength, helping with balance and posture, protecting the back, preventing injuries and helping with focus/deep breathing.
  • Proper plank form involves keeping your core engaged, your back flat, your hips even your back and your hands/elbows under your shoulders. Don’t forget to keep breathing.
  • Aim to complete a plank exercise routine 2 to 4 days per week. You can hold planks for 1 to 2 minutes, or complete planks back to back in a Tabata-style routine. Incorporate a variety of the best plank exercises described above, plus other body weight exercises, to build strength all over.

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Serratus Anterior Exercises to Strengthen the Top of Your Abs Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:00:26 +0000 The serratus anterior? Huh?  I know, I know — it sounds like a dinosaur or maybe one of the zombies from “The Walking Dead,” but this small muscle is a forgotten powerhouse. A vital stabilizer for healthy shoulder mobility, it deserves our attention.  Take a second to reach your arms straight above your head into a... Read more »

The post Serratus Anterior Exercises to Strengthen the Top of Your Abs appeared first on Dr. Axe.


The serratus anterior? Huh? 

I know, I know — it sounds like a dinosaur or maybe one of the zombies from “The Walking Dead,” but this small muscle is a forgotten powerhouse. A vital stabilizer for healthy shoulder mobility, it deserves our attention. 

Take a second to reach your arms straight above your head into a big “morning” stretch and you will activate the serratus anterior muscle. I’m reminded each morning of the crucial role these little guys play in our balance, strength and posture as I run through my morning stretch routine. 

I’m going to walk you through what the serratus anterior is — such as how it even helps your breathe! — as well as how to strengthen and stretch this important area.

What Is the Serratus Anterior?

Projecting outward are finger-like tentacles that originate from the first through eighth rib, wrapping intercostally around the outside of the rib cage. The muscle then inserts posteriorly into the anterior surface of the border of your scapula or “shoulder blades.”

The serratus anterior is broken down into three sections: superior, intermediate or medial, and inferior. When properly strengthened, it gives the look of an extension of the abdominals and increases the strength of your core.

The serratus anterior has a very important job in the pectoral girdle, both protracting the shoulder and rotating the scapula so the glenoid cavity moves “upward” superiorly and anchors the shoulder blade. When we protract our shoulders, we are abducting or moving away from the body. This works collaboratively with a more familiar muscle called the rhomboids on the posterior or dorsal side of the body. 

The rhomboids are large muscles on each side of the upper back. If you raise your arms up in a “touchdown” motion and squeeze your shoulder blades (scapulae) together, you fire up and contract the rhomboids, which act as an antagonist to the serratus anterior muscle. 

Another important function of this muscle is lifting the ribs as an accessory inspiratory muscle. Working hand and hand with the intercostal muscles, the serratus anterior helps open the chest and allows for deep breathing. Stop for a moment, take a big breath in and think of all of the amazing muscles that are at work to make that happen each time you inhale. 

The intercostal and core abdominal muscles act to reduce the thoracic volume, while the serratus anterior and other muscles in the thoracic cavity help increase thoracic volume. If we flip the body over onto the posterior side, the superior serratus posterior muscles assist in increasing thoracic volume while the inferior assist in thoracic volume reduction.

Wow!  That’s a lot going on every time we breathe.

The long thoracic nerve supplies the serratus anterior muscle via three spinal nerve roots, which cut through the clavicle area to the right of the brachial plexus. This innervation supplies from your fifth through seventh cervical spine and is important for the mobility of your neck.

Due the length of this nerve, it’s susceptible to injury via direct trauma, such as contact sports or blows to the upper torso. 

In the case of this type of upper extremity injury and because of the limited pain management options for this type of injury, with the rise of opioid usage, physicians are utilizing a new ultrasound procedure. It’s called Ultrasound-Guided Serratus Anterior pain block and is a promising single injection procedure that is decreasing the need for opioids, while relieving the pain of the trauma to the rib cage.

This is a promising alternative for traumatic posterior rib fracture pain and is utilized in emergency departments.

The serratus anterior protects against neck pain and is sometimes called the “boxer” muscle. In reality, we use it in swimming, holding handstands or yoga poses, throwing a football, and even doing a push-up. 

In Latin, serrare means to saw, and the serratus anterior muscle looks serrated against the ribs, projecting across the upper torso. Its movement within the shoulder joint enables the arm to move above 90 degrees. 

Injury can occur due to overuse and repetitive movements, such as in swimming, heavy lifting or throwing a baseball. When overused, the muscle is subjected to mini muscle traumas that over time lead to strains, pain and tears. 

The significance of this? The arm’s movement relies on a series of muscles to anchor the shoulder blade to the body. 

Injury prevention tips:

Warming up your muscles for just a few minutes before any activity is important. It increases the muscle temperature and allows for an increase in muscle pliability. 

Follow this with a stretch, holding for about 10 seconds, to allow for improved muscle performance. 

Finally, make sure to cool down your muscles by slowing down the exercises before completely stopping. This helps prevent dizziness, fainting or nausea and also helps remove the lactic acid from the muscles, allowing the blood that pools in the lower extremity time to reach the brain.

Serratus anterior exercises - Dr. Axe

Best Exercises to Strengthen Serratus Anterior

1. Scapular Push-Ups

To execute this properly, place your arms just outside of shoulder-width, and lock your arms firmly. If you need a modification or have weak wrists, you can do this exact exercise on your forearms. From here, you want to tighten your abdominals and glutes, keeping your body in the plank position. 

To execute fully, pull your shoulders back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and then extending your shoulders forward by pulling your shoulder blades apart. Try adding three sets of 10–15 repetitions into your next core workout.

2. Dip Shrugs or Reverse Shrug on Dip Machine

This exercise increases the range of motion versus just using dumbbells for shoulder shrugs. On the dip machine, you will begin with arms fully extended and supporting your body weight with the shoulder and arms. 

Be sure to check your spinal form for any arching and correct by tucking the pelvis forward. This is important to keep your posterior spinal muscles safe. 

Slow and controlled, lower your body by allowing the shoulders to climb toward your ears. Follow this by reversing the motion and pushing the shoulders downward away from the ears back to the starting dip position. 

You can easily build these into your workout regimen to gain strength and tone the serratus anterior.

3. Downward-Facing Tree Pose – “Handstand”

This is challenging but can be done against a wall or with a partner’s assistance. A concentric contraction occurs as your scapula rotates onto the rib cage. As you kick up into the handstand, engage the core, and lift your toes upward.

It’s important to maintain form because collapsing into the wrist is dangerous to the carpal tunnel and the nerves moving through it. 

This pose utilizes the serratus anterior, rotator cuff, deltoids, abdominals and hamstrings to stabilize the position. This muscle is a true powerhouse stabilizer and helps the chest from collapsing through the scapula.

Best Stretches

1. Downward Dog Yoga

This pose strengthens and stretches the serratus anterior muscle. Further moving from plank position to downward dog and back to plank position adds activation of the core abdominal muscles.

You can stretch and strengthen by adding some movement through downward dog (inverted V) pose. This creates a concentric contraction to upwardly rotate and abduct the scapula on the rib cage.

As in other yoga poses, the breath is vital during this inversion and naturally moves the diaphragm cranially (upward), creating deep inhalation and exhalation for the body. As you move your shoulders away from the ears, the scapula starts a downward movement, and it protracts and activates the serratus anterior muscle. 

According to a study from the Mayo Clinic, prone planking exercises activate the serratus anterior along with nine other muscles at levels conducive to high electromyographic (EMG) muscle strengthening levels.

2. Cobra Pose

This pose is done in the prone position with a slight backward bend contracting the spine and upper and lower limbs. With toes tucked beneath, legs fully extended and arms pressing against the floor, you gently lift your chin and chest upward. 

The serratus anterior muscle is active as the body maintains a neutral position of the scapula against the press of the arms. It’s important to lift the spine upward as your shoulders press away from your ears to correctly execute the cobra pose. 

3. Seated Spinal Twist or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

This twist engages all parts of the torso and works on different layers of muscles. When rotating the spine, it’s important to remember to keep the spine in a neutral position as you move into the twist. Flexion on the spine can compromise the safety and stability of the pose, injuring the lumbar vertebrae or disc. 

It’s important to listen to your body and stop when you feel a comfortable stretch. Once you find that “sweet” spot, breathe through the stretch, allowing the muscles to relax and release. Think of it like you are ringing out a dirty rag, releasing the excess lactic acid that gets stuck in your spinal canal from everyday usage and exposure to free radicals.

This pose exhibits a concentric contraction of the serratus anterior, spinal extensors, and adductors longus and brevis.

In any fitness or bodybuilding program, it’s important to look deep into the accessory muscles and not just focus on the larger more common muscles. These intricate details will amplify your performance and get you the physique you are looking for. 

The serratus anterior is a small powerhouse in the chest that when given proper attention can create stability in the shoulder girdle, allow deeper breathing and create a extension to your already rockin’ six pack abs!

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Best Leg Workouts for Women & That Produce Results Thu, 13 Apr 2023 20:45:38 +0000 It is very common for women to dislike the shape of their legs, and you will often hear women say, “These are not the legs I want!” But that doesn’t mean you cannot have the legs you want. There are some great exercises and activities that you can incorporate into your daily life that will... Read more »

The post Best Leg Workouts for Women & That Produce Results appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Leg workouts for women

It is very common for women to dislike the shape of their legs, and you will often hear women say, “These are not the legs I want!” But that doesn’t mean you cannot have the legs you want. There are some great exercises and activities that you can incorporate into your daily life that will completely transform your legs — making them beautifully toned, lean and strong — and are considered the best leg workouts for women.

However, it’s important to understand that while performing some key exercises on a consistent basis will help you get those legs fit and beach-ready, only when combined with a healthy diet will such a transformation happen, especially if you seek to keep those legs in great shape long-term.

Here is an exercise program to help you reshape your legs through proper exercise. The great news is that with this program, you will gain other key benefits, such as toning other parts of your body, feeling healthier, starting to do more activities, having more confidence and simply looking great.

Best Technique

Choosing the right exercises is part of finding the best leg workouts for women, but this plan works really well when you engage the leg muscles to include the inner thighs (try our inner thigh workout), outer thighs and butt while focusing on your core muscles. When you engage all of these muscles, you will work them more efficiently — which will help develop leaner legs, and more overall fitness.

The best way to accomplish this? Contract the muscles while performing the exercises as well as incorporating some resistance.

Resistance training, even for older adults, can greatly benefit and add more muscle tone in addition to using your own bodyweight. Research indicates that using weight over a 16-week period significantly improved the muscle development in the legs, as well as the upper body of the subjects tested.

While some of these exercises suggest weights, keep in mind that you can create your own resistance, where there is constant tension during the lift known as isotonic exercises, without using any weight at all. Regardless, it may take time to gain the proper strength to perform the exercises correctly with added weight. Be patient. With consistency and a good diet, you will experience positive results that you can maintain for the rest of your life!

Leg workout - Dr. Axe

Best Leg Workout for Women

Here is a workout that you can do at home, which imports bodyweight exercises, or at the gym. Many of these leg exercises double as excellent butt workouts and some also work the calf muscles.

Start by doing these exercises 3 times per week, every other day for 4 weeks. For advanced exercisers, you can do the routine 4 times per week. If you can, incorporate about 15–20 minutes of one of the cardio workouts. This combined with a healthy diet will have your legs ready for summer!

Important Tips

  1. If you are choosing to hold weights while performing some of these exercises, make sure to select weights that provide a little challenge, but that do not cause you to have poor form. If your form is suffering in any way, do not use weights until you are strong enough to perform the exercises with proper form because it may cause injury.
  2. Proper form greatly affects the efficiency and results that you want. Going too fast may result in poor form as well. Take it slow until you feel comfortable, then you can try other options.
  3. Engage as many muscles as possible while performing each exercise. To do this, focus on those muscles and contract them as you create the movement. This will make these exercises very effective!
  4. If you are new to these exercises or any exercise program, consult your doctor and definitely take it slow.
  5. As with any program, be patient! You will achieve results with consistency and a good diet. This is about long-term results, not quick fad diets and exercises.
  6. Though these are common and regarded as very effective exercises, if you notice that you are struggling to breathe or even a slight pain of any sort, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

What You Will Need

  • You can use your own bodyweight for all of these exercises; however, if you have weights or are at the gym, you can grab a set of light weights, medium weights, and for advanced exercisers, heavy weights.
  • A timer or you can simply count 1001, 1002 and so on.
  • A mat or towel.

Leg Exercises

Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Then, take a 15-second break between each exercise. Once you have completed one round, rest for 1 minute and repeat the round. For beginners, do a total of 2 rounds and for advanced exercisers, do 3–4 rounds.

Make sure to drink plenty of water and use controlled breathing.

1. Butt Lifter and Hamstring Toner

Get on all fours. Keep a flat back, meaning do not arch your back in either direction but rather keep it flat while engaging your abdominals. Hold one medium-to-heavy weight behind the your right knee by squeezing the lower leg towards your butt. Remember to choose the weight that is best for you, giving you a little bit of a challenge. Now, lift the leg to a 90-degree angle to the floor and bring it back down to the starting position, but without stopping. Continue with the lifting and lowering motion for 20 repetitions, then repeat on the other leg.

2. Squats

Stand with feet about hip-distance apart. If you are choosing to hold weight while performing this exercise, select a weight that provide a little challenge, but that does not cause you to have poor form.

Hold your weight, such as one heavy weight, or just your hands if you are choosing no weight, at your chest.

For good form, keep your upper body as upright as possible. Then, bend at the knees, pushing your butt back while squatting as if sitting in a chair. If you are able to go to where your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor, that’s great. If not, just go about halfway. Over time, you will get stronger and be able to perform a deep squat.

(Also try the TRX squat in a TRX workout.)

3. Side Lunges

Stand with feet hip-distance apart, weights in hands down at sides. Step to the right and lunge down towards the floor, keeping your upper body as upright as possible during this movement. Then push off from the floor and back to the starting position. From there, repeat the exercise to the other side. Perform a total of 25 (1 on each side equals 1 rep).

4. Wall Sit

This is a great quad exercise and one of my favorites for strengthening and toning those thigh muscles. Find a sturdy wall. You can hold a weight in your hands if you want more of  challenge. Position your body into a squat position against the wall. Try to lower down so that the quads are parallel to the floor. Hold the position. If you struggle to push through the burn, come out of the position, shake your legs out for 5 seconds and then return to the position to complete the minute. Hang in there!

5. Bridge

This is a fantastic exercise for toning the hamstrings and butt while getting the core involved. Lie on the your back on the floor. Place your feet hip-distance apart with the knees up and the heels close to your butt on the floor. If you want a challenge, hold a heavy weight on your lower ab area to add more resistance. Begin raising the hips while pushing off with your heels. Push the hips up as high as you can. Hold it for 3–4 seconds, then release back to the starting position. If you can, never allow the butt to completely rest on the floor until the entire 60 seconds has been completed.

Want a double-challenge? Advanced exercisers can surely take this one! Simply do the same movement, but with one leg raised in the air for the entire 60 seconds. Then repeat with the other leg in the air for another minute. Feel that burn and see those legs get shapely and beach-ready!

6. Single-Leg Deadlift

This one works your butt and entire leg while working your core because it requires stability. Again, you can go without any weights, or you can grab medium-to-heavy weights. Stand with feet hip-distance apart. Knees are slightly bent. Position your hands or weights down in front of your thighs. Slowly bend at the waist, keeping your chest proud while sticking your butt back. Keep the back flat and keep your head aligned with the back as your go down to a 90-degree angle (or close to it) while lifting one leg. Do one minute on one leg, then switch.

For beginners, try this keeping both legs planted on the ground first. Once you have mastered this move, you can try doing the single-leg deadlift.

7. Forward and Backward Lunge Combination

You probably have done forward lunges, and you have done backward lunges … but have you done them as one combined move? This is great because it engages many muscles at the same time, all while working the butt and thighs!

You can use weights or no weights, holding hands down at sides. Stand with feet hip-distance apart. Starting with one side, take a big step forward so that your front leg is far enough in front of you to allow you to lower into a full lunge at a 90-degree angle. As you do this, push the hips forward. Then, as you rise back up, push off with your heel and step back with the same leg into the same position. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

If you are having trouble with balance, try staring at a spot in the room that is not moving while performing the exercise. It really helps with balance and focus. Also, consider dropping the weights if it’s too difficult to maintain good posture.

Bonus Leg Toning Workout

Bonus Cardio Leg Workouts

As noted, incorporate 15–20 minutes of cardio 3–4 times per week for added results. You can also do it before or after your sexy leg workout. A couple of these may require equipment at the gym, but we have included two suggestions that do not.


Warm up for 5 minutes, then do 45 seconds of fast cycling with moderate resistance followed by 15 seconds of easy cycling. Repeat 10 times. Cool down for 5 minutes. If you are advanced, you may want to try a cycle class at your gym.

Brisk Walking

Simply put, you can walk to lose weight, but you need to get your heart rate up and strolling does not do that. Walk easy for about 2–3 minutes, then move into a brisk walk for the duration of the workout. Cool down with about 2 minutes of easy walking.


Walk easy for about 2–3 minutes. Now that you are warmed up, move into a brisk walk for 1 minute, then run for one minute. Alternate this activity for the completion of the workout. Cooldown down with about 2 minutes of easy walking.


Warm up for 2–3 minutes with easy resistance. Then set the resistance at a moderate-to-hard level. The resistance should be challenging, feeling like you are going up a hill. Move into intervals of work for 2 minutes, then go easy for 30 seconds, using an easy resistance. Recover then repeat for the rest of the workout. Warm down with 2–3 minutes of easy movement and resistance.

Again, please consult your doctor if you have any questions about starting a new problem. If you are on medication or have a heart condition, take time to make sure it’s okay for you to perform these exercises. If you are new, take it slow and work your way into the full program.

Best Activities for Great Legs

Let’s finish with learning about some great things you can do on a regular basis, either on your own or with your family, that can tone your legs and even lift your butt while keeping you fit and active. If you can incorporate this into your weekly routine, you will really see the benefits.

Here are my top 11 favorite activities for great legs for women:

  1. Walking
  2. Running
  3. Cycling
  4. Barre Workouts
  5. Burst Training
  6. Bootcamp
  7. Yoga
  8. Hiking
  9. Surfing
  10. Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)
  11. Jumping jacks
  12. Burpees

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Benefits of Yoga and How They Vary Based on Type Practiced Wed, 12 Apr 2023 13:20:44 +0000 It looks like America is getting the memo: The benefits of yoga are well worth it. A 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) concluded that almost 10 percent of all Americans, or over 21 million people, regularly practiced yoga, and that number continues to climb. Yoga has evolved to become one of the most commonly... Read more »

The post Benefits of Yoga and How They Vary Based on Type Practiced appeared first on Dr. Axe.


It looks like America is getting the memo: The benefits of yoga are well worth it.

A 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) concluded that almost 10 percent of all Americans, or over 21 million people, regularly practiced yoga, and that number continues to climb.

Yoga has evolved to become one of the most commonly used complementary and alternative health practices in the world. Today, it’s even more popular than chiropractic adjustments and osteopathic manipulation, meditation, herbal treatments, and massage therapy.

The NHIS reports that the most common reasons both adults and children turn to yoga include easing chronic lower-back pain, improving overall functioning, reducing stress, and improving overall physical fitness, strength and flexibility. Yoga is also a wonderful way to counteract the effects to too much sitting, and research shows adding yoga to your exercise routine can help improve heart health.

One of the many beautiful things about yoga is there are so many different types of yoga that there’s sure to be one that fits your personality and inspires you.

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a meditative, “mind-body” movement practice that first made its way to Europe and the United States from Asia (mostly India) around the mid-1800s. It didn’t really start gaining much popularity until about the 1960s and ’70s here, though. Because it involves both movement and controlled breathing and focus, many of the benefits of yoga are similar to those of tai chi or martial arts.

Dozens of influential teachers throughout history have shaped yoga. Many actually created their own unique schools of yoga and started lineages that continue to attract millions of devoted followers.

Yoga’s roots go back to ancient India, although the practice itself is not religious in nature. Today, the most popular schools of yoga include Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram (also known as hot yoga) and Iyengar. All of these types of yoga stem from a form of yoga called Hatha, and each has its own set of unique core principles, teaching styles, methodologies and physical benefits.

Yoga Journal broadly defines Hatha yoga as:

A set of physical exercises (known as asanas or postures), and sequences of asanas, designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones. The postures are also designed to open the many channels of the body — especially the main channel, the spine — so that energy can flow freely.

Compared to other popular forms of “exercise,” yoga is more holistic in nature because it combines physical movement with controlled breathing techniques.

In yoga, the postures are known as asanas. The regulation of breath is referred to as pranayama. Together, these unite to bring great meditative focus and aspects of relaxation.

This is exactly why yoga devotees report benefits of yoga including both improvements in physical musculoskeletal conditions and mental health.

Benefits of yoga - Dr. Axe

According to hundreds of studies conducted over the past 40-plus years, benefits of yoga include:

  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Fewer depression symptoms
  • Better balance and flexibility
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased immunity due to stimulating the lymphatic system, aka yoga for lymph flow
  • Detoxification through helping rid the body of toxins and heavy metals
  • Increased strength and stamina
  • Improved blood flow
  • Better digestive functioning, including reduced symptoms of IBS
  • Reductions in symptoms associated with pregnancy and postpartum depression
  • Less chronic pain, including those caused by musculoskeletal problems like lower back pain or from frequent headaches
  • Better body acceptance and reduced body image disorder symptoms

There are big investments in uncovering and proving even more yoga benefits. Large, government-funded studies are underway researching the benefits of yoga for:

  • diabetes risk
  • HIV and low immune function
  • arthritis
  • menopausal symptoms
  • multiple sclerosis
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • addictions
  • smoking cessation

Health Benefits of Yoga

1. Can Lower Anxiety and Control Stress

Regular yoga practice — especially when combined with other stress relievers like walking outside or mindfulness meditation — can help combat many physical effects of stress and anxiety. That’s due to the benefits of yoga that impact the central nervous system and immune system.

Research conducted by the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State University found that yoga minimizes inflammatory responses to stressful encounters. That, in turn, reduced the health burden that stress places on an individual.

After comparing 25 yoga novices to 25 yoga experts, researchers found that regular yoga sessions:

  • boosted participants’ control over inflammatory or endocrine responses
  • lowered serum interleukin (IL)-6 levels
  • reduced C-reactive protein (CRP) levels
  • decreased stimulation of lipopolysaccharides in response to stressful events.

Yoga brings attention to the various ways we hold stress in our bodies: grinding teeth, clenching the jaw (which can lead to TMJ symptoms), shrugging shoulders, tensing necks, and stiffening bellies and lower backs, for example.

Research suggests yoga benefits also include reducing symptoms of anxiety. This means yoga can actually help ease anxiety side effects, like a racing heart, high blood pressure and sleeping problems.

2. Helps Improve Sleep Quality

Turns out yoga is one of the natural sleep aids you can trust. Studies show that four to eight weeks of yoga can result in positive effects on sleep efficiency, total sleep time, total wake time, sleep onset latency and wake time after sleep onset in patients with sleep disturbances, including insomnia.

For many adults, poor sleep is a result of either high stress levels, hormone imbalances or pain. Regularly taking time to tune in to the ways that stress lives in your body can teach you to recognize its early warning signs and then take action to stop the “fight or flight” stress response from getting worse, which has positive effects on sleep quality.

Because yoga helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system and decrease activity of the sympathetic nervous system, it can lower sleep disturbances and help treat symptoms of insomnia.

3. Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

A 2016 study published in the International Journal of Yoga showed that regular yoga practice can increase flexibility, balance and even various measures of performance in athletes. After 10 weeks of yoga practice, measurements of flexibility and balance improved in the following tests: sit reach, shoulder flexibility, stork stand and joint angles.

Yoga postures known to benefit flexibility include downward-facing dog, forward folds, twists, lunges and postures that bring the knees toward the chest.

Yoga is also one of the go-to practices to improve functioning of the psoas muscle, a deep abdominal core muscle known as the body’s “soul muscle.” A healthy psoas muscle is linked to not only improved movement, but also better emotional health.

4. Helps Improve Balance and Prevent Falls

Retaining balance is a lifeline for older adults. It helps them stay healthy and maintain independence, so while younger folks may take balance for granted, it’s vitally important for all of us, especially older people.

A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that about 75 percent of the 15 studies reviewed detected very strong positive results in regard to yoga improving one or more outcomes in balance tests and measurements. The benefits were particularly strong among older adults practicing yoga. The review included five randomized controlled trials, four quasi-experimental, two cross-sectional and four single-group studies.

The authors of the meta-analysis report that in adults older than 65, impaired balance and fear of falling are often the result of multiple shared risk factors, such as psychosocial factors, health status and physical fitness.

They found that when it comes to preventing falls in older adults, yoga is a “strong candidate for therapeutic intervention, since it provides a comprehensive, integrated approach that can address multiple risk factors at once … this includes fear of falling, which can further limit activity level, increase anxiety, and reduce confidence.”

Furthermore, the authors say the practice of yoga has a low rate of side effects, low risk of injury and no known interactions with prescription medications.

5. Can Reduce Fatigue and Brain Fog

Fatigue in response to poor sleep along with experiencing brain fog during the afternoon are actually normal signs that your “internal clock” (circadian rhythm) is running smoothly. While it’s completely natural to feel a dip in energy following a long night or for some people late in the afternoon, unexplained fatigue and lack of concentration at other times can cause problems at work and elsewhere.

Yoga is often considered an effective way to boost clarity, focus and energy. These are three very important qualities for physical and mental performance.

Stretching, even for short periods of just one to two minutes, can provide huge effects on energy levels, especially for people who spend many hours a day sitting at desks or staring into a computer screen.

Yoga exercises to help you feel more awake and alert include:

  • bending and touching your toes (forward fold)
  • alternating squatting and then standing with your hands above your head
  • any form of back-bending
  • taking a short 10-minute break to practice a breathing or meditation exercise

6. Might Help Reduce Pain and Improve Quality of Life

Studies show that certain yoga poses can help decrease lower back pain, neck pain and migraine headaches. Aside from this, the benefits of yoga also include improving the ability to walk and move, managing arthritis symptoms, and easing digestive discomfort.

One National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health-funded study investigating treatments for chronic low-back pain found that yoga participants enjoyed significantly less disability, pain and depression after six months of regular Iyengar practice.

Not only does improved flexibility and blood flow help control pain, but the mental components of yoga also improve pain tolerance. That’s right. We now actually know how yoga changes your brain.

People who practice yoga regularly have healthier levels of gray matter in their brains, particularly in areas involved with pain modulation. This makes yoga one of the most ideal natural painkillers out there.

7. Can Help Boost Weight Loss and Build Muscle

You may sometimes wonder: Does yoga count as exercise? The quick answer is no. That’s when you consider the 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity recommended each day

But as you can see by the research, there are a ton of other reasons to tap in to the benefits of yoga. Those include building muscle and losing weight, things we often associate with exercise.

Certain styles of yoga can help promote weight loss (or maintenance of a healthy weight) by reducing inflammation, balancing hormones, controlling appetite, increasing muscle mass and benefiting metabolism. Although certain yoga classes can certainly make you sweat, burn lots of calories and tone up all over, the real benefits of yoga when it comes to weight loss might be due to its effects on stress.

Because trust in your own body, believing you have the ability to heal or change, and giving up resistance to aging are emphasized in yoga, many studies have found that yoga can help with overcoming various body insecurities. These include managing symptoms of body image or eating disorders, digestive disorders that affect appetite or food choices, and even serious diseases tied to obesity, like heart disease.

Types of Yoga

Part of what makes yoga seem intimidating to beginners is that there are dozens of different yoga schools, classes and styles available today, including (but not limited to):

  • Vinyasa
  • Iyengar
  • Ashtanga
  • Yini
  • Ananda
  • Anusara
  • Bikram
  • Integral
  • Kali Ray Tri
  • Kripalu
  • Forrest
  • Kundalini
  • Sivananda

Vinyasa Yoga vs. Bikram “Hot” Yoga vs. Ashtanga Yoga:

  • Although most styles of yoga can be suited for different levels of fitness and experience — plus many teachers offer modifications depending on someone’s abilities — certain yoga styles tend to be more challenging and physically demanding than others. Benefits of yoga workouts can vary substantially depending on the specific type practiced.
  • If you’re looking for relaxing yoga classes that soothe stress or pain, yoga styles to try include yin, gentle and restorative yoga.
  • If you are looking for a vigorous class, on the other hand, that challenges your stamina, strength and coordination, styles to try include Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram, and certain Iyengar and Hatha classes, depending on the specific teacher.
  • Ashtanga and Vinyasa are similar because both pair the breath and postures together and have “flow-like” qualities. Depending on the speed of the class, temperature of the room (some classes are heated) and specific postures performed, these styles can be challenging and cause you to really work up a sweat.
  • Ashtanga/Vinyasa classes involve synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of asanas (postures). According to Ashtanga yoga practitioners, the goal of Ashtanga yoga is to produce intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. Many practitioners feel that this style is one of the most rigorous. Something that is unique about Ashtanga yoga is that it involves performing the exact same poses in the exact same order, making it a more disciplined and progressive practice than some other styles.
  • Iyengar yoga is most well-known for attention to detail and precise alignment of postures. Classes tend to move at a slower pace and are learned over time with regular practice and effort.
  • Hot yoga/Bikram yoga is performed in very heated rooms, sometimes which are more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat can help increase flexibility, has detoxifying effects (since it causes increased perspiration, similar to a sauna/steam room), and can be soothing for tight or tense muscles.
  • Many also find hot/Bikram yoga to be relaxing and to promote better sleep, especially when practiced at night in cooler months. However, hot yoga can sometimes cause dizziness or dehydration, so stay safe by drinking plenty of water, wearing suitable clothing, and avoiding this style if you have a history of heart disease (without clearance from your doctor), lung disease, heatstroke or fainting.

There are other variations of yoga as well, such as:

Meaning of Vinyasa and History of Yoga

One of the oldest known forms of “exercise,” it’s estimated that yoga’s origins go back more than 5,000 years. Yoga has evolved drastically over this time span, and today there are now dozens of different styles in existence. Each stems from a wide range of people and belief systems.

It’s now accepted that there is no single fixed yogic tradition.

This practice can be traced back to several key Hindu and Buddhist scriptures and stories. In the early days of yoga, teachers and practitioners were highly focused on the mental and spiritual benefits of yoga, even more so than the physical.

The earliest yoga practitioners had in common several goals, especially to foster spiritual growth, connect the body and mind, and encourage “mindfulness. To receive the knowledge of yogic tradition meant that you’d have to renounce your comfortable life, similar to taking vows of monkhood.

Some experts state that in the 1920s, the “Modern Yoga Renaissance” began, during which the physical practice of yoga evolved dramatically. Several popular forms of asana practice came out of this period, including Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Iyengar. These styles emphasize precise and athletically demanding forms of yogasana.

In Sanskrit, (an ancient language used to describe yoga postures that is no longer in existence), the word Ashtanga means “eight-limbed,” which refers to the eight limbs of yoga that are mentioned in the classical yogic text “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.” Although most people assume that yoga is merely a series of physical “asanas” (postures), these are actually only one of the ancient limb of yoga. Pranayama (controlled breathing) and meditation are two other limbs of yoga that are still incorporated into many different yoga teachings.

Yoga itself is not a religious practice and can be practiced secularly or in combination with any form of spirituality. Many people mistakenly assume that yoga is a branch of Hinduism, but in fact it’s believed that yoga existed even before Hinduism and was later incorporated into this religion due to its various benefits.

Although different types, or “schools,” of yoga have been established that promote learning from “gurus” and teachers, it’s entirely possible to benefit from yoga even without ascribing to any specific belief system. People of all ages, religions, physical abilities and nationalities are now taking advantage of the many benefits of yoga — and you can too.

What Is the Meaning of Vinyasa?

In yoga classes, teachers often direct students to “perform a vinyasa,” which is short for a series of postures including:

  • Plank Pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose)
  • Upward-Facing Dog
  • Downward-Facing Dog

However, Vinyasa also has a broader, more important meaning in yoga tradition.Vinyasa stands for “gradual progression” or “breathing system,” according to authors of Yoga Journal.

It’s used to describe the flow of movement in yoga linked to the breath and the energy/force that takes yoga students through a planned yoga series that helps them release tension and benefit mentally and emotionally in other ways.


Yoga is considered to be very safe, even for older adults or those with disabilities. However, it’s still important to be cautious when first getting started.

Although yoga can be customized to meet your specific goals and needs, the National Institutes of Health recommend that anyone with high blood pressure, asthma, glaucoma, sciatica and women who are pregnant receive clearance from their doctors before beginning. It’s also smart to speak to the yoga teacher about tips for safely modifying or avoiding certain yoga poses that might aggravate your symptoms, especially if you have a recent injury.

The best way to locate a yoga class that is appropriate for you is to ask a trusted source for a recommendation, such as your doctor or chiropractor.

Especially if you are new to yoga, look for an accredited instructor with certification through a trusted organization like the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance requires at least 200 hours of hands-on yoga training. That includes a specified number of required hours in areas such as techniques, teaching methodology, anatomy, physiology and philosophy.


  • Yoga is a mind-body practice that includes elements of breath control, meditation and the adoption of specific bodily postures (called asanas).
  • Yoga benefits include reducing pain and improving balance and flexibility. These help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and build and maintain muscle mass.
  • The most popular styles of yoga practiced in the U.S. and Europe are rooted in Hatha yoga methods. These include Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Yin, Bikram/hot yoga and Iyengar.
  • Yoga is usually very safe, even for older adults or those with limitations due to injuries, but if you have high blood pressure, asthma, glaucoma, sciatica or are pregnant, it’s best to be cautious and get your doctor’s clearance first.

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Calisthenics Workout Exercises for Improved Muscle Tone Sun, 02 Apr 2023 16:00:26 +0000 When thinking of calisthenics, if you have a mental picture of the military performing jumping jacks to cadence, you’re not far off. The truth is, though, that calisthenics exercises are rooted much deeper in history, dating all the way back to ancient Greece. (More on that later, interesting stuff.) When it comes to your personal... Read more »

The post Calisthenics Workout Exercises for Improved Muscle Tone appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Calisthenics workout - Dr. Axe

When thinking of calisthenics, if you have a mental picture of the military performing jumping jacks to cadence, you’re not far off. The truth is, though, that calisthenics exercises are rooted much deeper in history, dating all the way back to ancient Greece. (More on that later, interesting stuff.)

When it comes to your personal history, you probably first experienced calisthenics workouts in elementary school gym class in the form of sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks and other bodyweight exercises. Calisthenics, when performed vigorously, actually help people gain muscle and serves as an aerobic form of exercise at the same time. Talk about a timesaver.

Speaking of that, with people’s time-crunched schedules, fitness programs seem to be largely focused on how to get the benefits of exercise in the least amount of time. (That’s right, one-minute workouts are a thing.) Packing a lot of exercise, including lots of bodyweight training, into a short amount of time, has become quite popular, as evident with CrossFit and Tabata workouts.

These workouts all feature calisthenics to some degree. Now learn about the classic Calisthenics workout and exercises.

What Is a Calisthenics Workout?

Simply put, the calisthenics definition is using your bodyweight and gravity to perform exercises (some of which are pretty intense) using good form. What’s great is that it does not require a gym membership and could include various activities such as plyometric exercises, gymnastics, Pilates, running, squats, lunges for great legs, crunches, jumping and walking, just to name a few calisthenics workout ideas.

A more common term for calisthenics today is bodyweight training. Regardless of what you call it, this type of training can be the core of a fitness plan or used in conjunction with other training programs, including cardio workouts, HIIT workouts, marathon or triathlon training, weight training, even yoga. Mixing it up is a great way to ensure that you are working all of your muscles and can provide a healthier way to fitness.

Calisthenics has been around for a very long time originating from the ancient Greek words kálos, which means “beauty,” and sthénos, meaning “strength.” It is defined as the use of body weight and “qualities of inertia” to help develop the physique. It may have been named after the Greek historian, Callisthenes, who was tutored by Alexander the Great.

Best Calisthenics Exercises

There are many types of calisthenics exercises, with push-ups and pull-ups being the most common.

1. Push-ups

Push-ups are a favorite calisthenics exercises because they build strength in numerous areas of the body and can be done anywhere. You can achieve great muscle development, as it’s one of the great chest exercises, without lifting a single weight.

Performing push-ups, for instance, strengthens the muscles in your chest, shoulders and triceps while also strengthening your core. You can add variety by doing push ups on a medicine ball or adding a clap between each one. An advanced version is the Spiderman push-up, which works the obliques by bringing the knee up towards the arm as you lower into the push-up. (Check out a push-up in a TRX workout.)

2. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are great for working your back and biceps. In fact, it’s one of the best exercises for your latissimus dorsi. The most popular style is with the palms facing forward; however, the chin-up, palms facing towards you, is a great challenge, too. While you can do these using a pull-up bar at the gym, you can also perform them with a sturdy tree branch or find a bar at a nearby park. There are some options available for installation in doorways of your home, as well.

Can’t do a pull-up with your own bodyweight? Many cannot, so instead use a chair at home to give an assist. Or at the gym, use a lat pulldown machine or a pull-up machine that gives assistance.

3. Abdominal exercises

Ab exercises are calisthenics exercises as well. For many, having a six-pack is the ultimate goal. While having a six-pack can be awesome, it’s really more about losing abdominal fat for an overall healthier body.

There are various ab exercises that you can do to contract the muscles and work towards strengthening them. Even the push-ups mentioned above can help do this if you focus on contracting the muscles while performing the push-up.

There are lots of exercises that are amazing for the abdominal area such as the plank, crunches, and hip raises — all of which can be done with your body weight, making these types of exercises great for a calisthenics workout on their own or combined with incorporated into your routine.

4. Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are great because they get the heart pumping — not only offering fat-burning benefits, but keeps the heart healthy. The full body movement combined with jumping gives the body a great overall cardio burn, and they also serve as a great leg exercise.

If you are not able to jump at this time or need to work up to it, you can do a low impact version by extending one leg at time as the arms go overhead in the traditional jumping jack form.

Squat and jumping movements are also great butt exercises, and they can be part of an overall butt workout.


1. You Can Do Calisthenics Anywhere

Because calisthenics can be done using only your bodyweight, this type of training can be performed anywhere. What a beautiful thing. (Read between the lines: No excuses!) You can do an entire routine in the privacy of your home, at the gym or in a nearby park. I’ve even done short workouts at the airport.

There are numerous ways to perform calisthenics exercises at different levels. For example, a push up can be performed on the knees for beginners. Over time, you can work up to the toes and eventually add in claps or side knee tucks. The options are many and will build muscle and stamina.

2. Calisthenics Can Help Provide Improved Coordination

The Journal of Sports Rehabilitation published a study investigating how Pilates and calisthenics impact a person’s coordination. The participants included healthy females ages 25 to 50.

The results indicated that calisthenic exercises were more likely to improve coordination after three and six months of training compared to Pilates. Pilates is great, but if you’re looking to increase coordination, you may benefit more from calisthenics-type exercises.

3. You Gain All-Over Muscle Tone

Calisthenics offers the ability to build amazing muscle tone, and you can pretty much take it as far as you want. Using your own bodyweight can allow you to focus on specific muscle groups and overall body tone at the same time.

Typically, when lifting your own body weight, it requires focus and engagement of many more muscles to ensure proper form. That means that all of these muscles are getting work which will result in a more evenly distributed physique (rather than an overbuilt one).

4. Provides Support for Other Sports and Fitness Goals

Calisthenics-type exercises are a safe choice because it puts less strain on the muscles and joints of the body. It is considered a “natural” form of training because you are using your own bodyweight to perform the exercises. This is not an injury-free guarantee, but with proper form and gradual increase in intensity, it can definitely provide a safer option for an effective workout.

Calisthenics workouts are perfect for adding strength without adding bulk. This is often needed to become more efficient at other sports as well as helping to prevent injury.

Endurance runners often need to strengthen the hips in order to be more efficient at running while minimizing the risk of injury. A study tested athletes by increasing their strength training but decreasing their overall volume of training. The group that increased their strength training resulted in improved performance through improved muscle development.

Another study found that “explosive strength training” improved results by improving endurance due to improved neuromuscular efficiency. This occurs when the nervous system uses the correct muscles to produce or reduce force while stabilizing the body in all three planes of motion.

5. Reduces Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetics

A 2022 study analyzed the effect of calisthenics on hypoglycemic in diabetic patients. Among 210 patients with type 2 diabetes, half (control group) were given drug therapy and diet management while the trial group received the same plus regular calisthenics workouts.

The patient’s blood glucose levels, body mass index (BMI), quality of life and blood lipid index were compared. Compared with before treatment, fasting blood glucose levels, two-hour post glucose levels and average blood sugar levels over the past three months were all significantly reduced for both groups after treatment.

While that was welcome news, for the trial group with additional calisthenics, all of these blood sugar levels “were significantly lower than those in the control group.” In addition, after treatment, BMI of the trial group was also significantly lower than that of the control group.

Researchers concluded that using calisthenics to treat blood sugar was very effective, making the patient’s self-care ability greatly improved and worthy of active promotion in any clinical setting.

6. It’s Perfect for Beginners to Advanced

Calisthenics is perfect for anyone just starting a physical fitness plan or someone who is advanced, but wants a more shredded physique. By starting slow, a beginner can begin a smart program that will provide amazing benefits, especially if consistent; however, make sure to choose a program that offers modifications so that you can have options that are right for you and at your level. Starting at a too advanced level puts you at an increased risk of injury.

In terms of frequency, two to four days per week for about 20 minutes each session is a good place to start. Over time, you can work more exercises and longer time periods into your training schedule. An advanced exerciser can develop amazing overall body tone, muscle development and strength by performing more intense variations of calisthenics.

7. It’s an Option Even If You’ve Got Health Issues

Calisthenics isn’t just for people who are already in shape. If you’re living with chronic disease, check with your doctor to see if it’s right for you. But in 2016, Turkish researchers published a study showing that calisthenics is as safe and effective as even cycling for people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Full-Body Calisthenics Workout

If you are looking to get great muscle tone, consider a calisthenics workout a few times a week. If you want to get results, create a routine that you can commit to doing and stay consistent. Here is a great workout to put into your routine.

The Warm Up

Repeat sequence 2 to 3 times:

  • Jog in place for 1 minute  — Modification: march in place
  • Jumping Jacks x 20 — Low impact option: leave out the jump; stepping one foot out to the side each time the arms go overhead
  • Push-Ups x 10 — Place your hands on the floor with your legs extended. Toes on the floor. Hands should be wider than shoulder width to work the chest. While engaging the abdominals, lower down into a push up, then return to start. Repeat. (Modification: Place your knees on a mat on the floor, then lower and lift back to start.)
  • Shallow Squats x 10 — With feet hip-distance apart, lower half way down into a squat sticking the butt back behind you as if sitting in a chair, then raise back up while engaging the glutes. We are just warming up, so a half-squat works for this exercise.

Main Workout

  • Repeat 2 to 3 time
  • Take a 15-second rest between each exercise

1. Pull-Ups

Do as many as you can.

If you have access to a pull up bar, try this. If you are not ready for the pull up, start by doing what is called an iso-eccentric pull up.

To do this, grab onto a bar and jump up so that your chest touches it. Try to hold that position for three to five seconds. Then lower yourself slowly and with control.

8-10 reps? Time to try a regular pull up!

2. Deep Squats x 25

With feet hip-distance apart, lower down into a deep squat, sticking the butt back behind you as if sitting in a chair, then raise back up while engaging the glutes.

Keep the chest upright. As you get stronger, hold the squat for 5–10 seconds before raising back up.

3. Crunches x 20 (center, left and right for a total of 60)

Lie face up on a mat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head but do not use them for support. Keep elbows wide.

With knees bent, keep feet close to your butt and crunch up, looking up towards the sky while squeezing the abdominals. Slowly lower back down.

Crunch up again, but this time, twist towards your left knee. Slowly lower. Crunch up again, but twisting to the right knee and lower. That’s one rep.

Repeat 20 times.

4. Push-Ups x 20

Place hands on the floor, legs extended with toes on the floor. Arms should be wide with hands on the floor. While engaging the abdominals, lower down into a push up and hold for 3–5 seconds, then return to start. Repeat.

Modification: Place your knees on a mat on the floor, then lower and lift back to start.

5. Lunges x 15 (per leg)

Place your feet in a split stance with the right foot forward and the left foot way back with hips facing forward. Lower into a deep lunge, tucking the hips and keeping the weight on the right heel.

Push up through the right foot. Repeat 15 times, then perform the exercise on the other leg.

6. Plank: One minute (work up to 2 minutes)

In push-up position, arms extended, with the neck and head aligned with the spine all the way down through heels, squeeze the abs and glutes. Hold for one minute, while the hips are slightly tucked to help maintain a alignment with the body.

Modification: Place your knees on the mat and work up to performing the exercise on your toes. You can advance this exercise by raising your right arm and left leg at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

7. Cardio for 10 Minutes

Choose the cardio that works for you based on what is available and what you like to do. For example, you can run for 10 minutes or do 10 x 30 second sprints with 30 seconds easy, then take a 1–2 minute break and repeat your next set.

Calisthenics - Dr. Axe


Like all new exercises programs, please check with your healthcare professional prior to performing these exercises. Start slowly and work your way into more advanced moves over time.

If anything causes unusual discomfort or injury, or if you feel dizzy or dehydrated, stop immediately and consult your healthcare professional.

Final Thoughts

  • Calisthenics is an amazing way to start your fitness journey (or to dive deeper into the path you’re already on). What’s great is you can take it with you wherever you go, even when traveling.
  • Consider preparing a notebook of workouts you like or check out some of the great workout apps available today.
  • Make fitness a priority in your life and results will follow, especially when combined with a healthy eating plan.

The post Calisthenics Workout Exercises for Improved Muscle Tone appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Best Butt Workouts, Including 5 Butt-Lifting Exercises Tue, 28 Mar 2023 20:45:59 +0000 Who doesn’t want a great booty? The answer is pretty much no one! But as you test out different butt workouts in your quest for the perfect butt, you may find yourself wondering, “Am I wasting my time? Are great butts born or made?” The good news is this: Even if you weren’t blessed with the genetic code... Read more »

The post Best Butt Workouts, Including 5 Butt-Lifting Exercises appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Who doesn’t want a great booty? The answer is pretty much no one! But as you test out different butt workouts in your quest for the perfect butt, you may find yourself wondering, “Am I wasting my time? Are great butts born or made?”

The good news is this: Even if you weren’t blessed with the genetic code for a perfect backside, you can tap into my targeted butt workouts found below to help build the best butt of your life, no matter what your age.

But first, let’s explore a little booty background. The butt muscles are technically the “glutes,” which include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. They are all superimposed by a layer of fat. This large muscle group impacts everything from bending over and standing back up to maintaining correct posture. You can see why the butt muscles (or buttocks) are pretty important, since they allow us to sit upright without needing to rest our weight on our feet, as other four-legged animals do.

The glutes also play a vital role in stabilizing the pelvis, and weak glutes (sometimes associated with too much sitting) can result in decreased stabilization and control, setting you up for pain and injuries. In fact, many doctors and physical therapists focus on strengthening the glutes in order to improve lower body movement, and butt exercises can also help address back pain.

Benefits of a Toned Butt

1. Reduce the Risk of Injury

Studies show that weight-bearing exercises — including bodyweight exercises — improve the muscle function of the glutes and can reduce injury in athletes.

One study shows the effects of strong glute muscles in swimmers verses non-swimmers, indicating that the swimmers with the stronger gluteal muscles enjoyed a lower risk of injury.

2. Improved Athletic Performance

Because the glutes are responsible for helping our bodies move faster, slow down, change direction and create explosive jumping moves (such as with calisthenics), strong glute muscles are critical in most sports. But you can’t just rely on squats to built strong glutes. Instead, you need to stimulate your backside muscles in different ways.

Sprinting is one of the most effective exercises for simulating the glutes. Athletes with strong glutes are faster, more efficient and explosive in their movements compared to athletes with weaker glutes.

3. Better Support for the Back

Research shows that stronger gluteal muscles can help prevent back injury and back pain. Strengthening your glutes can greatly decrease the risk of back pain, too. Some of the exercises mentioned, such as the deadlift and squat, ultimately take some of the pressure off your lower back.

4. Less Knee, Hamstring and Groin Injuries

Developing strong glutes not only helps prevent back injury and pain, but it can also lower your risk for injury in the knees, hamstring and groin areas. By strengthening weak glutes, you help improve hip alignment, which could improve knee pain, too.

In fact, many butt workouts are also effective knee strengthening exercises. Runners notoriously suffer from patellar knee pain due to hips overcompensating for weak glutes. Furthermore, weak glutes may also contribute to pulled muscles in your hamstring or groin.

5. Nicer Visual Appearance with the Reduction in Cellulite

Usually fluid retention, lack of circulation, weak collagen structure and increased body fat result in the annoying cellulite that most often shows up in spots like the legs, butt, stomach and back of the arms.

Naturally, butt exercises, leg exercises and a smart whole foods–based diet help decrease body fat, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin. Burst training exercises (similar to interval training), hamstring exercises, HIIT workouts and Tabata workouts, are great routines that you can add to your butt-lifting program.

Best Butt Exercises

While many people — mostly females between the ages of 20 and 60 years old — wish to remodel their buttocks, the great news is that you can transform your backside without surgery. The key? Adopt proven butt workouts that consist of gluteal-specific and leg workouts. Combine that with a healthy, whole foods–based diet, and you’ll be on your way to a great butt that will last.

Don’t forget that having good posture and staying generally active are important for functionality and keeping your butt muscles looking good. There are many ways to stay fit and maintain a strong butt, back and legs, including doing exercises like: running/jogging, brisk walking, using an elliptical trainer, cycling or spin classes, dancing and weight-lifting.

Even low-impact exercises like yoga, Barre or Pilates can help to tone up your lower body. When it comes to running, walking and using an elliptical, you’ll build your glutes most by walking uphill or adding resistance, which makes your butt muscles work harder. Below you’ll find more ideas for sneaking activity into your day.

What glute exercises lift your buttocks most? Performing the butt exercises below three to four times per week (best incorporated into a total body workout) is the best way to lift and tone your glutes.

1. Romanian Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the best exercise for your glutes, but like all other exercises, it must be done with proper form to prevent injury. First, choose a weight, either hand weights, dumbbells or a barbell, that’s slightly challenging but not too heavy so you’re able to properly perform the exercise. Start with the barbells, dumbbells or hand weights in your hands just outside your thighs. Feet are hip-distance apart. Knees are slightly bent. Hips are slightly tucked.

Starting at the top, lower the upper body while keeping the chest proud and sticking the butt back. Keep the back flat (do not round the lower back). Lower the weights to about mid-shin or just below the knees, then slowly raise back to the standing upright position while squeezing your glute muscles together. Repeat 10–20 times. As you get stronger, you can increase the weight, but be careful to not overdo it.

2. Sumo Squat

Squats are definitely one of the best exercises to tighten the buttocks and thighs. To perform the sumo squat, stand with feet a little further than hip-distance apart and toes pointed out at about 10 and 2 o’clock. You can do this with a hand weight, kettlebell or with no weight. In either case, hold your weight, or just your hands, in front of you at about chin level. Make sure to keep good form by maintaining your upper body in an upright position.

Bend at the knees, pushing your butt back while squatting as if sitting in a chair, while holding your hands or weight in front of you but close to the body. If you are able, squat to where your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor, like a sumo wrestler. If not, just go about halfway. Over time, you will get stronger and be able to perform a deep squat.

If you choose to hold weight while performing this exercise, select a weight that provides a little challenge but doesn’t cause you to have poor form.

Advanced: Lift one knee as you stand up and out of the squatting position, alternating sides. (Also try a squat in a TRX workout.)

3. Hip Raise (Optional with Weight)

This exercise has little to no impact yet packs a powerful glute-building result. It’s a great exercise for the quadriceps and hamstrings, helping to lift the butt!

With your feet hip-distance apart, lie on the floor or a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. As you inhale, slowly lift yourself up into a bridge pushing the hips up toward the ceiling as you drive through the heels of your feet. Tighten the abs, glutes and hamstrings during the movement. Lift your hips all the way up into a bridge as high as you can and hold for a five to 10 seconds. As you exhale, lower back down slowly. Start with 10–12 repetitions, and work up to as many as 30.

Advanced: Place a weight or barbell across your lower abdomen.

4. Squat Jump

This move incorporates the traditional squat but with a jump to better engage the glutes, quads and calves. You’ll definitely feel the burn.

Start with your feet just hip-distance apart with your toes slightly turned out to about 10 and 2 o’clock. Go into a low squat while taking your hands to the floor between the feet. Then jump up while reaching up toward the ceiling. When you land, take it back down to a low squat position with the hands on the floor. Repeat for 10–20 reps.

For beginners, you can leave out the jump.

5. Donkey Kick

This exercise has long stood the test of time and activates those deep glute muscles. Get on all fours with your toes curled under, feet flexed and back flat. Pull the abs in to help maintain posture and alignment. Place your knees directly under your hips, and place your hands directly under your shoulders. Keep the legs about hip-distance apart. Maintain a 90-degree bend in the right leg during the entire exercise.

Slowly begin taking the right heel up toward the ceiling, keeping the foot flexed. Lift the leg as high as you can go while maintaining your posture. Avoid arching your back, and keep the other leg in proper vertical alignment. Once lifted, hold for three seconds, then return the right knee to the mat and repeat for 12–20 reps on each side.

Advanced: Place a weight at the back of the knee and squeeze, holding on to the weight using your leg while lifting.

Two Butt Workouts

Below are examples of booty workouts that include a series of exercises to make your bum more muscular, firmer and rounder. Your quadriceps and hamstrings will also be strengthened during these workouts, so you can consider them a complete lower body workout.

Instructions for these butt workouts:

  • Perform each exercise for 45–60 seconds, with a 15-second break between each exercise.
  • Aim for 10 to 15 repetitions per exercise.
  • For beginners, perform two rounds. For advanced exercisers, perform three to four rounds.
  • Take a 60-second break between each round.
  • Aim to complete this series of butt exercises two to three times per week. Consider a complementary upper body workout

Butt Workout No. 1

Start by gently warming up with some dynamic exercises. You can activate your glute muscles before a workout by doing straight leg circles, holding a wide squat, and standing on one leg while you draw your belly in and stand up straight.

You may also want to loosen up the leg muscles by foam rolling for 1–2 minutes.

Perform each of the following exercises, in order, before repeating:

  1. Romanian deadlift
  2. Sumo squat
  3. Single leg hip raises (repeat on each side)
  4. Squat jump
  5. Donkey kick (repeat on each side).

For proper exercise technique, see above in article.

After you complete your butt workout, you may want to do 20–30 minutes of cardio. It’s usually more effective to do exercises first and cardio second, although this is also a matter of preference. Doing cardio first might tire out your legs/butt, decreasing your effort during your butt exercises.

Another option is to do a little cardio first, then your butt workout, and then do a little cardio after (try different ways of mixing it up to keep your workout fun and your heart rate up).

Butt Workout No. 2

Start by gently warming up (see warm-up above).

This is a butt workout that incorporates exercise bands and also doubles as a shoulder workout. Perform each of the following exercises, in order, before repeating:

  1. Back lunges with shoulder flies
  2. Back lunges into shoulder presses
  3. Squat with hip abductions
  4. Banded good mornings
  5. Tabletop hip extensions
  6. Straight leg taps

For proper exercise form, see the video below.

In addition to the exercises from these butt-lifting workouts, try subbing in some of these other glute exercises into your glute workouts:

  • Glute bridges
  • Leg bridges with an exercise ball
  • Fire hydrants
  • Rainbow kicks
  • Curtsy lunges
  • Weighted lunges
  • Planks with straight leg lifts
  • Wall sits using an exercise ball
  • Pilates swimming exercise on your stomach (also called “Supermans”)
  • Clam shells

Natural Butt Movements

Besides employing the above butt exercises and glute workouts into your week, you can also sneak the following natural movements and activities into your day/week for a better butt.

1. Take the Stairs

While the elevator is convenient and sometimes gets you there faster, have you considered using the stairs wherever you go? Whenever you travel and stay at a hotel, try to always take the stairs. By using your legs and your glutes with each step, you engage those muscles and most certainly raise your heart rate. Of course, going up the stairs provides the most benefits, but going down can also help by working different muscles.

2. Go for a Walk

Walking is one of the best things you can do and something most people can manage to do every day. Your glutes will definitely reap the benefits of regular walking, as well as other muscles in the legs and core. Wear your GPS watch or other fitness tracker so you can track your distance and pace. It’s important to have good posture, and you can engage your abs and glutes while walking. With practice, you can walk a mile in 15 to 20 minutes.

Four easy butt workouts - Dr. Axe

3. Take Up Cycling or Do a Spin Class

Spin workouts not only crank up your heart rate, but they tone and build the glute muscles, especially if you take it uphill. If you cycle outdoors, find areas where you can cycle uphill in the heaviest gear you can handle, and do hill repeats — meaning go up the hill, come back down and repeat.

You can do them seated or standing, though standing is more difficult. Either way, if on a stationary bike at the gym or at home, you need to increase the tension on the gear to mimic a steep hill.

4. Sprint It Out

Sprints are great to engage those glute muscles. Try incorporating an easy 10- to 15-minute warm-up jog followed by sprints — either on a track or a grassy field — into your routine. The sprints can be anywhere from 25 meters to 400 meters (a quarter mile), depending on your level of fitness. Just make sure you are warmed-up first.


If you’re a beginner, never use added weights when performing glute exercises without the supervision of a fitness professional. If you have a heart condition or are taking medication, please consult with your health care professional before engaging in any new exercise program.

Final Thoughts

  • Having a great butt is partially genetic, but science-backed exercises can help whip your butt muscles into shape regardless of your genes.
  • What exercises lift your buttocks? The five best butt workouts are Romanian deadlifts, sumo squats, hip raises, squat jumps and donkey kicks.
  • Four other glute movements you can sneak into your day include: taking the stairs, taking a walk, taking up cycling, or trying a spin class and sprinting.
  • The benefits of a toned butt and strong glutes include reducing the risk of injury, better athletic performance, improved support for the back, enhanced appearance and reduced cellulite.
  • It’s ideal to perform a glute workout routine three to four times per week.

The post Best Butt Workouts, Including 5 Butt-Lifting Exercises appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Tabata Workout: An Advanced 4-Minute HIIT to Try Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:00:32 +0000 The No. 1 reason (okay, after simply not wanting to) for not working out? Time, or lack thereof. With our fast-paced, always connected, never-enough-time-to-do-anything lifestyles, making time to get that workout in may seem like a Herculean task. In fact, it often requires exercise hacks because putting on workout clothes and getting to a place... Read more »

The post Tabata Workout: An Advanced 4-Minute HIIT to Try appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Tabata workout - Dr. Axe

The No. 1 reason (okay, after simply not wanting to) for not working out? Time, or lack thereof. With our fast-paced, always connected, never-enough-time-to-do-anything lifestyles, making time to get that workout in may seem like a Herculean task. In fact, it often requires exercise hacks because putting on workout clothes and getting to a place to get that sweat on … just takes too much time.

So even if it was on your to-do list to start the day, it might not last long. Wait … there is hope! Actually even better than hope, there is scientific evidence that suggests you can radically increase your overall levels of fitness in just minutes a day doing the Tabata workout.

The Tabata workout is a form of high-intensity training, or HIIT workouts, that uses a :20 on/:10 off ‘Tabata protocol.’ What that means is that for 20 seconds you perform an activity at a high level of intensity, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for a total of eight rounds.

Can the Tabata protocol be the answer we’ve been waiting for? If we want to oversimplify it, the answer is a resounding, “YES”! However, as you will see, like most things in life, it’s a little more complicated than that. One of the biggest obstacles to efficacy is the unfortunate truth that regardless of the proliferation of Tabata classes and workouts, you are most likely NOT performing the actual Tabata protocol.

What Is Tabata?

Back in 1996, Dr. Izumi Tabata published the groundbreaking study that would be the basis for the Tabata training method. It was through his collaboration with the Japanese Olympic Speed Skating team that he initially began to study the effects of short bursts of extremely high-intensity exercise on athletes. The skating team’s head coach, Irisawa Koichi, actually designed the workout.

Originally completed on a cycling ergometer (a stationary bike with an ergometer that measures the amount of work that’s performed), the format was 20 seconds of high-intensity work, followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated for eight rounds, giving it it a total time of four minutes. Koichi wanted Tabata to analyze the effectiveness of this method.

The test looked at two groups of amateur athletic males in their mid-20s. The first group performed familiar, steady-state training on the ergometer, maintaining a moderate intensity of about 70 percent of their VO2 max. Pretty similar to what you may do at the gym when you’re jogging on the treadmill. It’s work, but it’s sustainable.

The second group pedaled at maximal effort for 20 seconds and were then given 10 seconds of rest. This cycle was repeated for four minutes or what would essentially be eight rounds. The term maximal effort (170 percent of VO2 max) becomes important here, as the 20 seconds of work were to be sprints. If the participants were no longer able to maintain the speed requirements, they were asked to stop after completing just 7 rounds.

Both of the groups did this for six weeks, five times a week. The group of moderate-intensity participants worked a total of five hours, while the high-intensity subjects topped out at just 20 minutes.

The research concluded that the 4-minute Tabata workout had the same effects on aerobic performance improvement as the 60 minutes of moderate-intensity workout. In addition, the Tabata group also experienced a 28 percent improvement in their anaerobic capacity as well. The long-duration group did not get that benefit. Not only is Tabata a much shorter workout, but it offers two benefits in one.

Tabata guide - Dr. Axe

Tabata vs. Interval Training

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding Tabata workouts is, “what’s the difference between Tabata and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)?” The most notable difference comes down to timing.

In a Tabata training session, the work and rest periods are shorter than they are in HIIT. The theory being that the shorter the session, the higher the intensity will be. Remember, in the original research the whole workout was four minutes of trying to work at 170 percent.

In HIIT, participants are aiming for only 80–95 percent of maximum heart rate. Meanwhile, the work-to-rest ratios associated with more conventional interval training programs is usually 1 or 2 minutes of work followed by anywhere from 30 seconds, up to 2 minutes of recovery.


1. Fat Loss

In order to lose weight, we have always been told that the best way to do that is cardio exercise. But some research shows that the effect of regular aerobic exercise for weight loss is negligible and that short bouts of high-intensity exercise is a lot more effective for reducing fat.

When trying to figure how to lose weight fast, Tabata is a type of exercise worth considering. It’s also one of the great weight loss tips for women.

2. Efficiency

When done properly, Tabata workouts are short but tough. When you can get such an effective workout done in just a few minutes, it becomes a lot harder to use “not having time” as an excuse.

3. Reduces Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a metabolic disorder that involves not one, but a combination of three or more of the following health issues: abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure or low HDL (“good”) cholesterol. But high-intensity exercise has been shown to be an important factor in improving aerobic capacity and reversing the risk factors for metabolic syndrome.

4. Preserves Muscle

Muscle deterioration is associated with long sessions of steady-state cardio, while Tabata has been shown to increase levels of testosterone, which can actually help preserve or even build muscle. When you are trying to drop a few pounds, it’s the fat you want to lose, not the muscle.

5. Fountain of Youth

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown to be an important component of different diseases associated with aging, such as Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Even though your body’s ability to produce mitochondria declines with age, research shows that intervals of high intensity work can trigger what mitochondrial biogenesis, which is the formation of new mitochondria in your cells.

Tabata Workout Protocol

Before you get out your Tabata timer, let’s discuss the best way to structure a Tabata workout for the hardest four minutes you’ve ever experienced. Keep in mind that the original research was done on a cycling ergometer, and you may or may not have access to one of those.

Also, remember that the 20-second work intervals were done at 170 percent of max effort. Again, you are more than likely not going to be doing anything close to that amount of work, nor is it recommended.

Most likely, you will want to choose a full-body movement that gets your whole body moving and quickly increases your heart rate. Rowing on a Concept 2 ergometer or sprinting on a grass field are a couple of good options. You can do burst training on a treadmill, too, but only if you feel comfortable hopping on and off. Sprinting on a treadmill can be a little tricky, so just be extra careful!

Once you have chosen your activity, make sure you do a warm-up before diving in. The participants in the original study warmed up for 10 minutes at 50 percent of their VO2 max before they started. Also, make sure you have some way to time your rounds. There are apps you can download, special timers you can buy, including fitness trackers, and even music that has cues for each round. You may just want a friend or partner to time it for you so they can cheer you on or just watch in amazement at the intensity of your workout.

After you’ve warmed up and have a way to time it all, you are ready to go. Remember, the challenge is to work as hard as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat that cycle seven more times.

Okay, once you’re done with that four-minute workout, you likely will be exhausted but also wonder if there are other ways to do a longer workout that still have a Tabata influence. Here are some great moves to put together for a longer, Tabata-influenced workout routine.

Put these five bodyweight exercises together for a hardcore 10 minutes. (You also try a kettlebell workout with its five exercises.) Try to perform 10 reps of each move within about 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before moving to next move. After each cycle, rest for 30 seconds before repeating 3 more times.

1. Push-Ups

Lying face-down on floor with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Raise your body up off floor by extending arms with body straight. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself back down to the floor by bending your arms. Do push-ups on your knees if you can’t do a full-body push-up.

2. Squats

Squat down by bending hips back and allowing knees to bend forward, keep your back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Go down until your thighs are just past parallel to floor, stand back up and do it again.

3. Burpee or Squat Thrust

Bend over and squat down. Place both hands on the floor, just a little bit wider than your shoulders. While holding your upper body in place, jump your legs back into a plank position. Jump your legs back in underneath you and stand up. To make that same move a burpee, when you jump back into the plank exercise position, simply lower your chest to the ground. If you want to increase the intensity of either of those variations, do a little jump at the top instead of just standing up.

4. Vertical Jump

This is one of the great plyometric exercises. Pretty straightforward, squat down and jump up as high as possible, after landing, immediately jump up again. You can mix in a jumping jack as well.

5. Mountain Climbers

Begin in a push-up position, with your weight supported on your hands and toes. Start the move by bringing one leg in until the knee is approximately under the hip. Then, explosively reverse the positions of your legs, extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bringing the other leg up and in.


Tabata training is not recommended for beginners, and it’s better suited for someone who has been working out consistently and is comfortable with high-intensity exercise. There is also an increased risk for injury when performing exercises at a high-intensity for time, in part because exercise form can deteriorate.

Make sure you can complete all the moves with proper form (which becomes extra challenging when you begin to fatigue) and that you did a thorough warm-up. Be sure and pick moves that are appropriate for your current level of fitness and remember, everything can be modified. You may also consider building up your fitness levels for several weeks before taking on a Tabata workout.

Final Thoughts

Tabata training can be a fun way to shake up your current fitness routine. It’s fast and furious, and there certainly isn’t time to get bored.

  • It won’t take you too many rounds to wonder how 20 seconds can feel like an eternity, or conversely, how 10 seconds can seem so fast.
  • The key thing to remember is that you will need to challenge yourself with your level of intensity. Unless you’re extremely fit and have access to a cycling ergometer or rowing ergometer, you won’t be doing 8 rounds of anything at 170 percent of your max. Regardless, you will need to push yourself in order to get results.
  • Your challenge is to see how many repetitions of a particular move you can get in each 20-second interval. Tabata never gets easier, you just keep doing more work!

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9 Running Tips for Beginners Wed, 15 Mar 2023 20:00:14 +0000 One of the major draws for people who take up running to keep in shape is how little is needed. There’s no fancy equipment or expensive memberships to worry about — just lace up your sneakers, throw open the front door and hit the road. While the runner’s high is fantastic, you might start to... Read more »

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One of the major draws for people who take up running to keep in shape is how little is needed. There’s no fancy equipment or expensive memberships to worry about — just lace up your sneakers, throw open the front door and hit the road.

While the runner’s high is fantastic, you might start to notice some not-so-great side effects: achy muscles, blackened toenails or plantar fasciitis, and other common running injuries.

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of nine ways to get the most out of each and every run. Even if you’re an intermediate, these running tips for beginners will improve your running, keep your body safe and make running a healthy activity you can enjoy for years to come.

9 Running Tips (for a Better Run!)

1. Warm up

You have your playlist going, and you’re ready to pound the pavement — but have you warmed up yet? Failing to do so before a run can lead to pulling a muscle, hurting a tendon or starting off at a too fast a pace that leaves you feeling exhausted and burnt out way before you’d like.

Skip static stretching, which does more harm than good. Instead, try a routine that will get your blood flowing and heart rate up, give your muscles a chance to warm up gently, and open your joints at a slower pace.

Start by walking at a brisk pace for several minutes, then transitioning to a light jog for another few minutes. Then add some dynamic stretching and movements, like jumping jacks, squats or butt kicks to finish up.

2. Set a goal and run consistently

Sometimes we just want to get outside to get fresh air and clear our heads, but in general, establishing a goal, whether it’s long-term or session-specific, will motivate you and can even improve your running.

For instance, are you training for a race or hoping to reach a certain distance? Will you focus on interval running in this session instead of keeping a consistent pace? Are you simply hoping to get out for a run a certain number of days a week?

Remember, regarding running tips for beginners, the only way to achieve your goals is to keep at them. Some days you might not get the quality of run in you want, or you’ll head outside for less time than you’d have liked. That’s OK: Running consistently is more important than being a superstar every single time.

Keep in mind that you want to set goals that are realistic and achievable, especially when you’re just starting out. Going from the couch to a full marathon in two months isn’t realistic (or good for you!), but going from the couch to a 5K is doable.

In general, I don’t recommend increasing your mileage or running volume by more than 10 percent a week.

Eventually, if you aim to run a marathon, according to a 2013 International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, runners are advised to run a minimum of 18 miles per week before a marathon to reduce their risk of suffering a running‐related injury.

3. Incorporate burst training

You don’t need to spend hours running to get great physical results. Burst training, or interval training, is one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight.

It combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow recovery phases repeated during a single exercise session. You’ll go for 85 percent to 100 percent of your maximum heart rate instead of keeping it in the 50 percent to 70 percent range, the way you do when exercising at a moderate pace.

A simple way to do this after warming up is by sprinting for 20 seconds, then jogging for another 20 and repeating the cycle for 10 minutes to half an hour. Burst training is easy to modify to your level, too. The beauty of it is that it uses your personal “max strength” to get results.

If your version of sprinting is walking briskly, that’s fantastic. If you can run like the wind around the track, that’s great, too. Just remember to keep challenging yourself, no matter where you’re at.

4. Cross-train

As great as running is for the body and mind, it shouldn’t be the only type of exercise you do. Running tips for beginners also include incorporating other types of workouts, or cross training, to strengthen muscles that aren’t used when running — also helping prevent injury — and give running muscles a chance to recover.

Plus, it helps prevent burnout — eventually, running for every single workout will get boring!

Make sure to alternate cross training on days when you’re not running, or add it onto shorter running days. If you’re a long-distance runner, don’t risk the temptation to sneak in cross-training activities during rest days — your body does need those to fully recover.

Unsure what to do? Swimming provides a great cardio workout while giving joints a chance to rest. You’ll strengthen your upper body and arms and increase endurance.

Cycling is another cardio-centric exercise that complements running well. A Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research study showed that cycle cross-training helped maintain aerobic performance during the recuperative phase between the cross-country and track seasons, comparable to devoting all cardio time to running only.

Strength training is also critical. It gives you a chance to focus on underused muscles and strengthen your core, which maintains your form while running and keeps you from getting tired.

Yoga and Pilates are also excellent workouts to stretch, increase flexibility and develop core strength, or try Crossfit workouts to seriously challenge yourself.

5. Get the right pre- and post-run fuel

Your body needs the best foods for athletes before and after a run. The right mix will keep you energized throughout your workout session and then help muscles recover afterward. In general, I recommend eating between one and two hours before running and then again 20 to 45 minutes after.

If you’re running a long distance or super intensely, I recommend getting something with a 4:1 carb to protein ratio beforehand, like goat milk yogurt with fruits, nuts and granola; sprouted grain bread (like Ezekiel bread) spread with your favorite nut butter; or a quinoa stir-fry.

Note: If you’re doing a long run at a steady pace, you’ll want some healthy fats in your meal to help endurance. If you’re working out for a short period of time at a really high intensity, avoid fat, as the fat will hinder digestion when your heart rate goes up.

If you’re going out for a moderate-level run an running for weight loss, I recommend a 2:1 carb to protein ratio, like a banana and a handful of nuts. For everyone, I recommend avoiding spicy foods, foods high in fat that are difficult to digest or high-fiber foods — and remember, see what works for you best.

6. Choose the right shoes

Running tips for beginners must also pertain to the type of shoes you use when you exercise, for it can make a huge difference on your comfort while running. I recommend going to a running store, being fit for a shoe and experimenting with different types. Depending on your foot’s shape and any previous injuries, you might find one style or brand suits you best.

Take note of sizes, as well. With a running sneaker, you’ll likely want to choose a shoe that’s one size up from your normal size. That’s because, as you run, your foot swells, and you’ll want room to accommodate your newly grown feet.

One sign your shoes aren’t the right size? You’re toenails are turning black or falling off often.

In the last several years, there’s been a surge and decline in barefoot and minimalist shoe running (think Vibrams, the five-fingered shoes). That may pique your curiosity, but don’t ditch your shoes just yet. If you have foot injuries, this style may exacerbate them while adding stress to feet.

For example, 2013 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that running in minimalist footwear appears to increase the chance of injury, with full minimalist designs specifically increasing pain at the shin and calf. (

Meanwhile, another BJSM study that concerned only barefoot running was less conclusive about injury rate. Instead, it noted that “barefoot running changes the amount of work done at the knee and ankle joints, and this may have therapeutic and performance implications for runners.”

For example, there’s considerably less flexion at the ankle joint and knee joint, which can work well for some of us but not so well for others.

If you’re determined to feel the ground beneath your feet, stick to a low mileage on grass (where you can also benefit from the earthing effect) or a track instead of pavement. You can also try a neutral shoe with light cushioning.

It’ll provide the protection your foot needs while minimizing “extras.”

7. Watch out for surfaces

The surface you run on can be just as important as the type of shoes you wear. Because running is a high-impact sport, your joints and tendons are affected by what you clock miles on.

There are pros and cons to every surface. While grass is usually considered one of the best surfaces to run on because it’s soft and fairly low impact, you’ll need to be aware of uneven stretches to avoid twisting your ankle. If you’re training for a race, running on asphalt (aka the road) is useful so your body can acclimate to the conditions well before race day, though you’ll need to watch out for cars.

Treadmills are smooth and even, but they sure can get boring — run on an incline and incorporate interval training (try the Tabata protocol) to keep engaged. Concrete sidewalks are considered one of the worst surfaces to run on, because of how hard they are, it might be the only option available to you.

Again, this one comes down to the options available to you and how your body responds. The best choice might be to alternate surfaces when you can. Get a quick, high-energy morning run on a treadmill, take a long weekend run on a dirt trail, go for a jog with the dog in a grassy park and take a few midweek runs on concrete.

8. Listen to your body

You might have noticed that I’ve mentioned seeing how your body responds throughout this article. That’s because it’s so important!

Your body is constantly speaking to you, but it’s up to you to listen. When something hurts — and not the “hurts so good” type — don’t force yourself to soldier through. Take a rest, or see a doctor.

Remember that what works for others, whether it’s a shoe, a time of day to train or even when to eat, might not be the same for you. Resist the urge to compare yourself and your running rituals to others, and focus on keeping your own body happy.

9. Stretch!

After keeping you going through a workout, your muscles deserve a well-earned stretch, focusing on glutes, hamstrings, quads, IT bands (or iliotibial bands) and feet. I produced a video of my favorite IT band and glute stretches, especially for those of you who are used to sitting most of the day. The IT band runs along the outside of each leg and can be prone to tendonitis if you don’t take steps to keep it supple. You can also check out some calf exercises and stretches.

Yoga is also extremely helpful here, as many yoga poses ease tension in these places. I also highly recommend using a foam roller after each run to massage those body parts and work out any kinks that have developed.

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, rolling the bottom of each foot over a tennis ball can help.

The post 9 Running Tips for Beginners appeared first on Dr. Axe.

How to Strengthen the Psoas Muscle (& Help Relieve Back Pain) Thu, 02 Mar 2023 15:40:20 +0000 All too often we find ourselves experiencing aches and pains in our bodies, especially in the low back. If you find yourself commonly searching for remedies for fast back pain relief, it may be time to investigate the psoas muscle. The psoas major, technically named the iliopsoas, may very well be one of the most important... Read more »

The post How to Strengthen the Psoas Muscle (& Help Relieve Back Pain) appeared first on Dr. Axe.


All too often we find ourselves experiencing aches and pains in our bodies, especially in the low back. If you find yourself commonly searching for remedies for fast back pain relief, it may be time to investigate the psoas muscle.

The psoas major, technically named the iliopsoas, may very well be one of the most important muscles in the body. Why? This deep-seated core muscle helps support your back and so much more.

If the psoas is weak, it could be the cause of back pain, neck pain and various other issues. In fact, the psoas major muscle is especially unique, particularly when it comes to postural function. It’s the only muscle that connects the lumbar spine and lower body. (1)

It’s clear that taking care of this deep psoas muscle is crucial to a strong, pain-free body. Many believe a healthy psoas is important for emotional and spiritual health, too.

What Is the Psoas Muscle?

There are two psoas muscles on each side of the back. The larger one is called the psoas major, and the smaller the psoas minor.

The psoas major, often known as “the mighty psoas,” originates at the spine around the bottom of the rib cage and runs down the thigh along the femur. The psoas major works by flexing the hip.

The psoas minor also originates at the spine around the bottom of the rib cage, but it runs down to the bony pelvis. It acts to flex the lower spine.

The psoas helps us perform all sorts of daily activities, including freeing the legs for walking and running. The psoas muscle is also vital in providing good posture.

Anyone who takes Pilates knows the psoas intimately — the form of exercise is praised for improving psoas muscle health and related back pain. Olympic weightlifters, runners, triathletes, gymnasts — all heavily rely on the support of the psoas, too.

Let’s delve into where the muscle is located.

There are two muscles that create what is called the iliopsoas group. They are the psoas major and iliacus.

You may have heard a fitness instructor suggest stretching the hip flexors at the end of your strength class. The psoas major and iliacus are important to the hip flexor muscles because they help stabilize and support the lower back.

The word psoas is Greek and means loin region. The psoas muscle group makes an upside down V, connected to the spine starting at about the bottom point of the rib cage and working its way down to the top of the femur. Specifically, it is a long, spindle-like muscle, found between the pelvic inlet and the pelvic floor.

It joins the iliacus muscle which is what forms the iliopsoas. A chiropractor can actually apply pressure in the pelvic inlet area to help release a tight psoas. This is commonly done for athletes in addition to stretches, although it should always be done by a soft-tissue professional with expertise in psoas release.

Psoas Issues

A strong psoas supports everyday activity, but a weak psoas can make even the easiest task a challenge in addition to causing bigger problems, such as sway back. The psoas is a key messenger of the central nervous system, and when there is lack of support from it, the way your body responds to gravity is different than intended.

Muscle imbalances can often cause the body to compensate in another area, and that can cause additional issues and even injury. Some people are even diagnosed with psoas syndrome or iliopsoas tendonitis. These ailments cause pain in the hip area.

While these are two separate conditions, they are often described similarly. However, psoas syndrome is a condition involving a stretch, tear or rupture of the iliopsoas muscle or tendon. Iliopsoas tendonitis involves an inflamed muscle.

Piriformis syndrome is also closely associated with this sort of pain and may be referenced when seeking a diagnosis.

Yoga therapist Danielle Prohom Olson calls the psoas muscle “the muscle of the soul.” Olson says on her website: “The psoas is connected to the diaphragm through connective tissue or fascia which affects both our breath and fear reflex. This is because the psoas is directly linked to the reptilian brain, the most ancient interior part of the brain stem and spinal cord.”

In fact, psoas expert Liz Koch, author of “The Psoas Book,” says that emotional trauma or lack of emotional support can actually lead to a chronically contracted psoas. This results in a lack of core awareness.

Since your ancient limbic system is closely related to emotions like fear and anxiety, this makes sense.

Psoas muscle - Dr. Axe

Symptoms of psoas problems include:

  • Discomfort, pain and aches in the front hip socket
  • Restriction in the hip socket
  • Iliopsoas bursitis/tendonitis
  • Restriction moving the thigh backward
  • Deep pelvic pain on the side that feels tight
  • Deep “bellyache”
  • Chronic constipation
  • Twisted pelvis

There are two common behaviors that typically cause a weak psoas: sitting all day and bad posture. The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) notes too much sitting causes a weak psoas, and a weak psoas can lead to lower back problems.

All that sitting can cause the psoas, iliopsoas and rectus femoris to remain in a shortened position for extended periods of time. What happens is that these muscles get used to this shortened state, and that makes them tight and overactive.

Because these muscles are attached to the pelvis and lumbar spine, this shortening or tightening of the muscles may cause a forward tilt of the pelvis and weakness in the gluteal muscles. Combined, this can cause lower back pain.

Consider a standing desk to reduce your sitting time each day.

Bad posture, whether standing or sitting, can create a lot of discomfort if not corrected. Rounded shoulders or a forward head posture may seem to be the easiest on the body, but since we are constantly working against gravity, it weakens the supporting muscles of the body over time.

Benefits of a Healthy Psoas Muscle

1. May Reduce Low Back Pain

A study published in the Journal of American Osteopathic Association identified the psoas as an important muscle linked to our core muscle development. The psoas was initially overlooked as a solution for back pain that a 48-year-old man was experiencing. According to the researchers:

After the correct diagnosis was made, he was treated by an osteopathic physician using osteopathic manipulative treatment, in conjunction with at-home stretches between office treatments. At his 1-month follow-up appointment, he demonstrated continued improvement of symptoms and a desire for further osteopathic manipulative treatment.

2. Can Affect Sports Activities

The psoas is actually the muscle that allows you to run. Each knee lift causes a contraction of this rope-like muscle, and each time the leg swings back to its original position, the psoas lengthens.

Runner’s World reports that a runner contracts and lengthens the psoas more than 5,000 times during an hourlong run.

The psoas is also a big factor in good posture. The psoas, combined with other core muscles, such as the abdominals and obliques, as well as those that help form and support the lower back, provides stability offering a strong posture.

Thus, it makes sense that if there is a problem with the psoas, it will likely affect your sports activities, in particular those that require running.

3. Provides a More Pain-Free Pregnancy

Pregnancy creates a lot of changes in the body, one of which is the shift in your center of gravity. It shifts forward as the baby develops, causing the pelvis to move toward the front of the body. This may cause the muscles in the lower back region to tighten and the hamstrings and glutes to stretch out and weaken.

Additionally, the ligaments attached to the uterus can come under a lot of stress, causing pain in the abdomen and lower back. The psoas and surrounding muscles take on much of the stress, which can cause discomfort due to tightness and imbalances.

However, by performing stretches and exercises that help strengthen the psoas, you can eliminate most if not all of the pain.

How to Strengthen the Psoas Muscle

Whether an athlete, pregnant or not active at all, it’s important to release the psoas to ensure that it is in good working order, giving you the support you need to perform any tasks — even picking up those groceries or your toddler. Yoga, Pilates and a core routine are great options, but you can make a world of difference by performing a some key stretches, include lower back stretches, right at home.

Below are some psoas stretches and exercises that you can do a few days a week. If you sit at a desk all day, it’s recommended that you perform these exercises daily, if possible. It only takes a few minutes and can change the way you move throughout your day.

Foam Rolling

While releasing the psoas should be left to a soft-tissue professional, NASM suggests foam rolling other tight hip muscles, including the TFL and hip adductors. As you roll, hold on spots that are tender for 30 to 90 seconds.

Check with your doctor to make sure foam rolling is OK for you. NASM notes it’s not appropriate for certain conditions, including malignancies, blood clots, aneurysms, anticoagulant therapy, congestive heart failure, open wounds or skin lesions, bursitis, obstructive edema, or certain other health conditions.

Hip Flexor Stretch (Thomas Stretch)

Sit tall at the end of a table, thighs halfway off the table. Grabbing one knee, pull it to your chest, and lean back until your lower back and sacrum are flat on the table.

Note that if the back is rounding and the pelvis is tipping, you’re pulling the knee too far. To correct, simply loosen your hold.

Allow the other leg to hang free off the table. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

Perform three to four repetitions on each side.

Kneeling Lunge

This is a very common exercise performed during the stretch segment of a lot of group fitness classes at the gym. To do it, kneel down on one knee (you may want a pad underneath if you are on a hard surfaced floor), with the front leg forward at a 90-degree angle. Tuck your pelvis, and gently lunge forward.

Continue to lean into the stretch slowly, ensuring that there is no unusual pain. A tight psoas may cause you to arch your lower back. However, try to keep the back straight.

To add a little stretching to the core, raise your arms overhead, and lean the hips forward another inch or two. Hold the lunge for 30 seconds, completing three repetitions on each side.

Leg Lifts

This is also a great glute exercise. Lie on your back, and extend your legs in front of you. Place your hands either underneath your bottom if your back arches too much or above your head as long as your lower back is pressed into the ground by focusing on bringing your belly button toward the spine.

Lift your left leg several inches above the ground, and hold for three to five seconds. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each leg.

As you get stronger, you can do these using ankle weights.

Ball Bridge

Lie on a stability ball like you would to perform crunches, with your neck and shoulder resting comfortably on the ball. Be sure to engage your core and not let your hips sag, with your feet straight ahead with toes pointing forward, shoulder-width apart.

Slowly and controlled, drop your glutes toward the floor (don’t go so far that your shoulders come off of the ball), and then push up through the heels to engage the glutes and push your hips back up in line with your spine.

This exercise is used to strengthen weak gluteal muscles often associated with a tight psoas.

Psoas Massage and Release

The psoas is deeply embedded into the core cavity area, is surrounded by vital organs and can be hard to find. A chiropractor or physical therapist may be able to help you best when it comes to actually releasing the psoas. It is a sensitive area and requires total relaxation of the patient.

General full-body massage can certainly help, but to really get to the psoas for an assisted release, working with a trained professional is recommended.

Working on stretching and releasing other hip muscles closer to the surface of the body can go a long way in reducing overall tension in your core cavity and ultimately aid in improving psoas health.


It is always best to take any new exercise slow. Consult your sports medicine doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor prior to performing the exercises.

When it comes to a psoas release, there are potentially dangerous side effects if you don’t work with someone certified and trained in this area, so you should consult with a professional.

The post How to Strengthen the Psoas Muscle (& Help Relieve Back Pain) appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Why Isometric Exercises Belong in Your Workout Routine Thu, 23 Feb 2023 13:30:01 +0000 Imagine if you could do effective exercises in only 10 seconds, anywhere, anytime … without any equipment. This is absolutely possible with isometric exercises, which are perfect for anyone who wants to tone muscles and gain strength in a way that doesn’t require impact or full range of motion. Isometric training is also valuable as... Read more »

The post Why Isometric Exercises Belong in Your Workout Routine appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Imagine if you could do effective exercises in only 10 seconds, anywhere, anytime … without any equipment. This is absolutely possible with isometric exercises, which are perfect for anyone who wants to tone muscles and gain strength in a way that doesn’t require impact or full range of motion.

Isometric training is also valuable as a complement to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts or any taxing workout routine, as it can improve joint strength, connective tissue and strength balance. Plus, these exercises can be done anywhere.

What Are Isometric Exercises?

A common method of muscular strength training, isometric exercise or isometrics are a type of exercise in which the joint angle and the muscle length do not change during contraction. In other words, these exercises are done in static positions while engaging specific muscles, rather than dynamic through a range of motion.

Unlike standard strength training, isometrics allow you the freedom to practice them anywhere without needing weights or special equipment.

The U.S. National Library of Medicine defines isometric exercises as static exercise that involves sustained contraction of skeletal muscles against fixed resistance and does not involve movement of the joints or axial skeleton. Classic examples of these types of exercises include hand grip motions and certain weightlifting moves. Also, movements in many competitive sports and daily activities involve isometric exercise.

Another example of isometric exercise that is very beneficial is power yoga. In the book “Yoga Exercises for Beginners: Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit, Increase Your Energy Levels, Feel Great and Lose Weight” by Anton Devlin, the author writes that isometric exercises are some of the best ways to strengthen the core.

Guide to isometrics - Dr. Axe

Isometric, stemming from the words “same” and “length,” simply translate to holding one position without moving. Power yoga uses isometric exercises along with numerous other postures that are designed to strengthen the core and back.

Because flexibility, balance and power stem from your core, it’s imperative to train this area of the body. While most yoga classes encompass isometric exercises, the power yoga style focuses more on core work, and the temperature in the room is typically warmer to help keep the muscles warm and release additional toxins from the body.

The Journal of Sports Sciences published an abstract regarding studies of the differences between isometric and dynamic strength training. It states that strength training with isometric contractions produces large but highly angle-specific adaptations.

The study compared the strength gains produced by isometric training at four joint angles with conventional dynamic training. Thirty-three recreationally active healthy males aged 18–30 years completed nine weeks of strength training of the quadriceps muscle group three times per week. One leg performed isometric training at each of four joint angles, and the other leg performed conventional dynamic training by lifting and lowering.

Both legs trained at similar relative loads for the same duration.

The quadriceps strength of each leg was measured isometrically (at four angles) and isokinetically (at three velocities) before and after training. After nine weeks of training, the increase in isokinetic strength was similar in both legs — however, the isometric strength increases were significantly greater for the isometrically trained leg.

The study shows that isometric exercises are very beneficial, especially for those that prefer a no-impact workout.

How to Perform Isometric Exercises

To perform an isometric exercise, you want to use a muscle or limb to oppose the opposite one. You can achieve this same effect by pushing or pulling against any immovable object, such as a wall, holding a firm medium to large ball with your hands and pressing inward toward the ball, or even by holding a flexed muscle in a stationary position.

The idea is to use your muscles to build strength by exerting as much force as possible against the resistance for a minimum of 10 seconds.

The most effective way to use isometrics is to incorporate it into a larger strength-training program, such as our burst training or a kettlebell workout. While isometric exercise offers great benefits, it is important to understand the limitations. Each isometric contraction only increases muscular strength in the exact position you are engaging versus a large muscle group.

For this reason, you need to perform various isometric exercises to help strengthen various muscles, rather than using a compound exercise that can work multiple muscles — think the squat exercise vs. a static squat. This is why it is best to think about isometrics as a complement to your weight training or burst training rather than a replacement.

Let’s look at it another way: The entire muscle isn’t strengthened, rather just a part of it. This is because your muscles do not change length during isometric exercises in the same way they do when you lift a weight.

You can improve the effects of the workout by doing any isometric exercise in three different positions. Essentially, tense the muscle near the bottom, middle and top of the movement.

A great example is with the biceps. When you do bicep curls, the bottom means the arm fully extended, the middle means the elbow at an angle near 90 degrees and the top means your hand near your shoulder. Hold each for at least 10 seconds.

You can do this without weights simply by tensing the muscle at each point.


The National Institutes of Health reminds us that moving more and sitting less can reduce the risk of many serious conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and certain kinds of cancer. Some studies suggest that physical activity can have mental benefits as well.

1. Convenient style of training at any place and at almost any time

Isometric exercises can provide a source of strength training at any place and whenever you feel like it. While there is some equipment that you may find useful for isometric exercises at the gym, you can perform these exercises without any equipment at all, making it very convenient while helping you maintain your fitness goals.

2. May be helpful to someone who is healing from an injury

Isometric exercises provide a source of strength training without the impact that more complex exercises may require. For example, if you have a shoulder injury, a physical therapist may recommend some isometric exercises that stabilize the shoulder and maintain strength in that area so the recovery is faster.

In fact, isometric exercises have been shown to help with recovery from hamstring injuries, a common sports and/or workout issue.

3. May help lower blood pressure

Isometric exercises may also help naturally lower your blood pressure since exercising at higher intensities can cause a dramatic increase in your blood pressure, specifically during the activity.

Regardless, it is important to check with your doctor before beginning isometric exercises if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems.

A study conducted by the Division of Cardiology at University Health Network in Toronto also suggested that isometric exercise training in young and old participants may produce reductions in blood pressure. In this case, isometric exercise training protocols typically consisted of four sets of two-minute hand-grip or leg contractions sustained at 20 percent to 50 percent of maximal voluntary contraction, with each set separated by a rest period of one to four minutes.

Training was usually completed three to five times per week for four to 10 weeks. Improvements in the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure were reported.

Some key things to remember: never hold your breath or strain during any weight training exercise, as this may cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

4. Help relieve depression

It has long been known that exercise serves as a potential natural remedy for depression in all ages, in particular regarding how people feel about themselves.

As noted in the book “The Principles and Practice of Resistance Training,” one of the authors compared the self-esteem of runners, weight trainers and non-exercise groups using the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale. A common pattern did not differ statistically between the running and weight training groups, but both exercise groups reported improved self-esteem relative to the non-exercising control group.

Isometric Exercise Routine

Isometric exercises are for anyone. While they are best when performed with higher-intensity exercises, they are great if you are recovering from an injury, short on time or in need of non-impact exercise, regardless of age. The elderly may also benefit from isometric exercises due to their non-impact style as well as the need to focus on the specific muscle you are working.

It is important to determine a routine that will be effective and do your best to be consistent by performing the routine, and variations of it, at least two to three times per week.

Consider the different muscles that you need to strengthen. You can actually create a full-body workout using isometric exercises.

It is important, like with all exercise routines, that you do not hold your breath, but rather breathe through the exercises, usually exhaling at the points of exertion.

Below is a great workout that includes both upper- and lower-body exercises. Try to get through the entire set two to three times.

Upper-Body Isometric Exercises

Ball Squeeze: Using a medicine ball, hold it in front of you using both hands. Squeeze the ball as hard as you can, holding the squeeze for 10–30 seconds.

Release, and repeat five to 10 times.

Push-ups: Starting in the push-up position with arms fully extended, lower yourself to about half way to the floor. Hold this position for 10–20 seconds, remembering to breathe. Repeat two to three times.

If needed, start on your knees (keep a straight line from your knees to the top of your head), and over time you will gain more strength and be able to do the push-ups on your toes. (Also try a push-up in a TRX workout.)

Plank: Start with your arms bent at 90 degrees, and rest on your elbows directly below your shoulders. Hold the plank position for 10–30 seconds while engaging your core, hips and butt. Repeat the plank exercise five to 10 times.

Again, if needed, start on your knees, and over time you will gain more strength and be able to do the planks on your toes.

Isometric exercises - Dr. Axe

Lower-Body Isometric Exercises

Squats: Place your back against a wall (or no wall), and lower yourself until your quadriceps are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms in front of you. Keep your upper body upright. (Do not lean over.)

The easiest way to think of the isometric squat is to sit in an imaginary chair, placing your weight on your heels. Hold for 10–20 seconds, engaging your abs, quads and butt. Release.

Repeat 10–20 times.

Lunges: Stand with legs staggered, right foot in front and spread far enough apart that you can lower yourself near the ground. Left knee is almost touching the ground, and calf is parallel to the ground. Right quadricep is parallel to the ground, and your knee should not extend past your foot.

If you need help with balance, place a sturdy chair next to you. Start in the standing staggered position, and lower yourself to the ground with hips slightly tucked, holding the position for 10–20 seconds while engaging the butt and and right upper leg.

Repeat 10–20 times on that side, and then repeat the same number of repetitions on the other side.

Hip Lifts: Lie face up on the floor. Knees are up, and feet are on the ground hip distance apart with your heels near your butt. Push your hips into the air, and squeeze your butt as hard as you can while engaging your abs for 10–30 seconds.

Want a little more resistance? Hold a weight on your abdominal and hip area. Release, and repeat 10–20 times.

Potential Risks

You should always consult your physician before starting any exercise program. While isometric exercise is beneficial for blood pressure overall, it can cause the blood pressure to increase during the workout because when a muscle contracts, blood is forced out of the muscle tissue and into the bloodstream.

Also, never hold your breath during exercise, as this can cause your blood pressure to increase.

The post Why Isometric Exercises Belong in Your Workout Routine appeared first on Dr. Axe.

CrossFit Workouts: Benefits, Risks & How to Do Your Own Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:00:38 +0000 CrossFit is a high-intensity, constantly varied, functional movement exercise program that has seen a huge growth in popularity around the world since it first started in the early 2000s. What originally began as an exercise program to help train military forces, police and firemen is now taking the fitness world by storm. CrossFit workouts promise... Read more »

The post CrossFit Workouts: Benefits, Risks & How to Do Your Own appeared first on Dr. Axe.


CrossFit is a high-intensity, constantly varied, functional movement exercise program that has seen a huge growth in popularity around the world since it first started in the early 2000s. What originally began as an exercise program to help train military forces, police and firemen is now taking the fitness world by storm. CrossFit workouts promise to keep members in the top shape of their lives, building muscle faster, promoting better recovery and usually meeting a whole support network of like-minded people in the process, too!

With a growing number of CrossFit-certified trainers, gyms and programs now offered across the world, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about.

What Is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a type of strength and conditioning workout that uses your own bodyweight for resistance in order to build power all over. Consistent with the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), this means no standard cardio workouts and hours spent at the gym.

CrossFit workouts might even be done entirely without any equipment or added weights, although some people choose to use weights for certain movements.

According to the founders of, several simple observations taken from top-performing athletes training over the past 30 years formed the basic principles behind CrossFit workouts. Here are some of the key reasons CrossFit workouts were first introduced and why they’ve been growing in popularity ever since:

  • Heavy lifters are able to apply more power to activities than endurance athletes. Powerlifters — those who attempt to lift maximum weights within three attempts — are especially strong.
  • Sprinters and people conditioned to do burst training are usually able to match the cardiovascular benefits and abilities of endurance athletes but with less time spent training.
  • Endurance athletes and bodybuilders are usually very specialized in their sports — for example, being aerobically fit or very muscular — but can be lacking in versatility (like having allover strength, power or stamina).
  • Doing HIIT workouts and training at high intensities (meaning workouts that would be unsustainable for long periods of time) lead to numerous health benefits, including faster weight lossalong with more fat-burning and muscle-building.
  • HIIT workouts can be done quickly (under an hour and sometimes much less) and don’t require someone to work out every single day to maintain strength.

CrossFit brings together knowledge from a diverse background of the world’s most physically fit people to form one full-body workout full of mind-body benefits. Specifically, CrossFit workouts cover “10 Fitness Domains,” including:

  1. Cardiovascular and Respiratory
  2. Stamina
  3. Strength
  4. Flexibility
  5. Power
  6. Speed
  7. Coordination
  8. Agility
  9. Balance
  10. Accuracy


1. Better Conditioning and Versatility

CrossFit programs are designed to increase physical performance in a diverse way, whether it means being able to simply perform everyday tasks better (like mowing the lawn) or preparing your body for tough competitions.

CrossFit athletes train their muscles, joints and ligaments using functional movements, which means they’re useful for more than just looking good in a bathing suit. Well-rounded workouts that use large muscle groups and various ranges of motion lead to better overall health, posture, flexibility, strength and balance.

2. The Ability to Break Through Plateaus

CrossFit is widely varied and based on compound, or functional, movements done in a high-intensity way. This type of training is considered most effective at achieving fitness results in the fastest amount of time, while also helping you break through plateaus and boredom.

CrossFit isn’t just one type of workout repeated day after day — in fact, it’s basically the opposite. By continuously switching up the types of exercises performed, muscles used and intensity, CrossFit workouts keep you from plateauing since your muscles constantly have to work in new ways.

Each program itself can be adjusted to accommodate all types of people simply by switching up the weight load, duration and intensity of the workouts based on someone’s level of physical fitness.

3. Help Losing Weight Fast

While many people dread doing steady-state cardio exercises, yet force themselves to do them anyway hoping to lose weight, they’re not aware that high-intensity burst training exercises can actually burn more fat and in less time.

In fact, according to a systemic review published in 2020, CrossFit workouts have “been shown to be effective in improving body composition – an increase in lean body mass (Brisebois et al., ) and a decrease in body fat (Murawska-Cialowicz et al. ; Feito et al. ).”

The guide to CrossFit workouts - Dr. Axe

4. Less Time Spent Working Out but More Results

Many people feel that they don’t have time to regularly exercise — try these exercise hacks if you’re always time-crunched — and if they do manage to squeeze in a workout, they might not use that time to their best advantage. Group-based high-intensity functional training (HIFT) provides time-efficient aerobic and resistance exercise at self-selected intensity levels.

A 2013 study done by the Department of Kinesiology at Kansas State University examined effects of HIFT as compared to moderate-intensity aerobic and resistance training (ART) on rates of exercise initiation, enjoyment, adherence and intentions. The researchers found that HIFT participants spent significantly less time exercising per week than ART participants, yet were able to maintain exercise enjoyment and were more likely to continue.

Considering that many people choose not to exercise due to a lack of time or boredom, high-intensity exercise options like CrossFit workouts should, therefore, be included in public health interventions to increase activity.

5. Ongoing Motivation and a Solid Support System

Something that draws many people to CrossFit and makes it stand apart is its strong sense of community. Thanks to the ongoing support that stems from the group-based exercise setting, CrossFitters get the added benefit of having fellow athletes to help motivate, encourage and instruct the class inside the “CrossFit Box.”

Studies even suggest that working out in a group setting similar to CrossFit helps people perceive the class more positively.

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research collected questionnaires from a total of 144 members (88 females and 56 males) to assess participants’ perceptions of CrossFit goal structures and the motivational climate encouraged by the trainer and fellow athletes. They found that although goals differed depending on gender, all members generally felt motivation to stick with the program and changes in their fitness-related goals as their membership time went on.

A support system is crucial for keeping you on track and helping you overcome obstacles that can keep you from exercising and eating right. Group motivation means lower dropout rates and more accountability, which often equates to better results.

6. A Community that Supports Eating Like an Athlete!

Many CrossFit athletes choose to start following the Paleo diet to get stronger, leaner, faster and improve recovery time. Of course, you can do CrossFit workouts without needing to change your diet, but to see faster results and better health benefits, changing certain eating habits can go a long way.

CrossFit athletes are encouraged to eat the following foods most:

  • Lean meats and proteins (like cage-free eggs, wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef)
  • vegetables
  • some fruits in moderation
  • nuts and seeds
  • small servings of starchy vegetables (like sweet potatoes, yams, plantains)
  • plenty of healthy fats from coconut products, avocados or extra-virgin olive oil, for example

How to Start

If you choose to visit a CrossFit center or follow a protocol you find online, you’ll find that CrossFit workouts are usually done by following the “Workout of the Day,” also called the WOD. WODs can seem a bit confusing if you’re new to CrossFit, so here’s how they work:

First, it helps to get the basic terminology down. A “rep” (or repetition) is one iteration of a movement, such as one bench press or one squat.

A “set” is a group of reps, such as 10 reps or squats. Each WOD usually features a certain number of sets of various movements. The pattern is to complete the sets, rest, repeat, rest, repeat and so on.

The amount of time for resting between sets depends on a few different factors, like your ability to recover and the primary goal of the WOD. Sometimes you might want to try having your WOD be timed, so in this case your rest time between sets would likely be shorter so you can complete the entire CrossFit workout quicker.

If you attend a class at a CrossFit Box, a WOD description might be written in several different ways. For example, doing a WOD in “rounds” would translate to doing a set of several exercises, resting and then repeating the whole circuit again.

As an example, this type of WOD could be written as “21-15-9,” which would indicate you perform one exercise 21 times, followed by another exercise 21 times and so on. Then you start from the beginning and do the first exercise 15 times, second exercise 15 times, etc.

If you choose to do a CrossFit-style workout on your own, start by practicing moves you’re more familiar with without added weights. Begin gradually by doing lower reps until you become more physically able to handle higher reps or adding additional weight.

Some compound movements to include in your WODs that train large groups of muscles at once and torch calories are:

  • Burpees
  • Snatches
  • Dips
  • Situps
  • Pushups
  • Hand stands
  • Squats
  • Cartwheels
  • Deadlifts
  • Bench press
  • Power cleans
  • Scales
  • Holds

Various pieces of exercise equipment might also be used during a CrossFit workout, since basically any high-intensity program can be done in a CrossFit style. This allows for even more versatility and for you to create an effective workout anywhere, whether it be outside, at a track, in your garage or in a basement.

Some basic equipment to consider purchasing if you want to take your workouts to the next level include:

  • A stationary bike
  • Olympic weights
  • Kettlebells
  • Rings
  • Parallel bars
  • Yoga or exercise mats
  • Horizontal bar
  • Plyometrics boxes
  • Medicine or stability balls
  • Jump ropes
  • Heavy ropes

Because CrossFit is challenging to your muscles, you need to make sure to schedule “rest days” so your muscles recover. Some common examples of a weekly schedule might be cycling three days on/one day off or five days on/two days off. Your exact workout schedule will depend on your intensity, goals and ability to recover.

Risks and Side Effects

There’s recently been a lot of criticism as to the potential injuries associated with CrossFit training. According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, risks tied to CrossFit workouts include rhabdomyolysis and musculoskeletal injuries. However, the researchers point out that to date no evidence exists in medical journals to show that CrossFit injury rates are higher than those of other forms of high-intensity exercise.

After a total of 132 online questionnaires were completed among international CrossFit forums, data showed that an injury rate of 3.1 per 1,000 hours trained was calculated. Injury rates with CrossFit training seem to be similar to those reported for sports, such as Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting and gymnastics, and lower-contact sports, such as rugby. Among the reported injuries, shoulder and spine injuries predominate.

To keep yourself safe and prevent injuries or overtraining (such as avoiding rhabdomyolysis), make sure to properly warm up, stretch after a workout and give yourself enough time to recover.

The post CrossFit Workouts: Benefits, Risks & How to Do Your Own appeared first on Dr. Axe.

20 Exercise Hacks to Sneak More Fitness Into Your Day Tue, 14 Feb 2023 18:35:37 +0000 Are you one of the millions of Americans who makes a New Year’s resolution to exercise more — and then watch as the best of intentions falls to the wayside? If so, you’re not alone … but it doesn’t have to be this way if you take advantage of exercise hacks. While the Centers for... Read more »

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Are you one of the millions of Americans who makes a New Year’s resolution to exercise more — and then watch as the best of intentions falls to the wayside? If so, you’re not alone … but it doesn’t have to be this way if you take advantage of exercise hacks.

While the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) advises adults to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate to intense aerobic activity (or about 20 minutes a day) plus two days of muscle-strengthening activity, the CDC estimates that nearly 80 percent of Americans don’t meet these recommendations.

Luckily, there’s a silver lining. A study in The Lancet found that just 15 minutes of exercise a week is enough to reduce mortality and increase life expectancy. While I still recommend adding more exercise to your routine when possible, let’s face it: While we can’t always carve out time in our busy schedules for a full-on workout session, each of us can find, at a minimum, those 15 minutes a week … and often several times a week.

Still dreading the idea of hitting the gym? I’ve collected some of my favorite exercise hacks to sneak more exercise into your day.

These sneaky ways will have you and your family getting active in no time.

20 Exercise Hacks

1. Add interval workouts

Maximize your time and burn more calories with burst training. This method combines short bouts of high-intensity interval training exercise with recovery phases, helping you burn fat faster while improving cardiovascular fitness.

2. Explore your own town

Chances are there are quite a few low-cost fitness activities where you live — and they don’t have to feel like work!

3. Switch up your commute

The average American spends 38 hours a year commuting to work. Why not make your commute work for you?

If you work in a city where you take public transportation to work, consider getting off the train or bus a stop early and walking a few extra minutes — after a few days, you won’t even notice the distance.

Are you lucky enough to live within walking or biking distance to work at least a few days a week? Trade your subway pass for comfy shoes, and hit the pavement! Commuting by bicycle to work, separately from biking during leisure hours, has been linked to a reduction in cardiovascular disease.

If driving is inevitable, try parking several blocks away or as far away from the entrance as you can in the parking lot.

4. Have walking meetings

Let’s face it: Meetings can be long, tedious and oftentimes unproductive. Give your team a breath of fresh air — literally — by instituting walking meetings.

Take a brisk walk while you have weekly catchups or go over project logistics. You might even find new solutions to old problems.

A 2014 study found that walking while talking can increase creativity by as much as 60 percent.

5. Walk the dog

Instead of delegating walking the family pet to your children, start and end your day by taking Fido on a brisk stroll. Just 20 minutes of walking your dog can burn about 130 calories. E

ven better? Head to the dog park and toss a ball around, too.

6. Meet friends for workouts

You might be planning on squeezing in a workout, but then a friend you haven’t seen in a while invites you for happy hour. Instead of choosing between a social life and fitness, combine the two.

Meet friends for a fitness class or a jog around the neighborhood instead of brunch or drinks. Not only will you get in quality time and a workout, but your wallet will thank you, too!

7. Take the stairs

Firm up your glutes and increase your heart rate throughout the day by nixing elevators and escalators and taking the stairs instead. Whether at the office or the shopping mall, you’ll be surprised by how quickly those extra flights of stairs add up throughout the day.

8. Get moving throughout the day

When most of us are obligated to be at our offices from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (or longer!), we have to make the most of our situations. Instead of writing a co-worker an email or picking up the phone, walk to that person’s office and chat face to face.

Take a walk at lunchtime instead of eating at your computer. These exercise hacks and their short distances really do add up to quite a few extra steps a week.

9. Keep the car in the garage

Running errands around town? Save on gas, and walk or take a bike ride short distances instead.

10. Do vacations a different way

Stepping out of your daily routine doesn’t mean your workout plan has to fall to pieces. Skip the big-bus city tours, and explore a new city by taking a walking tour instead. Seek out hotels with gyms or partnerships with local fitness centers.

Or plan a vacation around an activity you’ve been interested in. If you’ve been wanting to run a 10K, sign up for one in a city you’re excited to visit.

Have you been wanting to work on your arm balances? Seek out a yoga retreat.
Exercise hacks - Dr. Axe

11. Schedule workouts

Scheduling things with a date and time — instead of tacking it on to a never-ending to-do list — is a more effective way of tackling projects. Schedule workouts, and set an alarm for them the same way you would a meeting or dinner date.

12. Get the kids involved

One reason people often think they don’t have time for exercise is because they can’t get away from the children long enough to get a workout in. I say bring them along!

Have your kids do a modified version of a HIIT workout DVD with you. Take them to the park to shoot hoops or play soccer. Beat the heat, and go swimming together in the summertime.

Not only will you spend precious time with your children, but they’ll also learn what a healthy lifestyle looks like.

13. Use social media to your advantage

Facebook is good for more than seeing what your old high school classmates are doing. Use your social networks to hold yourself accountable.

You’ll be more likely to get up for that early morning run if you’ve posted about it the night before. You can also use it to recruit friends to join you on your fitness journey, whether through physical activity in real life or just cheering each other on.

14. Get fit while you watch TV

Instead of curling up on the couch with snacks while you clear out your DVR, use the time to squeeze in some exercise hacks. Bodyweight exercises like jumping jacks, high knees, planks, pushups, crunches and more can all be done with zero equipment. Add some weights for even more of a burn.

15. Track your progress

If you’re someone who works best with visuals, investing in a pedometer might be for you. It’ll track your steps, show your day-to-day progress and encourage you to sneak in a few extra steps a day.

16. Make exercising fun

Turning exercise into a daily habit is difficult if you’re not having fun. Find the activities that you enjoy — don’t worry about what’s “trendy” or not.

Whether it’s Pilates, skiing, running, hiking, swimming or something totally different, choosing workouts that you actually like makes all the difference. It doesn’t feel like exercise when you’re having a great time.

17. Try something new

Don’t limit yourself to just those exercise hacks that you’re familiar with. Try a new workout class, or join your friend in that crazy color race.

While every workout might not be your favorite, you just might find something different you like — and it’ll keep your muscles guessing.

18. Keep it cheap

Working out doesn’t have to be expensive. Workout DVDs and YouTube videos are great ways to add variety to your routine and usually require little to no equipment. From Pilates to cardio workouts to strength training, you can find a video or channel that fits your interests.

19. Set a goal

When you’re working toward something in particular, it’s easier to stay motivated. Have you wanted to start logging more miles? Sign up for a local race to ensure you hit the track.

Do you want to build up to arm balances in your yoga practice? Commit to spending a few minutes a day doing pushups to build strength.

It’ll feel that much sweeter when you reach your goal — and then set a new one!

20. Use an app for that

Is there anything smartphones can’t do? Put yours to work with a fitness tracker ­— use interval timer alarms to get in short exercise bouts throughout the day, download apps with dedicated workouts or clock miles as you run from zombies.

Adding a little more exercise to your daily lifestyle doesn’t have to be a chore or boring. With these 20 exercise hacks, you’ll feel fitter and reach the recommended amount of weekly exercise in no time!

The post 20 Exercise Hacks to Sneak More Fitness Into Your Day appeared first on Dr. Axe.

What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips) Thu, 05 Jan 2023 14:00:29 +0000 As the holiday season approaches, many people who exercise outdoors struggle with working out in the cold, but they don’t have to. Is it bad to work out in cold weather? As long as you take some precautions, working out in the cold — such as walking, running or cycling — is actually pretty beneficial.... Read more »

The post What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips) appeared first on Dr. Axe.


As the holiday season approaches, many people who exercise outdoors struggle with working out in the cold, but they don’t have to.

Is it bad to work out in cold weather? As long as you take some precautions, working out in the cold — such as walking, running or cycling — is actually pretty beneficial.

Exercising in cold weather can lead to improvements in endurance and cardiovascular function, and just like most exercise, it can also boost your mood and mental health.

Benefits of Working Out in the Cold

“Cold weather” means different things to different people, but generally it’s considered to be cold outside when it becomes uncomfortable to stay outdoors for more than short periods of time. This discomfort is due to drastic differences between the temperature outside and the internal temperature of the human body.

While being outside in cold weather might require you to wear a jacket or coat to avoid feeling chilly, it also has some perks to offer that being at room temperature doesn’t. The colder your environment, the harder your body has to work to maintain homeostasis (or balance), which means it uses energy in the process and also benefits metabolically in certain ways.

Let’s look closer at how working out in the cold benefits nearly your entire body:

1. Burn Extras Calories

Why is it harder to exercise in the cold? One reason is because your body needs to work harder to perform in chilly climates, mostly because it requires extra generation of heat to keep your muscles, organs and limbs warm.

Anytime your body is exposed to a form a “stress,” which can include drastic temperature or elevation changes as well as exercise itself, your need for energy increases. This causes your muscles to break down glycogen faster (from carbohydrates) in order to fuel themselves.

Brown fat is the type of body fat that helps regulate body temperature. When we’re outside in the cold, brown fat burns energy (calories) in order to heat our bodies and increase body temperature, in the process helping give the metabolisms a bit of a boost.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, “studies show that exercising in cold weather can transform white fat, specifically belly and thigh fat, into calorie-burning brown fat.” Because working out in the cold activates brown fat more than exercising at room temperature does, it can potentially help efforts to lose weight.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism even found that cold weather workouts can burn more calories compared to workouts done in more comfortable temperatures.

2. Can Help Improve Endurance

Working out in the heat can cause you to become exhausted more easily, since it increases sweating and your heart rate more rapidly. On the other hand, exercising in the cold can allow you to work out for longer, which may mean you can build endurance and stamina more easily.

What’s the ideal temperature to train at, or compete in, in order to maximize endurance? Research suggests it’s about 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, since this is the temp that feels most comfortable in which to breath rapidly and exert yourself.

However, it’s safe to train at even colder temps too. (See below for more info on working out in different temperatures.)

3. Fights Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Exercising outside during the winter where you’re exposed to sunlight is thought to be one effective strategy for helping ward off seasonal affective disorder, a type of mood disorder/depression that tends to affect people during the dark winter months.

Sunlight and exercise both have a positive impact on your mood for several reasons, including because they help release more “feel good” chemicals, including serotonin and endorphins.

Another cognitive/mental health perk of exercising in cold weather? Some studies have demonstrated that people who exercise in the cold tend to experience improvements in their decision making, focus and memory.

Other research shows that exercise in general is useful for decreasing anxiety and improving concentration.

4. Can Help You Sleep Better

The combination of sunlight exposure during the daytime, fresh air and physical activity can help you unwind and sleep more deeply at night. Sunlight is important for regulating your circadian rhythm, also called your “internal clock,” which makes you feel sleepy enough at night to drift off and alert enough in the morning to wake up.

The stress-relieving effects of exercise, whether done indoors or outdoors, are also important for fighting insomnia.

5. Supports Heart and Metabolic Health

Nearly all types of exercise benefit your cardiovascular system and can help promote insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar management.

Getting regular physical activity, such as walking briskly or jogging outdoors, has been linked to lowered risk for common health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood glucose levels.

How to Exercise in Cold Weather (Best Exercises)

What are the best exercises to do in cold weather?

These include “cardio” or aerobic exercises like running, fast walking, jogging or cycling (assuming the wind isn’t too uncomfortable), plus ice skating, playing hockey, snowshoeing, or downhill skiing and snowboarding. You can also do sprint workouts outside or even do a circuit workout or weight training.

Ready to take your workout outdoors, even if it’s the middle of the winter? Here’s what you need to know:

1. Warm Up With Dynamic Stretches

Before exercising in cold weather, be sure to properly warm up, since inactive and cold muscles and joints are more prone to injuries.

Instead of doing traditional “static stretches,” in which you hold a fixed position, do dynamic forms of stretching instead. Dynamic stretching involves motion, which boosts circulation and blood flow to your muscles and helps protect against injuries.

Here are some examples of dynamic stretches to do for several minutes before working out in the cold:

  • Wide arm and leg circles (aim for about 20 of each)
  • Shoulder and neck shrugs
  • Toe taps
  • High steps (bringing your knees high toward your chest)
  • Air squats
  • Lunges (side, back and forward)
  • Quad pulls

2. Stay Hydrated

Believe it or not, you’re more prone to becoming dehydrated in cold weather because your thirst sensation is reduced, your body uses water to warm you and you lose water due to breathing out moist air that causes respiratory fluid loss.

Be sure to drink water before, during and after your workout. If you prefer, drink something warm beforehand, such as hot tea, which can help make the cold feel initially more comfortable.

3. Optimize Nutrient Intake Before and After

Eating a healthy diet that includes protein and complex carbs is important for exercise no matter the temperature or time of year. It’s important to optimize your nutrient intake before and after cold weather training because your muscles need protein and carbs to stay fueled and repair themselves and grow back stronger.

Pre-workout, eat a meal rich in carbs and protein about one to three hours before exercising. (Avoid anything too heavy right before exercise, which might cause a stomachache.)

If you’re active for more than one hour and doing intense exercise, you may opt to have a carbohydrate-rich snack mid-workout to keep you energized. Following a tough workout, have protein and carbs within one to two hours to replenish glycogen stores and aid in muscle recovery.

What to Wear

When the temp drops outside, it’s important to wear the right gear to help keep your body’s core temperature warm. Clothing and accessories that help conserve body heat can keep your muscles warmed up so you feel less stiff or tight.

Here are some guidelines regarding what to wear when exercising in the cold:

Layer clothing — Your bottom layer should ideally be something thin that is made of synthetic material (such as polyester, polypropylene and nylon), which draws sweat away from your body. This leaves you less damp and chilly than if you wear cotton. Look for clothing marked as “moisture-wicking.” Over your thin layer, add something heavier that will keep you insulated, such as a sweatshirt, jacket or fleece.

Cover up vulnerable body parts — Your hands, feet, toes, ears and tip of your nose are most vulnerable to becoming very cold and even developing frostbite if it’s freezing outside. This happens because your body conserves energy and priorities warming your core, rather than your extremities.

Depending on how cold it is, cover up with a hat, gloves, face mask, scarf or goggles so less skin is exposed. Be sure to wear warm socks, but make sure they are comfortable depending on the kind of shoes you’re wearing. (You’ll need thinner socks if wearing sneakers compared to shoe shoes or ski boots, which can fit wool or thick cotton socks.)

If your hands get extra cold, try wearing thin glove liners under thicker gloves that are lined with fleece.

Don’t forget to protect your skin — Moisturize your skin consistently in the winter to keep water locked in and prevent dryness and chapping.

While some sunlight during the winter can be highly beneficial, too much can still burn your skin even if it’s chilly outside. Apply sunscreen if you’re spending lots of time outside, especially if you’re near snow, which can reflect sunlight — for example, if skiing or snowboarding.

Most dermatologists recommend wearing 30 SPF+ if in the sun longer than about 20 to 30 minutes, plus lip balm with sunscreen.

How Cold Is Too Cold?

What temperature is too cold to exercise outside? The ideal temperature for exercising outdoors in the cold is somewhere in the range of the 30s to 50s F.

That said, the American College of Sports Medicine has stated that “exercise can be performed safely in most cold-weather environments without incurring cold-weather injuries…the wind-chill temperature index can be used to estimate the relative risk of frostbite and heightened surveillance of exercisers should be used at wind-chill temperatures below -27 degrees C (-18 degrees F).”

In other words, it seems safe for most adults to work out in very cold temps, even those dropping into the single digits in degrees Fahrenheit. However, it’s crucial to wear the right gear once the temp drops below the 30s, and look out for any signs of cold-related injury (such as numbness, clumsiness and very red, cold skin).

Be cautious about avoiding frostbite when the temperature drops below 5 degrees F and the wind blows more than 20 miles per hour, which increases the risk for cold-related injuries.

Risks and Side Effects

Exercising in cold weather increases the risk of hypothermia, which is caused by a low body temperature. This is a serious condition that can cause damage to the skin and other tissues, so it’s impotent to take it seriously.

Seek emergency help from a professional immediately if you develop hypothermia symptoms, such as:

  • numbness and tingling accompanies by redness/purple skin
  • intense shivering
  • extreme fatigue
  • slurred speech
  • loss of coordination

People with existing health conditions such as asthma or heart problems are more at risk for exercise-related side effects when working out in the cold. Be cautious about pushing yourself too hard if you have any history of trouble breathing, chest pains, etc.


  • Working out in the cold is beneficial because it causes your body to work hard to maintain homeostasis (or balance). The colder your environment, the harder your body has to work to do this, which means it uses energy in the process and also benefits you metabolically in certain ways.
  • Perks of exercising outdoors in the winter include improvements in your metabolism, fat-burning, mood, endurance, heart health and sleep.
  • It’s usually safe to exercise outside even if the temperature falls into the single digits, but be sure to wear layers, moisture-wicking clothing, gloves, warm socks and a hat.
  • Stop if you feel intense tingling, numbness or other signs of hypothermia when working out in the cold. Also be sure to stay hydrated and eat before and after working out in the cold for the best results.

The post What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips) appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Pronation Problems: Signs, Causes & Ways to Correct These Common Posture Issues Thu, 22 Dec 2022 20:00:33 +0000 Pronation deviations that occur at the feet and ankles — called overpronation or underpronation (also known as supination) — are some of the most common underlying postural problems that adults develop. To one degree or another, collapsed arches may now affect the majority of the adult population living in industrialized nations. Overpronation is such a prevalent... Read more »

The post Pronation Problems: Signs, Causes & Ways to Correct These Common Posture Issues appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Pronation - Dr. Axe

foot step on massage ball to relieve Plantar fasciitis or heel pain. woman with red pedicure massaging trigger points on her foot

Pronation deviations that occur at the feet and ankles — called overpronation or underpronation (also known as supination) — are some of the most common underlying postural problems that adults develop. To one degree or another, collapsed arches may now affect the majority of the adult population living in industrialized nations.

Overpronation is such a prevalent problem due to people wearing unsupportive shoes, having weak legs and walking on flat, hard surfaces. All of these contribute to changes in soft tissue structures of the feet, including loosened joints that cause foot bones to shift.

Considering our feet are usually the only point of contact we have with the ground, it’s not that surprising to learn that pronation abnormalities of the feet are common source of aches and pains. These problems begin in the arches of the feet and heels but often spread up to the calves, ankles, knees and even back.

People could be searching for low back pain relief without even understanding the source of the pain is the foot. Over- or underpronation during exercise or while playing sports can raise your risk for experiencing injuries, since pronation affects how you stand, run and distribute your body weight.

Today, a key focus of physical therapists, personal trainers, coaches and other practitioners who treat muscular compensations is identifying and correcting moderate to severe cases of overpronation problems (such as foot flattening) or those due to underpronation/excess supination (like having high arches). Because these affect the entire “kinetic chain” of the body, they can alter how the body’s weight is distributed and shock is absorbed during movement.

What Is Pronation?

The definition of pronation is “the rotation of the medial bones in the midtarsal region of the foot inward and downward, so that in walking the foot tends to come down on its inner margin.”

Although no one’s body is perfectly symmetrical and balanced, and therefore some over- or underpronation is considered normal, too much pronation in either direction affects the normal gait cycle. The gait cycle takes place as the body moves forward.

Rotation of the feet helps provide shock absorption in the lower half of the body and keeps correct form/posture through the pelvis and spine.

Pronation - Dr. Axe
The body moves in one continuous kinetic chain, which depends on the position of the subtalar joint. The subtalar joint accounts for a large portion of the inversion and eversion range of motion of the hindfoot, plus determines how the tibia and femur bones of the legs are lined up.

It also allows the foot to accommodate to uneven or irregular surfaces. Over time, an overpronated subtalar joint typically forces the tibia and femur bones to rotate inward, sometimes only very slightly, but in other cases more severely.

What are the causes of pronation abnormalities? These can include a combination of:

  • Genetics
  • Muscular compensations due to poor postureor old injuries; old injuries can leave scar tissue behind on your lower legs that set the scene for future pains and weaknesses
  • Poor form from not running correctly (Here’s how to how to run correctly.)
  • Weakness in the lower body from too little activity or limited range of motion and stiffness due to aging
  • Overuse, such as from exercising too much or standing for long periods (While rest is important for recovery, keep in mind that if the underlying problem of your heel pain is bad running form or not wearing supportive enough shoes, the core problem won’t be addressed even when you rest enough.)
  • Loss of cartilage in the subtalar joint of the foot, often due to arthritis/osteoarthritis
  • Dysfunction of the tibialis posterior tendon is a common cause of “acquired flatfoot deformity” (severely fallen arches) in adults, especially in women older than 40, who seem to be at the greatest risk. The tibialis posterior tendon is the primary dynamic stabilizer of the middle part of the foot and arches. It helps elevate the foot’s arch, raise the small bones in the middle part of the feet and make the midfoot rigid.

Common signs and symptoms of overpronation or underpronation usually include:

  • Pain moving from the foot upward. Pain will most likely occur when standing for a long time, walking or running. It might spread all the way from the underfoot and heel to the thighs and back. For example, shin splints, one of the most common running injuries, are caused over time by a series of dysfunctional musculoskeletal movements stemming from the feet and calves.
  • Swelling in the ankle or heel. Most patients complain of swelling that is localized in the middle or side part (medial or lateral aspects) of the underfoot or heel. Sometimes the toes are affected, too.
  • Stiffness, loss of functioning and reduced range of motion in the feet or lower body.

The good news is the arches in your feet are just like any other muscle in the body. They can be “taught” or trained to improve in terms of functionality, so pain from overpronation or underpronation is definitely treatable.

Overpronation vs. Underpronation

  • When overpronation occurs, the foot rolls in too much either while you’re moving (after landing the foot) or while you’re standing. Overpronation is the result of “flat feet,” or the arches of the feet “collapsing” and rolling inward. When standing, the arches of the fleet flatten too much toward the ground.
  • With overpronation, the big toe and second toe wind up absorbing too much shock. At the end of the gait cycle, the front of the foot pushes off the ground using mainly these toes, applying lots of pressure, which can cause pain. Overpronation can also contribute to injuries, including runner’s knee, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis in some cases.
  • Underpronation (excess supination) is the insufficient inward rolling of the foot after landing on the ground. Writers of Runner’s World magazine state that compared to people with healthy, normal posture, those with underpronation don’t roll the foot inward enough (less than 15 percent) and therefore absorb shock on only a small portion of the outer foot.
  • Runners with high arches and tight Achilles tendons tend to be underpronators/supinators. With underpronation, the outer toes/pinky toe tend to be bear a lot of weight when pushing the foot away from the ground during movement. This can lead to pain or overuse injuries. These may include iliotibial band syndrome that affects the knees, Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitisalong with general instability and stiffness.

How to Spot Pronation Deviations

Even very small changes in the alignment of the ankles, knees and hips can cause visible changes to your posture or straining (such as valgus stress, the cause of collapsed knees or runner’s knee pain).

How do you know if you’ve developed abnormal pronation? To give you an idea of what healthy posture should look and feel like, try observing your posture.

Starting from your toes moving upward, here are several key areas to observe in your stance. These observations can clue you in to overpronation or underpronation/supination issues:

  • Stand with your shoes off, facing straight forward. Place both hands on your thighs, and straighten the back upright.
  • Now, check the stance of your thighs, knees, ankles and toes.
  • Both feet and knees should face forward in parallel or with minor external rotation of the toes outward.
  • Generally, the toes should be aligned in the same direction as the feet and ankles (forward). The ankles and knees should be facing forward, not rolling inward or outward more than very slightly.
  • If the knees appear to roll inward and toes outward, this is called “internal pronation.” On the other hand, if the knees are facing outward, this is called “external supination” (also referred to as underpronation).
  • You can also draw a line on the front of your legs running from your thighs, through your knees to your ankles. Check if the line is curved in any particular spot.

Conventional Treatment for Pronation Problems

Most orthopedics or trainers complete a physical exam of the lower extremities to look for signs of abnormal pronation and imbalances. Usually, they pay particular attention to any loss of functionality or sensory function (due to nerve damage) if pain is strong.

  • Once overpronation or underpronation is diagnosed, many podiatrists recommend wearing shoe inserts (sometimes called orthotics or “orthotic technology”). These can help correct alignment of the foot. They are used most often for excessive pronation or in the case of acquired flatfoot deformity. Orthotic inserts in the shoes consist of a longitudinal arch support with a medial heel post. Shoe inserts help lift the arches of the feet and stop the rolling inward motion of the knees that can cause pain.
  • Orthotic technology products can help many people feel more comfortable while standing, reduce low back or heel pain, and prevent muscular strains due to compensations in the pelvis or spine. Although it’s rarer, custom bracing to keep the lower legs in place is also sometimes used.
  • Physical therapy is sometimes also needed if pronation problems become severe. A physical therapist or corrective exercise specialist can help teach clients customized stretches and exercises to retrain the lower extremities to balance weight properly.
  • If pain ever becomes very bad, some doctors might also prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to decrease swelling and tissue/joint inflammation. Only very rarely is surgery needed to correct severe pronation problems, such as acquired flatfoot deformity.

Natural Ways to Correct Overpronation

1. Improve Your Posture and Form

Improper form when standing, exercising or especially running is one of the most common underlying reasons for foot, heel and leg pains. This can lead to dysfunctions that cause symptoms to reappear again and again, even if you begin gradually and then rest enough in between sessions.

When it comes to exercise-related injuries, many of the most common are due to fallen arches and flat feet.

Look for any of the signs below that indicate you’re using incorrect form:

  • Not rolling arches upward (having flat feet when you strike the ground), which means stepping causes your arches to collapse
  • Having the heel strike the ground too abruptly without rolling it evenly forward — in other words, you’re “pounding” the foot too much
  • Not lifting the toes, which can cause you to trip often

Try to have the foot/heel make contact with the ground from the outside. Experiment with landing closer to the midfoot if you’re a heel striker, and aim for a softer landing. Most runners naturally land more lightly when they don’t lead with the heel.

Slightly increase cadence — the number of steps you take per minute. Avoid having only the toes do most of the pushing during liftoff.

This might take some time to improve, but with training and practice it will become easier.

2. Stretch Your Legs More

Overpronation often causes extra stress and stiffness in the leg and lower back muscles that can make matters worse. Regularly stretching the legs, especially after workouts, can help increase flexibility, range of motion and blood flow in painful areas.

Ways to stretch the calves and hamstrings include:

  • If you have a foam roller (and your doctor says you are able to use it), it’s great to foam roll your calves before stretching. Be sure to hold each tender spot for at least 30 seconds; don’t just quickly roll back and forth.
  • Raising and lowering your heels and toes to the ground (toe or heel lifts).
  • Easy calf raises: Sit on the edge of a couch with your feet flat on the floor. With one leg, keeping your heel on the floor, lift and point the toes toward the ceiling, so you feel a stretch in your calf muscle. Hold for 30 seconds, and then do the same with the other leg, three times per leg.
  • Toe touches: Stand with straight legs, and bend from the waist to touch the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. You can also do this with your legs stretched wide.
  • Rolling the ankles in the air while laying on your back.
  • Try yoga. One of the many benefits of yoga involves relieving tight legs and improving overall flexibility.

3. Visit a Soft Tissue Therapist

Massaging, loosening and activating muscles throughout the lower body and feet can help restore proper alignment and break up tissue adhesions/scar tissue that contribute to arch problems. Even if you currently overpronate (or underpronate), it doesn’t mean you have to remain this way forever. You can “reteach” your muscles and joints how to distribute your weight in a healthier way — and having assistance makes this easier.

If you stand for prolonged periods during the day, you’re an athlete or very active, or you suffer from overused heel/knee pain, techniques like physical therapy, active release technique or cross friction can be useful for improving range of motion and reducing pronation deviations. Other soft tissue therapies to consider that may reduce pain from over- or underpronation, plus prevent future injuries, include:

4. Wear Firmer, Supportive Shoes

If you’re overpronating, you may notice that the inside soles of your shoes experiences more wear and tear than the outside. Your shoes may appear to roll inward.

Here are tips for choosing the best shoes or sneakers that are most supportive for overpronators:

  • Look for thicker, firmer shoes with “motion stability.” Those who have fallen arches are more prone to injury when wearing flimsier, flexible shoes that are lightweight and have less lift/cushion near the arches.
  • Look for shoes with multidensity midsoles, which can stop the feet from being able to roll inward too much.
  • You may also want to add custom-made or commercially available arch supports inside your shoes. Look for insoles in a drug store, or ask your doctor for recommended orthotics that are right for your feet. You may only need an insert in one foot, but in most cases patients feel best when adding support to both.
  • If you have bunions on your toes due to rubbing (see below), then also consider wearing wider shoes to give you more wiggle room.
  • You may also want to consider barefoot running — a phenomenon growing in popularity among those with frequent running injuries. Running barefoot may seem even riskier than wearing the wrong sneakers, but it actually helps the feet learn proper form more easily, builds strength throughout the ankles and feet, and helps increase natural range of motion (supination and dorsiflexion).

5. Treat Calluses and Bunions

People who overpronate can develop growths or other minor injuries on their toes and feet, like calluses or bunions, from their outside heels or toes rubbing against their shoes too much. When pain becomes bad, you can apply ice several times a day for 20 minutes at a time. Elevate your affected foot to help reduce swelling, and try massaging the foot with an anti-inflammatory essential oil.

You can try applying a muscle rub on your foot to help keep swelling down. A few drops of organic essential oils, like frankincense and peppermint oil, diluted in a carrier oil, work for that purpose.

Natural Treatment for Underpronation

1. Loosen Susceptible Muscles

Supinators should do extra stretching of the calves, hamstrings, quads and iliotibial band. See above for recommended leg stretches and foam-rolling tips, plus add some of these routine:

  • Ankle rolls (with feet overhead or while you’re sitting)
  • Crab crawls to stretch the ankles
  • Foam rolling the lower legs
  • Massaging the fascia (soft tissue) in the underpart of the feet with a tennis ball or your hand

2. Strengthen the Mid and Upper Legs

Leg exercises to help reduce muscular weakness in the legs include:

  • Squats
  • Lunges, including side lunges, lunge dips or lunge twists
  • Calf raises
  • Walking uphill
  • Burst training or sprinting

3. Make Sure Your Shoes Aren’t Worn Out

Signs of underpronation (excess supination) show up in your sneakers or shoes, usually causing the outer edge of the shoe to become flimsy more quickly. Replace your sneakers regularly, especially if you exercise often.

To see if you’re due for a new pair, place your shoes down on a flat surface, and look for the outer edge to tilt outward. Experts also recommend trying more flexible, lightweight sneakers for underpronators who spend lots of time on their feet (including running or walking). Lightweight shoes can withstand more foot motion, especially those with flexible inner edges.


If working with a trainer to correct a pronation problem you’ve identified, keep in mind that attempting to treat the problem too quickly or aggressively can result in muscle fatigue and further compensations. Pronation problems should be adjusted over time so susceptible or sore muscles and joints can get used to redistributing weight and shock absorption. Otherwise postural problems may become worse.

If you feel heel pain or pain radiating upward from your ankles, consider that other problems might be contributing to your symptoms. Heel spurs, tendonitis and arthritis should be ruled out as the causes of stiffness and pain, for example.

Final Thoughts

  • Pronation is the process of body weight being transferred from the heel of the foot up to the forefoot when moving, walking or running.
  • The foot should naturally roll inward from the outside, but with overpronation, the arches of the feet fall/collapse too much, and increased inward rolling becomes problematic.
  • On the other hand, underpronation (also called supination) means the foot doesn’t roll inward enough. Both types of pronation deviations can cause foot or lower leg pain, running injuries, low back pain, and muscular compensations.
  • Natural treatments for overpronation or underpronation include fixing form when standing or exercising, stretching and strengthening the legs more, soft tissue therapies, and wearing more supportive shoes.

The post Pronation Problems: Signs, Causes & Ways to Correct These Common Posture Issues appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight, Manage Blood Sugar & Extend Life Wed, 30 Nov 2022 14:30:47 +0000 When most people decide it’s time to practice some healthier habits, simply walking to lose weight and improve their health might not seem like it’s going to do “enough” to give them the benefits of exercise they’re after. The truth is walking is the oldest form of human physical activity there is, and the benefits... Read more »

The post Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight, Manage Blood Sugar & Extend Life appeared first on Dr. Axe.


When most people decide it’s time to practice some healthier habits, simply walking to lose weight and improve their health might not seem like it’s going to do “enough” to give them the benefits of exercise they’re after. The truth is walking is the oldest form of human physical activity there is, and the benefits of walking are great!

Long before the days of CrossFit, voluntarily running marathons or working out in gyms, people walked — and they walked a lot.

While it might not give you the ripped body you always dreamed of (though it’s a great butt exercise and is considered a good leg workout), walking is a great place to start if you’re new to exercising or simply lack motivation to be more active. Even if you’re a seasoned athlete and prefer really working up a sweat by doing burst-fit training, HIIT workouts or a demanding sport, walking can still be a great form of activity that complements these tougher workouts.

Considering that walking is super convenient, doesn’t wear down joints yet still burns calories, revs up your metabolism, and can help prevent dozens of different diseases, there’s really no downside to walking more.

Plus, new research shows that just 10 minutes of walking per day is linked to a longer life, while as little as two minutes of walking after eating can help manage blood sugar.

How Walking Supports Health

A study conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science shined the spotlight on walking as one of the very best preventative measures for fighting off weight gain. Prior to that particular study, dozens have shown that daily walking is beneficial for keeping people feeling younger, healthier and happier.

The London School of Economics and Political Science study concluded that regularly walking for weight loss could be just as beneficial, or even more, as hitting the gym. The results of the study, which investigated the effects of various workouts on health markers in over 50,000 adults over the course of 13 years, found that walkers tend to be thinner than those who go to the gym or regularly only practice high-intensity workouts.

Walking briskly and deliberately for at least 30 minutes a day was correlated with having a lower body mass index and a smaller waistline compared to non-walkers. What’s even more impressive is that the results were particularly pronounced in women, people over 50 and those with low incomes — three populations that notoriously struggle with their weight.

Even though people have been helping control their body weight and boost their longevity by walking since the beginning of time, we first heard about intentionally walking to lose weight and fight off certain diseases around the 1990s. Walking daily for health gained attention at this time when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in partnership with the American College of Sports Medicine first recommended at least 30 minutes of “brisk walking” for all adults most days of the week.

At the same time, the American Heart Association got on board with the “30 minutes of walking daily” message. Walking has since been considered the gold standard for meeting the guidelines of daily “moderate-intensity physical activity,” since it can be done by just about anyone, at any time, for no cost whatsoever.

Over the years, walking has been linked to protection against certain conditions and diseases, including:

  • Obesity
  • Heart disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression and anxiety disorders
  • Dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline
  • Arthritis
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • PMS symptoms
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Fatigue and low energy levels

Most of what we know about the health benefits of walking comes largely from epidemiologic and correlational studies, meaning researchers observe populations who walk frequently and then compare certain factors of their health to people who don’t walk as much.

Because of that, we can’t always conclude that walking itself helps keep weight gain away or makes someone incapable of developing a disease — but we can assume that people who walk more also probably practice other healthy habits, which all come together to protect them from the various effects of aging.

Related: What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips)

Health Benefits of Walking

If you’re not already intentionally walking daily, here are several reasons you might want to start:

1. Helps You Maintain a Healthy Weight

As mentioned earlier, walking is just as effective — possibly even more effective in some circumstances — as more intense workouts when it comes to weight loss or maintenance. This is even true when compared to various “rigorous” activities that increase your heart rate and cause you to sweat, like swimming, cycling, working out at the gym, dancing, running, football/rugby, badminton/tennis, squash and aerobic exercises. All of these exercises were compared in the London School study, but the weight loss benefits of walking still held up.

If walking for around 30 minutes doesn’t burn tons of calories like other vigorous workouts can, you might wonder how it can help with weight loss. Walking at a fast or brisk pace does use up a good amount of bodily energy, but the advantage might be that it’s an easy exercise hack to keep up with, has particular mental benefits and doesn’t wear someone out the way that other demanding activities might.

At the end of the day, any type of exercise is only going to be beneficial if you actually keep up with it, so since so many people can maintain a regimen of walking without becoming injured, it seems to offer serious long-term benefits.

Some theorize that doing an intense workout for about one hour a day might make some people less likely to do much else for the remainder of the day. Things like heavy housework, cooking, cleaning, shopping, mowing the lawn, etc., all take up a lot of physical energy — and for most busy adults, there’s only so much to go around.

It also could be more of a mental effect when it comes walking: Once the workout box is “checked,” the rest of the day people might feel they’re “off the hook” and don’t need to focus on moving around so much. When someone walks daily for exercise, the net effect might be that that person burns more calories overall throughout the day, even though her actual workout was less strenuous, because she perceives walking to be easier, which frees up more energy.

Additionally, walking seems to be therapeutic for many people and soothing (especially when it’s done outdoors). Since walking can help balance stress hormones like cortisol, which are known to increase cravings and fat storage, it might make it easier to stick with other healthy habits — like eating a nourishing diet and getting good sleep, which both support you in your quest to lose weight fast.

One area where fat loss can occur with a lot of walking? The inner thigh. Walking should be part of your inner thigh workout plan.

2. Low-Impact and Easy on Joints

One of the best things about walking is that it can help fight chronic diseases without putting you at even a moderate risk for exercise-related injuries. According to some studies, people who are less likely to do other types of exercise are still inclined to take up walking, both for their health and for enjoyment.

It’s just about the safest form of exercise there is, even for adults who are obese, the elderly or those with existing medical conditions, like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, that might stop them from participating in other activities.

You might assume otherwise, but regular walking actually supports your joints since it improves circulation and helps the lymphatic system do its job, pulling toxins out of the body and lowering inflammation. Normally, joint cartilage has no direct blood supply, but the more you move, the more your synovial joint fluid circulates, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be brought to delicate or injured areas.

In fact, according to the Arthritis Foundation, staying inactive is one of the primary reasons for achiness and soreness since this results in joints being cut off from essential fluid supply.

If you’ve suffered injuries or have aches and pains from the past, you can gradually increase the intensity of your walking without needing a personal trainer or much guidance. Stretching, resting enough and starting slow can help prevent pains and further inflammation.

3. Good for Improving and Preserving Heart Health

A 2013 study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that briskly walking has beneficial effects on resting heart rate, blood pressure, exercise capacity, maximal oxygen consumption and quality of life. The study followed over 1,000 patients who had various diseases and found that walking had significant benefits in the majority of adults, offering protection from heart attacks, strokes or coronary heart disease.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the U.S. and is tied to the modern-day sedentary lifestyle, with its lack of everyday physical activity coupled with high stress levels and a poor diet. Brisk walking is considered a simple, safe and effective form of exercise even for people who are older, have a history of disease or who have suffered previous injuries that stop them from doing high-intensity workouts.

Studies show that walking briskly for about 30 minutes a day, five days a week (which is what most authorities recommend) is associated with a 19 percent reduction in coronary heart disease risk, while increasing your speed and intensity (such as hitting some hills that turns walking into a great quad exercise) can give you even more protection. Essentially, the harder you work while walking, plus the more you do, the better off you’ll be.

That’s not all. A 2022 study published backed up these heart-healthy claims, showcasing that walking as little as two minutes after a meal can support blood sugar levels and other biomarkers associated with heart disease.

For the most heart-healthy benefits, try gradually increasing your total walking duration, distance, frequency, energy expenditure and pace.

Walking to lose weight - Dr. Axe

4. Fights Depression and Improves Your Mood

Good news: You can get the same “runner’s high” even when you take it slower and walk. All forms of exercise are beneficial as a natural remedy for depression and mood-related problems since they release “feel good” hormones in your brain, including endorphins.

Want to feel an even bigger impact from walking? Walk outdoors, and practice “earthing” by putting your bare feet in direct contact with the grass or sand. Getting your blood flowing while also soaking up some sun, boosting your vitamin D levels and spending more time in nature are all super effective and easy ways to feel happier every single day.

Walking can also keep you sharp as your age. It’s associated with a decreased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, memory loss and other forms of mental decline. One study done by the University of California San Francisco found that walking is even associated with longevity and a longer life span.

Another study from the same department followed 6,000 women over the age of 65 and found that walking 2.5 miles per day resulted in significantly more protection from memory loss than walking less than a half-mile per week.

5. Supports Bone Health Into Older Age

Similarly to other types of exercise, walking regularly can help stop the loss of bone mass as someone ages. Your risk for porous bone diseases drops when you walk and move your body because you’re fighting gravity, forcing your bones to become stronger in order to support your body weight. This reduces the risk for fractures or osteoporosis, which become more common as you grow older.

One study done by Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that postmenopausal women who walked for 30 minutes a day reduced their risk of hip fractures by 40 percent.

6. Can Be Done Anywhere and Doesn’t Require Equipment

Can’t afford a fancy gym membership, or have no time to regularly attend high-end fitness classes? No problem, because walking can be done right from your own front door and costs absolutely nothing. You don’t even necessarily have to do all your walking at one time to make it count.

It all “adds up,” so to speak, since simply walking more throughout the day can gradually bring you closer to your daily goal of 30–60 minutes of exercise. Even shorter walks done several times per day, such as 15–20 minutes at a time when you have time, contribute to better muscular, heart and hormonal functioning.

Still lacking motivation to get started? Try thinking of walking as a form of transportation that at the same time conveniently also comes with numerous health benefits.

Several interesting studies have shown that walking and cycling for transportation are associated with an 11 percent reduction in heart disease risk and tied to improvements in inflammatory markets, dyslipidemia, triglycerides, diastolic blood pressure and fasting insulin levels.

Consider the layout of your neighborhood or work location, and try to build in more walking throughout your day that seems purposeful, such as doing errands by foot or walking to nearby friends’ houses.

Walking to Lose Weight: How Much Do We Need to Do?

Walking is considered a moderate-intensity activity, with most experts recommending people aim to walk “briskly” at a speed of at least three to four miles per hour to get the most effects when it comes to walking to lose weight. To put it into perspective, a “light jog” is usually done at about 5–6 mph, while sprinting can be as fast as 9–10 mph (or even more if you’re really going all-out).

Another common goal is walking about 10,000 steps per day — around four to five miles (depending on your stride) — which accumulates gradually as you go about your normal errands and activities. Normally, a mile takes about 2,000 steps to walk, so you can increase your distance slowly as you move toward a higher step goal.

Research released in 2021 found that regularly registering as little as 7,000 steps a day could lower your risk of early death by 50 percent to 70 percent compared to people who chronically who take fewer steps daily.

How much walking do you need to do to actually lose weight or notice changes in your body composition? Like all things health-related, it depends on your individual body type and also the combination of all other factors of your lifestyle — like the quality of your diet and sleep, the type of work you do for a living, and your stress levels.

After all, if your diet is pretty crummy, you always lack sleep and you sit most hours of the day besides the brief time when you exercise, simply doing more walking to lose weight probably won’t do much.

The U.S. government (and many other countries) recommends that adults do 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. In other words, aim for at least 30 minutes of briskly walking almost every day, ideally, and don’t be afraid to do more when time allows.

Sixty to 90 minutes might be even more beneficial when it comes to weight loss, but don’t let being short on time feel overwhelming and stop you from doing anything at all. It doesn’t have to be “all-or-nothing” — every little bit throughout the day helps.

While walking is fantastic, don’t be quick to forget about the recommendations for strength training too. It’s a good idea to consider adding several moderately intense, strength-building workouts into your weekly routine — that is if you’re capable enough to do so.

Walking to lose weight is even more effective if you challenge your muscles and continue to switch up how you train your body (and your mind).

For example, performing one to three high-intensity interval training workouts along with walking can speed up results big time. HIIT workouts can be shorter than your walks, done in just about 10–20 minutes, and high-intensity interval training benefits are far-reaching when it comes to weight loss, metabolic function, muscle building and blood sugar control.

Plus, experts point out that doing purely aerobic training is great, but when you ignore building strength you might actually put yourself at a greater risk for orthopedic injuries, bone loss, muscle loss and other issues.

The bottom line? Get moving, but switch things up and keep it fun to support your body best.

Tips and Workouts

If you’re not already active, it’s a good idea to start slowly and kick up your intensity gradually, even if you’re eager and want to get walking to lose weight. Aim for an initial goal like walking for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, once or twice a day depending on your schedule. Increase your duration and pace so you reach 30–60 minutes daily, including a warmup and cool-down session and some stretching to help prevent injuries.

Walking to lose weight - Dr. Axe
  • To warm up: Take it slower at first, and walk at a speed that’s about 50 percent your maximum effort. Once your legs feel looser, you can move up to 60 percent to 75 percent of your max effort. If you’re capable, eventually you can combine walking with sprinting for a higher-intensity interval workout, alternating between very intense short bursts and rest periods to catch your breath.
  • Despite what most people think, stretching is a lot safer and beneficial when your muscles are already warmed up, since this helps them become more flexible. It’s not always necessary to stretch before walking, but it’s definitely a good idea if you’re prone to injuries or you plan to alternate between walking and running (especially if you’re just beginning running). To safeguard your body, after your short warmup you can focus on stretching your calves, front of thigh (quadriceps), back of thigh (hamstrings) and lower back, holding each stretch for 30 seconds ideally.
  • Once you feel loosened up, start to walk at a faster pace, such as 3–4.5 mph (or the time it would take you to complete a mile in about 15 to 20 minutes). In terms of your effort, you should be able to carry on a broken conversation while you walk but not so well as you speed up.
  • When it comes to proper walking form, keep your chest upright and your shoulders relaxed. Allow your heel to strike the ground first, rolling forward while you push off your toes in order to prevent common walking/running injuries. You can also pump your arms to help propel your body and use even more energy or let them swing naturally. Squeezing in your core will help activate your stomach and back muscles.
  • To end your workout, you can take it easy for the last five minutes of your walk to catch your breath. Then cool down by doing some more stretching, especially focusing on your hamstrings and quads, which can become tight. Using an inexpensive foam roller after a workout is a great way to massage the deep fascia tissue that can become sore when walking or running, so consider keeping one at your house.

As your stamina and endurance improve, you can add five to 10 minutes to your walk every couple of days. You might start out walking three times per week and soon find you’re walking five to six days. That’s what can happen when you notice the positive difference in your body and mood!

Once you’re walking for 30–45 minutes, you can focus on improving your speed or distance — for example, making your goal to walk a longer distance in the same amount of time (such as three miles in 40 minutes instead of 2.5). The more time you can spend in a “high effort” zone, such as 50 percent to 60 percent of your maximum exertion, the more benefits you will get, so try to aim for at least 20 minutes at this level.

Remember that you can keep things interesting by walking with a destination in mind (such as the grocery store or even to work), changing up your route, taking the stairs more often instead of an elevator or parking your car further away from where you’re going.

Still worried about injuries? The good news is that people are actually most prone to injuries when they stay inactive, so the more you do, the better you’ll be protected. Just like the old saying goes, “Move it or lose it.”

You also can help prevent injuries by wearing proper shoes, stretching, warming up and starting slow.

If your sneakers are old and worn-out, try replacing them and even having your feet fitted at an athletic store to make sure your sneakers support your form best. Look at the heels of your sneakers to see if they seem worn-out and uneven, which is a sign you need new ones!

Some initial soreness in your joints and muscles is normal at first when you begin walking, but this should go away as your muscles adjust to your new activity level.

The post Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight, Manage Blood Sugar & Extend Life appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Health Benefits of Pickleball, Plus How to Play Thu, 24 Nov 2022 11:00:49 +0000 In the U.S. alone, there are now almost 5 million pickleball players, many of whom are over the age of 50. The number of “picklers” regularly picking up a paddle and ball has grown by at least 40 percent between in the past three years. This explains why the New York Times refers to pickleball... Read more »

The post Health Benefits of Pickleball, Plus How to Play appeared first on Dr. Axe.


In the U.S. alone, there are now almost 5 million pickleball players, many of whom are over the age of 50. The number of “picklers” regularly picking up a paddle and ball has grown by at least 40 percent between in the past three years. This explains why the New York Times refers to pickleball as “America’s fastest-growing sport.”

It might surprise you to know that pickleball has been played for over six decades. But only recently Major League Pickleball was born. Professional pickleball is expanding quickly, even attracting entrepreneurs, well-known athletes, and big investors including Gary Vaynerchuk (who bought a professional pickleball team), LeBron James and Tom Brady.

Why is pickleball so popular? According to USA Pickleball, “The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players.”

Sure it’s fun to play, but does pickleball count as exercise? While only limited studies have investigated the health implications of playing pickleball, there’s evidence that it can provide similar benefits as yoga, walking, and other types of moderate exercise.

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is a game played with paddles, a plastic ball and a net. It combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong because it’s played on a court and involves hitting a ball back and forth over a net.

Most often, pickleball is played outside on a pickleball court, which looks like a small tennis court, but it can also be played indoors. Like tennis, it’s possible to play pickleball one-on-one (or as a single) or two-on-two (as a team of doubles, which is most popular).

Although pickleball has only recently become a craze in places including the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Canada, it’s actually been played since the 1960s. Pickleball, which originated on Bainbridge Island, located near Seattle, Washington, was created by a group of dads who supposedly began playing the game with their kids when they became bored over the summer.

Health Benefits

When it comes to potentially providing health benefits, what is pickleball good for?

Considering pickleball is somewhat of a physically demanding sport, plus it’s fun and social, it provides both physical and mental health perks. Here are some reasons to consider becoming a pickler, if you haven’t already:

1. Good for Beginners and People of All Ages

Pickleball has been described as a more accessible and fun type of tennis. While tennis can be challenging to learn, difficult to play and poses a higher injury risk, pickleball has an easy entry and is enjoyed by teens, young and middle-aged adults, and even the elderly.

What age group plays pickleball the most? Retirement homes are among the most popular places to play this sport. What is the average age of a pickleball player? The average pickler is in his or her late 30’s. Half of all serious pickleball players in the U.S. in 2021 were 55 and older.

Because pickleball is played with a light, plastic wiffle-like ball and small paddles, it’s suitable for those who might otherwise struggle to play tennis. It also tends to be easier on joints such as the shoulders and knees, since it doesn’t require as much running, bouncing or overhand serving.

While older adults tend to love pickleball for its social element and exercise benefits, it’s also growing fast among people under 24 years old, including college students and teens.

2. Serves as Moderate-Intensity Exercise

You’ll likely have such a good time playing pickleball that you’ll barely realize you’re exercising. However, this sport can provide similar cardiovascular benefits as walking.

One study found that adults tended to work harder and burn more calories when playing pickleball compared to when walking steadily. Picklers experienced 14 percent higher heart rates on average, and burned 36 percent more calories, compared to walkers.

How hard of a workout is pickleball exactly? It ultimately depends on how much you push yourself, plus whether you play alone or with a partner. Singles is more difficult because it requires more running around the court. Doing pickeball drills to improve your skills can also be a tough workout.

A 2018 study found that pickleball players had an average heart rate of 109 beats per minute and burned 354 calories per hour. This is similar to walking at a moderate pace or doing a difficult yoga class. Additionally, the study showed that playing pickleball led to improved cholesterol levels, blood pressure and maximal oxygen uptake, all of which indicate metabolic and cardiovascular health benefits.

3. Relatively Low Impact

Is pickleball good for seniors? Yes! Is 75 too old to play pickleball? It’s hard to say, since everyone’s body is different, but the sport is certainly loved by many people in their 60s and 70s.

While some types of aerobic exercise involve repetitive movements and moving only on one plane, pickleball uses many parts of your body and involves moving on different planes. This helps to engage different muscle groups, yet the game is still low-impact and unlikely to lead to injuries.

What skills are involved in pickleball? To become good at the game, you need to master different types of strokes, serves (which are underhand), and be able to get to the ball fast, control the speed of the ball, and aim well to place the ball where you want.

Based on what we know about the benefits of similar sports, such as badminton and tennis, pickleball may be able to improve your agility and coordination, plus it requires you to lift your arms and rotate your torso, which is beneficial for upper body and core strength, as well as balance.

4. Keeps You Mentally Sharp

Here’s something promising for adult picklers: Research suggests that games like pickleball can boost neuromuscular coordination and lead to enhanced hand-eye coordination, which aging often takes a toll on.

Pickleball can also improve your mental well-being and mood, as demonstrated by one study that found picklers benefitted from enhanced protection against depression. Findings from the study suggest that leisure activities, especially when they are done with serious effort and involve social interaction, can improve one’s mental health.

How to Play

Pickleball Rules

Pickleball is played on a court roughly the same size as a badminton court (20×44 feet) and smaller than a tennis court. Pickleball nets are shorter than tennis court nets (about 36 inches high), making it simpler for people of all ages to play.

Like a tennis court, a pickleball court is split into four main sections. Opposing players stand on opposite sides of the court and hit the ball back and forth over the net to one another.

Here’s a run down of basic pickleball rules:

  • Points are scored only by the serving team. Games are normally played to 11 points, and a team/player must win by 2.
  • Players serve from the back left or right sections of the court to the other side. At least one foot must be behind the baseline when serving.
  • Unlike in tennis, pickleball serves are performed underhand. The serve must be made from waist-level or under. Only one serve attempt is allowed per server.
  • There is a 7-foot zone in front of the net on both sides, called the “kitchen,” which is off-limits for standing in and volleying from.
  • Players serve and score points until they commit a fault.
  • When points are scored, the server switches sides to make the next serve.The server continues switching back and forth until a fault is committed.
  • When the first server loses the serve the partner then serves from their correct side of the court. The second server continues serving until his team commits a fault.
  • The ball can only bounce once before being hit. After the ball has bounced once in each team’s court, both teams can volley the ball or let it bounce once.

Where to Play

Pickleball courts are popping up all over, especially at public parks, country clubs, and private tennis or beach clubs. In fact, there are now more than 38,000 indoor and outdoor courts in the U.S. and 10,000 registered pickleball facilities, according to USA Pickleball.

To find a local court to play at, check out the Pickleball+ app, or put your ZIP code into the USA Pickleball Association’s court locator website.

Pickleball Equipment

What equipment do you need to play? And what are some tips to prevent injuries?

Fortunately, it’s easy to get started with pickleball because the games requires just two players and a few basic pieces of equipment (which should cost under $60), including:

  • Two paddles, or four if you’re playing doubles
  • A plastic ball
  • A court with a net

Even if you don’t have access to a court nearby, you can even use sidewalk chalk or painter’s tape to make your own, such as on the street. You’ll have to measure the ground and place tape on the floor in order to make a homemade court. Then use a portable net that can be rolled and collapsed.

Pickleball involves running around the court a bit, so wear sneakers and comfortable clothing, such as shorts, a t-shirt, socks, and tennis shoes (if you have them) or shoes that allow you to move laterally.

How many times a week should you play pickleball? It’s really up to you; like with other sports, playing just once per week or several times per week is enough to provide some health benefits, social interaction and fun.


What should you not do in pickleball? If you’re new to the sport, don’t overexert yourself or do too much, too soon, which might lead to injuries. Pickleball may not be the best option for people who have suffered injuries from other racquet sports, including tennis, such as tennis elbow.

To prevent yourself from becoming injured, do a quick warm-up of dynamic stretches before playing — that loosen up your legs, shoulders and torso.

Try doing wide leg and arm circles, forward folds, some lunges, etc. When hitting the ball, keep your leg in a wide stance which will help you balance. If you experience pain in your shoulders, wrist or back, take a break and consider seeing a doctor if your symptoms persist.


Tennis and pickleball might have a lot in common, but there’s actually a bit of rivalry between players of these two sports. There’s only so much space within towns that can be dedicated to public courts — and recently, pickleball has been pushing out tennis.

Even though pickleball has been gaining a strong following, there are nearly four times as many tennis players in the U.S. (about 21 million) than picklers. Tennis enthusiasts argue that tennis courts shouldn’t be split up or overtaken to make more space for the “fad” that’s pickleball, while picklers feel that tennis is a “elitist” sport that’s mostly played by wealthier people.

Of course, some people enjoy both games, so ideally towns and clubs will be able to accommodate both. Each sport also has its advantages: tennis is a more intense workout, while pickleball is accessible to just about everyone of all ages and income levels.

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Can Running, Strength Training & Other Exercise Help You Live Longer? YES Sat, 05 Nov 2022 17:00:37 +0000 By now, everyone knows there are numerous benefits of exercise, and one of those benefits includes the potential to extend life. This is even true for people who are already in their 60s and 70s. In fact, recent research published in the journal JAMA Network Open found that women 65 and older who met the recommended guidelines... Read more »

The post Can Running, Strength Training & Other Exercise Help You Live Longer? YES appeared first on Dr. Axe.


By now, everyone knows there are numerous benefits of exercise, and one of those benefits includes the potential to extend life. This is even true for people who are already in their 60s and 70s.

In fact, recent research published in the journal JAMA Network Open found that women 65 and older who met the recommended guidelines of at least 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise and at least two days of strength training per week had a lower risk of all-cause mortality than those who did not.

“We found that each type of physical activity was independently associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality in older adults,” study author Dr. Bryant Webber, an epidemiologist in the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shared with CNN.

“Those who met the muscle-strengthening guideline only (versus neither guideline) had (a) 10% lower risk of mortality, those who met the aerobic guideline only had 24% lower risk of mortality, and those who met both guidelines had 30% lower risk,” he said.

What is the one specific exercise that helps you live longer? According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, running may extend your life up to three years. (The new sport of pickleball also boasts some longevity benefits.)

Running: Exercise that Helps You Live Longer

That’s right — running is a life extender, even if you run as little as five minutes per day. Even more remarkable, subjects in the study who ran lived about three years longer than non-runners, even if they were overweight, drank, smoked, or run slowly or sporadically.

How can this be so? Good question.

What, exactly, did the researchers find in reviewing this study? According to Dr. Duck-chul Lee, a professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, and his study co-authors, running dropped the risk for premature death by nearly 40 percent — even when controlling for a history of health issues like obesity or hypertension, smoking and drinking.

Extrapolating that data, the researchers concluded that if the non-runners in the study began running, there’d be 16 percent fewer deaths and 25 percent fewer fatal heart attacks.

You might be wondering, in order to make running an exercise that helps you live longer, how many miles a week should I run? That’s the fascinating part:

Perhaps most interesting, the researchers calculated that, hour for hour, running statistically returns more time to people’s lives than it consumes. Figuring two hours per week of training, since that was the average reported by runners in the Cooper Institute study, the researchers estimated that a typical runner would spend less than six months actually running over the course of almost 40 years, but could expect an increase in life expectancy of 3.2 years, for a net gain of about 2.8 years.

As little as five minutes a day has benefits on longevity, with the life-extending powers plateauing at about four hours of running per week. However, running more than four hours a week did not show any adverse effects, just a plateau, meaning there is no harm in running long so long as you give yourself enough recovery time and rest between workouts.

The reasons behind these findings are still unclear, and this does not mean that running necessarily causes longevity to increase. It’s more likely, according to Lee, that because running combats so many health issues — such as high blood pressure and excess weight — it helps overall health, which in turn boosts longevity.

In fact, running isn’t the only exercise that helps you live longer. Walking, cycling and other exercise have also been shown to drop mortality risk by about 12 percent. It’s just that running seems to be the most effective exercise that helps you live longer.

Running and Telomeres

Beyond just combating high blood pressure, obesity, coronary heart disease and more, running seems to lengthen telomeres, segments of DNA at the end of our chromosomes that control aging.

One of the largest studies to date on telomeres shed some light on telomeres’ effect on a person’s health. Researchers collected saliva samples and medical records of more than 100,000 participants. Their findings showed that shorter-than-average telomere length was associated with a boost in mortality risk — even after adjusting for lifestyle factors like smoking, alcohol consumption and education that are linked to telomere length.

The study found that individuals with the shortest telomeres, or about 10 percent of the study’s participants, were 23 percent more likely to die within three years than those with longer telomeres. While science still isn’t 100 percent sure how telomere length affects how we age, it’s clear that the longer our telomeres are, the better. As luck would have it, it turns out running helps extend telomeres.

Research published in the New York Times about how exercise keeps your cells young found that middle-aged adults who were intense runners (45–50 miles a week) had telomere lengths that were, on average, 75 percent longer than their sedentary counterparts.

Exercise help you live longer - Dr. Axe

Running Tips

While running is clearly an exercise that helps you live longer, you also don’t want to live in pain. That means you need to learn how to run properly and light on your feet.

According to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine and tips from Harvard researchers, take the following directions to heart while running:

  • Experiment with landing closer to the midfoot if you’re a heel striker. Most runners naturally land more lightly when they don’t lead with the heel.
  • Slightly increase cadence — the number of steps you take per minute. This seems to reduce pounding from each stride.
  • Imagine you’re running on eggshells or attempting to “run on water,” so to speak, trying to remain light on your feet.
  • Don’t overstride. It places a big impact and shock wave that travels up your body. It also causes a deceleration of the body, so you have to work harder to keep your stride.
  • If you focus on forefoot striking too much, you may overstride and cause more stress. Conversely, as we’ve noted, heel striking is bad. So focus on a flat-foot, midfoot strike. A very pronounced forefront or rearfoot strike is bad.
  • Increase your stride rate. A high stride rate keeps your stride short and your bounce springy.
  • Upright posture is important. If you lean forward, it puts big angular torque on your upper body, causing your body to want to fall forward, putting more stress on your lower body.
  • Be relaxed. Don’t waste effort by tensing your upper body.

Keep these running tips for beginners in mind as well, if you want to take up this exercise that helps you live longer:

  • Warm up
  • Set a goal and run consistently
  • Incorporate burst training
  • Cross-train
  • Get the right pre- and post-run fuel
  • Choose the right shoes
  • Watch out for surfaces
  • Listen to your body
  • Stretch

More Exercise that Helps You Live Longer

Running isn’t the only exercise that helps you live longer. As mentioned, walking, cycling and other exercise can also extend life, as well as weight training and high-intensity interval training.

A 2017 study published in Cell Metabolism examined 72 healthy but sedentary men and women who were 30 or younger or older than 64 for 12 weeks. The participants were assigned to one of four exercise groups.

The control group did not exercise. One group rode stationary bikes 30 minutes a few times a week and did light weight training the other days; another group did extensive weight training several times per week; and the final group participated in brief stationary bike interval training three times a week, resting three days and then repeating.

Here’s what the researchers found:

  • High-intensity interval training improved age-related decline in muscle mitochondria.
  • Training adaptations occurred with increased gene transcripts and ribosome proteins.
  • Changes to RNA with training had little overlap with corresponding protein abundance.
  • Enhanced ribosomal abundance and protein synthesis explain gains in mitochondria.

What does this mean? Here’s what Dr. Sreekumaran Nair, a professor of medicine and an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic and the study’s senior author, says:

It seems as if the decline in the cellular health of muscles associated with aging was ‘corrected’ with exercise, especially if it was intense. In fact, older people’s cells responded in some ways more robustly to intense exercise than the cells of the young did — suggesting that it is never too late to benefit from exercise.

This shows both HIIT workouts and weight training can help delay muscle aging, which in turn makes them good for longevity as well.


  • According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, running may extend your life up to three years.
  • Running dropped the risk for premature death by nearly 40 percent — even when controlling for a history of health issues like obesity or hypertension, smoking and drinking.
  • The researchers estimated that a typical runner would spend less than six months actually running over the course of almost 40 years, but could expect an increase in life expectancy of 3.2 years, for a net gain of about 2.8 years.
  • Some of the reasons this may be so is that running helps combat issues that increase mortality risk, such as high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease, and it also seems to lengthen telomeres, segments of DNA at the end of our chromosomes that control aging.
  • Researchers note that running doesn’t directly cause increases in longevity, but runners do seem to live longer, due in part to the reasons listed above.
  • Other exercise that helps you live longer includes walking, cycling, weight training and HIIT workouts, among others.

The post Can Running, Strength Training & Other Exercise Help You Live Longer? YES appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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HIIT Workouts Benefits, Plus 4 Sample Routines Tue, 04 Oct 2022 20:00:52 +0000 High-intensity interval training , also called HIIT workouts, have become known in the fitness and medical world as one of the most effective means of improving cardiovascular health, respiratory endurance, as well as metabolic function. Research shows that HIIT workouts helps burn fat in a short period of time and improve the physical performance of... Read more »

The post HIIT Workouts Benefits, Plus 4 Sample Routines appeared first on Dr. Axe.


High-intensity interval training , also called HIIT workouts, have become known in the fitness and medical world as one of the most effective means of improving cardiovascular health, respiratory endurance, as well as metabolic function.

Research shows that HIIT workouts helps burn fat in a short period of time and improve the physical performance of athletes of all kinds.

In fact, HIIT workouts have the ability to transform your body and physical abilities due to their effect on at least three important systems within the body:

  1. Your cardiovascular health and endurance
  2. Your body’s ability to use oxygen
  3. Your hormone levels

For most people, because it’s one of the great metabolism boosters, the biggest draw to a HIIT workout is its ability to keep the body burning fat even after the workout is over.

What Is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training is a type of exercise that involves repeated short bouts of high-intensity, or “burst” exercises, followed by brief recovery periods. This sequence is repeated several times in a row usually for a duration between 20–30 minutes.

The exact type of exercise performed during the “intense” internal periods can vary, such as performing sprints or doing faster reps of a particular move.

A popular example of a HIIT workout can be running on the treadmill, alternating between a very fast pace and one that is easier and slower. In order to follow an interval schedule, you switch between sprints that require roughly 90 percent of your energy, followed by walking or slowly jogging to rest and recover.

Steady-state exercises, on the other hand, usually stay within the same type of “work” zone over time, with the amount of effort needed remaining consistent.

Considering the fact that many people use “not having enough time” as a popular reason to avoid regularly exercising, HIIT workouts are one of the best ways to overcome this block and get great results fast.

A HIIT protocol is a well-researched way to reap physical benefits as an alternative approach to steady-state exercise training but with less of a time commitment.

For example, a study compared the impact of two different types of exercise training on body fat and muscle metabolism: HIIT workouts versus steady-state exercise.

The study investigated the effects of calorie expenditure and fat loss in young adults and found that although HIIT workouts actually burned fewer calories during the actual workouts than did steady-state cardio exercise (likely due to its shorter duration), the HIIT program produced more fat loss than steady-state exercise did overall.

Additionally, the study concluded that while the HIIT workout helped build muscle, the steady-state workouts actually broke muscle down. Researchers concluded that not only does HIIT burn more fat over the duration of the day, but it also builds more muscle and improves metabolic function.

Two awesome perks of HIIT workouts are that depending on the type you choose, you can perform the workouts in the comfort of your own home without a trainer or gym (including a HIIT kettlebell workout) … and they can target all areas of your body, from your legs to your arms to your abs.

Who Are HIIT Workouts For?

Certain studies have shown that high-intensity exercise can be potentially unsafe for sedentary middle-aged adults. It’s best performed by those who are already somewhat active and have a healthy cardiovascular system.

That being said, anyone can work towards practicing HIIT workouts for their multiple benefits, including as a great workout for the legs. However, if you aren’t already exercising, then it’s best to start slowly to avoid injury or more serious problems.

In conclusion, an exercise plan that includes consistent high-intensity interval exercise has been shown to improve body composition, boost cardio-metabolic health, lessen the risk for heart disease and help improve exercise tolerance, even in obese and overweight participants.

Research has shown that HIIT workouts are safe, efficient, well-tolerated and could help to improve adherence to exercise training given the limited time commitment that they require.


1. Improves Type 2 Diabetes

Studies have shown that resistance-based interval training specifically benefits blood flow and blood vessel dilation. A study, published in the American Journal of Physiology — Heart and Circulatory Physiology, found that resistance-based interval exercising improved endothelial function in individuals that previously exercised, those that didn’t and those with type 2 diabetes.

When researchers measured blood flow before, immediately following and at one and two hours after working out, participants with type 2 diabetes saw improvements at each time. The other two participant groups experienced improvements one and/or two hours after exercising.

2. Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Many studies are now showing that internal training — including HIIT workouts — promote greater improvements in VO2max and general fitness abilities than steady-state exercises do.

In fact, VO2max is considered the best indicator of cardiovascular endurance. This is the measurement most commonly used in fitness studies to show the effects that the exercise is having on the body. VO2 max is sometimes also called “max oxygen uptake” or “max aerobic activity” and is used to measure how well the body can use oxygen for energy.

Specifically, VO2max is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen (in milliliters) that a person can use in one minute per kilogram of their body weight. This measurement is important because the amount of oxygen that a person can utilize within one minute is an indicator of their overall fitness level and also their lung and heart health.

Due to the expansion of blood volume, the heart will undergo enlarging, or “hypertrophy,” during HIIT type of endurance exercises in order to allow the heart muscle to become bigger and stronger.

By pushing your heart rate high during periods of intense work, you’ll be able to increase your cardiovascular ability and strengthen your heart. During the short rest intervals, you work on recovering more quickly and needing less time to rest. This is how you build stamina over time and increase your ability to perform physical exercises more effectively.

Performing short recovery segments in between the intervals where you’re working harder has the benefit of allowing you to keep the overall workout intensity high while still maintaining form.

While it’s hard to work very hard and maintain a high heart rate for an extended period of time because your body isn’t able to bring in enough oxygen, the rest/recovery periods of interval training allow you to catch your breath and for your heart rate to come down momentarily.

Knowing your VO2 max can help you to establish fitness goals to work towards and gives you a starting point as to how capable you are of maintaining a high level of effort over a period of time.

3. Triggers an Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen (EPOC) Effect

HIIT workouts also trigger something known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or “EPOC.” EPOC is the phenomenon of an increased rate of oxygen that your body uses following strenuous activity.

Your body uses more oxygen after hard workouts like those performed during HIIT because it’s making up for the body’s “oxygen deficit” that occurred during the difficult “burst” periods of the exercise. EPOC has many functions for the body, including that following a HIIT workout, your body goes into a recovery phase.

A higher level of oxygen is needed during recovery in order to facilitate in the restoration of hormone levels, refueling your glucose stores, and repairing your muscle fibers and tissue.

The best part about EPOC? It’s accompanied by an elevated need for bodily “fuel” or energy in addition to more oxygen. After intense exercise, fat stores within your body are actually broken down and free fatty acids are released into the bloodstream. During the post-workout recovery phase, these free fatty acids become oxidized and your body uses them for energy.

As your body uses more oxygen to bring itself back into a resting state, more calories are burned in the process, even while you are done working out. This means you continue to experience benefits and fat loss during the remainder of your day following a HIIT workout.

Another benefit of EPOC that results from HIIT workouts? New ATP (adenosine triphosphate) — which is the fuel source or energy that your body works off of — is also synthesized. Additionally, post-exercise oxygen is used to reduce lactic acid.

Lactic acid is formed during exercise and is responsible for giving you the “burning” feeling in your muscles when they are working hard.

Lactic acid travels via the bloodstream to the kidneys, cardiac muscle and liver during workouts; then an increased amount of oxygen is necessary to convert the lactic acid back to pyruvic acid so that your pain subsides and body enters a resting state.

Yet another use of EPOC is to fuel the body’s increased metabolism that results from the increase in body temperature experienced during exercise. Due to all of these vital tasks that the body must undergo during a period of EPOC, you can see why HIIT workouts have such a huge effect on your strength, stamina and health.

4. Releases Muscle-Growth and Fat-Burning Hormones

Intense interval training circuits also stimulate muscle-building hormones while simultaneously using up calories and burning fat. The body produces the growth hormone known as IGF-1 during HIIT, for example, which allows the body to build lean mass muscle.

5. Anti-Aging

A study conducted at the Mayo Clinic revealed that high-intensity interval training can help stop cellular aging. In some instances, HIIT was also shown to rejuvenate the cells that help repair damage in the body.

The participants either did a three-month program of HIIT, strength training or a combination of the two. Results were positive for all groups but particularly for the HIIT only group. Mitochondrial functioning improved by 69 percent among older participants and by 49 percent for the younger group.

In addition, the HIIT group’s insulin levels, heart and lung health all improved. Some even experienced a reversal of the age-related decline in mitochondrial function.

6. Helps Balance Hormones

In addition to be “anti-aging,” a critical benefit of high-intensity interval training is that it can help balance the hormones responsible for weight gain and unhealthy eating habits:

  • Ghrelin — the hormone responsible for long-term weight gain and short-term eating habits, as it is believed to be the only hormone that can stimulate appetite. Essentially, it’s the main contributor to sweet, salty and fried food cravings.
  • Leptin— known as the “starvation hormone” because it gives you the sense of feeling “full.” By notifying your brain that you have eaten enough food, leptin is key to maintaining that your energy levels are sufficient.
  • Testosterone — four facts about testosterone’s confusing interactions with the two above hormones include 1) elevated levels of testosterone promote weight loss; 2) testosterone inhibits the release of leptin in the body; 3) decreased levels of leptin promote weight gain; 4) both hormones have been observed to increase after HIIT.

In theory, high-intensity interval training produces a seesaw effect on these two key hormones (testosterone and leptin) that usually counteract against each other, but promote the same desirable weight loss effect. The question has been, “Would the amount of leptin produced as a result of HIIT be enough to counteract testosterone’s ability to slow down leptin release?”

Well, according to a study published in the journal Endocrine, the answer is yes. Apparently, high-intensity workouts promote a very unique environment where leptin is relatively impervious to the negative effects of testosterone elevation, as no relationship between the two could be found in a clinical trial. By doing HIIT training exercises, you receive the benefit of both weight-loss promoting hormones.

In addition, Health and Exercise Science researchers out of the University of Bath (UK) have shown that various hormone levels in individuals who participated in HIIT training resulted in:

  • Ghrelin declines after 30 minutes of recovery.
  • Caused growth hormone (a hormone attributed to weight loss) to increase, which suggests that interval training affects other hormones in addition to ghrelin and leptin.

Just two from a myriad of research studies, it is becoming clearer than ever that high-intensity interval training is quite effective at curbing several appetite and weight gain hormones

Important Note:

Like any activity, it is important to perform it in the most effective way.  The same is true for high-intensity interval training. To maximize your HIIT training, it is best to exercise first thing every morning to control gherlin and leptin.

According to a study published in the Journal of Physiology, exercising on an empty stomach has also been shown to improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Not only contributing to type 2 diabetes prevention and weight loss, this has been proven to curb the munchies and the desire to eat unhealthy snacks in conjunction with ghrelin and leptin.

How to Build Your Own HIIT Workout

No matter what your exercise preference is — whether running, biking, swimming or lifting weights, for example — you can practice HIIT workouts to improve your abilities. Even seasoned athletes use HIIT workouts to gain stamina and bust through plateaus that they are experiencing after practicing one particular type of exercise for a long time.

HIIT workouts are a great way to “shock” your muscles and to kick your body into high gear, allowing you to continue experiencing results and improvements after your body has gotten accustomed to your usual workout routine.

According to studies, it’s believed that an optimal HIIT workout produces maximum cardiovascular benefits when athletes spend at least several minutes per session in their “red zone” — this generally means reaching at least 90 percent of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max).

In order to estimate when you are working at 90 percent of your VO2max, you can think about your level of perceived effort on a 1–10 scale; you should be aiming to give it “your all” and reach a score of nine out of a possible 10 for at least a few minutes during a 20–30 minute HIIT workout.

In addition to focusing on your perceived level of effort and targeting a high VO2max, there are also other variables to consider. Keep these physiological variables in mind, which researchers have noted are all-important for practicing HIIT workouts and continuing to show improvements:

1. The amount of time you spent in your “intense” working interval

The longer you spend in your intense zone, the more of an effect the exercise will have. Start off with shorter bursts of intense periods and increase the duration as you build strength and stamina.

2. Aim to reach 80 percent to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate during the exercises

In order to get a highly efficient HIIT workout, it’s important to know your maximum heart rate (MHR). 220 beats per minutes is the fastest our heart rate can reach, but that’s not a safe level for adults. To figure out your maximum heart rate, take 220 minus your age:

220 – your age = MHR

If you’re 40 years ago, that means your MHR is 180.

Wear a fitness watch or heart rate monitor to keep an eye on your MHR, and you should aim to hit around 60–70 percent of your MHR in the first few minutes of the workout. Once you get a little sweat going and feel ready to push it further, aim for 80–90 percent of your MHR for the exercise portion.

During the final recovery portion of the workout, slow down until you reach a heart rate between 40 percent and 50 percent of your MHR. Sustain that level for at least three minutes.

3. The amount of time you spent in your “rest” and recovery interval

You will likely notice that you need less time to recover as your body adapts to HIIT workouts. Pay attention to how long of rests you are taking and aim to shorten the restful period duration as your abilities improve.

4. The amount of reps you perform during your intense bursts

Instead of aiming to improve the duration of time you spend in an intense interval, you can also focus on how many reps you are able to do in each set, for example, or your speed of work.

You will likely notice your ability to do reps quickly improves as you become accustomed to HIIT workouts and that you need less recovery time in between sets. You may also notice that your sprints get quicker or your cycling pace gets faster if you choose to run or bike during your HIIT workout.

5. The total number of interval series you are able to perform

It’s a good idea to start out with about 15–20 minutes of HIIT intervals and work your way up to 25–30 minutes if you’d like. The more your body gets used to the intensity, the more series you’ll be able to perform and your total workout length will increase.

6. The time needed between HIIT workouts

Most experts recommend practicing HIIT workouts 2–3 times per week, but not much more than this. The body needs an adequate break period between HIIT workouts to fully repair and grow stronger.

In fact, this is just as important as the workout itself and if you fail to properly give yourself enough rest, you miss out on some of the benefits of HIIT.

That being said, you will improve your ability to practice HIIT workouts closer to each other as your recovery periods become shorter. Even after you’ve seen great improvements, it’s still best to allow 48 hours in between HIIT workouts and avoid practicing them multiple days in a row.

How to do a HIIT workout

Best HIIT Workouts at Home or the Gym

Keeping all of the above factors in mind, you can start practicing HIIT workouts using one of these example plans:

1. Treadmill Running HIIT Workout

  • Start with a warm up by lightly jogging for three minutes.
  • Next, move into your interval period for about 10 minutes. Each minute you will do 20 seconds of intense work followed by 40 seconds of recovery. (Do this 10 times to start out, and as you become more fit you can increase to 15 minutes and beyond. If you’d like to challenge yourself more, do 30 seconds of intense bursts followed by 30 seconds of rest.)
  • Cool down with a 3 minute jog.

2. Circuit Training HIIT Workout

The three exercise moves below will make up your “intense” interval, then performing an easier form of cardio afterwards will make up your “rest” interval.

  • Warm up for a few minutes.
  • Perform the following three exercise moves back-to-back according these reps. After each “round,” then take a 30 second to 1 minute rest before repeating the next round. Start by doing 10 reps of each, then 15 reps in round two, then 20 reps in round three.
  • After you’ve completed these three sets, do a form of steady-state cardio for about three minutes. This can mean jogging, running in place, hopping on an exercise bike, etc. You want to be working at about half of your ability.
  • You can also turn a butt workout into a HIIT workout by following the same principles.

3. Cycling HIIT Workout

This cycling interval workout is based on the “Tabata” style of exercise, which usually consists of 20 seconds of hard work followed by 10 seconds of rest. That shorter rest period will make it particularly challenging, so consider this more advanced. In order to do interval training, this same ratio can be used in any other form of exercise as well.

  • Start by cycling at a restful pace for three minutes to warm up.
  • Move into your interval period for the next 10 minutes, where you will be cycling as hard as you possibly can for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds. You can use a timer to keep track of the time or count in your head. Repeat this interval schedule 10–20 times depending on your abilities and current fitness level.
  • Cool down with a slow, restful three minutes of cycling.

4. Advanced HIIT Workout

This advanced HIIT workout also relies on the Tabata protocol. Go through each move described below for an intense 20 seconds, moving very quickly through as many reps as you can perform in 20 seconds (really push yourself here!), followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Then jump right into the next move following the same timing. It’s a quick transition. Once you’ve completed each move below, you are done with one intense interval.

Here are the list of exercises:

  • Push-ups (including a push-up in a TRX workout)
  • Bodyweight Rows
  • Squats
  • Jumping Rope
  • Burpees
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Running in Place
  • Medicine Ball Chest Passes
  • Jumping Lunges
  • Planks (side, high or low)

Rest for one to two minutes after the circuit is complete. Then go through the entire circuit another two times, or until you lose proper form (which is a sure sign to stop, as you want to prevent any possible injuries).


High-intensity interval training is a tremendous exercise, but it’s also very challenging for the body and not suited for everyone. One should be aware of risk factors and precautions that need to be taken.

For example, if you haven’t exercised in quite some time, then HIIT workouts are not your best best. Instead, start with walking workouts. When you’re ready to “step” it up, you can try a HIIT workout.

Who should avoid HIIT workouts?

  • Anyone with joint or tendon injuries; HIIT is not a good rehab routine; instead, only look to HIIT once you’re well recovered from injury
  • Those with asthma or respiratory issues should begin with lower-intensity exercise to make sure they can handle the workload.
  • Those with heart issues or who recently underwent cardiac surgery.
  • If you take blood pressure medications or have uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Those with osteopenia or osteoporosis..
  • If you’re pregnant.

With HIIT, heart rates increase rapidly so keep a close eye on your fitness threshold and don’t push it too hard in your first few bouts. It’s also a good idea to wear a heart rate monitor or fitness watch to keep an eye on your heart rate. (See the heart rate section above for guidance.)

Have a water bottle handy. You’ll want to hydrate because of the high intensity.

Lastly, make sure you’re wearing the right kind of shoes (cross trainers are best) and clothing. You want to be able to move easily so semi-tight clothing is best.

The post HIIT Workouts Benefits, Plus 4 Sample Routines appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Starting a Fitness Routine that Works for You Fri, 26 Aug 2022 12:40:43 +0000 You wouldn’t know it by looking at me today, but for a long time I was living a completely unhealthy lifestyle. For years I’d struggled with my weight and had no understanding of how to live a healthy, balanced life. I just wanted to lose weight and lose it fast, so I took extreme measures,... Read more »

The post Starting a Fitness Routine that Works for You appeared first on Dr. Axe.


You wouldn’t know it by looking at me today, but for a long time I was living a completely unhealthy lifestyle. For years I’d struggled with my weight and had no understanding of how to live a healthy, balanced life. I just wanted to lose weight and lose it fast, so I took extreme measures, trying every fad diet and insane exercise program out there, only to end up back where I started — or even worse off.

I believed that if I wanted to make a noticeable change in my life and in my body, it had to be drastic. I thought getting fit meant I had to hate every second of every workout and hope that it would pay off eventually. I endured hours at the gym, meal after meal of bland, boring food and a constant internal battle just to finally feel “normal.”

Well, six years and 45 pounds later, I can tell you I was SO wrong …

If you’re looking to finally get fit or just live a healthier life overall, creating a new fitness routine is the necessary first step — but it’s also the hardest part for most people. Whether you’re a student, a busy mom or a successful entrepreneur, finding time to work out can feel like one more (unenjoyable) thing you need to add to your to-do list. And, like I did, you probably feel that if you’re ever going get in shape you need exercise for hours at a time, doing repetitive exercises and boring cardio.

The good news is that starting a new fitness routine is much easier than you think. You don’t have to sacrifice hours of your precious time in order to see results.

In fact, spending just a few minutes each day getting your sweat on will relieve stress, increase energy and help you feel stronger and more motivated to take on life’s toughest challenges.

Related: Exercise Hacks to Help You Get Fitter Without the Gym

How to Start a New Fitness Routine

My business Love Sweat Fitness is all about sharing workouts that are FUN, fast and super effective. No matter what anyone says, there is no magic bullet or secret workout “must-do” in order to get results. It truly comes down to finding activities you enjoy doing and sticking with them — and if you don’t enjoy your workout, you won’t stick with it.

The goal is to also find things that you can do consistently over time that challenge you but also allow you to feel confidant in doing so.

Even if you only have five minutes to work out, it IS worth it! Following are some easy ways to add exercises into your day, and once you start to feel and see the impact those five minutes are having, you’ll easily want to make it 10 or 20. This will make setting (and achieving!) your goals that much easier, and you’ll also be more motivated to find and follow the get-fit plan that’s right for you!

Easy Ways to Add in Exercises:

Setting Your Goals:

While it’s important to have big goals that you will achieve over time, creating smaller goals is even more motivational. Those small goals are what keep you going and allow you to enjoy the journey. Put together a list with your No. 1 goal at the top, followed by a bunch of smaller goals below.

For example, if your big goal is to lose 20 pounds, your smaller goals may include:

  • working out five times each week, consistently
  • doing a sugar detox
  • replacing all the junk food in your cabinets with healthy, nutritious snacks
  • cutting down on cocktails

Having smaller goals that help you achieve your big ones will give you reasons to celebrate along the way, which gives you motivation to keep going!

Finding a Plan That’s Right for You:

Goals are great, but having a plan will keep you motivated to make those goals happen! The Love Sweat Fitness Hot Body Sweat Guide & Meal Plan takes all the guesswork out of improving your lifestyle. With 30-minute, at-home workouts and delicious daily meals all laid out, you can’t go wrong!

I created the Hot Body Guides to make it easy for anyone to work out at any time, anywhere. The guides are simple, straightforward and perfect for anyone who wants to create a healthier lifestyle, see results and still enjoy life.

Having gone through my own 45-pound weight loss transformation, I know that if you to truly create a lifestyle change, you need to find workouts and meals that work for YOU! The best exercises in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t do them.

So if you’re ready to dive in to a new, healthier version of you, write down your goals, have a plan and remember: Good things come to those who sweat!

Katie Dunlop is a Certified Personal Trainer, group fitness instructor and entrepreneur based in Orange County, California. She is the creator of Love Sweat Fitness, a health and fitness community that inspires women around the world to find their happy, healthy hot body! The LSF YouTube channel has over 9.5 million views and 220,000+ subscribers.

The post Starting a Fitness Routine that Works for You appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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The Health Benefits of Swimming + Swim Workouts to Try Sun, 07 Aug 2022 17:16:43 +0000 Swimming is a sport that many of us seem to do often when we’re young but then slack off on as we age. According to statistics, children swim more than adults, and in past generations, people tended to swim more in general. If you haven’t hit a swimming pool in some time or find yourself... Read more »

The post The Health Benefits of Swimming + Swim Workouts to Try appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Swimming is a sport that many of us seem to do often when we’re young but then slack off on as we age. According to statistics, children swim more than adults, and in past generations, people tended to swim more in general.

If you haven’t hit a swimming pool in some time or find yourself swimming only during warmer months, you’re missing out. That’s because swim workouts are some of the best activities you can do for your body year-round.

Swimmers benefit from improved endurance, strength and even stress relief.

Read on to discover why it might be time to grab your goggles and swim cap.

Top 9 Benefits of Swimming

There’s no such thing as a miracle workout, but if there was, swimming would be pretty high on the list. Research suggests there are both physical and mental benefits of swimming workouts, and you don’t need to be the next Michael Phelps to reap these effects.

What does swimming do to your body exactly? Here are the top benefits of swimming for your body and mind:

1. Can Help Your Brain Work Better

You’ll get more than just a swimmer’s body when you take up swim workouts. Your brain will get a boost, too.

Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen. That means you may experience more alertness, better memory and overall improved cognitive function.

One interesting study found that just being in a pool of warm water that’s at least chest-level can have a positive effect on blood flow to the brain. Participants in the study increased blood flow to their cerebral arteries by about 14 percent.

2. Helps Children Achieve Skills

It turns out that getting little ones in the water early is a good idea as well. A study of 7,000 children under 5 years old found that children who participated in swimming at a young age achieved skills and reached physical milestones earlier than their non-swimming peers, regardless of socioeconomic background.

Their literacy and numeric skills were better, too. Better get the floaties!

3. Gives You a Mood Boost

If you only swim during the summer months, it’s time to break out your swimsuit during the winter. That’s because, despite the lower temperatures, one study found that swimmers who hit the pool regularly between October and January reported improved general well-being, including less fatigue, tension and memory loss.

No matter the time of year, it’s thought that swimming offers mental health benefits, including lowering stress levels, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improving sleep quality.

Not only that, but the swimmers who suffered from ailments like rheumatism, fibromyalgia or asthma found that wintertime swimming eased their aches and pains.

4. Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), swim workouts are an excellent way to lower resting blood pressure.

One study found that, over a 10-week period, men and women who had previously been sedentary and had hypertension decreased their resting heart rate significantly. This is particularly useful for people who struggle with other exercises because of their weight, asthma or injuries.

Another study found that after a year of swimming regularly, patients with hypertension lowered their blood pressure while also improving insulin sensitivity, which is key to avoiding type 2 diabetes.

5. May Help You Live Longer

If you’ve been comparing life extenders, swimming is another one to add to your list.

One study of more than 40,000 men between 20–90 years old found that those participants who swam or did other pool exercises, like water jogging or aqua aerobics, lowered their risk of dying from any cause by nearly 50 percent compared to men who were sedentary, walked regularly or who were runners.

6. Helps Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

A 2018 meta-analysis and review concluded that swimming “may offer robust beneficial effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition across multiple populations.” The review found that swimmers benefited from improvements in ventilation, exercise performance, body mass, body fat percentage and lean mass.

Positive effects of swimming are thought to be comparable to other types of exercise in terms of physiological outcomes, both in healthy adults and those with noncommunicable disease.

In another study of patients with osteoarthritis, researchers found that swimming was just as effective — and sometimes even more so — as cycling at improving cardiovascular function and reducing inflammation.

7. May Decrease Lower Back Pain

Skip the painkillers, and hit the pool instead. One study found that patients with lower back pain who did aquatic exercises at least twice a week showed significant improvements in pain.

After six months, 90 percent of the study’s participants felt they improved after their time in the program, no matter what their swimming ability was at the start of the study.

8. Serves as Ideal Alternative to High-Impact Exercise

Swimming uses muscles you don’t normally engage and is easy on the joints, making it a great alternative to high-impact activities. It also allows you to zone out without the fear of tripping on something like when you’re running.

Even though it’s “low impact,” swimming isn’t necessarily easy. At a moderate pace, it burns about 270 calories in just a half hour. Increase the intensity, and you’re looking at about 700 calories an hour!

Unlike other workouts, like running or cycling, swimming isn’t only a cardio activity. Because water is denser than air — by nearly 800 times — every swimming workout becomes a strength training session, where you’re building muscle and tone along with burning calories with each stroke.

One review found that swimming exercises led to improvements in both strength and power capacities and performance. Plus, you’ll likely use muscles that you normally don’t, meaning you’ll start to see definition in new places.

9. Can Help with Weight Loss

Does swimming work for weight loss, and can swimming burn belly fat?

The answer is: probably. Like any other exercise, how effective swimming is for weight loss depends on a variety of factors: how long you’re swimming, what you’re eating throughout the day and what you’re doing once you’re in the pool.

If you spend most of your time adjusting your bathing suit instead of moving or swim dozens of laps but subsist on a fast food diet, chances are you’re not going to lose weight, and studies focused on swimming for weight loss ave been somewhat contradictory.

One study examined the effects of swimming and walking on body weight, fat distribution, lipids, glucose and insulin in older women. The study found that, after six months, swimmer reduced their waist and hip sizes more than walkers and increased how far they could swim in 12 minutes. Walkers didn’t increase how far they could walk.

After a year, swimmer reduced their body weight and cholesterol levels more than the walkers.

Other studies have found that swimming can increase people’s food consumption, and in some studies, swimmers haven’t lost any weight at all. If you focus less on the numbers on the scale and instead on your body, however, you might find that swimming is the ideal workout for you, even if you aren’t dropping pounds.

Related: The Surprising Benefits of Swimming in Cold Water (+ How to Stay Safe)

Swim workouts graphic

Types of Swimming and How to Swim


There are four major swimming “strokes” that experts recommend learning in order to get the most benefits from your workouts. These strokes generally provide a full-body workout (they’re also the same strokes used by competitive swimmers) and include:

  • Front crawl — Regarded as the fastest of the four strokes, this is done facing forward with alternating arm movements. You keep your body flat but rotate your hips and shoulder. One shoulder comes out of the water as your arm exits while the other begins the propulsive phase under the water.
  • Breaststroke — Done while facing forward, you stretch your arms out and to the side. Your head bobs in and out of the water so you can breathe while also increasing your speed.
  • Butterfly — Facing forward, you move your chest and use both arms symmetrically while kicking with “butterfly legs.” Your body remains close to the surface of the water while your hands sweep down and out to form a Y shape in front of you.
  • Backstroke — While floating on your back, you use alternating arm movements to propel you forward. Your body rolls from side to side slightly while your legs perform “flutter kicks.”

How Often and How Long?

Is swimming every day OK? In most cases, yes.

Swimming is gentle on your joints, so you’re unlikely to get injured in a pool. Unlike other exercises, unless you’re doing some seriously intense swimming, you don’t really need recovery time after pool exercises.

If you are recovering from an injury, swim workouts are an excellent way to keep moving while you recover.

How long do you need to swim to get a good workout? Aim for about 20 to 40 minutes (or longer if you enjoy endurance swimming).

At first, start with shorter swims lasting about 15 to 20 minutes, and plan to swim every other day or several times per week. As you get better at it, increase the time to about 30 minutes, ideally about four or five times per week.

Here’s the cool thing: According to, “30 minutes in a pool is worth about 45 minutes of the same activity on land!”

Tips for How to Swim:

Completely new to swimming or ready to become a more avid endurance swimmer? Here’s how to do it:

For starters, swim workouts can be way more intense than you may expect, because working out in the water is completely different than on land. You’re constantly in motion to keep yourself from sinking, your lungs are adjusting to breathing differently and muscles you didn’t know you had are in motion. In short, it’s tough!

When you’re first starting out, the best way to keep from feeling too winded too soon is by divvying up your workout into a few short intervals. You want to vary the strokes, the intensity and rest periods as well.

You can also add some pool toys to change things up, like using a kickboard to tone thighs or play water sports with friends.

For each workout below, the goal is given along with expected strokes and distances. Why do more strokes than just the crawl? Variety gives your muscles a break.

Remember, an Olympic-sized swimming pool is 50 meters long, so one “lap” is 100 meters.

Also, please consult your doctor before beginning any type of training program.

1. Beginner Swim Workout

The principal goal is to learn the four major strokes — the front crawl (or freestyle), the backstroke, the breaststroke and the butterfly — and swim continuously without taking breaks, aided by breathing properly.

Beginner workout (rest between each set):

  • 2 x 50 meter crawl (warmups)
  • 2 x 50 meter backstroke (focus on swimming straight)
  • 2 x 50 meter breaststroke (focus on technique)
  • 2 x 50 meter butterfly (if you can’t do butterfly, then do crawl)
  • 2 x 100 meter IM (25 meters of each: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, crawl)
  • 2 x 50 meter crawl (cool-down)

2. Intermediate Swim Workout

Until you’ve mastered the butterfly, you shouldn’t advance to this workout. Here the goal is to improve your swim technique for all four strokes and develop excellent breathing.

Intermediate workout (rest after each 100 meters or lap if need):

  • 300 meters warmup (alternate the four strokes)
  • 4 x 100 meters IM (“sprint” 1st and 3rd lap, swim easy on 2nd and last IM)
  • 4 x 50 meters breaststroke
  • 4 x 50 meters butterfly
  • 4 x 50 meters backstroke
  • 200 meters cool-down (alternate the four strokes)

3. Advanced Swim Workout

Advanced swim workouts include more challenging swimming drills and breathing techniques. These drills will help you develop into a very strong swimmer with outstanding stamina.

Advanced workout (rest after each 100 meters or lap if need):

  • 300 meters crawl warmup
  • 4 x 200 meters with alternate breathing (50 meters every 6th stroke; 50 meters every 5th; 50 meters every fourth; 50 meters every 3rd)
  • 3 x 100 meters (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke)
  • 8 x 50 meters sprints (swim each without taking a breath; rest briefly after each)
  • 8 x 25 meters sprints (swim each without taking a breath; rest briefly after each)
  • 4 x 100 meters IM (rest 30–60 seconds after each 100)
  • 300 meters cool-down (alternate the four strokes)

Risks and Side Effects

Happily, swimming is one of the sports where you’re least likely to injure yourself.

That being said, why might swimming not be good for you? It’s generally very safe (assuming you know how to float), but it requires an adjustment from the way you operate on land.

If you’re not an experienced swimmer or have health issues, particularly cardiovascular disease, you should contact your doctor to ensure that striking up a swimming routine is safe.

If you’re unsure about how to swim, now is the time to get a lesson! Most community pools offer adult swimming lessons throughout the year.

Easy on your wallet, swimming doesn’t require any gear except for a swimsuit. If you’re hitting the pool regularly, you should get a pair of swimming goggles so you don’t have to worry about chlorine flying in your eyes.

Ladies, you might want to invest in a swim cap — although it’s not particularly stylish looking, it’ll protect your hair from the chemicals from the water so it doesn’t start feeling rough or get discolored.

Related: Chlorine Rash Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention


  • The benefits of swimming workouts are vast and range from improving your brain function and mood to reducing your risk of heart disease and helping you live longer.
  • While the jury is still deciding on whether swimming is the best workout for weight loss, it’s excellent for keeping in shape and building muscle tone. (Another new exercise worth trying is pickleball, which is similar low-impact yet good exercise.)
  • Not only is swimming a cardio workout, but it’s strength training as well. Hello, muscles!
  • Ease into pool workouts to ensure you feel comfortable and can maintain them.

The post The Health Benefits of Swimming + Swim Workouts to Try appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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What Is Restorative Yoga? Benefits, Poses and How to Do It Tue, 12 Jul 2022 14:10:14 +0000 While it might not be as physically challenging as other types of yoga, such as Ashtanga or Bikram yoga, restorative yoga can still have big payoffs in terms of promoting overall health. It doesn’t exactly “count as exercise,“ but thanks to how restorative yoga supports your nervous system, it can be a rejuvenating practice that improves... Read more »

The post What Is Restorative Yoga? Benefits, Poses and How to Do It appeared first on Dr. Axe.


While it might not be as physically challenging as other types of yoga, such as Ashtanga or Bikram yoga, restorative yoga can still have big payoffs in terms of promoting overall health.

It doesn’t exactly “count as exercise,“ but thanks to how restorative yoga supports your nervous system, it can be a rejuvenating practice that improves your sleep and energy, while also helping you stretch and decompress.

So what is restorative yoga exactly, and what is the difference between “regular yoga” and restorative yoga? Let’s find out.

What Is Restorative Yoga?

One definition of restorative yoga (RY) is “a type of yoga known for its relaxing, calming and healing effects.” It involves holding poses for relatively long periods of time, often with the help from props, such as blankets, bolsters and blocks, that help support your body so you can relax.

What is the purpose of restorative yoga?

Promoting relaxation, decreasing symptoms tied to stress, and building a body and mind connection are the most common reasons that people practice this form of yoga.

Holding restorative poses is a simple way to allow your body and mind to reach a calmer, more present place.

How is it done?

In restorative yoga classes you can expect to hold basic yoga poses for five or more minutes using help from props. A few basic props, such as blankets and pillows, make it easier to comfortably stay in a fixed position for a longer period of time.

RY practice is all about slowing down, practicing stillness, relaxing your muscles and being quiet. This makes it very different than faster-paced practices that are intended to increased your heart rate, build strength and balance, and tone your muscles.

Is restorative yoga good for beginners?

Yes, considering it’s pretty simple to do and one of the slowest-paced yoga practices.

It doesn’t involve any predetermined sequence that must be learned, and it’s suitable for people who don’t consider themselves to be very flexible or fit.

For those new to the practice, it’s recommended that you attend classes led by instructors or watch videos online in order to have the best experience.

What’s the history behind it?

RY has roots in the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar, a well-known teacher who developed different yoga practices for students of varying levels of fitness, including those who desired a form of yoga that wouldn’t contribute to injuries, straining or pain.

One student of Iyengar’s, Judith Lasater, is also credited with popularizing restorative yoga in the West during the 1970s.

Health Benefits

1. Can Help You Cope With Stress

Like other types of yoga, restorative yoga benefits include helping build resilience to stress and promoting deep relaxation.

For people leading stressful, modern lifestyles, slowing down to rest, stretch and breathe can promote parasympathetic nervous system activity, which helps take the body out of a “fight or flight” response.

The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is a branch of our autonomic nervous system that controls involuntary functions in the body, such as heart rate, pupil dilation and so on. By stimulating the PNS, you help your body “rest, digest and restore.” This allows you to help slow your heart rate, normalize blood pressure, relax your digestive system and release muscular tension.

Studies suggest that RY may be especially beneficial for anyone who experiences:

RY practice can help address the root of these issues by decreasing release of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which when left unchecked can contribute to dysfunction of the immune system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system and so on.

2. Supports Cardiovascular Health

Because research shows that RY can reduce the negative effects of stress on the body, it may help defend against metabolic changes, including abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, low HDL-cholesterol, hypertension and hyperglycemia.

3. May Improve Your Sleep and Energy

If you have trouble falling asleep due to feeling worried, tense or wired, a restorative yoga practice before bed may help you doze off more easily.

RY has been shown in certain studies to help decrease fatigue among people with mental health problems and serious illnesses, such as cancer, while improving emotional well-being.

By deepening your breath and slowing your heart rate, you’ll feel calmer and more able to rest when needed or to drift off to sleep more easily. In this way, RY has similarities to a body scan meditation or yoga nidra practice.

Try practicing RY in very dim light and/or wearing an eye mask while listening to a meditation or calming music. This is great for putting your body into a state of deep relaxation that’s needed for restful sleep.

4. Suitable for People With Injuries or Who Are Recovering

While some types of yoga can be difficult for people overcoming injuries or illnesses, restorative yoga classes are suitable for a wide audience. RY is even a good fit for people who struggle to lower themselves to the ground and stand back up easily, as well as those with fatigue and side effects from treatments, such as for cancer.

The use of props, including bolsters and chairs, can also make it easier to get into poses that may otherwise not be comfortable.

5. Stretches the Body and May Boost Flexibility

RY practice can be helpful for gently stretching tense parts of the body, such as the hips, shoulders, neck and lower back.

Blankets, blocks and other props can help fill the gaps in between the floor and your body, allowing your muscles to rest and stretch slowly. This is especially helpful for preventing straining in sensitive areas, such as the neck, hamstrings or pelvic area.

Studies suggest that you’re most likely to experience body and mind benefits from RY if you actually gently stretch during the practice, so if possible try to take advantage of the props to improve your flexibility.

6. Can Help Manage Pain

RY may help people who experience chronic pain by decreasing stress, which can worsen inflammation and muscular tension.

A 2020 study found that among adults with chronic pain, two one-hour RY classes led to reductions in pain and improvements in energy and social functioning.

A separate 2019 study demonstrated that yoga participants with arthritis were significantly more likely to work full-time, less likely to be unable to work due to disability and had better physical function.

7. Encourages More Self-Care and Healthier Habits

Can restorative yoga help you lose weight? While it won’t necessarily burn lots of calories or make you sweat, it may indirectly help you to reach a healthier weight by addressing stress in your life.

Unmanaged stress is known to affect your appetite and can lead to weight gain by increasing cravings, lowering your energy and contributing to emotional eating.

According to one study, “One of the main goals of yoga is to achieve tranquility of the mind and create a sense of well-being, feelings of relaxation, improved self-confidence, improved efficiency, increased attentiveness, lowered irritability, and an optimistic outlook on life.”

Self-care practices, including RY, can support a generally healthier mindset and may make it more likely that you’ll sleep better, eat better and have more energy for exercise. For example, yoga has been shown to serve as a form of mindfulness, which can improve general well-being.

One study even found evidence that restorative yoga was slightly better than stretching for improving fasting glucose and supporting general metabolic health. Another study concluded that “restorative yoga was a feasible and acceptable intervention in overweight adults with metabolic syndrome.”

Poses to Try

Postures that are included in typical restorative yoga classes include chest openers, twists, hip openers, seated forward folds and gentle backbends.

New to RY and ready to give it a try? Here are some basic restorative yoga poses to begin with:

1. Child’s Pose

Suggested props: 1 bolster or 2 folded blankets

Start by sitting on your heels with your knees bent and mat distance apart. Lean forward until your belly comfortably rests between your thighs.

Place a bolster or folded blanket between your thighs for extra support. Try to lay your forehead on the bolster while you extend your arms straight out in front or resting next to your body.

Relax as much as possible as you breathe. Hold for five to 10 minutes. (For the best results, stay in each posture below for at least this duration.)

2. Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Suggested props: 2 blocks, 3 blankets or 1 large bolster, 1 strap

Place a block on its medium height at the top of the mat and another on its lowest height below it. Lay your bolster lengthwise over the two blocks, and place a folded blanket at the top of the bolster.

Create a loop with your strap, and step your feet into the center of the loop, holding the straps in your hand. Bring the soles of the feet together, and open the knees.

Place rolled blankets underneath the outside of your legs for support as you let your hips open. Lower your spine onto the bolster, and have your head resting back on the block and blankets.

Relax your shoulder blades, breathe deeply and hold for three to five minutes.

3. Supine Spinal Twist

Suggested props: 2 bolsters or folded blankets

Lay down on your back, pull your right knee up to your chest, place your left hand on the right knee, and pull the knee up and over the body to the left. You should feel a gentle twist through your torso, but try to keep both shoulders on the mat.

Place a bolster or two under the lifted knee if this helps you feel more comfortable. Breathe deeply, and hold for about five minutes. Then repeat on the other side.

4. Supported Bridge Pose

Suggested props: 1 block, 1 blanket

Lie down on your mat, bend your knees and place your feet on the mat directly under your knees, about hips-width apart. Press your feet firmly into the mat, and lift your hips.

Slide a block on low or medium height underneath your lower back, and lower your hips on the block for support. Lower the arms by your sides, and breathe deeply. Hold for about five minutes.

5. Supported Forward Fold

Suggested props: 1 bolster, 1 blanket rolled up

Sit on your map with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your knees slightly, and place a bolster or a rolled blanket under your knees.

Place another bolster on your thighs, and gently fold onto the bolsters, allowing your belly to relax onto it for support as you hinge at your hips. Breathe and hold for about five to 10 minutes.

6. Legs Up the Wall Pose (or “Legs Over a Chair”)

Suggested props: 1 blanket

Start by laying down on your mat facing toward a wall with your hips about six inches away from the wall. Lift your legs up onto the wall while you keep your shoulders and head down on the mat.

Allow your feet to rest against the wall as your legs and belly release. Place a blanket under your hips for extra support if it feels comfortable. Hold for five to 10 minutes.

Now that you know which poses to get started with, here are other tips for making the most of your practice:

  • Find somewhere quiet and dimly lit to practice that is free of clutter and distractions.
  • Dress in comfortable clothes, and make sure you’re not too warm or cold. Keep in mind that you may be under blankets, which can help you stay warm.
  • If you’re practicing at night, consider using an eye pillow to cover your eyes.
  • If you own a weighted blanket, try using it over your chest and torso to help you feel grounded and safe. A heavy blanket or pillow can also work well.
  • Aim to practice for anywhere between 15 and 60 minutes. If practicing alone, setting a timer can help you unwind so you’re not worried about falling asleep.
  • Breath deeply throughout the practice as you imagine yourself letting go and experiencing healing.

What to Expect in a Class

What are restorative yoga classes like? During a class in which you go through a typical restorative yoga sequence, you’ll hold each pose for about five to 10 minutes. Most classes only include about five or six poses, since you’ll spent considerable time relaxing into each one.

The goal is to unwind and release tension in your body as much as possible. While resting in a posture, focus on exerting as little physical effort as possible. To do this, imagine your muscles melting, and try to let go of any gripping or straining.

Props can really come in handy while resting in restorative yoga postures because they allow your body to let go. Using bolsters, blankets, blocks and belts is encouraged if it helps you feel more comfortable.

Most classes do not involve any chanting or heavy breathing, however soothing music, sound bowls or instruments, such as harmoniums, may be utilized by some teachers. Some teachers also combine restorative yoga poses with guided meditations.

If you rather not attend an in-person class, consider following a class for free on YouTube. The great thing about this style of yoga is that it can be done anywhere, and you can improvise and use props you have at home, such as regular pillows and blankets.

Risks and Side Effects

Generally speaking, restorative yoga poses are very safe, even for those with injuries and limitations. Compared to other forms of yoga, this style is very unlikely to cause yoga injuries and in fact may help soothe tense areas of the body that are in pain.

That said, if you find yourself straining or feeling pain while practicing, try gently coming out of the posture, moving around a bit and then trying again if you’d like, perhaps with use of another prop for extra support. Remember to keep breathing and to pay attention to your body and senses, rather than getting up in your thoughts.


  • Restorative yoga is “a type of yoga known for its relaxing, calming and healing effects.” It involves holding poses for about five to 10 minutes, often with the help from props, such as blankets, bolsters and blocks, that help support your body so you can relax.
  • What are the benefits of restorative yoga? It can help gently stretch the body, promote deep relaxation, manage anxiety, assist in improving sleep, decrease tightness/tension and reduce pain.
  • A typical restorative yoga sequence lasts between 20 and 60 minutes and only involves about five to six poses.
  • RY is great for beginners as well as those who have limitations and injuries. It may be especially beneficial for anyone dealing with anxiety symptoms, insomnia, tension headaches, ongoing digestive issues or pain.

The post What Is Restorative Yoga? Benefits, Poses and How to Do It appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Muscle Recovery Do’s and Don’ts for Optimal Fitness Mon, 11 Jul 2022 13:35:44 +0000 Whether you’re trying to burn fat or gain muscle, what you do in terms of exercise, diet and the time you rest in between workouts makes all difference. We all know that working out is great for boosting strength, slimming down and toning up, but unless you want to deal with ongoing muscle soreness, fatigue... Read more »

The post Muscle Recovery Do’s and Don’ts for Optimal Fitness appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Whether you’re trying to burn fat or gain muscle, what you do in terms of exercise, diet and the time you rest in between workouts makes all difference. We all know that working out is great for boosting strength, slimming down and toning up, but unless you want to deal with ongoing muscle soreness, fatigue and poor performance, it’s important to pay attention to muscle recovery “dos and don’ts.”

How many days off from training should you take each week? What should you eat post-workout? Let’s find out below.

Importance of Muscle Recovery

Exercise is actually a form of physical stress. This may surprise you, but it’s considered a “good stressor” because it helps the body grow back stronger once it adapts.

That being said, too much exercise leads to too much stress that the body can’t cope with. Over-exercising without enough rest in between workouts is “maladaptive” and can lead to physiological symptoms, including:

  • Soreness and pain
  • Susceptibility to injuries, such as muscle tears
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue and increased need for sleep
  • Poor performance
  • Low motivation and moodiness

If you want to benefit from exercise (and who doesn’t?), then you need to let your muscles recover. According to experts, this involves:

  • resting
  • feeding yourself well
  • hydrating
  • doing active recovery
  • possibly doing cold water immersion
  • getting enough sleep

Muscle Recovery Do’s

The No. 1 thing to do to promote muscle recovery is to feed your body all the nutrients it needs. While physical activity is key for overall health, your diet is still the single most important aspect to focus on.

Here’s what to do to help your muscles recover properly: 

1. Eat Plenty of Protein (Amino Acids)

If you’re active but eat a modern/processed diet, you may not be eating enough protein foods.

How much protein do you need? You want to measure your body weight in pounds. Typically if you’re trying to build muscle, eat that many grams of protein a day.

Alternatively, you can eat half of your body weight in grams of protein a day if you’re trying to strengthen up. According to an article published in Nutrition and Muscle Recovery, “the most influential nutritional resources for promoting muscle anabolism are proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants, and dietary supplements.”

Protein plus complex carbs make the best basic combo for supplying your stained muscles with nutrients so they recover. Immediately post-workout, try having collagen protein, creatine or whey protein to help your muscles repair so you can get stronger.

Combine these with healthy foods, like berries, leafy greens or yogurt, for even better results. Other foods that can aid in muscle recovery include chicken, turkey, raw milk, yogurt, grass-fed beef and fish.

2. Consume Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Hydrate

Add plenty of omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, which are found in omega-3 foods like wild-caught salmon, nuts and seeds.

Fish oil  from a supplement is also beneficial — plus consuming chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts and grass-fed beef can help boost your omega-3 intake. These fats are great for boosting blood flow and supporting your immune system and mood as well, especially if you have inflammation tied to a condition such as arthritis.Additionally, don’t forget about your fruits and vegetables. These foods are low in calories and might not have much protein, but they’re the best sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to fight soreness, oxidative stress, inflammation and soreness.Finally, drink lots of water! Other hydrating drinks include coconut water, fresh pressed juices, herbal teas and bone broth.

3. Do Compound Movements With Large Muscle Groups

If you’re going to the gym and just doing a bunch of bicep curls and calf raises, that’s not going to build the maximum amount of muscles. Instead, target your largest muscle groups, which include your legs and your back, as well as your chest and shoulders.

Focusing on larger muscle groups, do full compounding movements — things like squats with overhead presses combined. Those sorts of exercises stacked together increase the intensity of your workout and use your entire body, which releases the most human growth hormone, builds testosterone naturally and helps you recover even faster.

4. Stretch After Working Out

Post-workout, stretch for about 10 minutes to help your muscles transition to a resting phase.

5. Have Active Recovery Days

“Active recovery” describes light, low-intensity types of exercise that can be done on days when you’re not training. This can include gentle yoga, walking, cycling or other anaerobic activities that are not too straining.

Active recovery can help remove lactate and hydrogen from muscles and boost circulation, so it may have benefits for reducing muscle soreness.

6. Try Cold Immersion

Want to know how to relieve sore muscles fast? Some people swear by cold immersion, such as taking an ice bath shortly after exercising.

Studies suggest that cold exposure can help decrease delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), especially when you combine it with active recovery. It may also help with performance, since it potentially reduces inflammation, and like exercise, it causes the body to adapt, which can have other payoffs for your immune system.

7. Give Massage Therapy or Foam Rolling a Try

Massages that are not too aggressive may help decrease muscle soreness, pain and even emotional stress. One meta-analysis found that “massage seems to be the most effective method for reducing DOMS and perceived fatigue.”

Massaging yourself, using a foam roller or visiting a professional for massage therapy are also helpful for limiting inflammation and boosting blood flow. Don’t massage very sore muscles to the point of hurting yourself, though. Aim for gentler massages.

Compression garments are another option to consider. Some studies show they can help enhance recovery from resistance exercise when used within 24 hours after a workout.

Related: 20 Exercise Hacks to Sneak More Fitness Into Your Day

Muscle Recovery Don’ts

The No. 1 “don’t” regarding muscle recovery is to avoid overtraining.

Your body needs rest to grow, but your muscles don’t grow when you’re exercising all the time. In fact, they actually grow while you’re sleeping and resting — or, in other words, between your workouts.

Things to avoid:

1. Don’t Train Every Single Day

You want to take off at least one day a week. For most people, taking off from exercise two days a week allows muscles to complete rest and repair. Therefore if you’re currently working out at a difficult intensity six or seven days per week, reduce your exercise load.

2. Don’t Consume Junk Foods or Too Much Alcohol

Avoid added sugar, alcohol and fast foods as much as possible.

If you’re addicted to sugar and consuming it regularly, it’ll cause inflammation that messes with blood flow, performance and body composition goals. The same thing goes for fast foods, plus refined grains and hydrogenated oils, which are found in most unhealthy processed foods.

3. Don’t Do a Lot of Isolated Movements

If you want to maximize your workouts, do more compound movements (see above). This takes stress off of single muscles and focuses on larger muscle groups instead.

You can also try training different parts of your body on different days, which is a traditional bodybuilding approach. For example, you might do a maximum-intensity workout focused on your legs one day, then your upper body another day, then your core on another day.

4. Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Remember, you need lots of sleep to feel your best and perform. Research shows sleep deprivation can lead to many physical symptoms, including poor strength, focus, reaction times and more.

Aim for seven to nine hours per night for the most metabolic health perks.

5. Don’t Overuse Painkillers (NSAIDs)

It’s tempting to take a painkiller such as ibuprofen every time you feel sore and wiped out, but this can actually hinder your ability to adapt to exercise. Instead, follow the other tips in this article, which help your muscles bounce back naturally.

Recovery Time

How long does a muscle take to recover? Ultimately it depends on how often you’re training in general, plus the intensity of your workouts.

What are the stages in muscle recovery?

When your muscles are strained, they first experience tiny tears. Your body recognizes this and works on repairing them. This is a multiple-step process that involves repair of damaged muscle fibers and connective tissue formation.

Your body uses protein and carbs to complete the recovery process. Your blood vessels also dilate so circulation increases, which helps bring more nutrients to damaged tissue.

Then, waste (such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide) must be removed from the damaged area. This is done with help from your lymphatic system.

Once new tissue is formed with help from myokine proteins, then the tissue is remodeled and smoothed so it functions properly. The whole process can take up to several days or sometimes even longer.

How long should you wait between workouts?

If you’re doing very strenuous exercise, you’ll need more time to rest between workouts. The ideal amount of time to give yourself to recover is between one and three days, with a longer duration for high-intensity exercises, such as those that really fatigue muscles.

One study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that it took about three days (72 hours) for full muscle recovery to occur between difficult strength-training sessions.

For most people doing a mix of moderate to intense exercise, taking two days off (48 hours) between tough workouts is the general recommendation. According to, “For most lifters, 2-4 sessions per week works well. Younger lifters can usually handle more workouts, while older lifters should stick with fewer.”

If you’re doing easier workouts and listening to your body, you might be able to work out most days of the week, but still give yourself one day off.

How to Prevent Injuries

If you experience any symptoms of overtraining, then you’re putting yourself at greater risk for injuries. Watch out for the signs below, which indicate that you need extra rest:

  • Decreased energy and performance for more than several days
  • Increased resting heart rate or changes in blood pressure
  • Changes in appetite, which might lead to eating more junk or eating less
  • Sudden changes in body weight
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Irritability, anxiety and moodiness
  • Stubborn muscle soreness and aches

Those who are overtraining can help prevent themselves from getting injured by decreasing their exercise intensity or stopping all workouts (besides active recovery) for a brief period of time. Here are tips for preventing injuries:

  • Reduce your training load and frequency to give your muscles, joints and other tissues a chance to heal.
  • Stop exercise altogether temporarily, such as for one to two weeks.
  • Do another type of gentle workout or active recovery instead of anything too intense, such as more walking and stretching for a couple weeks.
  • Listen to your body. Wait to start working out against at a high difficulty and volume until all your overtraining symptoms are gone.


  • It’s important to take workout recovery seriously if you want to perform well and look your best. Resting between workouts helps your muscles grow back stronger, limits risk for injuries and supports a healthy metabolism.
  • What helps muscles recover faster? First and foremost, avoid overtraining. Be sure to take one to three days off from exercise per week, especially if you’re really straining yourself.
  • To reduce muscle soreness, hydrate, eat a healthy diet, and try cold immersion, foam rolling and massage therapy.

The post Muscle Recovery Do’s and Don’ts for Optimal Fitness appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Tips for Working Out in the Heat Safely (Plus Its Benefits) Wed, 22 Jun 2022 12:00:18 +0000 When nicer weather returns, it’s exciting to move your workouts outdoors, adding plenty of fresh air and scenic sights to the experience. However, working out in the heat can cause dehydration and overheating when it’s not done with caution. There are ways you can work out in the heat safely, staying cool and maintaining healthy... Read more »

The post Tips for Working Out in the Heat Safely (Plus Its Benefits) appeared first on Dr. Axe.


When nicer weather returns, it’s exciting to move your workouts outdoors, adding plenty of fresh air and scenic sights to the experience. However, working out in the heat can cause dehydration and overheating when it’s not done with caution.

There are ways you can work out in the heat safely, staying cool and maintaining healthy hydration levels. With these simple tips, you can continue to enjoy the outdoors while getting in your daily physical activity.

Tips for Working Out in the Heat

1. Hydrated and Rehydrate

This seems pretty obvious, but staying hydrated is critical when working out in the heat. You will sweat out the water you drink, so it’s even easier to become dehydrated.

Research shows that going into a workout hydrated is very important. Not only should you drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout, but eating foods that help restore electrolyte balance is also helpful.

Before and after exercise in the heat, eat or drink naturally hydrating foods that provide electrolytes, such as coconut water, watermelon, cucumber, celery, citrus fruits and carrots.

After workouts, be sure to replace water and sodium loss by drinking two to three extra cups of water and eating sodium foods, such as pickles, sauerkraut and adding a pinch of sea salt to meals.

2. Plan Wisely

If you plan to exercise outdoors, choose a cooler time of day when the sun isn’t shining on you at its hottest. Mornings and late afternoon/early evening are great times to work out, but minimize your exposure to direct sunlight.

3. Consider a Pre-Workout Shower

Research suggests that manipulation of pre-exercise body temperature can influence your workout performance and may be an effective strategy for athletes competing in stressful environments. Taking a cool shower or a quick swim before exercising in the heat is a good way to reduce body temperature.

4. Wear Light-Weight Clothing

Avoid wearing dark-colored clothing when exercising in the heat. Go for whites or even bright clothes that reflect the sun.

You’ll also stay cooler with light-weight clothing and moisture-wicking garments that bring sweat to the outer surface and help keep you dry. You may find that loose-fitting shirts help keep you cool as well.

5. Bring an Ice Pack

If you become overheated, placing an ice pack on the back of your neck can help cool you down. You can also use a cold wash cloth to relieve the heat.

6. Listen to Your Body

It’s important to know your limits when exercising in the heat. If you begin to feel light-headed, dizzy or nauseous, it’s time to rest and drink water.

Excessive sweating can lead to heat exhaustion and have dangerous consequences, so monitor your water intake and energy levels as you go through your exercise routine.

7. Keep It Short

If you’re not used to extended workouts in the heat, keep your routine short, starting at about 20–30 minutes. Let your body get used to physical activity in the heat, whether it’s outdoors or during a heated class like hot yoga.

Related: What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips)

Benefits of Exercising in the Heat

1. Improves Your Endurance

Exercising in the heat helps you become more comfortable with an uncomfortable setting. It forces you to push through the discomfort, thereby improving your tolerance for tough workouts.

Research indicates that people who are more acclimated to the heat and fully hydrated have less body heat storage and perform optimally during exercise-heat stress.

2. Prepares You for Competitive Events

Because working out in the heat helps build endurance and tolerance to stress on the body, it can be useful in training for competitive events. Your ability to do intense workouts for extended periods of time will be greater after training in the heat.

3. Increases Sweat and Blood Circulation

Your body naturally responds to heat exposure by increasing sweat production and blood circulation. Learning how to adapt to these circumstances allows your body to become more able to work out in a range of temperatures.

Plus, working out in the heat safely can improve your heart and sweat rate, thereby boosting cardiovascular health.

4. Promotes Detoxification

Research suggests that individuals routinely have sweating rates of one liter per hour when working in hot environments. This sweat rate promotes detoxification and allows your body to expel toxins within the body.

Remember that you need to replenish these fluids by drinking plenty of water after an outdoor workout.

Risks and Side Effects

When exercising in the heat, you need to know your limits and the warning signs of heat exhaustion. Everyone handles exposure to heat and physical activity in high temperatures differently, so you need be aware of your personal limitations.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to stop your workout, hydrate and get your body back to a normal temperature:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • muscle cramps
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • problems with vision
  • excessive sweating
  • confusion
  • low blood pressure

There are phases of heat-related health issues, starting with feelings of weakness and dizziness, experiencing heat cramps, heat exhaustion and then heat stroke, which is a medical emergency that can cause serious damage. It’s critical to avoid any of these symptoms when taking your workouts outdoors or into high temperatures.


  • Working out in the heat can be challenging and invigorating all at once. It helps promote detoxification and build endurance, but it can also be dangerous if it’s not done correctly.
  • To work out in the heat safely, it’s critical to stay hydrated (drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout), eat or drink electrolyte foods, keep your workout time short, avoid hours of direct sunlight, wear loose-fitting clothing, and use an ice pack to cool yourself off.
  • Exercise in the heat can be useful for promoting blood circulation and sweating, building tolerance to stressful situations, and making you a more competitive athlete. However, if you notice any signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, stop your workout, reduce your body temperature and hydrate.

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Do Fitness Trackers Help You Become More Active? Fri, 25 Feb 2022 19:00:40 +0000 More than 39.5 million Americans (that’s 1 out of 5!) — and 3 of every 10 Americans in families earning more than $75,000, and a full quarter of women — regularly wear a smart watch or wearable fitness tracker, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The use of these devices has skyrocketed in the... Read more »

The post Do Fitness Trackers Help You Become More Active? appeared first on Dr. Axe.

Fitness trackers

More than 39.5 million Americans (that’s 1 out of 5!) — and 3 of every 10 Americans in families earning more than $75,000, and a full quarter of women — regularly wear a smart watch or wearable fitness tracker, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The use of these devices has skyrocketed in the last several years.

Fitness-minded individuals turn to technology to help them do things previously inconceivable, such as tracking daily steps, measuring heart rate, helping with exercise hacks, or finding like-minded fitness aficionados for support.

But do they work to help you become more active? (A new study below sheds some light.) Do you really need to spend money on one of these gadgets? And if you do, how do you go about choosing the right one with so many on the market?

What Is A Fitness Tracker?

There are several types of wearable technology.

Pedometers count the amount of steps you take a day and convert them into miles, telling you how far you’ve gone each day.

Sports or GPS watches are geared toward specific sports, like running, cycling or swimming. They usually include a stop watch, functions to calculate distance and features like timers, lap counters and training logs.

Heart rate monitors measure your heart rate in real time, usually through a chest strap or a strapless model. Some GPS watches have monitoring capabilities as well.

Of course, the most common are fitness tracker watches or bracelets. These gadgets usually monitor different actions you take throughout the day, like how much you’ve moved or how long and deeply you slept. Instead of using a different electronic for every activity, like a pedometer and a sports watch and a sleeping app, a smart fitness tracker bundles many of these functions in just one piece of tech.

Fitness trackers have an edge over other types of wearable technology because they’re usually wear and go: There’s often no need to hit a start timer or turn them off after activity (though you’ll want to make sure it’s waterproof before stepping into the shower!).

Fitness Trackers Health Benefits

Using wearable devices like fitness trackers can have great consequences for your health. A recent British Medical Journal study examined the effectiveness of physical activity monitors in adults.

Looking at data from 121 randomized control trials and 141 study comparisons, it was concluded that using fitness trackers helped increase daily physical activity by around 1,235 steps per day. Meanwhile, these activity trackers helped increase moderate and vigorous physical activity by 48.5 minutes per week. Interestingly, it didn’t have much of an effect on sedentary behavior. (Clearly, many folks are ignoring the prompt to stand!)

Nonetheless, these are impressive results, as seemingly those without a fitness watch or device would be less prone to hitting these marks. The benefits of walking are well proven and properly planned 10-minute workouts can still do wonders, so that extra 48 minutes per week could literally be life-changing.

Here are two recent articles that show exactly this:

Meanwhile, one review of 26 studies that examined pedometer use of U.S. adults found that those who used a pedometer increased their daily activity by 2,419 steps, or over a mile!

Overall, those tracking their physical activity did 27 percent more than those who didn’t use a pedometer — plus, they succeeded in naturally reducing blood pressure as well as their percentage of fat. Having a specific goal to reach, such as 10,000 steps in a day, motivated people to keep moving, researchers concluded.

Even if you’re already a fairly active person, a fitness tracker might help you squeeze in extra opportunities to get your move on throughout the day. You might just as easily benefit from a low-cost smartphone app that provides similar functions. But keep in mind that wearing a fitness tracker that doubles as a watch on your arm is a lot easier to carry around than always keeping your smartphone on you.

How to Choose the Right Tracker 

1. Determine what features you need

If you’re a fitness newbie or in the market for a tracker that covers the basics, like counting steps, calories and movement, almost any will do.

But if you’re already quite active, you might want to invest in a tracker that goes past the basics. Features like GPS allow your tracker to map out where you’ve been and measure things like elevation.

Heart rate monitors can be a useful feature for the more advanced exercisers. In the past, options were limited to trackers that synced up with chest straps but nearly all new models can gauge your heart rate from even wristbands.

And if you’re partial to an activity, like running or swimming, make sure your tracker is designed to track it. After all, if your main source of exercise isn’t trackable, your gadget is much less useful. (Also, make sure it’s water resistant to 50 meters if you’re a swimmer.)

If you’re a serious athlete, you’ll likely want a lot more bells and whistles than the average Jane or Joe. A more professional tracker might be the answer. Brands like Garmin and Fitbit have a wide range of these; they tend to combine fitness tracker features with sports watch capabilities.

Also, many new smart watches also have mobile payments, which can be quite handy.

Fancier models also may even store music or give you access to a streaming service like Spotify. If that’s the case, these options would also have a bluetooth earphone connection.

Lastly, the best fitness-tracking smartwatch for iPhone users remains the Apple Watch, which comes with many of the above features. Plus it can take phone calls, text, etc.

2. Decide how much you’re willing to spend

Fitness trackers can range from moderately priced below $100 to models that hit $500+. It’s important to examine options in your price range and the features each offers — plus, be honest with yourself about what you will, and won’t, use.

If you’re expecting to graduate to more advanced features, then keep that in mind as you look at pricing. While a $75 fitness tracker might do the trick now, in a few months you might want more capabilities. In that case, it might be more cost-effective to swing for the more expensive model at the onset.

Also, be aware of any “extras” that require a separate purchase. When totaled together, that might make your inexpensive tracker pricier than you’d bargained for.

3. Choose a design that suits your lifestyle

Since you’ll be wearing this tracker for most of your day, you want to make sure it looks and feels good! Do you prefer something you can wear around your wrist or a fitness tracker that clips on to your shoe or clothing, preferably in your color of choice?

If you want to see your progress throughout the day on some type of display, a watch might be best. If you’re content with uploading and viewing your data at your leisure, a simple wristband design should suffice. And do you need something waterproof, so you can shower and swim with your tracker on, or will you remember to remove it each time?

4. Opt for software that works with your other technology

You will be interacting with your fitness tracker’s built-in app frequently; does it have the features you want? You’ll want to be sure that the app is easy to use or at least easy to learn. Some software also comes with built-in social features, allowing you to compete with (or support) real and virtual friends. If encouragement is something that’s important in your fitness journey, this is worth seeking out.

Because fitness trackers are designed to sync with your smartphone, you’ll want to be sure that the tracker is compatible with your phone’s operating system. Most devices will work on Android and iOS systems, but there are exceptions. An Apple watch, for instance, won’t work on your Samsung device. And if you have a BlackBerry or Windows phone, many trackers won’t sync at all.

If you already use a fitness app like Map My Run, a fitness tracker that easily integrates with your favorite apps will make combining information a cinch.

Finally, if possible, check out devices in-store or order from an online retailer with a generous return policy to get a real feel for how the tracker fits into your lifestyle.

Who knew keeping track of fitness is not only fun, but actually can encourage you to keep it up?


However, if the thought of wearing a tracker brings up feelings of anxiety more than excitement or possibly lead to overtraining, it might be wise to skip altogether.

Because while fitness trackers are a good way to evaluate our baseline activity levels (remember, they shouldn’t stand in for a real-life health professional), if using one is causing stress, it might be best to track your activity the old-fashioned way instead.

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Nordic Walking Burns (More) Calories, Builds Muscle & Promotes Stability Wed, 16 Feb 2022 15:00:34 +0000 Have you ever tried cross-country skiing in your own neighborhood? It may sound bizarre, but there’s a type of exercise called “nordic walking” that involves the use of skiing poles and can help you to burn more calories than your usual stroll. This type of exercise takes walking to lose weight to a whole new... Read more »

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Have you ever tried cross-country skiing in your own neighborhood? It may sound bizarre, but there’s a type of exercise called “nordic walking” that involves the use of skiing poles and can help you to burn more calories than your usual stroll.

This type of exercise takes walking to lose weight to a whole new level.

Nordic walking can be done on sidewalks, grassy terrains and wooded trails. It supports stability, improves coordination, works several muscles and promotes heart health.

This total-body workout can be your new go-to, and it’ll get you outside more often too.

What Is Nordic Walking?

Nordic walking was originally done during training sessions for cross-country skiers. It’s popular in Scandinavia and other parts of Europe and drawing attention in the U.S. as an effective workout.

To practice nordic walking, you walk with ski poles, moving the opposite arm with the opposite leg as you go. The poles make walking a bit more challenging because you’re using arm and core strength to keep them in front of you as you move.

Why go nordic walking? The intensity level is higher than regular walking, so you work more muscles and burn more calories. It’s a form of cardiovascular exercise, too, which explains why it’s so popular among older adults in Switzerland and other Scandinavian areas.

Nordic Walking Benefits

The major benefits of nordic walking come from the way it activates more muscles than plain old walking, while engaging your core and burning more calories. Here’s a rundown of the many nordic walking advantages:

1. Burns More Calories

Nordic walking is said to increase calorie burning by 10 percent to 20 percent, even though your body won’t feel this increase of intensity.

A 2019 study published in Clinical Interventions in Aging found that nordic walking significantly decreased BMI, reduced android fat and lowered leg fat when compared to regular walking. Researchers concluded that nordic walking can serve as a primary tool to counteract the obesity and overweight state in middle-aged adults.

2. Works the Upper Body

Who knew you could work your arms, shoulders, chest and back muscles while walking? Walking with poles works many more muscles in the body, especially the upper body, which doesn’t get much love when walking without poles.

A randomized trial found that a 12-week nordic walking training routine improved shoulder mobility and reduced tenderness in upper body muscles. To boot, nordic walking does not strain the upper body like walking with weights can.

So not only are you working these muscles, but you’re able to relax the shoulders, maintain proper posture and get into a rhythm at the same time.

3. Increases Stability

Nordic walking is popular among older adults because it provides added stability. Using the poles offers better posture and balance, which can be especially helpful for people with knee, leg or back problems.

A 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that among adults ages 60–92, nordic walking was able to improve dynamic balance, functional balance, flexibility of the lower body and aerobic capacity. Researchers concluded that this type of aerobic exercise is able to improve muscle strength, balance ability and quality of life in the elderly population.

Another study evaluated the effectiveness of a six-week nordic walking training in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Results showed that this form of exercise improved functional performance, quality of gait and quality of life.

4. Boosts Heart Health

A systematic review published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, which involved the analysis of 1,800 patients, found that nordic walking has beneficial effects on resting heart rate and blood pressure compared to brisk walking. In addition, patients experienced improvements in oxygen consumption and other measures of quality of life, according to researchers.

5. Gets You Outdoors

One of the best things about nordic walking is that it gets you outdoors, exploring different terrains. You can walk in your neighborhood, on hiking trails, on ski mountains during the offseason and anywhere else that has a ground to walk on.

A systemic review published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness indicates that performing outdoor physical activity bears social, psychological and physiological benefits. Researchers found that these benefits were apparent in youth and seniors in helping prevent several health conditions, including vitamin D deficiency, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis.


There are a few types of poles available for nordic walking. Some nordic poles have gloves attached to the ends of the poles, which requires you to use your palms to control the poles rather than your fingers. There are also poles with straps and grips but no gloves.

Nordic poles comes with material and tip options. Aluminum and carbon fiber poles are popular because they are lighter and best for shock absorption.

Some poles have pointed tips that are best for unpaved trails, rubber tips (or “paws”) that are better for paved trails or sidewalks, and “baskets” that are added to the tips for walking in the snow.

There are even collapsible poles that can fit into a suitcase when you travel. What a great way to explore new trails while getting an even better workout.

How to Do It (Techniques)

It may take a few tries to get used to walking with poles and nailing down your preferred technique. Here are two types to try:

  • Double poling: This technique involves placing both poles in front of you symmetrically and then pulling yourself forward as you walk. You take a couple of steps forward to meet your poles and then place them in front of you again.
  • Single poling: This is how most people use their poles in cross-country skiing. You use one poll at a time, moving it up as you step with the opposite side’s foot. The pole and opposite foot move up at the same time, and as you get used to the rhythm, you increase your speed and intensity.

Once you’ve established your technique, you can play with the rhythm and try out different terrains. You can make this a high-intensity workout by poling at maximum effort for two to three minutes and then slowing down to recover.

Risks and Side Effects

If you’re new to nordic walking, start slow, and build up your momentum over time. Research what kind of poles are best for your desired terrain.

Once you get used to the rhythm, you can speed up your walk and arm motions. If you feel winded or dizzy while walking, cool down, and consult your health care provider if it continues.


  • Nordic walking is waking with poles, just like cross-country skiing. It can be done on any terrain and is a popular form of exercise in Scandinavian areas.
  • Compared to regular or brisk walking, using poles does a better job at burning calories, building upper body strength, boosting heart health and improving overall quality of life.
  • Nordic walking is particularly popular among older adults because it improves stability, balance and overall strength.

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10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Could Save Your Life If You’re 40+ Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:51:49 +0000 Can 10 minutes of exercise a day really have an effect on longevity? It can be difficult to discern what advice is right these days. Exercise science is a relatively young field. That’s why it feels like every day there’s a new study telling us how to work out for better health: “You need to... Read more »

The post 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Could Save Your Life If You’re 40+ appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Can 10 minutes of exercise a day really have an effect on longevity? It can be difficult to discern what advice is right these days.

Exercise science is a relatively young field. That’s why it feels like every day there’s a new study telling us how to work out for better health:

  • “You need to walk 10,000 steps a day.”
  • “You don’t need to walk 10,000 steps a day.”
  • “Exercise before breakfast!”
  • “High-intensity interval training is best!”

We’re so bombarded with fitness advice on a daily basis. It’s no wonder many of us fall victim to “analysis paralysis.” We’re so busy overthinking our workouts, we never actually get moving.

New research released by the National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January 2022 offers some great motivation — while keeping things simple. How simple? How about just 10 minutes of exercise a day?

Study Findings

There are lots of studies looking at how adding a half hour or more of exercise daily can reduce the risk of premature death, but this first-of-its-kind study aimed to find out if relatively modest bouts of exercise daily — as small as 10 minutes a day — could help adults live longer.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from nearly 5,000 study participants involved in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. They specifically looked at physical activity levels of people ages 40 and older.

Importantly, the exercise activity of each person used in this study was measured by a device — and not self-reported. (Sometimes people overestimate the amount or intensity of their workouts when reporting their own results.)

As in all well-designed studies, scientists made adjustments to factor other things that could influence findings, including smoking status, alcohol use, BMI, ethnicity, race and more. Even after all of that, they discovered that just 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day could produce profound effects.

In fact, 10 minutes of exercise a day could save an estimated 110,000 lives a year in the United States. That’s a nearly 7 percent decrease in the number of deaths per year.

Adding 10-minute additional increments also reduced the number of unnecessary deaths:

  • 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day prevented 209,000 deaths, a 13 percent decrease in deaths per year
  • 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily prevented 279,00 deaths, a nearly 17 percent decrease in deaths annually

What It Means

Information overload can sabotage efforts to exercise and maintain (or get to) a healthy weight. By keeping things simple and exercising at a moderate or vigorous pace for just 10 minutes a day, you can increase your odds of living longer.

Measuring Your Heart Rate to Hit Target Heart Rate

In order to know if you’re hitting the “moderate” or “vigorous” exercise levels, you’ll need to be able to estimate your target heart rate or learn how to use cues from your body.

To keep things simple, you can use the talk test to figure out if you’re hitting a moderate or vigorous heart-rate level.

10 minutes of exercise a day - Dr. Axe

Source: CDC

You can also use a perceived exertion scale or target heart rate and estimated maximum heart rate calculations to determine what moderate or vigorous movement is for you.

Of course, everyone is different, so walking briskly up a hill could be moderate for one person and vigorous for the next. Avoid comparing yourself with others, and focus on yourself. And then be proud of whatever movement you chose to hit your 10 minutes (or more!) of exercise.

For those looking for both low-impact exercise/sport yet still raising the heart rate, consider swimming or pickleball.


  • It’s easy to get bogged down and demotivated when you’re trying to figure out the best way to get your physical activity in each day. There’s so much information out there!
  • A landmark 2022 study provides inspiration to keep things simple, showing the benefits of 10 minutes of exercise a day.
  • Just 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day can drastically lower the risk of early death in people 40+.
  • Adding 10 minutes per day of physical activity can save the lives of more than 110,000 people annually. The number of deaths prevented rises to 209,000 a year with 20 minutes of daily, moderate to vigorous exercise and 272,000 with 30 minutes a day.
  • There are a number of simple ways to figure to know if you’re hitting the moderate or vigorous heart-rate target. Figure out your range. Then, write it down on a note card or Post-it. Place it somewhere prominent in your home or workspace for inspiration.
  • Incorporate movement that works for you — and what you enjoy! If you love being in nature, try to pair being outside with your workout or vigorous activity. If you love reading, try enjoying your book while walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical machine or arm cycling.
  • Even on days when you’re “not feeling it,” still try to coax yourself into 10 minutes of brisk movement — this small thing could save your life.

The post 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Could Save Your Life If You’re 40+ appeared first on Dr. Axe.

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Dynamic Stretching Benefits, Exercises & Examples to Improve Workout Performance Sun, 16 Jan 2022 12:00:07 +0000 When most of us think of stretching, we picture simple static stretches — like bending forward to touch our toes or lifting a bent arm back behind us to stretch our shoulders. There’s a whole other category of stretches, called dynamic stretching, that is a more active form of stretching. What are examples of dynamic... Read more »

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When most of us think of stretching, we picture simple static stretches — like bending forward to touch our toes or lifting a bent arm back behind us to stretch our shoulders. There’s a whole other category of stretches, called dynamic stretching, that is a more active form of stretching.

What are examples of dynamic stretches? Some popular ones include leg and arm circles, air squats, and marching in place.

These types of movements help prepare our muscles for exercise. That is why they are recommended as part of an effective warm up-routine.

Studies have found that dynamic stretching before a workout or sport can help avoid muscle injuries, increase joint flexibility and optimize performance.

What Is Dynamic Stretching?

Dynamic stretching refers to any type of stretch that is performed with movement as opposed to holding still in a static position. The goal is to warm up muscles and other tissues, increase blood flow, and improve range of motion and flexibility.

The types of movements involved in dynamic stretching can include:

  • swinging
  • circling
  • lowering and lifting back up
  • marching
  • stepping
  • bouncing

Stretching in general, whether while moving or holding still, offers several main benefits, including improved flexibility and prevention of injuries. These are associated with health perks such as the ability to age more gracefully and remain independent in older age.

Experts categorize dynamic stretches into four main groups:

  • Traditional Dynamic Stretching (often the most recommended type): Uses controlled, soft bounce or swinging motions. Intensity of movements are gradually increased but remain slow, gentle and purposeful.
  • Active Isolated Stretching (also called Mattes Method): Works by contracting the antagonist or opposing muscle group. Stretches are only held for about two seconds or less.
  • Resistance Stretching and Loaded Stretching: Works by contracting and lengthening a muscle at the same time. A muscle is stretched through its entire range of motion while under contraction.
  • Ballistic Stretching: Uses momentum generated by rapid swinging and bouncing. Some feel this is a risky way to stretch since the chance for injury is somewhat high.

Dynamic vs. Static Stretching

While both types are beneficial in their own ways, static and dynamic stretches differ from one another based on how they are performed, plus when they are most useful.

The main difference between the two is that dynamic stretching involves movement, while static stretching is performed while holding a fixed position (without movement). When someone is performing a stretch position, such as a seated butterfly stretch or held back bend, that person remains in one position for about 10 to 30 seconds on average.

Static stretching has its own advantages and is often recommended post-workout to help support recovery. For example, static stretches like hamstring, quad and hip flexor stretches are useful for reducing imbalances and muscular compensations that can contribute to strains, pulls and tears, especially when coupled with other tools, such as foam rolling.

That said, static stretching before a workout can actually have some detrimental effects, like potentially reducing strength, power and performance.

Overall experts believe that for warming up or preparation, dynamic stretching is the most effective, while for cooling down, static is the best approach.

Related: What Are the Benefits of Working Out in the Cold? (Plus Safety Tips)


1. Increases Flexibility and Range of Motion

Dynamic stretching increases your range of motion and flexibility by making soft tissues longer and less stiff. “Tissues” refer to parts of your body including your ligaments, joints and muscles, all of which allow you to move.

Performing dynamic stretches leads to warmed-up muscles, better blood flow and improved “dynamic flexibility.” An article in published in the Journal of Physical Education and Recreation describes it as “the ability to use a range of joint movement in the performance of a physical activity at either normal or rapid speed.”

2. Can Help Improve Exercise or Athletic Performance

Stretching helps prepare the body for activity or sports. That is why dynamic stretching is considered an important component of a warm-up routine.

It’s especially beneficial for athletes who participate in sports that require rapid or explosive movements, such as sprinting, jumping and throwing.

It can help improve performance in things like vertical jumps and short sprints that require balance and speed — plus it can enhance power and increase coordination.

3. Useful for Preventing Injuries

Because an effective warm-up can reduce stiffness and tightness of muscles and joints, it can help prevent injuries like pulls and strains, as well as aches and pains following exercise. Ideally, it’s best to combine both dynamic and static stretches (before and after your workout, respectively) for the greatest injury prevention.

Examples of Dynamic Stretches

A proper warm-up ideally includes about five to 10 minutes of low to moderate dynamic stretching. Aim for 10 to 12 repetitions of each movement below.

This is appropriate before exercising or before participating in sports like swimming, jogging or cycling.

For sports that require throwing and hitting (such as football, baseball, tennis, hockey and lacrosse), be sure to warm up all parts of the body while stretching, especially the lower and upper body as well as the core, which are all heavily involved.

To warm up before a general workout:

What are the best dynamic stretching exercises to do before a workout? Try these, which target different parts of the body, such as the shoulders, neck, legs, back and core:

  • Neck twists
  • Ankle twists
  • Torso twists
  • Leg and arm swings
  • Walking lunges
  • Air squats

For runners (or those playing sports like track-and-field, soccer, rugby or football):

One of the most common running tips, especially for beginners, is to make sure to stretch before and after running. It’s especially important to warm up muscles in the legs and hips, including the hamstrings, quads and hip flexors.

Here are some pre-workout running stretches to incorporate:

  • Leg swings
  • Walking lunges and side-step lunges
  • Hamstring stretches, such as “moving standing forward stretches” (keep your front foot flexed and back heel on the ground with toes facing up, then gently lean forward and back) or laying down hamstring stretch (lifting one leg and gently pulling it back and forth toward you)
  • High knees (brining your knees up and in toward your abdomen/chest) or leg kicks (reach your arm to the side, then kick your leg up and out toward your palm)
  • Hip flexor stretches, such as a deep hip stretch with a twist (similar to a lunge but your hips are lower and back knee may touch the ground)
  • Laying down hip/leg abduction lifts (while on your side) or clam shells

To target your upper body:

  • Neck rolls
  • Lower back stretches, such as “child’s pose” or “cat-cow “(a yoga pose done on all fours while you lift and lower your chest and tailbone)
  • Wide arm circles
  • Behind-head tricep stretches
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Assisted push-ups

To target your lower body:

What are dynamic stretches for your lower body?

  • Hip flexor stretches, such as laying down knee-to-chest movements
  • Walking lunges with torso twists
  • Small hip circles
  • Squats or jump squats (more advanced)
  • High knees or leg kicks
  • Moving glute bridges

Risks and Side Effects

One of the main dangers and disadvantages of dynamic stretching is that it can be easy to push yourself too far and potentially strain something. Ballistic stretching, for example, can force the body part beyond a healthy and helpful point.

It’s important to approach this type of warm-up in a gentle, controlled way.

Always be sure to start off slowly, and listen to your body rather than aggressively moving or pushing your muscles and joints too far. You can repeat all of your stretches in second or third sets if you have the time, which will give you the chance to boost the intensity.

Overall, less is usually more.

To prevent injuries, don’t push your joints past their normal range of movement or do anything that causes pain.


  • Dynamic stretching is the type that involves movement rather than holding a fixed position. It’s often done as part of a warm-up and helps warm, lengthen and loosen soft tissues like muscles and joints.
  • It can help improve flexibility, range of motion, power, sprints, jumps, performance and recovery.
  • What are five dynamic exercises? Examples include leg and arm circles, walking lunges, high knees, torso twists, and air squats.
  • Experts believe that for warming up or preparation, dynamic stretching is the safest and effective option, while for cooling down, static stretching is the best approach.

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Benefits of Flexibility + How to Improve It Sat, 27 Nov 2021 12:00:15 +0000 It’s can be tempting to skip the stretching aspect of training when you feel like it’s not providing any real payoffs. However, a large body of research shows that there are in fact many benefits of flexibility exercises and stretches — including preventing injuries, reducing pain, and assisting in posture, balance, mobility and performance. What... Read more »

The post Benefits of Flexibility + How to Improve It appeared first on Dr. Axe.


It’s can be tempting to skip the stretching aspect of training when you feel like it’s not providing any real payoffs. However, a large body of research shows that there are in fact many benefits of flexibility exercises and stretches — including preventing injuries, reducing pain, and assisting in posture, balance, mobility and performance.

What exactly is flexibility? Flexibility is defined as “the quality of bending easily without breaking.”

It’s what helps keep our muscles elastic, rather than allowing them to shorten and stiffen. This is important not just for athletic performance, but also for everyday activities that improve quality of life (especially among older people).

What are examples of flexibility activities? These include stretching, foam rolling, yoga, pilates and tai chi.

As explained more below, it’s ideal to incorporate several different types into your routine. This way you target multiple parts of your body that can wind up becoming tense and tight, such as your hamstrings and shoulders.

Benefits of Flexibility

People who are flexible have the ability to to lengthen one or more joints and move through a greater range of motion without limitations or feeling pain. According to experts in flexibility, such as physical therapists and orthopedics, the importance of staying flexible shouldn’t be overlooked — since it’s one of the keys to preventing injuries, aging gracefully and remaining independent in older age.

In case you need a refresher about the many benefits of flexibility, here are the top reasons to include stretches and flexibility exercises, such as yoga, in your training routine:

1. Can Help Prevent Injuries Due to Tightness

How does being flexible prevent injuries? Flexibility reduces imbalances and muscular compensations that can contribute to strains, pulls and tears.

It can also decrease tension in muscles and helps prevent tightness from causing too much stress on neighboring joints.

Essentially, we need to stretch to lengthen muscles so risk of injury is reduced, since inflexible muscles and joints overcompensate for other ones that are too tight.

2. Improved Range of Motion Enhances Performance

According to Harvard Health Publishing, “a well-stretched muscle more easily achieves its full range of motion. This improves athletic performance — imagine an easier, less restricted golf swing or tennis serve — and functional abilities, such as reaching, bending, or stooping during daily tasks.”

Greater range of motion in certain body parts, such as your in your hips and knees, allows you to get the most benefits from your workouts because it helps you push yourself further, sink deeper into exercises, and ultimately allows you to keep training for longer and at higher intensities.

Flexibility is also important for decreasing straining and discomfort while working out, which makes it easier to push yourself more and then recover more easily.

3. Enhanced Mobility Assists in Everyday Activities

People who regularly perform flexibility exercises tend to experience less pain and can more easily do everyday tasks like bending down to tie a shoe, walking upstairs, picking things up from the floor, or getting up from chairs or couches.

This is why flexibility becomes even more important as people age, since it reduces the risk for poor balance, falls and accidents.

4. Helps Improve Posture

Sitting for long periods of time and failing to stretch after exercise can both take a toll on your posture and mobility. For example, too much sitting often causes tightness in muscles in your low back, hips and calves.

Flexibility exercises can help improve posture and decrease slouching and pain in people who sit for prolonged periods of time or who are mostly sedentary. For example, upper-back and shoulder stretches can decrease neck pain and headaches, while leg and hip stretches can reduce sciatic pain and knee pain.

Stretching is also helpful for people with arthritis and spinal problems (as long as it’s done correctly).

How to Become More Flexible

When working on improving your overall flexibility, make sure to focus on these areas of the body, which tend to be the tightest:

  • Hamstrings
  • Lower back
  • Hips/hip flexors/piriformis muscle located on the outside of the butt
  • Calves
  • Lower back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck

How should you incorporate stretching into your training?

If possible, do a combination of stretches and activities, like yoga, static stretching and foam roller exercises. (See below in FAQs for more about the different types of stretching exercises.)

Foam rolling, also called myofascial release, is a form of self-massage that you can do to loosen up sore muscles and tight joints and aid in muscle recovery either before and/or after a workout. Myofascial release describes what happens when you apply pressure to certain muscles to eliminate adhesions that can lead to stiffness and tension.

You can do foam rolling at home using an expensive roller or include other modalities including rolfing, massage and the Graston technique.

What are the benefits of yoga for flexibility? Yoga is a form of dynamic stretching that uses many different parts of your body.

It links movement with breathing and can also help you relax. Studies show that people who do yoga regularly tend to have better range of motion, balance and even a better handle on stress.

Which stretches are best for becoming more flexible?

To improve flexibility in your hamstrings, hips, back, shoulders and so on, incorporate the stretches below into your regular routine. Hold each stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds, repeating two to three times if you’d like:

  • Forward Fold — Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the hips, lowering your head toward floor and reaching toward your toes.
  • Downward Dog — Get into an upside-down V position. Press your heels down toward the floor while pushing away the ground with your hands and keeping your shoulders down and rolled back. Lift up through your core to push your hips up and back.
  • Puppy Pose — Start on all fours, then reach your arms as far forward as you can. Push your hips up and back toward your heels.
  • Twisted Lunge —  Get into a lunge, then place your hand on the floor and twist your upper body to the opposite side. Repeat on the other side.
  • Butterfly — Sit on floor and bring your heels together with your knees bent, moving your knees out and down toward the ground.
  • Kneeling Side Bend — Start by kneeling, then step one leg out to the side. Reach your opposite arm up and over toward your extended leg to stretch the sides of your body.
  • Standing Quad Stretch — Stand with your feet together, bend one knee and reach your heel back toward your butt as you pull your foot to release the front of your leg.
  • Knee to Chest — Lie on your back and pull one knee at a time into your chest as you extend the opposite leg out.
  • Figure Four — Lie on your back with your feet flat, then cross your left foot over your right quad. Lift your right leg off the floor and grab onto the back of your right leg and gently pull it toward your chest. Repeat on the other side.
  • Laying Torso Rotation — Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet together, flat on the floor. Put your arms out to each side. Tighten your core and lift both knees toward your chest, then lower them together to the left side and repeat on the other side.

Other Flexibility FAQs

What are the three types of flexibility techniques?

There are considered to be three main types of stretching methods for improving muscle flexibility. Each has its own uses and benefits:

  • Static stretching — consists of holding muscles in their maximal lengthened position (at the point of discomfort) for around 30 seconds. An example is bending over to touch your toes and holding this position.
  • Dynamic stretching — a method of stretching the muscle via movement of the limbs/joints. An example is swinging your leg back and forth in wide circles.
  • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) — when the muscle is contracted in an already fully lengthened position and held briefly. This is usually done with help from a training partner or therapist. An example is someone lifting a leg straight up to contract the hamstrings as much as possible while a therapist resists the movement and assists the stretch for about 10 seconds.

How often should you stretch? 

If possible, do some type of stretching every day, whether it’s yoga, tai chi exercises or simple calisthenics you do at home. You don’t need to do a lot to reap the benefits. Just 10 minutes is enough to make a difference in mobility, balance and comfort.

Try doing stretches at roughly the same time each day so it becomes an engrained habit. You might choose to stretch after a morning workout or mid-day walk, after a hot shower, or before bed.

Should you stretch before or after working out?

Experts now believe that dynamic stretching should ideally be done briefly as part of a warm-up routine, and then static stretching should be done as part of a warm-down routine after working out, such as after doing a HIIT workout or quad exercises.

While static stretching does have its perks after a workout (it can increase range of motion), dynamic stretching and PNF seem to be more effective as part of a warm-up, since both increase blood flow and oxygen to muscles and stimulate nerves more than static stretching. You can also incorporate foam roller exercise before workouts to improve blood flow and loosen up muscles and joints.

Overall, static stretching should be used after workouts to increase flexibility and range of movement, while more dynamic stretches should be done prior to sports or power workouts.

How long should you stretch?

When warming up, aim for five to 10 minutes of dynamic movements. After five to 10 minutes your muscles should feel a bit looser and warm.

After a workout, do another five to 10 minutes of static stretching or foam rolling as part of a cool-down routine.

Risks and Side Effects

When stretching or foam rolling, try pushing yourself to the point of “mild tension,” but don’t go far enough that you feel lots of pain or burning. Remember to keep breathing while you stretch and to deepen into flexibility exercises slowly as you monitor your body.

Visit your doctor or a physical therapist if you experience any sharp pains and suspect you have an injury. Rather than trying to treat an injury yourself, it’s best to get evaluated by a professional in order to prevent worsening any damage.


  • Staying flexible by stretching, using a foam roller and doing dynamic warm-ups can help prevent injuries, improves recovery after exercise, and help improve physical performance, range of motion and mobility.
  • What are the best flexibility exercises? Examples include stretching, foam rolling, yoga, pilates and tai chi. Focus on doing flexibility exercises that target tight areas like your hamstrings, hips, shoulders, lower back and neck.
  • Prior to a workout or competition, try dynamic movements rather than static stretches to loosen up. After working out, hold the stretches described above for about 30 seconds each.

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Benefits of Hiking for the Body and Mind Wed, 06 Oct 2021 12:00:23 +0000 Whether you’re already an avid hiker or mostly new to hiking, you’re probably curious about how this type of exercise can benefit both your physical and mental health. The good news is there are plenty of health benefits of hiking. Does hiking tone your body? Is hiking a good way to lose weight? According to... Read more »

The post Benefits of Hiking for the Body and Mind appeared first on Dr. Axe.


Whether you’re already an avid hiker or mostly new to hiking, you’re probably curious about how this type of exercise can benefit both your physical and mental health. The good news is there are plenty of health benefits of hiking.

Does hiking tone your body? Is hiking a good way to lose weight?

According to the American Hiking Society, “Countless studies and research have consistently shown that regular exercise not only improves our overall health and fitness, but lengthens and improves the quality of our lives.”

Because it’s considered a “whole body workout,” plus a way to practice mindfulness, studies show that benefits of hiking include building strength in your lower body (considered a great leg workout), relieving stress, helping prevent obesity and heart disease, and more.

What Is Hiking?

Hiking is a recreational activity in which you walk in nature. As opposed to commuting by foot, hiking is all about walking for pleasure and also for exercise.

It’s thought to be one of the world’s most popular outdoor activities.

Going hiking usually involves long and sometimes vigorous walks, typically on trails or footpaths in the countryside, on outdoor hills or on mountains — however it can also include easier hikes on flatter trails that are manmade. A “trek” is a bit different than a hike because it’s more challenging, requiring a longer journey that is completed over a number of days or even weeks.

You can hike just about anywhere that has hills. In the U.S., some of the most popular hiking destinations include Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park and Zion National Park.

Benefits of Hiking

What does hiking do for your body? Becoming a hiker can contribute to your health in a number of ways, including by toning your legs and back and reducing stress. Here’s more about the many benefits of hiking (when done safely of course!):

1. Builds Strength in Your Lower Body and Back

Hiking is a form of low-impact aerobic exercise that can help build stronger muscles and bones, especially in your legs and back. If you do lots of walking, stepping and climbing uphill, it’s even better for increasing strength and muscle mass, and when you walk on uneven surfaces, you engage your core and improve stability.

This form of exercise is also effective at helping improve your balance and range of motion, since tougher climbs can force you to stand periodically on one leg, lunge forward and so on.

2. Boosts Stamina and Heart Health

Regular physical exercise reduces the risk of dying of coronary heart disease and decreases the risk for a number of other chronic health conditions too.

For example, exercising regularly, such as by hiking, lowers blood pressure and may help prevent some people from developing colon cancer, diabetes and high cholesterol.

Most of these positive effects are due to hiking’s ability to get your heart rate up and work your lungs, improving circulation and oxygenation. Hiking can also help decrease inflammation tied to stress and reduce weight gain, which benefits overall health.

3. May Help You Lose Weight

Like other forms of exercise, benefits of hiking include helping you to control your weight, such as by dropping excess body fat or preventing unwanted weight gain.

Research demonstrates that, on average, you can burn about 80 to 100 calories for every mile you walk. (You use even more energy if you have a higher body mass or if you walk uphill.) If you hike for about an hour at a moderate to fast pace, you can burn several hundred calories, which can be beneficial for your waistline and overall body composition.

4. Helps Reduce Stress

As Greater Good Magazine explains, “The experience of hiking is unique, research suggests, conveying benefits beyond what you receive from typical exercise. Not only does it oxygenate your heart, it helps keep your mind sharper, your body calmer, your creativity more alive, and your relationships happier.”

Research suggests that there are synergistic effects of physical activity and time spent in nature, meaning the two are even more powerful when done together. Studies shows that spending time in nature provides most people with mental relief from stress, depression and anxiety symptoms, especially if they are also exercising or being active while outdoors, such as in “green spaces.”

Hiking (and simply walking too) releases “feel good” chemicals in our bodies, including endorphins, that are known to lift our moods and fight pain. Exercise plus time outdoors also has various other effects on the brain that decrease tension, depression, rumination and worry and improve problem solving and feelings of connectedness (“the sense of being small in the presence of something bigger than yourself”).

Becoming a hiker might also improve your sleep by making you feel more calm and tired, which translates to a clearer mind and greater energy the following day.

5. Supports Brain Health and Cognitive Function

Not only can hiking boost your mood, but it’s also associated with other mental health improvements, such as greater creativity, memory recall and problem solving.

A number of studies have found that exercising outdoors can lead to more mindfulness, greater self-awareness and enhanced sensory perception (of sights, smells and feelings).

Researchers have uncovered that hiking uses parts of your brain designed to help you navigate through your environment, including the retrosplenial cortex and the hippocampus, which help aid in memory.

There can also be a beneficial social component to hiking if you choose to get others involved, such as by hiking with a partner or joining a group that regularly hikes together. This can foster a greater sense of connection and decrease loneliness, which are tied to better mental health.

Some studies have even found that exercising outdoors can help your relationships by making you more empathic, helpful, open-minded and generous.

6. Decreases the Risk for Osteoarthritis and Bone Density Loss

In addition to making you stronger, benefits of hiking also extend to your bones, joints and connective tissues. Hiking is low-impact enough that it shouldn’t add lots of stress and strain to your joints, but it’s a form of “weight-bearing exercise” — which means it strengthens your bones.

Weight-bearing exercise can help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis, as long as you don’t overdo it. It’s also recommended for prevention of osteoporosis and loss of bone density, which can increase susceptibility to breaks and fractures.

How Much to Do + Potential Risks

The type of hiking that’s best for you to do depends on your skill level and general fitness. People who are more active and stable in their lower bodies can benefit from inclining up steeper hills and trails, while those who are newer to hiking are better off sticking to flatter dirt paths and less vigorous trails.

To reduce your risk for falling or getting injured always wear high-quality shoes when hiking. Be careful about hiking on slippery dirt or mud, very rocky paths, or under overhanging branches.

Follow trail markers if possible, and be aware of wild animals that may be in the area crossing your path.

If you’re going on extended hikes and treks, be careful to prepare ahead of time with the supplies you’ll need, such as water, and aways practice “good hygiene” (defined as routine cleaning of water, cooking utensils and cleaning your hands often).

The National Park Service’s website is a great resource for finding all types of hiking trails. There are more than 400 national parks for you explore across the country, depending on your experience and preferences.

Is it good to hike every day?

Assuming you aren’t suffering from injuries, feeling exhausted or straining yourself too much, hiking (and simply walking uphill) can be a good type of exercise to do just about every day. When it comes to more vigorous, long hikes, give yourself some time to rest between hikes to help your muscles and joints recover.

Overall it’s best to listen to your body to avoid overtraining. However, experienced hikers can typically do some form of hiking daily without hurting themselves.


  • Whether you’re an experienced hiker or new to this type of exercise, you can benefit both physically and mentally from hiking. Not only does it help improve aerobic fitness and endurance, but it’s also a natural stress reliever.
  • Benefits of hiking can include improved resilience against anxiety and depression, strength, bone density, balance, heart health, and weight management.
  • There are endless places to go hiking depending on your skill level, such as on trails, mountains, steep hills, etc. Start with easier, shorter hikes, and increase the intensity and duration as your body adjusts.

The post Benefits of Hiking for the Body and Mind appeared first on Dr. Axe.
